
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Others
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35 Chs


After Hajimes weird admission his teacher asked him many questions how did he survive the fall how did he manage to come out of the labyrinth how did he meet us all it was all good our food arrived well until he came in his shining golden armor

Kouki: "Hajime is that really you and what are you doing with this disgusting demi-human.

Hajime: "Whatch what are you talking"

Kouki: "why should I these abominations demis are disgusting criminals that should be cleaned and put in prison"

Ophis: "Ophis is demi-human too so Ophis is a disgusting abomination too"sad Ophis noises

Before Hajime could draw his gun I already pinned him into the wall and in a deep voice said

"Who are you calling disgusting abominations do you even know what humans did to all of them and you dare call them abominations this was your only and last warning next time I am going to rip your soul out of you"

I punched him unconscious then Ophis came and asked me was she and disgusting abomination I hugged her and said"How can my little cute sister be an abomination"

As we finished our meal we started heading out of the restaurant/cafe Aiko tried to stop us but we left as we exited a portal opened in front of us and a purple-haired guy exited it he had one eye closed with a scar on it and the other one was faint purple almost white he had a purple coat with a thick t-shirt that looked like a sweater and said.

Akuma: "Yo Sans what up hey Ophis"

"Oh W.D is that you?"

Akuma: "Just call me Akuma"

Ophis: "brother is that brother W.D?"

"Yea but call him Akuma"

Ophis: "Brother Akuma!" 'She hugged me and I patted her and then I saw a red Valera' (for my monologue I will use ' )

Valera: "I am going to kill you !!!"

'She run straight at me I looked at her she had a crazy smile I picked up Opis placed her on my shoulders crossed my fingers and said.'

Akuma: "BRUH no jutsu" *Poof*

'Ophis and I disappeared from our place leaving running Valera to slam headfirst into the tree knocking out herself Hajime was confused he didn't know what to say first his teacher knew this.'

Hajime picked up Valera like a sack of potatoes and we headed toward the guild now we had Akuma with us which mean that we will leave soon and to be honest I am glad.

We finally came to the guild Valera woke up and started cursing W..ahem Akuma but that was all she could do when we entered the guild Hajime was invited by the guild master and accepted the quest to find a lost party of adventurers so we headed towards the mountains on our way there Yue, Shia and Hajime showered Akuma with questions while Ophis was riding on his shoulders while eating a chocolate bar.

I just remembered this is where we will meet that masochist dragon I have to keep Ophis away from that one she has some power but her personality is just I don't want to talk about it.

Yue: "Look there is some armor"

Shia: "And look a swor...*Sword crumbles* nevermind"

Hajime used his drones to find any remaining people from the party but only found one behind the waterfall so we headed towards him once we were near him he had a happy expression to see us (let us call him hmm how about Jeremy yea)

Jeremy: "Thank god someone came I was so scared the beast killed everyone I barely managed to get out of there let us go before it returns"


Akuma: "I am disappointed this is such a good place for hidden treasure"

"My disappointment is immeasurable and this good chance is ruined"

Jeremy: "are these two listenings there is a giant beast we should move!"

We got to an open area and flapping of the wings was heard Ophis looked excited probably because she saw another dragon beside herself here and the rest went like in canon

Tio: "You monster how you ravaged me without a shred of mercy haaa it was a strange yet pleasurable sensation I wouldn't mind you doing it again"

Hajime: "I should have killed you when I could"

Tio: "So cruel hyaaa!"

The whole time this was happening Ophis had noise-canceling headphones that played bedtime music and she fell asleep and we proceeded to head back to the guild also Tio mentioned a monster horde with more than 80000 monsters (In canon was 60K) and we headed straight to the in we were exhausted.

Whan we entered Jeremy ran straight to the guild master while crying and got a rough scolding and we told him about the monster horde that is moving towards the city and we had to write a report and get paid afterward all in all it was pretty boring after that we all got to one room to discuss what would we do further from here on ou before sleeping.

Sans/Akuma: "let us show the strongest power we have," we said in unison

They all looked at us in confusion except Ophis as soon as we sat on the beds *Snore*

Hajime: "That really is impressive as soon as they sat on a bed they fell asleep"

Ophis lay down in the bed in the middle of Sans and Akuma and fell asleep with a smile.


Ok making this chapter was frustrating there was some problem with electricity because of bad weather and I had to writhe this chapter 7 times ower I wanted to give up but I didn't it was a miracle that I managed to finish this chapter today please write some reviews so that my book appear sometimes so people can read it to this is not order just a request. See ya next chapter better say read ya I hope tomorrow I will have time to write another one.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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