

2022-04-29 JoinedGlobal

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  • Darkgnomeox

    I literally just reread the beginning of the Antartica campaign. I love seeing returning background characters like this. His POV was both awesome and kinda funny.

    The young man flashed a charming smile. "I am Ash, ma'am."
    The Noble Queen-A Shadow Slave Fanfic
    Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
  • Darkgnomeox
    Replied to Dingotookmekid

    I think Sunny commented on this when he joined the irregulars of the 1st evacuation army. The first meeting with Jet and the other Masters, they were all wearing skin-tight body suits that would fit nicely under their armour, instead of the usual military getup.

    "You sure you don't want to change into something more…flexible? You might rip your skirt!"
    The Noble Queen-A Shadow Slave Fanfic
    Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
  • Darkgnomeox
    Replied to Bethrezan87

    I don't believe Lith was awakened at birth, but rather when he was 4 years old in the woods. It basically represents one's potential and innate talent. Also the earlier you are awakened the more time you have for body refinement. A number of times Lith has encountered people of similar age to himself, and even some that are older, yet his body was much stronger and more resilient than theirs, even when he was still mostly human.

    Ch 2746 Elysia’s Gala (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Darkgnomeox

    Whilst I'm still enjoying it, I think the quality of the storytelling is declining. In my opinion their are too many characters that were hastily indroduced, that we hardly know, taking up a lot of screen time, that I would have preferred to spend on mc.A lot of "names" of things and positions are being thrown around, but with little context of what they mean. Resulting in a word salad.What really hooked me in the beginning was the detailed descriptions of the horrors of the world mc was interacting with. Now the author spends a lot of time explaining what's happening, but isnt giving much visual description, thus im find it difficult to even visualise what's going on, especially with the scenery and vibe of it all.

    Ch 165 Vincentius Celaeno
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasy · Naphulae
  • Darkgnomeox
    Replied to Makeishura

    Each core has 3 stages, deep, regular, and bright. Perhaps she just had a blue core?

    After Solus' breakthrough, she started to feel weak so the party had to be moved to the Mansion where its geyser would hasten the rebuilding of the tower and help Solus to fill her now bright blue core with mana.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Darkgnomeox

    An imaginative and engaging read. The atmosphere, world building, and magic system of this novel has a very Lord of the Mysteries vibe, crossed with lovecraftian horror and creepiness. The writing quality and grammar is top-notch, easily comparable to the best novels on this site. The story had me hooked from page 1 and makes for an immercive experience, however it can be a little slow at times, with some excessive details, and a few too many Named cities/regions/characters to keep up with.Character design is on point, and the author is quite good at describing the feel of each scene. There is an overall inherent creepiness to everything, reminiscent of the dark souls / elden ring series.This novel is seriously underrated, and I'd easily put it on my top 5 novels on this site along the likes of Lord of Mysteries and Shadow Slave. A far cry from most of the brainless, derivative trash you find in the top rankings.

    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasy · Naphulae
  • Darkgnomeox

    Read Till Chapter 800:Was initially a fun and exciting read. Im always happy to see a mc's emotional struggle over their ruthless deeds. People are no doubt going to be changed by the consequences of their actions. However, in this instance, I feel the author went overboard with the characters emotional decline, to the point where I find it down right depressing to read, and constantly asking myself why I am continuing to read it. I'm not convinced the mc's goal/drive in life is powerful enough to push him to such lengths. I find power for powers sake, to be a very useless and boring dream, that I can not sympathise with. The mc has become an empty shell of a person, and I take no pleasure in reading of his feats any more. I'm honestly just bored. Most mcs will go through a "dark time" in their story arc, but this is just endless tedium incarnate. I just keep imagining the stories end, where the mc obtains abosulte power, defeats God, and then what.... he's traded his personality/soul to become a weapon with no purpose in life. Life without passion is as meaningless as power without purpose. Reading this story is honestly depressing, perhaps the author will change it up in the future, but with the length that this dark phase has already lasted for, I think I'll finish it here.No personal dig at the author or anything, it's just not my cup of tea. Best of luck. I might continue in the future once it has been completed.Cheers.

    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Darkgnomeox

    READ TILL CHAPTER 103: This is a typical Chinese cultivation story dressed up to look like a system story. The first 50 or so chapters were decent and felt like a system/dungeon adventure. However, the quality of storytelling quickly drops and becomes reminiscent of the typical cultivation trash. Very little world building. Forced "romantic" relationships that progress too quickly. No sense of anticipation or build-up to a climax. I never understand why people have "tiers" of weapons from E-A but jump straight away to S and SS tier... If everyone is walking around with S tier weapons, then they aren't special. They just become average. YOU ultimately decide how strong each tier is, don't base it off of stories that have come before. The author keeps using 4th wall references to other anime and novels... should probably just go consume them instead of reading this. It's not all bad. There are very few grammatical errors. The story is easy to understand. I have definitely read worse. It's just there is very little here that hasn't been done before in a better way. What really gets me are the relationships. Typical douche bully that gets overly angry/jealous over looks pretty girl gives protagonist. Girls fall in love with the protagonist despite him not doing anything. And all the other cliches..Read it if you enjoy typical cultivation / system with op protagonist and harem. Personally I'm ending my journey here. Best of luck to the author.

    Void Evolution System
    Fantasy · Crocs_is_Dead