
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Others
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35 Chs


(3) picture won but I will ad (2) too because why not now back to the chapter! btw I have 666 collections on this book!


After Valera stopped yelling at me we started heading towards a small town that was nearby it was conveniently just 2km away from the river we were launched from and it was starting to get dark so we headed towards the in we didn't have any money so Hajime wanted to pay with gold we rob...got from the little bastard but I stopped him and exchanged 1 point it was enough for a couple of nights here, and Ophis was dragged to another room while holding onto the door not wanting to leave my room but on the end, they bribed her with cookies and dragged her for some girl talk as they called it.

[Yo ma man I got a piece of good news we can go to the world we talked yesterday and I got myself a name I will call myself Akuma]

That is a relief I can finally rest my bones on an actual good bed and not worry that I would wake up with Valera trying to kill me well good night then as I lay down I heard some noises from the girl's room but I don't care it is probably 2 or 3 in the morning.

In the morning I could see Shia and Valera hiding their chest from Yue and Ophis I can only imagen what happened yesterday but I don't really care much they had their fun.

Ophis: "brother," she said with a sleepy voice

"What is it you want some chocolate?"

Ophis: "I am really sleepy can you carry me"


Ophis: "brother can you cook today I want to eat your cooking again"

Yue: "What Sans knows how to cook is probably bad because I never saw him cook before"

Valera: "I bet it would taste disgusting Hajime doesn't let him cook it would be just a waste of food"

Shia: "I want to try"

Hajime: "I am not entirely sure about his cooking but if Ophis sed that his cooking is good then I think that should be ok I guess?"

Ophis: "GOOD are you underestimating brother cooking he is the best cook in the world and after eating his cooking all other food seems that it has no flavor that is why brother said that he won't cook much!" she said with stars in her eyes and a bit of droll from her mouth.

We walked around the town and bought the necessary ingredients to make spaghetti(NJE HE HE) as for the spaghetti I had to make them manually because they don't really have them or they don't exist here Ophis was watching from the sides while drolling Shia was even worse when I was making bolognese I had to buy it from the system it is made similar like the soup from the bag but you have to half cook minced meat first and than mix the sauce with water and than light boil it making great sauce without onions.

I finished cooking it took me exactly 15 minutes 5spagetty/10for sauce.

"It is done!"As soon as I said that Ophis and Shia were already eating I made enough for all of us as Hajime came with Yue and Valera Yue after sniffing the spaghetti emidietly started eating Hajime too, as soon as Valera sat down she said.

Valera: "I bet it tastes bad"

At that moment a space rift appeared and a hand grabbed Valera's plate. W.D: "Yoink" and disappeared alongside Valera's share of the spaghetti.

"Seems like you won't get a bite"Ophis, Shia and Yue already ate everything even extra that I made I ate it too so I won't judge them my cooking was quite amazing if I say so myself, Valera was still looking at the place where her food should be and then shouted.

Valera: "I am really going to murder him once I get my hands on him!"

"Didn't you say my cooking would taste bad so why are you whining"

As Valera wanted to say something we heard a voice.

W.D: "Why give good food to someone who said it would be a waste she is ungratefully it was really good spaghetti bdw"

After that the whole time Valera was clinging to Hajime and telling him how mean W.D was.

Ophis: "Uncle was right you didn't deserve to eat brothers cooking it was tasty I wish I could eat more"

W.D: "here you go I didn't eat it it is yours"

Ophis: "thank you, uncle!"

(Should I be Ophiss uncle or brother I don't really know)

Yue: "can you share some with me Ophis?"

Shia: "ME TOO!"

Ophis: "Hmmm ok but not with Valera I won't give her"

Valera: "That was mine, to begin with!"

Ophis: "there is nowhere your name on it"

Valera: "And where is your na...

Ophis pulled a small paper that was on top of the spaghetti and showed it to Valera it said Ophis on it Valera became red from anger and just walked away while cursing W.D or in the future known as Akuma.

Hajime: "Well sans your cooking was the best thing I ate so far but they seem very hostile because of it so you better not cook anymore," he said with a sad expression with watery eyes after remembering the heavenly taste.

After the meal and all that scene they headed toward the cafe when we entered there were Hajimes old classmates and teacher

Shia: "Hajime why are you so mean"

Hajime: "I don't care"

as we sat down and we ordered our food because there was only a small amount of spaghetti so their food would still have some taste Hajime and I ordered curry I had never eaten it before I guess there is a first time for everything.

As we were waiting Hajimes's old teacher finally decided to approach us and said.

Aiko: "Is that really you Hajime?"

Hajime: "No you got the wrong person"

Yue: "Hajime do you know her?"

Aiko: "Hajime I know that is you even if you won't talk about it I will still find a way for us to return home and ensure all of your safety"

hajime:*sigh*"Hy miss Hatayama"


Well I kinda you know make it be a bit of AU because I am relying on my memory why just because so there will be loopholes here and there for some reason some comments are not shown on the book and I got 2 really nasty ones too, for example, why did I make Riass personality do 180 and Ophiss too well first I ain't into slavery second she is a THOT as for Ophis even in the anime she is mostly emotionless little girl my book my rules as for you haters you have small 8=) see ya till next chapter.