
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Billionaires also bargain

In the future exposed by the quiz game, Superman stabbed Doomsday with a kryptonite spear, but he also paid the price with his own life.

Bruce Wayne would naturally not let this kind of future take place. At this moment, he held a kryptonite spear and pierced the chest of doomsday!

With the strength of the Super Saiyan, he stabbed the Kryptonite spear into the chest of Doomsday without much effort.

doomsday uttered a deafening roar, of course, it was unwilling to die like this, even if it died, it would have to kill him!

doomsday made a desperate cry but was teleported by Bruce Wayne. Since he had seen the scene of Superman's death, of course, he would be prepared in advance.

With a bang, the huge monster finally fell into a forest of messy ruins.

The war finally came to an end.

Barry looked at Superman, then at Batman, and said with a smile: "I was worried that I would witness the same future I saw in the quiz game, thank God nothing like that happens, but frankly speaking, this time we only need Bruce to deal with this monster."

Bruce is armed with a kryptonite weapon and can confront Doomsday, in other words, if he wants to, he can kill the monster from the beginning.

After all, doomsday was relatively easy to deal with when it just came, and after several subsequent evolutions, it became difficult to entangle.

Clark looked at Doomsday's huge body and shook his head: "I don't understand, why is this monster still being released after seeing the future?"

Diana put her arms around her chest, "You know, I have witnessed a lot of your history and found an interesting thing, that is, you will remember the history, write it into a book, or shoot it into a movie and TV series, But you never learn any lesson from history, you will always make repeated mistakes. "

Bruce glanced at her and explained: "Someone deliberately lured me to the Metropolis, and released the Doomsday, especially taking advantage of Clark's absence."

"Who is it? Lex Luther?" Barry asked.

In addition to investigating Victor's traces during this time, they are also tracking Lex Luther.

From the very beginning, Bruce Wayne regarded Luther as the boss behind the scenes, who planned the kidnapping of Superman's mother and his girlfriend.

Barry frowned, " the threat of aliens is imminent, maybe someday the world is going to be destroyed, why can't people unite and tide over the difficulties together? Why do we have to fight and kill at this time?"

"You have to know that humans are the most complex creatures in the world."

Bruce patted him on the shoulder and commanded, "The matter is not over yet, if I guess right, Lex Luther and the Joker should be around here too, we split up and try to catch them!"

Clark frowned and said, "Are they here?"

"I think it's very possible!"

Barry speculates: "I recently took time to watch a lot of police movies. In the movies, the insane lunatic prisoners always like to go to the crime scene to peep after killing people or doing bad things. They enjoy this excitement! "

"it's better to catch them anyway, otherwise we will have a steady stream of trouble in the future."

The four of them did not delay and immediately dispersed to find them. At this time, Bruce Wayne found that his team channel made an automatic task-[misson]

[ "Time-limited mission: You have determined that the people behind this conspiracy are Lex Luther and the Joker, so what we have to do now is very simple, catch them!" ]

["The time limit is thirty minutes, and the countdown begins when the task is accepted."]

["Task penalty: 10 points deducted."]

["Task rewards: 3 points for individual points and 5 points for team points."]

The task appeared directly in the team channel, except for Bruce Wayne, the other three members of the channel also saw it.

Tony Stark: "Here is a new mission? Bruce's luck is too good? Why didn't I trigger the new mission?."

He also complained. Anyway, the team points are divided equally between four people. If nothing is done, it is a good thing to get points for nothing.

Neither Peter Parker nor Steve Rogers spoke. They should be busy. The active person on the channel is always Iron Man. This guy is very energetic.

Bruce Wayne: "Tony, can you build me an A.I. Butler? Like Jarvis's."

he also knows some artificial intelligence technology, but in this regard, Tony Stark's performance is significantly better. The artificial intelligence Jarvis lt left a deep impression on Bruce Wayne.

At that time, he came up with the idea of ​​getting an artificial intelligence butler, which can assist him in fighting, investigating intelligence, and by the way, it can also share some pressure on Alfred.

But at that time, there were too many things and he forgot, and then suddenly remembered.

Tony Stark did not refuse: "I am good at creating artificial intelligence, Bruce, as you know, I rarely build equipment for others, but for the sake of us fighting side by side, I can give you an exception. But it's expensive."

"Just ask for it." Of course, Bruce is not short of money.

But Tony Stark is also not short of money, "I want 20 points. Of course, the points seem to be non-transferable at the moment, but you can use the products in the points mall to complete the transaction."

20 points?

Bruce Wayne frowned immediately. If Tony Stark asks for money, he can give a lot of money, But the points are too precious. Bruce didn't save many points, and 20 points is not a small amount.

At this time, Tony Stark said again: "Tell you, Bruce, my Mk43 battle suit drawings are priced at 100 points in the points mall, and artificial intelligence Jarvis is 80 points. I am giving you 20 points price because of our friendship!"

There are many products in the points mall, including some technical achievements of Iron Man.

Bruce Wayne's looked for it before, indeed, as Tony Stark said, Artificial Intelligence Jarvis needs 80 points in the points mall to buy it.

"15 points, I can only give you this much, if you don't want it, then forget it." Bruce Wayne lowered the price.

"Hey, can you show off some billionaire style? Isn't it just a few points? 18 points!"

"17 points!"

"16 points, I will not sell it at a lower price!"

The two billionaires are bargaining like grocers at the vegetable market.

There is no other way. Who makes the quiz game only recognizes points but not $?

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