
A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of being able to travel through your favourite movie worlds? Well, that's exactly what happens to Jack, an ordinary dude who suddenly finds himself getting isekaied. He has a system that allows him to travel to different worlds inspired by popular movies. In each world he will have a new profession. He will have to reach the peak of that profession to get stronger and be able to unlock new worlds. In the "Fast and Furious", Jack becomes a master mechanic who can fix any car and outdrive even Toretto. In the "Mission Impossible", he is an IRS officer with a knack for catching tax evaders like Tom Cruise. In the "Flash", he is an ordinary courier delivery boy who can run circles around the Flash and deliver packages with lightning speed. In "DC", he is a gym coach who can bench press the moon and Bruce's esteemed magic teacher. In the "Harry Potter", he is a staff maker with magical powers that would make Dumbledore jealous. And so on.... Join Jack on his epic journey as he becomes the ultimate god of the multiverse and through the most epic, action-packed, and hilarious multiverse journey ever... ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

The_Book_Addict · Movies
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Hey everyone, exciting news! We've got a cool challenge ahead. If we can gather 100 power stones by Friday, brace yourselves because there's a fantastic bonus chapter coming your way on Saturday! Let the power stone hunt begin! #ChallengeAccepted


If Bradley truly wished to keep these matters concealed from Hermia, naturally she couldn't be made aware of them.

But now... Bradley was seething with anger.

"Coming to my door and asking for free favors without paying anything... I let that slide but now you actually want to seduce my daughter? No way in hell." Bradley's irate voice reverberated through the room as he swung open the door.

Hermia and Jack reacted instantly. Jack, with a cheeky demeanor, remained unfazed, while Hermia blushed and stood up, whispering, "Remember to call me."

Without daring to lift his head or utter a word, Jack "silently" brushed past Bradley, who exuded an extremely intimidating presence, and exited the room.

Moments ago, she had managed to calm Bradley down, but now she couldn't face Bradley after this.

"But... Mr. Jack was truly intresting and hot," Hermia mused to herself.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have said what she did moments ago. She temporarily escaped the situation, leaving Jack and Bradley to face each other in the office.

To be precise, it was Bradley who was unilaterally emitting this intimidating presence. However, for Jack, such an aura was ineffective. After a year, Jack had successfully reclaimed his original demeanor—"Do whatever the fuck you want."

"Alright, alright..." Jack waved his hand without looking back. "I just had a brief conversation with Miss Hermia. You don't need to be like this, do you?"

"That's my daughter!" Bradley's anger, which had gradually subsided as Jack had ignored him for some time, flared up again. He stormed over to Jack and looked down at him.

"You actually want to seduce her!"

Of course, Bradley didn't understand why he was so furious. He was even more infuriated by something else he had observed— it appeared that it wasn't just the suitor seducing the beloved, but the beloved seemed quite willing to be seduced.

Extremely infuriating!

"Wait, your daughter?" Jack was somewhat surprised. He had never heard of such a relationship; it was never mentioned in the film.

Of course, this wasn't the reason for Jack's surprise.

"If I'm not mistaken, your daughter seems to be of a different ethnicity. I am truly sorry for you."

Jack gazed at Bradley with a hint of sympathy in his eyes. For some inexplicable reason, in Jack's field of vision Bradley's head seemed to turn red and emit steam.

"What's the hell are you saying?" Bradley was once again angered and quickly clarified, "She's my adopted daughter!"

"Oh, well, that's fine then," Jack instantly transitioned from "interested" to "moderately interested."

"What do you mean it's fine?" Bradley was taken aback by Jack's attitude. "She's my adopted daughter, and you actually want to date her!"

"Stop it," Jack raised his hand and gestured to his own face. "Am I handsome?"

"...Average," Bradley wanted to say, "You're not even as good-looking as me," but his conscience stopped him just in time.

"Do I have money?" Jack inquired once more.

"...Not bad," Bradley wanted to argue that he was richer, but he knew deep down that in Jack's current state, he could easily match or even surpass his wealth. It was best to keep things lighthearted.

"Isn't that enough?" Jack spread his hands.

"Huh?" Bradley chuckled in irritation. "Even though you're average-looking and fairly wealthy, you're not a good person!"

"What's wrong with not being a good person?" Jack narrowed his eyes. "I'm not saying I want to marry Hermia; I just want to... you know..."

"Oh, right, that makes sense," Bradley nodded automatically.


"That makes perfect sense!!!" Bradley finally caught on.

Isn't this a classic example of Jack seeking something for free and being irresponsible?!

"Anyway, it's all a matter of consent between young people. As an older individual, you shouldn't meddle too much," Jack waved his hand, approached, and put his arm around Bradley's shoulders.

"But, hear me out, if you introduce me to the Eye..."

"You won't pursue her?"


"Really!!!" Bradley asked with suspicison.

"I won't force her. But if she is willing then it's another matter. But don't you actually want Hermia to join the Eye." Jack grinned and asked.

"No need to hurry and deny it, Mr. Bradley. Believe me, I have a keen insight into people's intentions. As a member of the Eye, you surely understand the potential benefits of Hermia joining the society, right?"

"...What are you planning?"

Bradley forced himself to ignore the initial statement Jack made; otherwise, he feared he might lose his temper and punch Jack in the face. Although he wasn't certain if he could win a fight against him, Bradley wanted to try.

"Look, even though you've mastered numerous magical abilities from the Eye, I don't think you've taught any of them to Hermia. There must be some regulations within the Eye preventing you from doing so, right?"

Jack succinctly presented his analysis, based on the information he had gathered earlier. As an astute player, his analytical abilities were unquestionable. In the original storyline, Hermia, Bradley's adopted daughter, was rarely mentioned. However, with just a few words from Bradley and information gathered from previous conversations with Hermia, Jack had pieced together their relationship and what Bradley wished to accomplish.

As a father, Bradley naturally wanted to offer the best to his child, but he was currently restricted by the Sky Eye Society. Evidently, joining the Sky Eye Society could break this limitation, but Bradley hesitated to let Hermia become a member. When combined with the trials faced by the four main characters and the Four Horsemen in the original storyline, Jack suddenly comprehended everything.

"You want Hermia to join the Eye, but you're concerned that her abilities might not allow her to pass the tests unharmed. Thus, you're facing a dilemma right now, not knowing what to do," Jack said, his words hitting Bradley like a sledgehammer.

"So, at this moment, I can offer you an opportunity, Mr. Bradley."

Jack grinned, instantly switching from the role of the petitioner to the one being sought after, changing positions. "Do you want Hermia to join the Eye? I can help you make it happen."

"...What do you want?" Bradley asked, setting aside his earlier prejudice against Jack.

He knew full well that Jack wouldn't work for free and was willing to negotiate. This guy would never have such a sense of charity; Bradley was certain of that! However, he also believed that Jack could deliver on his promise – to help Hermia pass the Eye's tests.

"Didn't I already tell you what I want?" Jack shrugged and let out a helpless sigh.

"Mr. Bradley, I'm starting to wonder if you might be suffering from a touch of Alzheimer's due to your age. Allow me to suggest a beverage for you – coriander juice, bitterguard slice and spiced carrot along with pepper and 1 pound of salt. It's packed with vitamins and has a rich flavor. Perhaps it could give your nerves another chance to develop!"

Bradley: "???"

What are you even talking about? Is that concoction really fit for human consumption? Or is Jack trying to kill him.

"Why are you so fixated on this peculiar drink? Can't we have a more conventional conversation?"

Bradley once again couldn't help but complain.


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