
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

99. The growth of the wilderness

The beast of subjugation stayed in the meadow of the wasteland all day and all night during these days to nibble on the green.

Just sprouted from the soil of the tender green grass full of moisture, growth is very fast, every day will feel that the wilderness is green again a point. The beast loves to eat the fresh taste of bitter alfalfa shoots, only in these few days, will be the previous days because of the night rush and lost fat back.

The four of us sitting in the saddle of the spine of the beast, quietly looking at the group of hyenas sitting on the edge of the pond, the hyenas in the group of the queen of the mutant hyenas seems to have sensed, also look over to us. But in such a quiet stare, we left the place and walked along the Ulutu River all the way to the west. Kuzi some reluctance to this group of silent walk to try to do a fight to the death with us the hyenas, Kuzi's idea is actually very simple, even if we go must be this group of bullying wilderness hyenas beaten, to our strength currently against more than a hundred wilderness hyenas, or have a fight.

But finally proposed to give up this retaliation plan is still Kuz, I to he is unable to give up their precious frost scrolls, the face of this group was forced on the desperate wilderness hyenas, if we do not use the frost scrolls, I am afraid that in a quarter of an hour's time, will be swarming hyenas torn to pieces.

Such a group battle will never be because our team has a magician apprentice who can cast a magic bomb and have any change, and will not be because Kuz is an orc hunter, these wilderness hyenas will have any concessions, everything is to fight for survival, the hyenas have no way back, but we are only travelers, and so many days, in this saltwater pond to gain enough benefits, we go is only sooner or later thing. Look at the queen of the mutated adult hounds in the hyena pack, you know how difficult this battle will be if released after the conflict, we simply do not have to fight for this, so I took advantage of the fog has not been dispersed by the sun before, all the things that can take away all thrown on the spine of the subjugated beast, and then ride out of here.

These days, we all have a harvest.

Kuzi harvested the first wind wolf in his hunting career, it was a single and wounded wilderness beast wind wolf, when we saw it was very wretched, the fur seemed to be torn by other beasts tattered, with blood marks, do not know their own blood or stained with the blood of other beasts, a leg lame, walking with a cramp. It was this reason that moved us to fight it. Then came Kurtz's personal show, skillfully using frost traps with bow and arrow shot the wind wolf, Kurtz began to like this frost scroll with bird traps made out of traps, he prefers to use directly when hunting, rather than pre-ambush. In the face of the magical beast directly thrown out, smashed in its face ... so he had his own wolf teeth necklace, although only in a rough hemp rope threaded with four of the sharpest, sharpest wind wolf canine teeth, this necklace still seems a little thin, but this is the first Kuzi made out of their own magical beast beast bone necklace, it represents a wilderness The peak ability of the orc hunter, it represents the owner of the necklace is a magical beast hunter.

Kig finally succeeded once again, she added a magic herb called black oil bean into the moonlight ink, with this change in the recipe of the moonlight ink drawn out the scroll of gathering fire, burning, burning effect than before improved a lot, the flame center than the previous scroll burning flame center is larger than a circle, and this scroll burned for three days and three nights in a row surprisingly has not gone out. Our subjugated beast walking in the wilderness, the appearance is very strange, in the back stretched out to a wooden pole, as if hanging a large lantern, that magic scroll is in the uninterrupted burning, only the fourth day in the morning, a careless wind blowing remote stroll, the flame burned off the rope on the lantern, the scroll from the lantern fell down, extinguished. The magic scroll that changed the ink recipe is Kiger's greatest harvest. She proudly told me that even if she returned to Greene Junior Magic Academy, what she did in the wilderness would be enough for her to brag to those students for a year.

If Kiger boldly tried to exclude the Ning Shen flower juice inside the moonlight ink, forming a new type of extremely unstable moonlight ink, the instability of this new type of moonlight ink precisely makes the magic scrolls have the characteristics of repeated use, which is a new discovery in magic academia, we can make Ning Shen flower juice a stabilizer in magic ink. And most magical inks have nymphaea juice to temper the agitation of the magical elements in the ink, which would have been a great discovery. But in these days, we found black oil bean, this kind of magic herb is not noticed by magic scholars originally 'flame path' magic scroll a kind of insignificant auxiliary material, but add it to the recipe of moonlight ink, but let the power of the fire gathering scroll increased by 20%, the burning time is extended by more than half! The black oil bean is a marginal magical herb that is a catalyst, perhaps only for the fire magic scrolls have a great catalytic effect, but this is enough. Then who can expect a new magical apprentice and junior magical pharmacist Kiger to be as great as the great magical tutor Chatun. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

Katrina's gain is to be able to face a wild wolf to hold a steady sword breaker, although still very fearful, but the progress is obvious. This step, we guessed right, was sealed 'killing heart' Katrina, did not lose their inner courage, but after so many years of self-suggestion and hypnosis, formed in the mind of the subconscious caused, and this girl has this rabbit orc blood nature timid, so this look, I think after exercise, Katrina must be slowly strong. Katrina will definitely slowly get stronger. I slowly discovered that Katrina is far more adapted to life in the wilderness than I am, her ears and eyes are second only to Kurtz, who has the gift of 'survival instinct', and no matter how dry the spring winds on the wilderness are, she has not been able to blow the white greasy skin, even if it is just a little. After getting familiar with Kurtz, and found that Kurtz such an honest child only know hunting and cooking, for other things outside the interest in the slightest, Katrina changed back to the state in the caravan, familiar people she will look very **, and even a bit more and more like wearing the tight set of the magic antelope leather armor, outlining their own overflowing youthful slightly plump chimera-style body. I found her more like a little girl, the state of her heart is far less mature than Miss Kee, although Katrina will have reached twenty next year, a full three years older than Kiger, but she prefers to be affirmed and encouraged by others, for example, when I was persuading her, I could give her a gentle kiss on her white forehead, which would quickly calm her down.

These days for me, that hand holding the magic carving knife almost to wear calluses, but for the ability to manipulate magic definitely have a deeper understanding, I can control the magic into a hair-like thin wire, and then with their own ideas between the hands weave into a magic network, although there is little practicality, but very fun and magical.

Kiger then enviously said to me: I am the best magic power manipulation ability among the magic apprentices she has seen.

And because I've been using up my magic power to draw scrolls lately, my 'warmth' magic has surprisingly slowly become level five. I sometimes have a feeling that every time I upgrade my 'warmth' magic level, I can feel the sea of spirits more clearly waves. Maybe it's because I'm getting more and more proficient, when I cast 'Shadow Cloak' recently, I obviously feel a little bit faster, I think it's because the raw and stagnant spell no longer makes me feel rapier!

Everyone is growing, everyone is gaining a little, and we are not lonely on this journey.

Our original intention was to go west along the Ulutu River, hunting in the wilderness after some experience, find the Yelian Mountains Valley Road, across the Yelian Mountains to reach the town of Guludin, but Kiger proposed to go deeper into the wilderness, if good luck, maybe find a magic royal grass or two, then this trip to the wilderness will be more worth it.

Along the way, deep in the wilderness, we began to meet all kinds of wilderness hunters. Most of the hunters will have a good mount, although no longer seen like the white wolf warrior Rilos as the windy seat dragon, but the ancient Bo Lai horse, seat wolf, thunder rhinoceros and so on the various mounts in the wilderness is very common. The terrain of this wilderness is very flat and if you stand on a mound and look into the distance, those with good eyesight can see for miles, but that includes the herds of beasts and the hunters who run across the wilderness.

We will be careful to avoid the powerful-looking alien orc hunter as much as possible, even if he is a character known for his meekness minotaur. But in the wilderness, for these often walk dozens of kilometers to see a chatting wilderness hunters, the vision of a group of hunters, is very happy thing, as long as not in pursuit of prey must be caught, usually drive their mounts to converge as much as possible, perhaps after meeting just to say hello, or to exchange information about each other, know. Geographic location and the location of the beasts, water sources, routes can appear in the information.

It is slowly becoming apparent that this vast wilderness is so hospitable. The eyes of those wilderness hunters will not discriminate against us because we are young, but more appreciative, and occasionally will throw their arms water bladder, water bladder this thing in the wilderness is even more important than gold, a hunter can not eat any food for days and nights, but not without water.

We are also learning the rituals of the wilderness, jumping off from the beast, sitting on the ground and boiling a pot of hot water, chatting with the hospitable hunter, and then each jump on their own mounts and go their separate ways.

Sometimes when we were camping, some hunters would come over and we would treat them warmly with fragrant meat soup. Of course, sometimes we also met bandits in the wilderness, who rode on gubbo horses and came and went in the wilderness like the wind.
