
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

Superman, rest, let me come this time


Bruce Wayne kicked the Doomsday and then made up a shock wave, but the next moment, Doomsday burst out with energy shock again, and it evolved again...

The terrible thing about this monster is that as long as you can't kill it, it can continue to break the limit and eventually grow into the ultimate creature!


Diana broke into the battlefield, "This is not the way to go, only kryptonite can kill this monster!"

Barry also rushed over, although, with his small arms and legs, he couldn't get involved in the battle of this kind of big scene for the time being, at least there was no shortage of courage.

He looked at Batman's new look, and was surprised: "It's so cool, Bruce, you look much more handsome than Batman now, my God, how can I exercise to have your muscles?"

Bruce Wayne is now naked, with a sturdy inverted triangle figure, which makes women drool, and men jealous.

"Kryptonite? Damn, it! I forgot about it!"

Bruce hammered his forehead and found that after encountering doomsday, he was completely plunged into a kind of fighting frenzy, he just want to simply enjoy this fierce battle, and even hope that the battle will never stop...

Super Saiyan...

Are they all fighting freaks who only know how to fight?

Bruce shook his head and reduced his qi. His body began to shrink slightly, and his hair became normal. This was a retreat from the Super Saiyan state.

He felt that his head was more important than strength.

"I had a hunch-even if everyone had watched the future video, this monster would still come, so I got some kryptonite a few days ago and took it with me. It should be in the deep pit over there. "

Bruce pointed Barry in a direction and told him to get the kryptonite weapon.

Barry was a little surprised: "You carry kryptonite with you?"

After watching the video of the quiz game, it is well known that Superman is afraid of kryptonite.

Barry suspected that Batman would kick the kryptonite on him all the time, presumably the main thing to watch out for was Superman.

Bruce just glanced at him, "Hurry up, that monster has evolved a few times, and it will be more difficult to deal with afterward!"

Barry responded and disappeared in a flash.

Diana asked curiously: "You just evolved, right? Evolution has given you superhuman strength, but there are side effects?"

She is also very smart, seeing that in the state of Bruce Wayne's Super Saiyan, it seems that he sacrificed his IQ.

Bruce shook his head, "In that state, I'm not sober and sane enough. Of course, this may be because I'm still not used to it."

"The power you have is strange."

"That's not the power that our world should have." Bruce didn't explain much, "I have notified Clark, he should be able to come over soon, try to deal with this monster as soon as possible!"

Diana was still curious, "Does your ability to transform come from a quiz game?"

"After this battle is over, let's talk about something else." Bruce dropped these words and rushed directly to doomsday when his evolution was completed.

But soon, he retreated with a teleport, and loudly reminded: "Dodge!"

Diana: "So it's my turn to move?"

She is the goddess of war, and she is also eager to fight!

Immediately Bruce jumped out, and the more vicious behemoth in the smoke rammed into him. Diana folded her arms in front of her and shouted angrily, suddenly bursting out a strong and dazzling light.

Another shock wave was generated in the light!

In the video exposed by the quiz game before, Diana also used this trick. At that time, she rescued Batman from doomsday and made him fly upside down

But now, it was Diana who flew upside down.

After the revolution, the power of Doomsday has been strengthened. Wonder Woman is like a broken stone, hitting an unknown number of trees along the way, and marking a long trace on the dirt ground.

Before she stood up, a thick laser beam shot out from the smoke. Diana was about to pull out a shield to resist. At this time, Bruce Wayne arrived, opened the transmission channel in advance, and led her to avoid the attack.

"It has become more powerful now! This monster can devour energy to evolve. In other words, we beat him harder, but as long as we can't kill him, it will continue to evolve!"

Bruce's IQ went online, and he said in a deep voice: "Try not to fight it head-on until there is a chance to kill it!"

Diana frowned. This monster has evolved beyond her ability to fight, so Batman has to take the main responsibility to fight doomsday.

He had a Kryptonite weapon in his arms, and he had had many opportunities to kill with one blow before, but he just fought against Doomsday and 'helped' it continue to evolve.

"I made a mistake."

Bruce Wayne also admitted his mistake. At that time, his sanity was disturbed, and the Saiyan bloodline was activated which evolved him into a super Saiyan. and that is why he was madder than the Valkyrie, he only had the joy of fighting in his mind.

"Wow, this big guy is very angry, Bruce, you are prepared!"

Barry brought a kryptonite weapon, both bullets, and spears, but compared to the kryptonite spear exposed in the quiz video, this one is now shorter.

Kryptonite has now been officially listed as a strategic resource, and Bruce Wayne also spent a lot of money to get it.

He took the spear and opened the transmission channel at the same time, leading the two of them to avoid doomsday.

"Last time Superman carried a spear and died with this monster. Will history repeat itself this time?"

Barry looked towards the sky behind him, and an arc-shaped air current was flying towards here under the night.

Superman finally arrived, and even before he could say hello to them, he was first welcomed by the laser beams of the Doomsday. Unwilling to be outdone, Superman's eyes also shot laser beams against him.

Unfortunately, in the video exposed by the quiz game, he failed to win. At this moment, he also lost to doomsday after multiple evolutions.

Bruce and Diana did not delay, and they stepped forward to support, and the three giants of the Justice League once again joined forces to fight doomsday!

The current Doomsday is stronger than the video exposed in the quiz game due to the number of evolutions it has experienced. However, the Big Three of the Justice League is also a lot stronger, mainly Batman, even if he doesn't transform at this time into a super Saiyan, he also has Good combat power, and with the magical teleport ability, he is no longer powerless.

Bruce used high mobility to continuously fire Kryptonite bullets at Doomsday to weaken the fighting power of this monster. The Flash and Wonder Woman cooperated to tie it up with a mantra lasso.

Superman waved to Bruce: "Quickly, give me the Kryptonite Spear!"

"No, it's my turn this time!" Bruce Wayne finished speaking, teleported to the front of Doomsday with a kryptonite spear, then transformed into a Super Saiyan, and slammed into Doomsday's chest!

power Stones, reviews and comments will be appreciated.

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