
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

101. Trembling before the battle

Rice porridge makes the whole stomach will feel warm, I kind of drink another bowl of last night's wild onion soup, looking at the rice porridge in this piece of sauce beef, feel a little difficult to swallow. In the wilderness to eat a long time meat, now we actually want to eat a meal in the caravan of dried wild radish children stewed soybeans, that taste ... seems to just say the name of the dish, will be greedy we straight drool. Once was recited spell general, cursed this life will not want to drink the same Chinese medicine soup that eat dishes, for now we actually became incomparable delicious. Really thank those three minotaurs a few days ago brought us millet, so that our stomach has a rare rest, these days feel more comfortable in the stomach.

Kuzi sitting across the neck of the beast, looking up at the sunset in the east, frowned and said: "It looks like it may rain, if we can find a higher sand post, we will stop to set up camp! This weather is not suitable for rushing!"

Looking at the clear, cloudless blue sky overhead, I did not believe that there would be any rainy days, the beast had not even taken half a step, Kuzi and I began to discuss the matter of camping and tenting, making me feel ridiculous. I do not care to say: "This day is very clear, which has the appearance of rain? Walk more, we have been delayed in the wilderness for a long time, you do not have to rush back to the Guludin tribe to get some vermicelli out first? If we let the teacher and the others get to the Gurudin tribe first, what should we do?"

Kuzi slightly hesitated, once I thought what I said also makes sense, so he nodded and agreed.

So, when we were looking for a suitable camping high post in the late afternoon, with the spring rain drizzling overhead, Miss Kee was sitting beside me in exasperation, and Katrina was obediently holding the umbrella for Kig, and from time to time secretly put me under the umbrella as well, and this time she was wearing tight leather armor poured with rain as if she was a chicken, and some heartache to find a poncho for her, but was stopped by her and said The skin armor is resistant to water magic, so I don't feel cold at all."

I watched her slender body twist into a peculiar shape on the back of the beast's spine in order to hold an umbrella for me and Kiger. White smooth skin exposed outside the part of the leather armor hanging crystal water droplets look delicate, her red hair wet on the face, indeed, showing a happy look, see me silent, immediately understand what I think in my mind, soft wet lips gathered into the shape of a large red cherry in my face a soft peck, indicating her heart's favorite. She has never, dare in front of Kiger to me have such bold actions, this time suddenly kissed on my face, so I do not know how to get, this moment the heart and liver jumped on the want to steal a glance at the side of Kiger.

Miss Kee rolled her eyes at me, and she was so angry that she used her elbow on my soft ribs, causing me to grunt in pain, but she instructed Katrina to lower the umbrella again to save us both from getting wet, and leaned her fragrant and light body towards me, and I was so close to her that I could almost clearly see the texture of the knitting on her magic blouse and her snow-white and delicate slender neck, with her hair held high in a ponytail. The high ponytail hair always scrapes my face from time to time, making me feel tickled.

Kuzzy curled up in a big leather jacket, with a felt hat on top of his head, trying to drive the beast to the nearest high hill, the wilderness is flat, want to cross this low-lying areas, not a moment to complete, at this time, I just remembered the morning Kuzzy words, said because of their own two words, caused everyone to be poured by the rain, really some sorry to everyone.

"Aziz, just how much farther?" I see the overcast clouds overhead getting thicker and thicker, the rain may not stop for a while.

Kuzi in the rain to look into the distance, a line of raindrops will narrow the field of vision to within two hundred meters, further away from the place looks like a fog, hazy simply can not see clearly, but this depression is full of water everywhere, no dry place.

"Further ahead, it won't take long for water to accumulate here, so it's impossible to set up camp!" Kuzi wiped a handful of rainwater on his face and spat out a mouthful of spit.

"Hey, Ja! Look over there!" Kiger's voice was a little shaky, and her hand reached out to the outside of the umbrella and pointed to the right.

I looked in the direction of her finger, at the very edge of the rain and fog, I could faintly see several horses running past, even the layers of rain and fog did not slow them down a bit, there were about five or six horses, carrying long bows with sabers on their waists, but each of them had a round head or two hanging on the saddle, just a glance made me blanch, and I could not help but think of just coming out of the road of death I couldn't help but think of the night when a group of young dwarven bandits attacked our caravan.

These men were well armed and equipped, and each of them wore almost all leather armor made of magic antelope skin, but it didn't fit too well, as if they had been stripped from someone else's body, and looked a bit loose, but they just galloped past us as far as we could see, as if they were chasing someone or something, and I suddenly got a cold chill in my heart and thought to myself: bad luck, in this heavy rain, we might We've met the wilderness bandits, and in this kind of rain, the range of vision is extremely poor, so there's no way to call for help.

"It's bandits, they're chasing people again, they should have found us! I guess they didn't dare to come over before they figured out our strength. It's those sons of bitches from the Lion and Tiger people!" Kuzi indignantly whip, turned his head to look at my side: "Jia, what do you think?"

"First pretend not to know anything, their horses are much faster than us, even if they turn their horses around later, want to catch up with us is easy, they were seen by us, must have seen us, it is estimated that must come over to test our reality, by this group of bandits entangled really troublesome, we can not chase and run, can not run away, the only possible is to booby-trapped them! " I do not understand why my heart suddenly became so ruthless, all of a sudden to say such words, which is not like me at all.

But my body was still trembling, these days I met many times hunters on the wasteland, the most talked about were also these bandits roaming around deep in the wasteland, they robbed everything, and their methods were extremely cruel, killing those who had the ability to resist, the remaining ones without the ability to resist would be sold by them to the underground world of the grey dwarves as mining slaves, these bandits were the only ones who had contact with the grey dwarf bandits on the wasteland, they were Providing the Grey Dwarves with all kinds of supplies on the ground, the orcs have been trying to figure out who is actually robbing their fellow countrymen in the wasteland and going to help their enemies by providing them with supplies, but the hunters who have seen those bandits have never been alive.

When it comes to this group of bandits, almost all the orcs hate them very much.

I didn't expect to meet them on such a rainy day and in such a situation, and let us see what they look like, but they are a group of lion and tiger people. This kind of rainy day, they are destined to return to us soon, otherwise such a range of vision, as long as we slightly turn the direction, desperately running will escape, then this group of lion and tiger bandits deep in the wilderness will no longer be a secret, once their identity is exposed, a minute will be hunted by the hunters in the wilderness.

The reason they have been able to get away with it until today, in fact, is to take advantage of their identity as orcs, usually stealthy in the wilderness hunters, this layer of protection once removed, the wilderness will no longer have their place to stand. I guess this group of bandits will definitely all circle to kill back, and will soon return.

"I don't think I can escape!" I asked this to myself, trying to keep my heart firm.

We began to prepare for the upcoming battle, fighting in such weather is not a good choice, but it must be said that the rain gives us a great advantage, Kuz's frost traps simply do not need to cover, do not need to dig a trap pit, and do not have to find all kinds of grass and leaves to cover it, just need to be carefully propped up small beast clamps, the small hooks on the card spring hanging on the frost scrolls of mare's grass live buckle. Directly into the muddy water of the grass, it will be completely covered by the murky rainwater in the puddle.

Kiger was a little nervous this time, probably because the horrible heads hanging from the sides of the bandits' saddles that had just passed through the rain had frightened her. She turned out a dark waterproof cloak in the baggage bag behind her, covered her head with a rain cap, the rain flowed down the large cloak, and when I saw such an exquisitely crafted magic cloak, I finally felt that Kiger had a bit of a wizard's taste. She kept pressing her hand on the scabbard of her magic sword, and a special blush appeared on the cheeks of her pretty face, which was frozen white by the rain, and her eyes were like two non-stop flickering demon fires, and the ruby on her snow-white neck looked crystal clear.

I'm a little worried about Katrina, afraid that once the battle appears chaotic, the most vulnerable is her. She is an extraordinary leather armor will let the group of bandits at first glance to notice her, regardless of height or beautiful body shape show her fighting ability, although we know that she is as harmless as a small rabbit, but the bandits will not think so, when the fight, I am afraid that someone will be focused on care, but I am a small child, it is likely to be ignored. I pulled her cold hand, wanting to comfort her, but at this time I did not know what to say. In the wilderness, it is always necessary to experience such battles, and people who survive after being baptized in blood are considered true warriors.

In fact, my legs are also shaking, the upcoming battle, so that the body began to become very excited. Kurtz said my reaction like this is the normal reaction of rookies. Before the battle, rookies will enter the state in advance, before the battle let the body stored energy loss, but I want to restrain the body this reaction, the more I want to make the legs tremble to stop, the more rigid the body's muscles. This feeling of being on the verge of battle is like being drunk, making my mind very confused and a little irritable.

Originally I was going to comfort Katrina, but how can not think of what should be said good. I had to raise my hands and put them around her soft waist and put my head on her warm, round belly to feel the intoxicating softness. The next moment, I suddenly found my heart suddenly became calm, she just quietly looked at me, in addition to the eyes written full of trust, in no other, she gently in my ear with a wet tongue licked my earlobe, instead of softly reassure me: "Do not worry about me, I can take care of myself."

Kurtz has jumped off the beast and ran into the rain to start setting up frost traps, his mouth kept cursing the lion and tiger people who had become bandits, perhaps the only way to make him feel better, we waited in the rain for the arrival of the gods of death.
