
A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of being able to travel through your favourite movie worlds? Well, that's exactly what happens to Jack, an ordinary dude who suddenly finds himself getting isekaied. He has a system that allows him to travel to different worlds inspired by popular movies. In each world he will have a new profession. He will have to reach the peak of that profession to get stronger and be able to unlock new worlds. In the "Fast and Furious", Jack becomes a master mechanic who can fix any car and outdrive even Toretto. In the "Mission Impossible", he is an IRS officer with a knack for catching tax evaders like Tom Cruise. In the "Flash", he is an ordinary courier delivery boy who can run circles around the Flash and deliver packages with lightning speed. In "DC", he is a gym coach who can bench press the moon and Bruce's esteemed magic teacher. In the "Harry Potter", he is a staff maker with magical powers that would make Dumbledore jealous. And so on.... Join Jack on his epic journey as he becomes the ultimate god of the multiverse and through the most epic, action-packed, and hilarious multiverse journey ever... ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Casually Picked Up A Few Billions From The Road Side

Gilbreth sat nervously in the opulent lobby of the Knights Templar headquarters in New York, his mind a jumble of emotions. He had just returned a few hours ago when he received a phone call summoning him here to announce that his contract was complete. His heart raced as he held the mysterious photos in his trembling hands.

The images depicted lifeless bodies, each with a precise bullet hole in the middle of their eyebrows. Their faces displayed a mix of panic, fear, and anger. As a seasoned policeman, Gilbreth should have been repulsed by the sight, but instead, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction. These were the faces of the people responsible for his parents' brutal murder, etched into his memory since that fateful day.

Gilbreth's disbelief mingled with a surge of vindication. Could it be true? After all these years, was justice finally served? He stared at the photos, his mind spiraling with a sense of emptiness, like the aftermath of pulling multiple all-nighters, cramming for exams.

Interrupting his thoughts, a figure approached. It was Charon, a sleek and enigmatic Templar agent, carrying a folder. He took a seat across from Gilbreth and slid a document out, placing it before him.

"After signing this confirmation document, your employment contract will be considered complete," Charon explained, his voice smooth and composed.

Gilbreth blinked, snapping back to reality. "Is this... real? I mean, sorry, I'm still a bit dazed," he stammered.

Charon's smile widened. "Absolutely. Haven't you seen the photos? Our team worked diligently to swiftly complete your first assignment."

Gilbreth nodded, still grappling with the reality of it all. "I can't believe it. It's like a dream come true."

Charon gestured to the document. "In that case, if you could sign your name and mark it, we would greatly appreciate it. We need this as proof of completion."

Gilbreth hesitated for a moment, his hand instinctively clutching the cross pendant he wore around his neck. Then, with newfound resolve, he picked up the pen and signed the document, sealing his fate.

Charon gracefully returned the file to its folder and nodded. "It has been my pleasure to assist you. May you have a fulfilling and joyous life. If you ever feel the weight of exhaustion, feel free to take refuge here for a while." With that, Charon rose and walked toward the front desk.

Summoning his courage, Gilbreth called out to Charon before he could disappear. "Wait, sir!"

Charon turned around, his eyes fixed on Gilbreth. "Is there something else you require, sir?"

Gilbreth took a deep breath, steadying himself. "I have a question... Can I join the Templars?"

Charon tilted his head, examining Gilbreth with a curious gaze. He opened the folder, quickly scanning the information. Finally, he nodded. "If that's your desire, please follow me."

Heart pounding with a mix of hope and uncertainty, Gilbreth trailed behind Charon as they headed towards the elevator. Just as Charon reached out to press the button, the elevator doors opened, revealing two distinguished figures inside.

Charon greeted them respectfully. "Good evening, Mr. Jack, Mr. Winston."

The first man, Jack, glanced at Gilbreth with intrigue. "And who might this be?"

Charon answered promptly, "This is Mr. Gilbreth, seeking to join the Templars."

Gilbreth greeted them, feeling a strange sense of familiarity towards Jack. "Hello."

Jack raised an eyebrow, a flicker of recognition crossing his face. "Ah, you're Gilbreth, the one who issued the first mission and saw it through to completion. Impressive."

Gilbreth's surprise and admiration grew as he realized the significance of the encounter. This was the leader of the Knights Templar himself. "Thank you," he managed to reply, his voice tinged with awe. "It's an honor to meet you."

Jack placed a reassuring hand on Gilbreth's shoulder. "You've shown great potential. Being the first to issue a mission, complete it, and now join the Templars... I believe in your abilities."

A surge of determination coursed through Gilbreth's veins as he absorbed Jack's words. He was determined to prove himself worthy of this newfound opportunity.

With Jack and Winston departing, Gilbreth turned to Charon, curiosity burning in his eyes. "Who is that? Jack... he seems familiar."

Charon's smile grew wider. "That, my friend, is the esteemed leader of the Templar Knights. Mr. Jack himself. You're in the presence of greatness."

Gilbreth's astonishment deepened as he grasped the magnitude of the moment. "To think I stood before him without even realizing it... I'm truly honored."

Charon nodded approvingly. "Indeed, it's a testament to the remarkable journey you've begun. Embrace this opportunity, Mr. Gilbreth, and let your desire for justice guide you."

Filled with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude, Gilbreth followed Charon into the elevator, ready to embark on his new path as a member of the Templars. The doors closed, signaling the start of a thrilling chapter in his life.


The news reverberated through the digital realm, sending shockwaves across the Internet. The first employment task had been successfully completed, and evidence, in all its intriguing glory, was now available for the world to see.

"It's true, my friend," exclaimed Max, a tech-savvy blogger known for his knack for uncovering extraordinary stories. "Words have no power without facts, and this is as real as it gets! The evidence is irrefutable!"

The online community buzzed with excitement, eagerly anticipating what lay ahead. The completion of the initial task seemed to have opened floodgates of opportunity, promising a deluge of subsequent orders.

"Just like snowflakes falling from the sky, more orders are bound to come pouring in!" proclaimed Emily, an enthusiastic netizen. She couldn't contain her anticipation as she eagerly refreshed her news feed, hoping for the next astonishing development.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before the world was rocked yet again by an unimaginable turn of events. News broke of a mind-boggling employment request—a staggering 2.2 billion U.S. dollars had been transferred to the account of the Templar Knight, the mission was nothing short of the destruction of the eleven remaining mainland hotels worldwide!

Gasps of disbelief echoed through the digital landscape. The sheer magnitude of the sum involved and the audacity of the goal left the world dumbfounded. As the buzz grew louder, the details of the employment information added a delightful twist to the unfolding narrative.

A headline caught everyone's attention, the name of the employer who had transfered the large sum was made public by the Templars. His name was - "A Dude Who Cassualy Picked Up A Few Billions From The Road Side."

The online forums erupted with wild speculation and humorous remarks. Conspiracy theorists concocted wild theories about secret societies and hidden treasure troves, while comedians took to crafting hilarious memes and satirical videos about the "lucky" dude and his unexpected encounter with a few billions on the road side.


"To be honest, Jack, I've got to say, losing 2.2 billion US dollars stings a little," Anderson grumbled into his phone. "Why don't you add some more to sweeten the deal?"

Jack let out a chuckle on the other end of the line. "Oh, come on, Anderson! You know I can't just keep throwing money at everything. We're facing some internal resistance too. Those higher-ups can be quite messy when it comes to flexing their superiority."

Anderson let out a heavy sigh. "You're right, Jack. We've got the eleven families involved, each contributing 200 million dollars. It's not exactly chump change."

"Well, if I'm putting everything on the line, I can't afford to be the one suffering, right?" Jack countered.

Anderson pondered for a moment and finally spoke up. "Alright, here's an idea. We can target the store managers of each mainland hotel, eliminate them, and demolish their locations. And hey, any losses incurred by the other side's assassins during the process can be considered gifts from us. How does that sound?"

Silence hung in the air for a moment as Jack considered the proposal. "Hmm, alright, Anderson. We accept your terms."

The conditions Jack proposed were not far off from what Anderson and his associates had envisioned. Killing the store managers and demolishing the hotels would essentially be tearing down the Continental Hotel itself.

The most sacred rule of the Continental Hotel was the strict prohibition of bloodshed on its premises. If that rule were to be violated and their reputation tarnished, their lofty status would inevitably crumble.

Once their status fell to a certain level, they wouldn't even need to lift a finger. The forces under the High Table, who had long been disillusioned, would unleash their pent-up frustration, leaving the High Table exhausted from dealing with the fallout.

"Excellent," Jack exclaimed, slipping into the comfort of his special car. "Our agreement is sealed! I'll get to work right away!"

"Wait, hold on," Anderson interjected, trying to make sense of Jack's last statement. "You? What do you mean, you want a person and those eleven mainland hotels?"

Jack smiled mischievously, gazing out at the city lights passing by the car window. "Yes, Anderson. I want to personally handle this and take control of those eleven mainland hotels!"

Anderson was taken aback, bewildered by Jack's audacity. "But there are millions of people involved! Are you saying you'll handle it all alone?"

Jack's eyes sparkled with determination. "That's right! Every single one of those 2.2 billion dollars will be mine!"


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