
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

<i>Choices what are they?</i>

<i>As I aged, I began to truly see what choices are. When young one associates choices as being an adult. For what child has not been told by their parent that when they get older, they can choose.</i>

<i>For adults choices seem to be associated with freedom. I am free so therefore I can choose to do this or that.</i>

<i>For the elderly choices take on an interesting dynamic. A dynamic where the elderly say I am not too old to make my own choices.</i>

<i>Yet why do we as intelligent people strive so hard to not only define what, where, how, and who can make choices.</i>

<i>After living as long as I have, I have reached a simple understanding in regard to choice.</i>

<i>If you are at the point where you must make a choice.</i>

<i>It means you never had a choice AND you chose wrong.</i>

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~</i>

'I miss my home. The only sounds are the soothing chaotic sounds of magnetic fields breaking, plasma waves crashing. Just like the Atlantic Ocean would do on stormy nights in my previous life.'

Taking a moment just to remember my past and why I am in the situation I currently face. Just letting the pain of my loss circle inside. Let the pain of loss strengthen my will power.

Great thing about space it is quieter. Even if I can still hear everything going on Earth from space.

And don't ask how I can hear anything when in an environment that specifically makes it impossible to hear anything. Just chalk it up to magic, the other explanation will melt your brain.

'Two minutes is enough time devoted to loss pain. Yet more to the point should have been more than ample time for Crystal to retrieve the info on Logan's hospital records.'

*Crystal, may I inquire what is taking you so uncharacteristically long to pull up anger management dropout's yearly checkups? *

*I was giving you some time to yourself. I was able to find that five years ago Logan did have his adamantium forcefully removed by Magneto. *

*You are a dear, that does answer my question and eases my state of mind. Thought I had forgotten some important detail. *

*Garrick you are incapable of forgetting anything ever. *

*Ever is a long time, who knows what the future holds. *

*Did anyone get a recording of that little business meeting. *

*Yes Father, Mother made sure I got a recording. She said something about a lesson to be learned or taught. Anyways she would go over it with me in the future. *

'That's sounds ominous.'

*All that matters is we got the recording showing they started the interaction first. *

*Why what are you going to do Garrick. *

*Like you told Lilith, time to teach a lesson. *

*Who knows, maybe someone will learn something. *

'Doubt it, because I honestly believe no one down there made their own choice.'

With that thought I accelerate to just nine percent the speed of light.

Following the time-honored tradition of choosing to believe that X marks the spot.


Using a combination of my ki and bioelectricity to mitigate the shock wave produced by my impact.

Yet still allowing enough to perpetuate and throw everyone away from my landing.

Walking out of the crater I created with my impact.

I follow Jay-Z's advice and get that dirt off my shoulders.

"I so do apologize for my rudeness just a moment ago I had an emergency requiring me to rush straight up into space and hang out there for a few minutes."

"Now as I was saying…"

"You killed him!" Screams Magneto.

"Huh, killed who?"

"Charles how dare you kill Charles?"

"Hey, he was the one with the big X on his yellow floating chair. Had to use something to mark my landing spot."

"Logan back me up, 'X' is used to mark the landing spots correct."

"Bub, you are dead."


'And there he goes berserk mode, just jumping through the air pretending like he is flying just hoping to impale his target.'

'Okay I am bored of this. Time to move on seems like no one chosen to learn from the lesson I taught.'

Conjuring BB sized balls of ki I project them with just enough force to knock everyone out except Jean Grey and Rogue.

Turning to Jean.

"Jean they will be knocked out for a while especially metal head."

Tapping wolverine on the head with my foot.

"Go see Emma, no one will like what she finds hidden within yours and theirs' minds."

Walking over to Rogue I bend down and gently help her up.

"Anna, when you are ready come see me. You don't have to be isolated and alone anymore Mon Cheri."

With that I start meandering to my original destination.

Once Emma gets through with their coconuts and pieces the puzzle together. Maybe that group will be able to achieve something.

Magneto was too smart to act and make all those stupid decisions that never once truly succeeded.

Doom would occasionally have things work out for him.

At least one of my fan theories regarding Magneto's contradiction between intelligence and inconsistent actions and choices.

That helmet did exactly jack shit.

"Not going to say thank you for saving your life."

Asking the AO as he portals and starts walking beside me.

"How did you know, or even see?"

"Actually, I heard it first, then I sped my perception up, triangulated. You know what just take it as I did and leave it at that."

"He was important and a force for good."

"Yao, do not pretend like you didn't know what he was."

"And I mean 'was' both in a present sense and 'was' in past tense like before the battle in which Magneto ripped Logan many new holes."

"Frankly I didn't, I never looked at his past most of his exploits were outside my notice."

"I see."

Stopping, I look up into sky. Letting the moment just breath and settle.

"Why do you protect this world. You could either rule it, destroy it, ignore it."

"You have the power to equal any sorcerer supreme, either past or present."

"In fact, it's my belief you could or even do surpass them all."

"Yet you live, you protect, and you wait."

"Wait for a man who has alleged greater potential than you. And supposedly anyone else for that matter."


Turning to look at Yao I see him allowing himself to reminisce.

"In my youth, I adventured and explored, and learned."

"Eventually I found a Master."

"My learning accelerated, my area I explored grew from one world to multiple worlds. Allowing me to experience untold adventures."

"I one day came across a destroyed world. "

"Now this was not a new occurrence, or even a rarity."

"Yet on this devastated world I had my first vision of the future."

"In this vision I saw Earth, I saw untold war."

"Earth had become a battlefield that had war without end."

"Then I saw hope come to the battlefield."

"After waking up from that vision I was lying in front of an altar."

"Engraved on that alter was written."

"We were given a choice, and destruction of our planet was the result of our choice."

"So, we leave this gift. With the intention of providing knowledge to allow a more successful outcome if you are ever faced with such a choice."

"After reading the inscription the altar disappeared."

"So, I chose to make my life's work to not only find, but to be strong enough to protect and teach that hope."

'OFC, god damn meddling future prophecies. Ruined a great man by tricking him, and manipulating his perception.'

'And now nothing can be done to much time has passed, and others have made choices for him.'


"Sorry to hear that." I say to Yao.

"It is perfectly ok my choice gave me purpose. I have made my peace long ago."

"Old man, I will let you in on a secret."

"Secrets I know many of them. What's one more."

"Choices, the secret is choices."

"How are choices a secret. Everyone has choices."

"I could say the answer to that is another secret. But to answer your question."

"In my youth I read a book, turns out was a very interesting book even if it was full of what I later learn to be philosophy, advice, and sometimes insight."

"But one of the many passages stated."

"If you are at the point where you must make a choice. It means you never had a choice AND you chose wrong."

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