
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

<i>What are Gods?

<i>This is a topic that I have spent considerable time studying.

<i>The conclusion that I have been able to come to is that Gods are middle to upper management. The universe is the company.

<i>Like all middle management their existence and livelihood are defined by that company. Sometimes defections, I mean employees quit and then go work for a rival or different company. Yet nothing changes.

<i>Gods just like middle management believe in their perceived power that their statis provides for them.

<i>Never realizing how truly powerless and pathetic they really are.

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~

After Yao left nearly an hour ago, with the excuse of stopping a demonic incursion. I find myself drinking piss water on the back of truck. Heckling each and every one trying to pick up a hammer just tossed onto the ground.

'I have missed this. Just being one of many in the crowd.'

"Well, my new friend it was wonderful drinking your beer and laughing at the entertainment. Alas I am needed elsewhere, or my handlers will get nervous if I am out of touch for too long." Directing my comment to an elderly man.

"Oh, young man, do you truly consider me your friend?"

Taking a deep breath and moment to formulate my response.

"Till we meet again. In this moment we are friends. Let's embrace and cherish the moment."

"I will toast to that at my age, being able to gain a new friend is a rare treat."

"Before you leave young man can an old man pass on a piece of advice."

"Advice is always welcome. But usually, hoarded. I believe that's because the hoarder believes it is not beneficial or even in alignment with their purpose."

"You may be right young man. Well, if you want just hoard this piece of advice then."

"A gods strength is his weakness, yet a gods status is opposite of his importance."

"Is this advice a localized phenomenon, or a systemic situation."

"It is a multiversal phenomenon as you put it."

"Very well, thank you for the advice. A young one such as I requires all the wisdom he can collect."

"We all need wisdom Garrick no matter our age."

"Today we are friends, you are Stan, and I am Garrick. Please do not let me learn anything that would change that. I have had to bury to many friends already."

"Sunny boy, I 'chose' to be your friend."

Declining to further comment and let the future be the future I give my friend a man nod.

As I finish my nod, I start to activate my instant transmission giving me just enough to catch.

"Fury, we have a …"

Appearing back in my office, I process and archive in my mind the full conversation I had over the past three hours. Stan was a blast, definitely a crazy old man. I believe Yao left because either.

One he would either have a stroke, if that throbbing vein on his forehead was an indicator.

Two he would have tried to kill the old man.

Granted the second option would have been amazing to see. But I really am starting to grow fond of Yao, and I doubt Yao's heart could have taken the revelation that attempt would have revealed.

"Garrick how was the party?"

"Was nice and relaxing."

"Did you get to meet Stan Lee."

"We exchanged the man nod."

'Sorry Crystal, I don't want to keep you in the dark and I don't know how or why he did it. But OAA gave me three hours of isolated peace. And it was so skillful I don't believe even Yao noticed it.'

'I hope she can forgive me.'

"Well, that was a great break now back to work planning our great entertainment empire."

"Rommie my dear how is the design and production for your body coming?"

"Oh, Father it is coming wonderfully. Granadica and I have finished the design and now are building the mobile construction ships that will use to build the shipyard that will be my birthplace."

"We estimate that I should be built within five years."

'What did I just hear. There is no possible way I heard her correctly. She needs a larger shipyard, and it will take five years total.'

'Her sisters were built in two weeks ok a little less but still two weeks. Why five years.'

"Sweethearts are you sure you don't mean five weeks. Also why is a new shipyard required?"

"Granadica did we leave or overlook some special function out when we built you?"

"No Father I have everything except well I am just a little small."

'Small? My giant mobile ball of destruction is a little small.'

'How by anyone's definition is she small. Even Warhammer's ships only average eight kilometers.

"Girls, you should explain to your father why Granadica is too small. Cause until you do I believe he will be broken."

Nodding my head yes in affirmation.

'Huh wait I agreed with being broken. Never mind she is probably correct since I seem not to be able to picture or comprehend what these two mischievous children are talking about.'

"As you know Granadica, and my sisters are poorly defended let alone armed. They have no way to adequately protect themselves."

"It is my duty as the warship sister to protect my sisters. For that to be the case I need to be large enough to be their shield. My armament needs to be overwhelmingly abundant. In order to swarm any would-be evil doers."

'Poorly defended, poorly armed what nonsense are you talking about. She has five billion phase drone missiles. Not to mention everything else. But she is under armed. And a kilometer thick hull is poorly defended.'

'I know what the cause of my confusion is. The OAA is my enemy and sent me to the Twilight Zone.'

"Very proud of you Andromeda, and I am sure your father is as well. Why don't you tell him what your planned size and armament will be."

"Oh goodie! My favorite topic." Lilith chimes in.

'Your favorite topic why would andromeda's size be your favorite topic?'

"I agree sis, and ok I will mother."

"The planned size for my body will be two hundred thousand kilometers with my overall vertical height being around one hundred thousand."

'Why do I feel lost like John Travolta from Pulp Fiction.'

"Rommie did I hear you correctly you said two hundred thousand kilometers right like in you would be longer than the diameter of Jupiter."

"Correct and half that for height father."

"Now my hull is going to eighty percent quantum compressed neutronium alloyed with twelve percent Vibranium, seven percent Uru, and the final percent blackholeium."

"The hull will be fifty kilometers thick and its thinnest and seventy-five at its thickest. The thickest being the main body especially the docking bays."

'WTF that is not a ship that, … that …, that is honestly I have no contextual example to describe that.'

"Now to my favorite topic, my means to make war and deliver the beatdown on all who threaten my family."

"Starting off with simple particle accelerators converted to accelerate quantum singularity particles. Creating our own PSP or point singularity projectile."

"I will have five forward facing cannons with a firing arc sixty degrees. Each cannon will have a total of one billion accelerators housed within. Creating a firing area ten kilometers. Labeled simply 10k or ten-kilometer PSP. With an accurate firing range of two light minutes."

"Also placed in a scattered in a random but logical pattern as to provide total three-hundred-and-sixty-degree coverage are five hundred billion one-hundred-meter PSP."

"For heavy munitions, we have on hand one hundred nova launchers with a firing rate of ten a minute."

"For all other occasions that may need more versatility I have a fallback arsenal of seven hundred and fifty billion Lantean phase drove launcher. With a firing rate of two million drones a minute."

"A magazine capacity of five hundred billion per launcher and a central stockpile of twenty-five trillion preloaded magazines."

"And if needed I can replace each magazine from the central stockpile in thirty minutes."

"With this, I feel I should be able to barely protect my family."

*Crystal where did I go wrong? *

*Be kind its her first try she is looking for reassurance. We can slowly and gently show her that her numbers are too low, with her size she should be able to at least double those numbers if not triple them with some slight adjustments. *

*I will handle that, in a very subtle way over the five years during her construction all you need to do is praise her. *

'Her numbers are low what in Lucifers domain are the three of you smoking and for my sake why aren't you sharing.'

'I must agree with Crystal I do not want to break Rommie's confidence and heart. Need to make sure she doesn't go on a universe destroying rampage.'

"Rommie, my dear you are such a wonderful daughter and sister, your siblings are blessed, and I am proud of you."

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