
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

<i>Now I shall give you my thoughts on Perception.</i>

<i>Perception is tricky, it has the potential to appear fluid and intangible. This most likely stems from the reality that if one hundred people see a collision. There will be of course one hundred different eyewitness accounts and one hundred different stories. </i>

<i>What is the basis of this phenomenon. Some common answers for perception are that some will perceive more through their individual senses such as, sight, hearing, touch, taste, even that elusive 'feeling'. </i>

<i>It is believed and theorized that we each are unique and therefore the differences in perception are explained. </i>

<i>Yet in my experience this is only true for those who seek the easy answer. Perception is not tricky. It is very simple one learns to perceive through experience. </i>

<i>If you know an individual's experiences, you will know how to manipulate them. Allowing you to take advantage of their perception. </i>

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~</i>

Directing my question to the suit wearing, wheelchair bound, man being pushed by the live version of Beebo.

'Probably should kill him, no that's not right he turns rouge and goes traitor in the future. Might be entertaining for my viewers. If I can spin the cause and outcome correctly.'


'Ah there he is the blue devil himself. Personally, I believe he should have been stronger. Not sure who thought it was a good idea to waste such amazing potential.'

'Maybe I will offer him a power upgrade. It is a thought'


"Well, I am waiting wheels."

Holding Wolverine by his arm I start to drag him as I walk towards Professor wheels.

"I just came here to attend a tailgate party. My ship detected the wormhole and noticed an object fell to Earth."

"I just wanted to make sure there was not any competition trying to muscle their way in to my territory."

"I used all my financial capital to obtain exclusive rights to operate as the sole entertainment business."

"Are you paid thugs hired by my enemies to try and kill me or even worse slander my reputation with this planet."

'Spewing as much BS as a milk farm produces in ten years.'

"Hey, pip squeak can you quit throwing your temper tantrum you may wrinkle my suit. I just bought it a hundred years ago from XEREWIGHGISWF over in the IGUGHEBG galaxy it's still new."

I say before tossing the bad-tempered man-child next to purple top.


'Why Nightcrawler allows himself to be a pack horse is beyond me. Wonder who he dropped off behind me. Who could be left powerful enough to be dropped off ten yards, wait no sound of feet hitting ground took too long to reach me should be more like eighteen yards.'

'Not someone who excels in close combat, they tried that with Logan. So, a distance powerhouse or what they believe to be a powerhouse. But Magneto tried that already in fact that was their first gambit.'

'Ok right hand is moving up. I admire whoever this is. They had absolutely no hesitation. Something about the right hand moving should mean something to me.'

'Just can't think of what that should be.'

'Oh well enough stalling I have a hammer to check out and a beer to swig.'

"Now gentlemen and of course you two beautiful ladies. My business license does not allow me to have private business meetings."

"All meetings must take place in an official intergalactic commerce approved setting. With full audio and visual recordings taken and available for submission upon request. Proving I stayed within established limits set by my entertainment license."



'Oh, its him no wonder I couldn't remember.'

Taking a blast to my head, I decided to let it propel me forward. Give the boy credit not a bad attempt. I do believe I might have actually felt that tickle.

After plowing headfirst into the desert sand. I wonder who is next on this list should be.



'Storm it is. I wonder how long it will take them to realize that I am unharmed and just laying here.'

"Hey Suga, can I have a turn at this dance."

'When did Rogue show up? I only saw Storm and Jean.'


Feeling a love tap on the back of my head. I force my head deeper into the sand. Continuing this farse for just a little bit longer.

'I must admit I am curious what could possibly have made this group not only work together but to also launch a pre-emptive strike like this.'


'With Rogue straddling me, moving and whaling on my back almost feels like a massage.'

'How long has it been since I had some good old carnal relations.'

'And if I remember correctly Rogue is starved for some physical attention since she didn't always learn to fully control her power.'

With that thought I decided to take the lead in this dance.

Pushing off the ground and giving myself a superspeed shake to throw off the desert sand.

I turn and face Rogue with my most charming smile. Place my left hand behind my back and extend my right hand out bending slightly at the waist.

"Sweetheart, I would love to dance with you."

Holding that position and giving time for her to pick herself off the ground after being tossed by me when I got up. I decided to address the extras at this shindig.

"As for everyone else I cordially invite you to my company's gala in less than two weeks."

"If you did not reserve your spots, I can make an exception and put you all on the VIP list. Just contact us through our website."

"Now my Lady, can I have this dance."



'Let's see she probably broke her forearm. But better to check for sure.'

'Ouch that looks painful she broke both bones two inches above her wrist.'

'Was she always so violent, I believe that was her full force punch.'

"Oh, how clumsy of me. I did not mean to hit your hand with my cheek."

"Here let, me help you."

Grabbing her hand, I rip off her glove and push her sleeve up. Before placing my hand around the broken area.

Gathering my ki into my hand I slowly let it seep into her skin and muscles, to embrace the broken bones.

Once the bones are fully encased in my ki. I block off her nerve endings to manage the pain as I slowly move her bones back into place by holding her arm and pulling her hand.

Maintaining my x-ray vision on her bones to make sure they get aligned correctly. I switch my ki to a healing energy. Using my own energy reserves to provide the energy her cells need.

"You are touching me?" Rogue states/asks in a confused tone.

"I am sorry for my rudeness and presumption. It is just that skin contact is required for the healing process to work."

"I saw that both of your forearm bones were broken due to my carelessness. So, it is my gentlemanly obligation to provide a satisfactory recompense."

Laying on the charm and sweet talk as thick as I possibly can.

"You are able to touch me?"

"Once, again I apologize should only be another five of your earth minutes."

"Your touch is so warm, and soft."

"My body temperature is a few degrees warmer than you humans. As for my soft touch how else should a man handle a woman?"

"How are you able to touch me?"

"Miss, I know I might be an alien. But I did read up on taboos and even though I am holding your arm and hand. I am performing what you would consider a medical procedure. My understanding that this is one of those allowed exceptions."

"Though I must confess, your etiquette on interaction between individuals is confusing and counter intuitive."

'What is this power that is accumulating.'

Turning to face the other X-men. I see Professor Wheels with a very angry and possessive looking face.

If I didn't know any better, I could swear that I stole his favorite toy from the sandbox.

"Let her go!"

And after that scream I had just enough time to tie off my ki so Rouge's arm would be protected.

Before I ended up in space.

'Well, that was certainly unexpected. Just how the hell did he accomplish this feat.'

'In my memory he never really exhibited telekinetic powers, that was always everyone else.'

*Hey Crystal, my dear can you do me a favor? *

*Depends how long are you going to keep playing around? *

*Not sure, I'm just very puzzled Charles is not old enough to be losing his faculties which might barely explain how he sent me into orbit. *

*Can you check and see if Charles has shown any previous use of telekinetic powers. *

'Honestly it would not surprise me that Charles has telekinetic powers. I mean it uses the same psionic energy as telepathy.'

'But really, what gives. I know Charles always had that unhealthy attachment to Jean Grey.'

'Didn't know he had the same attachment to Rouge, would be stupid of him. Yet I never really considered him to be overly intelligent.'

*I just checked all databases. All known information strictly points to Charles only having telepathy. That is even from Mr. Sinister database gathered from his experiments on Charles Xaviers clones. *

*Not even latent, that is a shock. *

'Knowing how obsessed Mr. Clone Happy is with his research. If Charles had even a smidgen of latent telekinetic energy it would be in his notes.'

'There has to be a string connecting these perceived discrepancies.'

'List out what we see versus what I know.'

'Extreme possessive reaction.'

'Extremely powerful psionic buildup due to his reaction'


Face palming myself since I am extremely slow on the perceived uptake.

*Crystal my dear, I need you to run a history check on one Logan Hewitt aka Wolverine. *

*Yes, I know who the little man is. What do you want me to look for. *

*Oh, nothing major, just a little background check on his health. And a possible sudden and unexpected depletion of heavy metals from his body? *