
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

100. planting the seeds of business

In the morning, the sun hid in the clouds and hesitated to come out, the cloud haze is like a red-hot mountain of fire, even. The dry wasteland north wind blowing to scrape up the green smoky grass ash, young grass in the past few days, upward scurrying, perhaps because the weather keeps turning warmer, just some drought, let the grass grow a little like pine needles.

Katrina poured the yellow rice porridge in the iron pot evenly into four portions, and put a finger-thick, two-inch-long strip of soy beef on top of the rice porridge, and that was our breakfast. Kurtz and I tied the tent, firmly tied to the back of the beast, Kiger stood in front of the beast, cast a water gathering technique to receive a large barrel of water, the beast whispered happily, the bucket head into the barrel, a large mouth will be a barrel of water to drink in one gulp, every three days we will also give the beast's drinking water into some salt. Everything was ready before we left, and every now and then we would gather in front of Katrina, and everyone used to pick up their share of the cutlery, drink the delicious and sweet rice porridge in one gulp, and then throw the meat in the sauce into our mouths to savor the taste of the sauce in the meat, and continue on our way with a happy mood.

About these golden millet, a few days ago, when we met a gathering team of three minotaurs, we used two rolls of magic scrolls of fire gathering with them in exchange for half a bag of golden millet.

In fact, that time is not an exchange, but at that time three simple minotaurs in the wilderness in search of magic herbs, their camp set up a pot, the cauldron filled with a pot of water, the bottom of the pot and a lot of golden millet. When we passed by, we felt very strange, why clearly supported a large pot, pot and water and rice, but the bottom of the pot in the stove is not half of the firewood, so the pot, more like waiting for someone to pick up some dry wood back, beautiful live on a pot of fragrant rice porridge look. But our group has long been careful to observe everything around, the three simple minotaurs distributed in the wilderness of the grass, is buried in the search for traces of magical herbs, no one to care about the firewood, and the grass grows mostly leek grass, this grass once dried up is difficult to leave what can be used as fuel for firewood. Seeing us slowly approaching on the Yagyu beast, the three minotaurs also gathered together without delay and greeted us warmly.

The most popular in the wilderness when the Minotaur, their individual strength is strong, but extremely peace-loving. More like to exchange information with other hunters, because the minotaurs in the wilderness is mainly to collect magic herbs, and will not hunt, so other hunters also prefer to communicate with the minotaurs, and over time, the minotaurs developed a warm and hospitable character.

This wild grain is very common in the wilderness, but because it is notoriously difficult to collect, so the beasts generally do not eat it. Only careful and like to eat plant seeds of the minotaur will collect these wild grains in the wilderness, accumulate more will be a beautiful meal. When we stopped in front of the temporary camp of three minotaurs, jumped off the subjugated beast to watch these minotaurs trotting towards us, the heavy pace of their huge bodies seemed to make the earth tremble.

"Hey! Distinguished guests, where did you hit?"

"The town of Yemen to the north, we are travelers from there, may I ask how to address you?" I was incredibly familiar with these polite greeting phrases, sometimes it was me, but most of the time it was Kurtz who stood out to communicate with them. Kiger and Katrina never speak at this time, because in the wilderness safari party is very superstitious of a saying that women will dispel the blessings of the beast gods.

First, we will introduce ourselves, and then we will selectively come to the road can see everything to say, mutual communication.

For example, we said the location of the saltwater pond, that there is a large silver leaf grass, for this information these three minotaurs showed joy in the eyes, but after we said the group of hyenas, they had some worries. They also told us to go further southwest, we entered the ecosphere of the magic royal grass, because the climate conditions and soil here is extremely suitable for the growth of the magic royal grass, but if you want to stumble upon an adult magic royal grass, that requires some good luck, said they will also kindly wink to Kig and Katrina, and then reassured us that: do not care about the momentary gains and losses, everything to look farther.

This is an ancient slang of the orc people, very raw and difficult to understand, but it happens that the team has a person like me, usually hiding on the back of the caravan of thunder rhinoceros all day fumbling with the old Kuru those ancient parchment scrolls, which almost half of the children are written in ancient orc language, so for this ancient orc slang, happened to have heard.

In this way, we talked happily, and the minotaurs also told us that the deep wilderness is not peaceful, although the large gray dwarf bandits have been driven into the underground world of the southern foothills by the orc army last year, but there are some other bandits in the wilderness, they usually live by hunting and gathering, only when they meet the weak, they will lift the veil and become a group of wilderness bandits They are even more cruel than the gray dwarves, who rob everything. The minotaur looked very angry when he talked about these bandits, and it seemed that they must have suffered from this calamity, but another minotaur lamented that maybe it was because of the famine, and that it would improve when the days were better, after all, who would risk dying as a bandit when they had a good life?

Chatting children will also be dry mouth, then the enthusiastic bull-headed people will take out clean wooden cups, in the raw rice pot scoop out half a cup of raw rice and half a cup of water, handed to us and said: please drink some rice porridge, this is a very rare and delicious wild grain in the wilderness, there is nothing around here can burn things, we also have not been able to collect dry cow dung for several days, but these millet is very easy to digest, these rice has been soaked for most of the day, can already eat The rice has been soaked for most of the day and is ready to eat!

The wolves prefer to carry raw dried meat, but these minotaurs eat easily absorbed millet and other grains, soak them in water for a while, and then drink the soup. Drink the soup together.

In the eyes of the minotaurs, Kuzzy took out a palm-sized magic scroll from his belt pouch and pulled the rope made of horse-lien grass with a shake of the wind, and red flames erupted from the scroll. The fragrant rice porridge was boiled.

"This ... this ... actually use such precious magic scrolls to cook porridge to drink?"

The values of the bullheads were obviously turned upside down by us, they looked at us as if they were looking at orc nobles, yeah! In such a poor spring, a group of young people walking in the wilderness with magic scrolls to cook food, is there anything more defeatist than this? In comparison, those orc nobles hiding in their tribes exchanged magical metals and precious magical herbs for human luxuries, it's not a thing at all, after all, the exchange is still equivalent, and not like us to waste a precious magic scroll by the way.

"Hahahaha, this is a magic scroll for household items, this is my shaman teacher recently found the recipe in a handbook, you see, such a small magic scroll, how soft these magic flames, this scroll can only cook something or in the cold at night, lit up for warmth." Kuzi began to instill our new philosophy to these minotaurs, and so said.

For the latest definition of such a fire gathering magic scroll, only when the orc hunters in the wilderness really realize the benefits and convenience of these fire gathering magic scrolls, and found that they are also very cheap, only in the heart of the desire to buy, we do so in order to build a demand-side market, otherwise the scrolls made, no strong consumer crowd for support, this thing can only be in our internal The scrolls can be used in the hands of people, but how many of us can use the scrolls of fire gathering magic?

The scrolls are made, and eventually we hope to sell them, even if they are cheap at the beginning, otherwise everyone will have a solution to the problem of eating only raw food in the wilderness, so where will we sell these scrolls to?

The kind minotaur who not long ago was defending the bandits of the wilderness was the first to exclaim: "Drink! This is really good stuff, such a small piece can make such a big pile of fire, it looks as if it can cook this pot of porridge, really looking forward to it! I haven't eaten anything cooked in almost half a month, and now my mouth is full of the nasty taste of ground potatoes."


So, there are surprises in life everywhere, and for us, a scrap of magic scroll is nothing. And even if we don't use it, within the next half month, the magic power on this scroll will be incomplete because the magic formation is not complete, making the magic power slowly lost. But for these several minotaurs, this scroll means that in the next half a month, almost every day at least a bite of hot porridge, only long in the wilderness walking on the collectors will be more clearly understood, this is how rare and valuable.

When we were a little embarrassed to offer to exchange a good magic scroll for their only remaining pocket of golden millet, we were a little guilty at this point, because the millet was widely circulated among the orc nobles and was called soft gold. Its value is definitely higher than a scroll of fire gathering magic, but we had to do some value positioning on the magic scroll, so we offered to exchange.

The bull-headed people were obviously stunned by our offer, and the little group of friends all looked at each other foolishly, then confirmed that what they heard was not wrong, and that we really wanted to exchange a scroll for a pocket of millet, and nodded their heads busily in agreement, and we briefly told them the correct way to use the scrolls. At the time of parting, the naive minotaur quickly put away the magic scroll under the bottom of the pot earlier and handed it to me in a bundle of marion grass. I sat on the back of the subjugated beast smiling, and did not take the scroll, but waved goodbye to them and said loudly: "This is our friendship, thank you for the sweet rice porridge, please be sure to accept our little tribute!"
