
Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Author: Reis123
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 1.3M Views
  • 147 Chs
  • 4.4
    56 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Read Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online) fanfiction written by the author Reis123 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, covering action, romance, adventure, system, anime. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


What if the world's most expected, anticipated vrmmorpg turned out to be the largest, cruelest experiment ever? What if the world's biggest genius turned out to be a sick sociopath? What if 10.000 men and women, children and elderly were trapped in a castle in the sky? What if your life didn't belong only to you? What if fighting was your only option? What if... That was you? -------------------------- Hello, everyone! Gonna be quick here, and list some major points about Shattered which I know many of you will be concerned: Point 1: Just like every other SAO fan out there, I too felt like we received too little of Kirito's and his friends' adventures on Aincrad. There's so much untapped potential, and I plan to make the best of it. So, this story will be covering all 100 floors of Aincrad, if possible. Of course, there might be some skips along the way, and until it's published, the story is always prone to changes, but at least that's the base plan. Point 2: Th MC won't be Kirito, but an original character (an OC, as we like to call them). You will discover more about him as the novel progress, but I can tell you that, one: he is just another person trapped in SAO, and won't have any previous knowledge of the game, and two, it is not a self-insert, but rather, like I already mentioned, just another player. For those of you who read my first novel Broke (shameless plug-in), you can think of him like Dageer, just someone trying their best to survive and to make sure his friends do the same. Point 3: The story will start cannon-ish, but, unlike Broke, it will at some point diverse from cannon (where it will take us, I have no idea). Point 4: I plan to write about the Aincrad and ALO arcs of SAO. As of now, I don't know if we will reach GGO, and most probably not Alicization. Point 5 (and last): This is NOT a harem story. It will also not be one of those novels where the MC ends up with a single girl, but has tons of others pinning for him (as for who the female lead is, I believe you should discover easily, I'm not that great at writing romance). In fact, one of the things that bothered me about SAO the most was that while Kirito only got together with Asuna (and will still do in this fanfic) he had four or five other girls which were left without resolution. Expect that to change. Disclaimer: I don't own the Sword Art Online franchise (obviously) so please don't sue me. Enjoy the novel! And, to start as cliché as possible: LINK START!

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Terlahir dari keluarga miskin tidak mengurangi semangatnya untuk berjuang memperbaiki nasibnya untuk keluarganya. Hidup dalam kekurangan cukup untuk makanpun sulit di dapat. Ayah seorang buruh tani di ladang orang sedangkan ibu seorang ibu rumah tangga yang selalu taat beribadah selalu mendoakan anaknya dalam setiap sujudnya. Selain itu saya bersyukur terlahir memiliki kecerdasan diatas rata-rata meski kekurangan. Ibulah yang selalu mengajarkan banyak hal yang menjadikan otak kira dan kananku terbentuk dengan baik. Semenjak sekalah dasar diriku selalu juara kelas sampai kepala sekolah mengapresiasi hasil kerja kerasnya dengan memberikan beasiswa buat anak berprestasi dari keluarga tidak mampu. Semuanya berkat doa kedua orangtuaku. Setidaknya tidak membebani mereka untuk membayar uang sekolah. Belajarku semakin giat dan selalu berprestasi hingga ke jenjang menengah atas. Keyakinan yang kuat bisa meneruskan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi tapi hambatan datang dari cibiran tetangga yang menyepelekanku. Selain itu diriku perempuan dan selama ini di kampungku anak wanita sekolah tidak terlalu tinggi. Teringat dengan sosok pahlawan yang ku idolakan yakni ibu kita kartini dimana beliau menerobos batas pandangan pada jaman itu bahwa wanita harus dirumah gak perlu tinggi-tinggi derajatnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu pandangan seorang wanita mulai bergeser bahwa wanita juga berhak untuk menikmati yang namanya kesuksesan. Itulah yang kupegang selama ini selain restu orangtua dan memohon pertolongan sang pemilik hidup. Jurusan yang kuinginkan adalah menjadi pilot biar bisa ngajak orangtuaku jalan-jalan dan pasti berkunjung ke rumah pemilik kehidupan bagi agamaku Lulus sekolah menengah diriku mengajukan beasiswa bidiknisi dan syukur alhamdulillah berhasil meraihnya. Kujalani dengan sungguh-sungguh biar cepet lulus dan menjadi lulusan terbaik. Tahun demi tahun ku lalui gak terasa sudah mendekati semester akhir dimana diriku harus kerja extra. Harapanku terwujud wanita yang lulus dengan nilai terbaik. Banyak laki-laki yang suka padaku tapi tidak ku hiraukan. Semua teman cowok kuanggap kawan meskipun tanggapan mereka berbeda denganku. Memegang ijazah ditangan gue coba ngelamar kerja di penerbangan licensi yang bunafet. Banyak tas yang harus dilalui dan di indonesia pilot wanita tidak banyak. Konflik banyak terjadi di masa diriku kuliah yang menguras pikiranku terkait cowok yang menyukaiku terus-terusan mengejarku. Ada seorang laki-laki yang membuatku simpati karna sikapnya berbeda dari yang lain. Dia menjadi temanku selama diasrama. Sering belajar bersama dan saling mendukung dalam kuliah meskipun dia terlahir dari anak dari seorang kaya tapi dia tidak pernah memperlihatkan dimuka temen-temennya. Itupun ku ketahui setelah orangtuanya mengunjungi dan ku lihat pengajar disana begitu segan dengannya. Ku berharap semoga bisa menjadi pasangan hidupku. Tidak pernah ku tunjukkan rasaku, bagiku kami sebagai kawan dalam belajar untuk berprestasi. Kecerdasannya sudah tidak diragukan lagi makanya sering gue kalo kesulitan pelajaran suka minta ajarin dia. Waktu kelulusan waktu itu kami sempat berfoto bersama sebagai kenang-kenangan kami berdua. Kebahagiaan kami bisa melewati semua ini. Sampai suatu hari kami dipertemukan laagi dan dia menyatakan cintanya dan ingin melamarku menjadi istrinya. Awalnya ada penolakan dari ayahnya akan tetapi berbeda dengan ibunya yang menerimaku dan menyayangiku. Mungkin temenku sering bercerita tentangku. Ibunya seorang wanita yang humble, baik dan bisa menerima segala kekurangan. Akhirnya dengan bantuan ibunya memberikan pengertian pada ayahnya sampai akhirnya ayahnya luluh dan menerima diriku dengan baik. Kamipun menikah dengan cara sederhana dan sakral ataas permintaanku. Tahun demi tahun perjalanan pernikahan kami dikarunia seorang anak laki-laki yang ganteng seperti ayahnya. Sebuah kebahagian yang harus dijalani sampai dititik kehidupan yang merubah hidupku. Penghidupan mereka membaik sekarang.

Fitria_Rismalina · Teen
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1 Chs

Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime & Comics
57 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1


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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Well, we can't not have the shameless author review, can we? There's nothing much to say that hasn't already been said in the synopsis or in the first chapter. This is a novel I've been wanting to write for a long time, and I just finally got around to it. The MC is an original character, but he is just another player in SAO, and won't overshadow Kirito, nor will he know anything about the future. Also, the Kirito X Asuna pairing still stands, but for the other girls who are kept pinning for Kirito in the original, I plan on changing things. What exactly, even I am unsure. That's about it. I hope you enjoy, and please leave suggestions, comments, and reviews!


I hope you don't drop this cuz can't find anymore SAO fanfics, all of them are dropped.


a very bad start, the main character is more of a high school boy than an adult with a formed mindset, well, or a confused beginning with mental problems that runs away from them, and does not solve. If the author wanted to add realism to his works, then he had to read at least a couple of articles about the relationships, connections and psychology of ordinary people who got into a closed space with an impossible or almost impossible way to get out. And here we have a completely undeveloped motivation of the hero, regardless of what he will do next, I will not believe that such a person who was shown in the beginning will be able to survive in the world of SAO.


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


I enjoyed the novel bit slow for my liking but it's still starting so it's fine. I'm up to chapter 22 and it's starting to feel less and less like MC is the protagonist. The chapters are a tad bit bland for some readers, which might be the reason why it still has such a low rating. Hope there is something a bit more unique to the MC to give out more depth to the character and make him stand out a bit more. The other character dynamics also feel a bit hollow other than the information broker. It's still a fun read. Keep up the good work👍


I have never read a better SAO fic than this. The charector depth and realism is the best thing about this story. One thing i have grievance with is that after a certain period of time after they are stuck in the game, People all over the world can see every player at anytime like some live 24 hour reality show. They don't have a lick of privacy and they don't even know about it. As much as it is entertaining to watch people's reactions, i just think keeping some mysterious aspect for public would have been better.


a very good story, written so well that you can actually feel the tension between the characters. at the start the mc drifter might seem like he is overshadowed my the kirito, but that really changes around chapter 30. very interesting with the livestream of the boss fights around the world. please don't drop this.


I didn't like the possible love interest. I didn't like the possible love interest. I didn't like the possible love interest. I didn't like the possible love interest. I didn't like the possible love interest. I didn't like the possible love interest.


For starting maybe too cliche, but its okay, we can't do anything about it. For writing quality, still okay and readable. For Updating, only 3 chapter for a weeks, its okay cause writer need many idea to execute good Story. maybe just need more words because too short for 3 chapter per week. If its to hard for write more word don't force yourself. For character design is good, no overshadowing original character and fanfic MC. But MC here lack of contribution and following Kirito and original development. For Team, still lack. Like Boss Floor 2, its only 1 chapter. No Exciting strategy or epic battle. maybe you should clasified weapon user here. Like spearman, shielder, swordman, axeman etc. and make strategy for each class before get into battle. maybe you can see reference log horizon battle strategy. its very good fantasy strategy battle team. But you must ignore magic.


it feels like kirito is the Mc while drifter is some run of the mill side character, didn't expect him to give up the sword that he got with his first friend, sometimes everything bends to kirito's wims, would actually like to see a SAO novel but without kirito as a mc at the starting or becoming the mc after appearing lol


good story,good fighting scenes, u got the posanality of those in canon well, But hey u can tone Mc up not just a oldest one in the group or use spear like more speed or more strength. give him some special not just a Extra in kirito journey.


5 star reviews for it not being harem and keeping Kirito and Asuna together(from synopsis cause haven't read it yet).I really like their pairing and I hate it when in fanfiction they change any characters partner with any reason though I don't mind if that character doesn't have a lover it original story. I like to keep the original pairing, otherwise I get NTR feeling and drop that fanfic.


This fic is pure enjoyment. Everything SAO has done wrong is done well here. Pros:- Good grammar- Good characters- Nice plot- A revamped SAO- Good MC Cons:- There's a lot of floors, meaning sometimes the action will feel a little rushed, but nothing really that bad or anything.- Well that's all


me like this SAO fanfic, its not about caching & collecting waifu, not reincarnator no system etc, it was SAO from other player pov. i like how you develop their character and hope mc can develop more on his spearmanship not just following game skill but develop his own from other spear user or trying to recreate some spear skills from game or video. Thanks for the hard work, keep it up!! 🤓


Cool story. Although I don't like that the main characters are too gentle and soft, this is compensated by their constant growth as individuals. And I have an idea. What if every 10 floors the game became more realistic! As an example, after the 20th floor, players will begin to feel pain. That's all I have, good luck. translated via Google translator!


Not gonna lie, this is better than the original.


I think this fic deserves some love. Despite being much slower then other fics, this one does a good job and rarely uses filler chapters. This is a long fic, but everything is top tier, as in the writing, the progression, the story, and the characters. It does a good job building off of SAO and uses many ideas from the anime’s lore to make the story as realistic as possible. Only negative is the length. Some chapters could do with more action and exploring something cool, but it’s still a good fic.


i suppose its imposible for authors of nowaday to come with some original story and they tend to tell the well developed ones by someones else making an addition of new character. and sao on top of that, tons of restrictions by virtual code, and the nerve of author to tell in the begining about "need" of first 10-15 chapters for character development, as if there coulb be anything else for whole story (cant even call it a novel with such dumb setup)


so good, the writing quality is really good, the character design and development is top notch, although similar to the fanfiction unyielding at the beginning but after the first floor it is complete original and is one of the best SAO fanfiction I have read.


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