
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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I want to kill your family for your good

Bruce and Tony are experienced players in quiz games, and they are very aware of the importance of points.

After talking for more than a long time, the transaction was concluded with 16 points. Of course, the points cannot be transferred to the player, and can only be traded by purchasing items in the points mall.

At the moment, Tony Stark has nothing to buy, so Bruce Wayne owes it first, just because it will take some time for him to build artificial intelligence.

Even if Batman negotiates a business deal, it did not delay him from hunting down Lex Luther, because after receiving the mission, the instructions of the mission goal can be seen in the team channel, which is very conspicuous.

It was not very far from them, superman accelerated in the air and chased him up.

At this time, the Deathstroke was taking Lex Luther to evacuate with difficulty. Luther was poisoned by the Joker, and although it was not fatal, he was still in a weak state.

At this moment, he has to rely entirely on Deathstroke.

"Damn, why did Batman become like this? Is he an alien like Superman?" Lex Luther complained bitterly.

The Deathstroke put him on his shoulders, and said impatiently: "Can you shut your mouth?"

After witnessing the battle between Batman and Doomsday, Lex Luther has been in shock.

The Deathstroke was also angry because of this, "Even if he an alien, What does it have to do with you? if you talk more nonsense, I will throw you here!"

The trees next to him shook suddenly, and the next moment, the shirtless Batman appeared in front of them.

The Deathstroke reacted very quickly, stepping on the branch, and shooting at the same time in the air, and it was extremely accurate. Both shots were aimed at Batman's head and throat!

It is hard to imagine that a normal person can aim and shoot quickly in such a rush.

The reaction speed of the Deathstroke has exceeded the limit of the human body. Unfortunately, Batman is not a human now. The moment the gunshot sounded, his figure disappeared in place and teleported behind the Deathstroke.

Deathstroke didn't hesitate to leave Luther behind to save himself. he immediately pulled away. Of course, he had to fire a few shots as a counterattack when he ran back.

Bruce Wayne easily avoided the bullet and did not chase him. He recognized Deathstroke. By comparison, Joker is more important than this mercenary!

He flew away in the other direction.

The Deathstroke realized that Batman was not pursuing him, and he was relieved. At the same time that he felt extremely aggrieved. Frankly speaking, if it's changed to the past, he would fight Batman. Even if it wasn't for the bounty, he would do it.

But after witnessing the battle between Batman and Doomsday. Deathstroke, as a master of tactics, soberly discovered that if he faced Batman, he had almost no chance of winning!

Batman's power and speed are now comparable to Superman, Not to mention his ability to teleport has made him feel desperate.

The difference in strength is too great, and the Deathstroke can only choose to escape. He doesn't want to be sent to a mental hospital by Batman. After all, it is better to make money outside.

"Damn, I suddenly understand Luther a little, why can Batman become so strong?"

it didn't take long for Batman to catch the Joker again.

This guy can hide, he has already got into the city, if there is no task prompt, he can slip away.

"Hehe...hehe...Batman? Are you Batman?"

When the Joker was picked up by him, he smiled nervously, but the smile on his face was uglier than crying.

Lex Luther was also speaking next to him, asking him whether he was an alien.

Bruce Wayne was numbed by the quarrel of these two lunatics, and hurriedly handed it over to Diana for interrogation. With a mantra lasso in her hand, he quickly learned the ins and outs of the matter from the mouths of the two lunatics.

As Bruce Wayne speculated, the kidnapping of Superman's mother and girlfriend, and the man behind the plan to release the Doomsday is Lex Luthor.

The Joker also provided some help. When asked about their purpose, the two answered differently.

The Joker said he wanted to play a game. The name of the game was Batman Chased by a Dog. It sounded like a babble of a mental patient, but he can understand that this guy is completely mentally ill.

Lex Luther is a little normal but also limited. He feels that the existence of Superman is an extreme threat to mankind.

From this point of view, he thought of going with Batman.

However, Lex Luther's thoughts were crazier. He found that Superman's weakness was his mother and girlfriend, and found that the quiz game might expose this weakness. And 'deduced' that once there is a real 'bad guy' who uses Superman's weaknesses to force him to destroy mankind and destroy the earth, what should be done?

Superman will most likely succumb to it and destroy the entire Earth!

At that time he will fall from the god of the world to a demon!

Therefore, it is up to me to erase Superman's weaknesses and kill Superman's mother and girlfriend first. In this way, there will be no 'bad guys' to use to intimidate Superman.

After listening to Luther's remarks, everyone in the Justice League looked at each other, and deeply realized what a mental patient is.

What's even more outrageous is that under the influence of the mantra lasso, Lex Luthor speaks the truth from the heart. He thinks that he is a good man, seeking the well-being of the whole earth and all mankind!

"Haha, but my plan was ruined, it's all because of the Joker and the weird quiz game"

Bounded by the mantra lasso, Lex Luther continued to speak his crazy words.

Barry kept shaking his head, " He is crazy, he should be put in a mental hospital! "

"Yes." Bruce Wayne said solemnly: "Their home is Arkham."

Diana thought it was better to kill these two anti-human lunatics to avoid any trouble later, but no one agreed with her.

After a vote within the Justice League, Bruce, Clark, and Barry agreed to put the Joker and Lex Luther in Arkham Asylum.

Diana finally shook her head and said: "I have to say that you are sometimes naive. The prediction of the end of the world has been exposed by the quiz game. I dare say that the world will be full of lunatics. Will they be put in a mental hospital?"

Bruce asked, "Then kill them all?"

Diana shrugged: "Why do you have to jump from one extreme to the other? Forget it, do whatever you want."

Soon, the situation developed as Diana said, because the quiz game exposed the future of world destruction, which caused one problem after another in human society.

Some people even think that the development of human high-tech has caused the hostility of aliens, so they simply want to use a nuclear bomb to blow the earth back into primitive society, so that the earth has no value, and naturally, it will not attract aliens.

Joker and Lex Luther were imprisoned in Arkham, but under the pressure of the extermination crisis, lunatics, mental illnesses, and careerists still emerged in an endless stream, and a new round of quiz games is coming soon.