
Review Detail of Daoist_Lake in Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Review detail


For starting maybe too cliche, but its okay, we can't do anything about it. For writing quality, still okay and readable. For Updating, only 3 chapter for a weeks, its okay cause writer need many idea to execute good Story. maybe just need more words because too short for 3 chapter per week. If its to hard for write more word don't force yourself. For character design is good, no overshadowing original character and fanfic MC. But MC here lack of contribution and following Kirito and original development. For Team, still lack. Like Boss Floor 2, its only 1 chapter. No Exciting strategy or epic battle. maybe you should clasified weapon user here. Like spearman, shielder, swordman, axeman etc. and make strategy for each class before get into battle. maybe you can see reference log horizon battle strategy. its very good fantasy strategy battle team. But you must ignore magic.

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)


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Oh yeah, you can make conflict between Fronliner Party make intense. Or make conflict between MC party, so we can make MC party have strong friendship bonding. but not so early. if its my suggestion is not on your plan, just ignore it. Focus on your plan for now.