
Review Detail of Beamingkangaroo in Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Review detail


kinda boring ngl... and it feels like the MC became an extra ever since the 1st floor boss fight.... you even gave Kirito's family multiple POVs when The MCs only had like one... MC being weak on top of that made him feel inconsequential, I was kinda hoping that Kirito and the rest of the cast will only appear during boss raids or other important canon events that you'll add in the story but.... I'm not even gonna continue anymore and just leave this as is.

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)


Liked by 12 people




Broooo how you findin this boring? There’s hype or interesting stuff happening every chapter so much more than most fanfics or novels. You probly just have an attention span worse than a goldfish so you can’t appreciate a good long story


People hate when Original MC isn't completely overshadowed by some emotionless OP MC that can slaughter cities without feeling much emotion. This novel greatly does Kirito's character well, doesn't overshadow him, gives him enough presence, and still makes the mc good. MC isn't some godlike omniscient being smarter and stronger than everyone, he's another player on the frontline who's just as good as kirito. I think the idea was mentioned quite well by author, author also clearly did his research well and even added in new stuff like the live broadcasts.

Blake_Silver:Broooo how you findin this boring? There’s hype or interesting stuff happening every chapter so much more than most fanfics or novels. You probly just have an attention span worse than a goldfish so you can’t appreciate a good long story

I would mostly agree except for that last part, the MC has been clearly shown to not be on Kirito's level skill wise, which is what I think most people find annoying. Even if you don't want to him to overshadow the OG MC, you can make them on the same level, which isn't that case here.

dankoku:People hate when Original MC isn't completely overshadowed by some emotionless OP MC that can slaughter cities without feeling much emotion. This novel greatly does Kirito's character well, doesn't overshadow him, gives him enough presence, and still makes the mc good. MC isn't some godlike omniscient being smarter and stronger than everyone, he's another player on the frontline who's just as good as kirito. I think the idea was mentioned quite well by author, author also clearly did his research well and even added in new stuff like the live broadcasts.

They use different weapons, both have advantages and disadvantages, plus MC has the Serpent Coil skill which adds in.

I_Am_Death:I would mostly agree except for that last part, the MC has been clearly shown to not be on Kirito's level skill wise, which is what I think most people find annoying. Even if you don't want to him to overshadow the OG MC, you can make them on the same level, which isn't that case here.