
DC: The Rise Of The Kryptonians

A man from earth reborn as a Kryptonian watch his rise to power as the emporer of a universe spanning Empire he would be helped along the way by a overpowered AI with multiple personalities born from the big bang and a millennia old married couple whose sex lives are as hot as the day they married and last but certainly not the least the black goo symbiote we all know and love give it up for venom I do not own anything and all characters belong to their authors. Just doing this for fun

greatcheesemaster · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Doomsday Virus

I started making some designs for the Kryptonian solar fruit plants using the original microorganisms that was collected using Xavier droids from the oceans of krypton Prime and then I thought of something and said, "Vis I think it is time to find out ways to make my kryptonian body resistant to magical outbursts, so access the Kryptonian database and pull up everything we have on project ancients conducted by the House of Zod before the fall of old krypton"

After I said this and the holographic projection of one of the most dangerous fruits in the universe, which was only safe to be eaten by kryptonians or be used as artillery ammunition for world sieges using huge special machinery, and it was replaced by an array of holographic panels which started surrounding me, the panels contained all the data in project ancients

I said in a bit of an impatient tone after a micro second of skimming through the panels, "The data in this experiment is quite promising it is real shame that the researchers were not able to move expand their research from the drawing board to animal testing I think we should move onto animal testing and then if it is satisfactory we should move onto kryptonian testing after the genesis chambers are fully operational"

Vis replied with a bit of worry in his tone, "Aa...are you sure we should move onto the biological testing stage without testing a downgraded version of the doomsday serum instead of the full version because even if the data and the numbers supports that their can be no other results than the expected immortality and extensive adaptability feature their can always be unforseen characteristics when moving anything from the theoretical realm to the material realm"

I said in reply to Vis's inquiry saying, "Yes I think that we should move onto the testing stage I mean it would be a no brainer to not continue in spite of all the data that supports going forward" I admit that I was a bit freaked out by the fact that I was so easily knocked out by the magical backlash caused by the summoning ritual and this fear was driving me to commit illogical actions I think the warp may have also influenced my irrational actions but I guess that was but an excuse to take less responsibility for my mistakes

Vis replied saying, "Are you sure Noah I implore you that we shelve this atleast until after we go through testing the beta version because research can be rushed and manipulated to reach the desired result and this was highly likely due to the stress that the cadet branch of House El was put through by House Zod to present pleasing research" I said in reply, "I know that the falsification of the research on Prehistoric kryptonians is a real threat but we would only test it on rats I was going to suggest kryptonian animals be used..." After I said this there was a gasp from Vis's holographic body

"Oh please don't act like you are scared of your own shadow it does not benefit your status as the patriarch of House Ion and as I was gonna say we can use earth rats instead of krypton rats cause you are such a scaredy cat and I will even throw in the magical protections of Mer and Morgan so you have nothing to worry cause both magic and science is on our side nothing can go wrong"

"Vis put in the order to the genesis chamber complex to manufacture 10 earth rats for the experiment, now that I mention it I think we should assign a Ion personality to be incharge of the genesis chambers how soon could this be done"

Vis said, "According to my calculations the personality creation can be completed in about eight and half hours" I asked, "Now that I think about it I do not remember how new Ion members are mad" vis said in reply "Oh that is because you never asked maaster, the creation of Vision personalities happens when a huge amount of power is supplied to my digital form causing it fracture and volia a new personality is created this process is more feasible with the shard energy what would you like to name the new personality as"

I said, "Oh I think I would like to name the new personality as hera and does the process cause you harm" Vis said, "Actually no sir it does not cause any harm to us but it does take some time for our forms to regenerate once a splitting is done"

"Oh that is splendid and also open a compline to the moon outpost" As I was saying this I got in front of the screen and the screen buzzed with static for while before the static was replaced by picture of a naked and Merlin I scream and said, "DAMN!!! IT MAN COVER YOURSELF" Merlin replied saying, "Oh is our great future emperor and our ineffable master afraid of a bit of erotica" but while he was saying this he started covering himself and there was snickering from the holo body of Vis

I said "Ahm anyways be ready tomorrow to conduct an experiment that may go off the rails so be in tip top shape tomorrow and meet as in the reception hall of the outpost so that there may not be any errors plus tell Morgan that she ain't fooling anyone by acting as a blanket over and out"