
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Threads of Destiny Unbound

As the bandits outside the St. John Dairy continued their menacing demands, Lee rallied the survivors to hold their ground. The air was thick with tension, and the weight of the impending confrontation settled on everyone's shoulders.

Lee: We're not backing down. We've worked too damn hard to let a bunch of bullies ruin this place.

Carley, holding her gun with a steely gaze, added, "They're not getting a single inch from us. We stick together, and we show them we're not to be messed with."

Kenny, his fists clenched, spoke up, "I've dealt with enough of this crap. They're not gonna push us around. We fight back."

Lilly, her determination matching Kenny's, said, "We need to send them a message. Let them know we won't be intimidated."

Yhwach, observing the exchange with a calm demeanor, spoke to Lee, "This is a test of resolve. Stand firm, and they shall know the consequences of underestimating us."

Lee nodded, and the survivors, armed and ready, made their way to the entrance of the dairy. The bandits outside grew louder, their threats escalating.

Bandit Leader: You think you can hide in there forever? We're taking what's rightfully ours, one way or another!

Lee, positioned at the front, took a deep breath. "Let's do this together. Remember, we're not just fighting for ourselves, but for everyone in this group."

As the bandits began their assault on the dairy's gates, chaos erupted. The survivors, fortified by the resilience they had developed through countless trials, held their positions. Carley, Kenny, Lilly, Mark, and others fought back with a determination born out of necessity.

The bandits, however, were relentless. The fence crackled with electricity, fending off the undead attracted by the commotion. The clash between the group's defense and the bandits' aggression intensified, and it became evident that this was more than a mere skirmish-it was a battle for survival.

Amidst the chaos, Yhwach, his spiritual energy a formidable force, stood unwavering. His presence alone sent a message of strength to both the survivors and their assailants. As the bandit leader attempted to breach the defenses, Yhwach stepped forward.

Yhwach: Your misguided pursuit of power has led you to this futile endeavor. Leave now, and perhaps you may salvage what little dignity remains.

The bandit leader, momentarily taken aback by Yhwach's imposing aura, hesitated. The survivors seized this moment of uncertainty to reinforce their defense.

Lee: This is our home. We won't be overrun by the likes of you.

The standoff continued, each side locked in a battle of wills and determination. The outcome hung in the balance, and the survivors braced themselves for whatever awaited them in the uncertain aftermath of the conflict.

The standoff persisted, with both sides unwilling to yield. Yhwach's spiritual pressure, an intangible force of authority, resonated in the air, creating an unspoken tension that even the bandits could not ignore.

Bandit Leader: You think you're some kind of tough guy with your speeches? This place belongs to us!

Yhwach's gaze remained unwavering, and in response, a subtle distortion of fate played out. A sudden gust of wind stirred the air, carrying with it an otherworldly echo that hinted at the power Yhwach possessed.

Yhwach: Your claim to this place is as transient as the wind. The future bends to the will of those who shape it.

The bandit leader, visibly shaken but still defiant, motioned for his group to intensify their assault. The survivors, however, fortified by Yhwach's presence, fought back with renewed vigor.

Amidst the chaos, Carley's sharpshooting skills proved invaluable. Kenny, driven by his protective instincts, dealt with any threats that breached the perimeter. Lilly coordinated the defense, shouting orders and rallying the group.

Lee, inspired by the resilience of his makeshift family, fought alongside them, realizing that this battle wasn't just about the dairy-it was a testament to their collective will to survive in a world overrun by the dead.

As the bandits' assault persisted, Mark, now armed with a makeshift weapon, defended the gate with determination. The survivors, with a united front, repelled wave after wave of attackers. The bandit leader, realizing the futility of his efforts, finally signaled for a retreat.

Bandit Leader: We'll remember this! You haven't seen the last of us!

The bandits, begrudgingly acknowledging their defeat, retreated into the desolate landscape. The survivors, though victorious, were left to assess the damage.

Lee: We did it. They won't be bothering us again anytime soon.

Yhwach, his gaze still focused on the horizon, spoke with an air of inevitability, "The challenges we face are ever-present. We must remain vigilant."

Carley, wiping sweat from her forehead, nodded in agreement. "He's right. We can't afford to let our guard down."

The survivors, battle-weary but resilient, began the task of fortifying their home once more. The St. John Dairy, though scarred by the recent conflict, stood as a symbol of their tenacity in the face of adversity.

As the group worked together to repair the damage, Yhwach approached Lee.

Yhwach: This conflict has revealed the strength within your group. However, challenges lie ahead, and the threads of fate weave intricate patterns. I shall continue to observe, for our destinies are intertwined.

Lee, grateful for Yhwach's assistance, acknowledged, "We appreciate your guidance. We'll face whatever comes our way, together."

And so, the survivors, bound by a shared struggle, prepared to confront the uncertain future that awaited them beyond the electric fence. The echoes of the recent conflict lingered, a testament to their resilience and the indomitable spirit that fueled their journey in this unforgiving world.

In the aftermath of the bandit attack, the survivors worked tirelessly to repair the damages to the St. John Dairy. The once serene atmosphere was now tinged with the echoes of the recent battle, a stark reminder of the harsh reality they faced.

As the group mended the electric fence and reinforced their defenses, Yhwach observed the intricate dance of survival and camaraderie. His presence, a subtle yet potent force, inspired a sense of unity among the survivors, strengthening their resolve to weather the challenges that lay ahead.

Carley, her trust in Yhwach solidifying, approached Lee as they worked.

Carley: That guy, Yhwach, he's not like anyone I've ever met. It's like he's seen it all before.

Lee, hammering a loose board into place, glanced over at Yhwach, who was surveying the surroundings with an air of vigilance.

Lee: He's an enigma, that's for sure. But he's got a way about him. It's like he carries the weight of the world in his gaze.

Carley nodded, her eyes thoughtful.

Carley: Whatever his story is, I'm just glad he's on our side. We could use someone like him in times like these.

Meanwhile, Yhwach approached Kenny, who was inspecting the generators near the perimeter.

Yhwach: The threads of destiny weave a complex tapestry, and in this world of chaos, your leadership is essential.

Kenny, still grappling with the recent attack, looked at Yhwach with a mix of gratitude and uncertainty.

Kenny: I appreciate the help back there. But we've got a long road ahead, and I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this up.

Yhwach: Strength is born from adversity. Your group, though diverse, shares a common bond-a will to endure. As long as you stand united, you shall weather the storm.

Kenny, visibly moved by Yhwach's words, nodded in acknowledgment.

Kenny: Well, we'll keep fighting. That's for damn sure.

As the repairs continued, the group gathered for a makeshift meal prepared by Brenda. The atmosphere, though heavy with the events of the day, held a glimmer of camaraderie.

Lee, addressing the group, spoke with a sense of determination.

Lee: We've faced challenges before, and we'll face more. But as long as we stick together, there's nothing we can't overcome. Tomorrow, we'll be stronger.

The group, unified by a shared sense of purpose, nodded in agreement. The flickering light of the campfire cast shadows on their faces, a visual metaphor for the uncertainties that loomed in their path.

As night fell over the St. John Dairy, the survivors, guided by the enigmatic presence of Yhwach, prepared for the challenges that awaited them in the unpredictable journey of survival. The electric fence hummed with newfound strength, a beacon of hope against the encroaching darkness.

The night settled in with a quiet intensity, the survivors finding solace in the protective embrace of the St. John Dairy. Yhwach, ever watchful, stood on the outskirts, his keen senses attuned to the subtle shifts in the atmosphere. It was during these moments of calm that Yhwach's thoughts wandered to the complexities of his own existence.

In a secluded corner, Lee approached Yhwach, the glow of the campfire illuminating their faces. Lee's expression bore a mix of curiosity and trust.

Lee: Yhwach, you've been a mystery since you joined us. Mind sharing a bit more about yourself?

Yhwach regarded Lee with a thoughtful gaze before speaking.

Yhwach: My existence spans epochs, and my purpose is intricately woven into the fabric of fate. I have witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, the ebb and flow of life. In this world, burdened by the weight of the undead, my journey aligns with yours.

Lee, absorbing Yhwach's enigmatic words, nodded in understanding.

Lee: Well, you've been a valuable addition to our group. Just let us know if there's anything we need to watch out for.

Yhwach: The threads of destiny intertwine, Lee. Our paths are bound, and together we shall navigate the tribulations that lie ahead.

As Lee and Yhwach conversed, Carley approached, her inquisitive eyes fixed on the mysterious newcomer.

Carley: Yhwach, right? Lee mentioned you've been through a lot. Any advice on how we should handle things moving forward?

Yhwach regarded Carley with a serene demeanor, his gaze penetrating the veil of uncertainty.

Yhwach: The challenges you face are formidable, but the strength of your bonds will be your greatest asset. Trust in one another, for unity is the key to overcoming adversity.

Carley nodded, appreciating the wisdom in Yhwach's words. The trio continued their conversation, each moment deepening the connection between the survivors.

As the night wore on, the campfire's embers painted a mosaic of shadows on the faces of the group. In the midst of a world plunged into chaos, the St. John Dairy stood as a beacon of resilience, and the survivors, led by the enigmatic presence of Yhwach, prepared to face the uncertainties of the days to come.

The following morning brought a renewed sense of purpose. The survivors, fortified by the generosity of the St. John family, gathered to discuss their next steps.

Lee, addressing the group, outlined the plan for the day.

Lee: Today, we help the St. Johns with their cattle. Mark, you're good with animals, right?

Mark, ever the farmhand, nodded with a confident smile.

Mark: You bet. I'll lend a hand wherever they need me.

As the group geared up for the day's tasks, Yhwach observed the dynamics at play. The St. John Dairy, once a stranger in the night, now embraced the diverse group of survivors, forging alliances born out of necessity and shared humanity.

The threads of fate continued to weave their intricate pattern, and as the survivors ventured into the challenges of the day, Yhwach's presence remained a guiding force, a silent guardian in the shadows of an uncertain world.


Lee Pov:

Lee: Fellas.

Andy: How ya feelin', Lee? Look, I'm really sorry you almost got killed out there. We should've told you how dangerous it was.

Lee: No shit.

Danny: You saw what they did to your buddy. Nobody's safe here until we start to fight back.

Lee: But how?

Danny: The two of us should go out and do some recon, then we'll all mount up for some revenge.

Andy: Hell yeah.

Lee: Who the fuck are these people in the woods?

Andy: We don't know. We think some of 'em used to work at the big box up the way.

Danny: Save Lots.

Andy: Yeah. Anyway, they're nutty as all hell. And get mad when they're hungry.

Danny: So, are you ready to head out there and find their camp?

Lee: Yeah. It'll be a good opportunity to find out a bit more about what we're up against. Let's do it.

Andy: I'll stay here and hold down the fort.

Danny: Remember: we're just doing reconnaissance for now. No use getting ourselves killed.

(After Lee finishes poking around, he takes off with Danny.)

Lee and Danny open the front gate, now holding rifles. Clementine runs up to Lee.

Clementine: Are you going now?

Lee: Yeah. I'll be back soon, Clementine.

Clementine: Please be lucky.

Lee: I will.

Clementine watches them walk away.

After Lee agrees to head out with Danny, they walk through the woods.

Danny: See anything?

Lee: Not yet.

Danny: I know it's around here. It's gotta be close.

Lee stops and kneels down, nudging an empty can of soup with his rifle. They continue walking a short ways away.

Lee: Here!

Lee stands in front of a camp.

Danny: Oh, shit! You found it?!

Lee gestures for them to move forward quietly. They sneak up on the camp and ready their weapons, prepared for a fight, but no one is there. They continue sneaking forward, and hide behind the trees.

Danny: You see anybody?

Lee: Looks empty.

They enter the camp.

Danny: Watch my back, Lee. I'm gonna check out the tent.

Danny slowly approaches the tent and opens it, his rifle at the ready. He lowers his weapon after seeing that it's empty.

Danny: Clear. This camp's too small. It can't be their main base.

Lee: That's what I was thinking.

Danny: Take a look around anyway. There's probably some shit around here they stole from us.

Lee: Nothing.

Lee picks up a camera.

Danny: What'd you find?

Lee: A video camera.

Danny: Lemme see that.

Danny walks up to Lee. Lee presses the "on" button but nothing happens.

Lee: Battery's dead, though.

Danny: Oh. Good. What else they got over here? Let's see if we can find anything useful and then get a move on. I see you handle that gun I lent ya pretty well. You a hunter?

Lee: No, but Lilly keeps us all on a regular training schedule.

Danny: Lilly, huh? Sounds like she's running this "democracy" of yours.

Lee steps inside the tent.

Lee picks up the photo of a young girl and her mother and looks at it sadly before setting it down again.

Lee examines the adult's sleeping bag and finds Clementine's hat beneath it.

Lee: The hell?

Behind him, appears, pointing her crossbow at him.

Jolene: Don't you fucking move!

Danny: Shit!

Danny points his rifle at her.

Jolene: Put your guns down.

Lee puts Clementine's hat and away and steps out of the tent, pointing his weapon at her as well.

Jolene: I ain't going back. You tell 'em Jolene ain't goin' back!

Danny: Hey, we had a deal! No shooting as long as we gave you food! What the fuck happened?

Jolene: You had a deal with them. I ain't them. I know you. I know what you are, and I know what you do.

Danny: You don't know me!

Jolene: Steal my shit. Steal everything from me!

Danny: We had a deal! You people broke it first!

Lee: Who the fuck are you?

Jolene laughs.

Lee: Look. It's not safe up here in the woods. You gotta come back to the dairy.

Jolene: (laughs) Oh, it's a hell of a lot safer up here than down there, you best believe.

Jolene: Now, maybe you didn't hear me last time. When I asked you sweet, put your damn guns down! You think I won't kill you? I'm gonna take this here crossbow, and put a nice sharp arrow, right through your eyeball. And into your goddamn brain. You're not men, you're monsters. All men are monsters. Take what they want, and then destroy it all. Take a can of beans, take a little girl... it's all the fucking same to you!

Lee: Where did you get this hat?

Jolene: The little girl.

Lee: You stole it from her!

Jolene: So what if I did? You stole her from me!

Lee: What the hell are you talking about?

Jolene: You know what? I changed my mind... I'm putting this arrow right through your balls. Yeah! Right through. String 'em up on that tree. Then I'm gonna head down to that farm and shoot every goddamn person I see.

Lee: Put down the crossbow.

Jolene: No, sir, I need it. I need it to kill you fuckers. (laughs)

Jolene: Go on, tell him, boy! Tell him what you got in mind for--

Danny shoots Jolene in the head.

Lee chose not to shoot Jolene.

Danny: Goddamn it!

Lee: You straight-up murdered that woman!

Danny: Hardly. She had a crossbow pointed at my forehead!

Danny: It's a clean shot, though. Right through the forehead. That's good shootin' right there. Still, what a waste.

Lee: So that's it? We going back?

Danny: If they ain't here, I don't know where they are. And it ain't a good idea to go tromping through the woods looking for 'em. So, yeah, we head back. Once they see this... they'll get the message.

Danny takes Jolene's crossbow.

Danny: C'mon.

Lee takes one last look behind him at Jolene before he and Danny head back to the farm.

Lee and Danny return to the farm.

Danny: Man, that was a hell of a ride, huh?

Lee tosses his rifle to Danny.

Lee: Jesus, Danny.

Danny: What? You ain't gettin' soft on them, are ya? Not after what they did to your friend!

Brenda stands up from her seat on the porch stairs.

Brenda: You're back! What happened?

Danny: Handled it, Mama.

Danny walks off. Brenda sits down again and Lee approaches her.

Brenda: This isn't what would've wanted...

Lee: Who's Terry?

Brenda: My husband. Miss him every day.

Kenny and Lilly are arguing in front of the gazebo.

Lilly: Then screw it up for everybody then, why don't you?

Kenny: Oh, calm down, princess. I'll do it myself.

Kenny walks off and Lilly returns to the gazebo.

Lee: What's going on with them?

Brenda: Dunno. Squabblin', looks like. A lotta tension with y'all, huh?

Lee: Yeah, you could say that. They don't exactly see eye to eye on how we should be doing things.

Brenda: Well, it's probably just the hunger talkin'!

Brenda: And, Lee, don't worry your head about them bandits. I'm sorry you've seen more violence than I'd'a thought in your short time, but y'all are safe here. Don't worry.

Lee: Think I'll go have a look around.

Brenda: Don't wander too far. Dinner will be ready before you know it. And thank your friend Katjaa again for me. She and the kids are in the barn with the . That woman is a lifesaver!

Lee walks down the steps and Clementine waves at him from the barn before closing the door. Lee examines her hat before putting it away again.

Talk to Lilly

Lilly: Hey, so what happened at the camp? Did you guys find any more of those guys that hurt Mark?

Lee: We found a woman in the woods. She was talking all crazy and had a crossbow...so Danny killed her.

Lilly will remember that.

Lilly: Holy shit. Was she one of those bandits?

Lee: I don't know. I think she was trying to tell me something, but then he just went off.

Lilly: I don't like this, Lee. I still say we should go back to the motor inn where we at least know what to expect.

Lee: What were you and Kenny arguing about when I came back from the camp?

Lilly: He's losing it, Lee. He comes over and starts talking about searching the barn and that these people are hiding something.

Larry: But you told him to mind his own goddamn business, right? We are guests here, and we don't need to be overstaying our welcome more than we already are.

Lilly: The way I see it, we need to just skip the dinner and get our food to-go. But I'm starting to think your friend over there has another agenda.

Lee enters the barn, where Katjaa, Duck, Clementine, and Andy gather nearby the cow.

Katjaa: It's okay, Clementine, you can pet her.

Clementine looks to Lee.

Lee: It's okay, go ahead.

Clementine slowly approaches Maybelle and pets her.

Clementine: Whoa... Katjaa says Maybelle could have her baby tonight!

Katjaa: We'll see, Clementine.

Lee notices a salt lick nearby.

Lee: What's this thing?

Duck: They said it's called a salt lick.

Clementine: Yeah, but don't lick it. It's gross.

Lee: Did you lick it?

Clementine: I don't know...

Lee: She looks skinny.

Talk to Clementine

Lee: How do you like that cow, Clem?

Clementine: She's pretty.

Lee returns Clementine's hat.

Lee: Here, Clementine.

Clementine: My hat! You found it!

Clementine takes the hat and puts it on.

Clementine: I knew you'd find it! You said you would!

Lee: Listen, did you give your hat to anyone?

Clementine: No.

Lee: Did you see any strangers around the motor inn who might've taken it?

Clementine: No. Why?

Lee: It's probably nothing. Just let me know if you ever see anything like that.

Clementine: Okay, I will. Hey, Lee. Do you think you'll ever have kids?

Lee: I'd like to, someday. Maybe a little girl like you.

Clementine: That's nice. You'd be a good daddy.

Clementine: Well, thanks for finding my hat.

Lee: You're welcome, Clem.

Clementine: Do you wanna pet the cow with me?

Lee: Nah, but you go on ahead.

Talk to Duck

Lee: Have I missed anything?

Duck: No, not really. (sniffs) Hm. It smells funny in here.

Clementine: Like shit, right, Lee?

Duck looks surprised, and Katjaa glares disapprovingly.

Lee: Hey, don't use swear words, okay?

Clementine: Okay...

Talk to Andy

Lee: Hey, there, Andy.

Andy: Yeah?

Lee: How's the cow?

Andy: Well, better now we got Doc on the case.

Lee checks out the door in the back of the barn and Kenny walks up to him.

Kenny: You found it too, huh? Lee, they're hiding something. Behind this door. I got a quick look. They got boxes of stuff. And something metal and sharp.

Lee: Don't get paranoid.

Kenny: It's my job to be paranoid, Lee. I got my whole family on this farm right now. How about you? What about Clem?

Lee: I'll protect her, no matter what.

Kenny: I know you will.

Kenny: Look, that guy with Katjaa. What's his name? He locked it up real tight the second we came in. I definitely heard a noise back there, Lee.

Lee: What?

Kenny: My point is, we gotta know for sure. So go find a hammer or something, and I'll have this thing off in a second. You back me up in case them farmers come running.

Lee: Hang on, man. Think this through. You smash the lock. Then what if it turns out you're wrong? You just fucked your chance to get a good meal in those kids you're trying to protect. Use your head, Kenny.

Kenny: Alright, professor. What'd you have in mind?

Lee: Let me have a look at what we're dealing with first.

Lee looks at one of the screws or the lock.

Kenny: Hey. Lee. You know how to pick a lock, right?

Lee: No! Why would you say that?

Kenny: Well, you're... you know, urban?

Lee: Oh, you are not saying what I think you're saying.

Kenny: Jesus, man! I'm from Florida! Crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes. Sorry.

Lee: Hmm...

Kenny: What?

Lee: See those screws? Instead of breaking the padlock, we can just take off the assembly, have a peek inside, and then replace it all again, like nothing ever happened.

Kenny: Alright. Sounds like you have a plan. I'll hang around and keep an eye on that guy with the cow.

Lee: Andy.

Kenny: Shit. I thought that was Danny. Whatever.

And approaches them.

Andy: Can I help you boys find something?

Lee: Just checking out the barn here. Never been to a dairy farm before.

Lee made an excuse.

Andy: Just don't roam around without me or Danny. The farm can be a dangerous place. You know, the bandits and all. Sorry about your friend.

Andy: Hey, uh... do me a favor. Don't fuck around with this door, okay? Just, you know, Mama gets nervous.

Katjaa: Andrew, I need your help again.

Andy: No problem! Right away, doc!

Andy returns to his position and Kenny leans against one of the stalls.

Distract Andy to get him out of the barn.

Lee can attempt to use the door.

Andy: Hey, guys. Seriously. Don't fuck around with that. C'mon, enough already.

Talk to Andy

Lee: Hey, there, Andy.

Andy: Yeah?

Lee: Danny mentioned he needed something.

Andy: Did he say what?

Lee: Shit, I can't remember now. Sorry.

Andy: (sighs) Alright, alright. Be right back, doc.

Andy leaves.

Talk to Katjaa

Lee: How are the kids?

Katjaa: They're doing okay.

Katjaa: I never did thank you for saving Duck from the walkers back at Hershel's farm.

Lee: Katjaa...

Katjaa: Andy will be back any minute. Please hurry.

Lee attempts to open the door.

Lee: Okay, Let's do this.

Andy suddenly returns.

Andy: False alarm. I'm back.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: I still can't get that lock off the door.

Kenny: Hm. You probably just need a screwdriver or something.

Lee exits the barn. Larry is laughing with Brenda.

Larry: So how does a woman like yourself run this whole place?

Brenda: Oh, I manage just fine. Plus I have my boys to help out. I couldn't do it without them.

Talk to Lilly

Lilly: What's going on, Lee? Did something happen?

Lee: There may be something going on with that barn.

Lilly: I'm telling you, Lee. The longer we stay here, the more trouble we're getting ourselves into.

Lee: And what exactly do you think I'm supposed to do about it?

Lilly: If you want to go in there and start rooting through other people's shit, then get to it. But if it's up to me, we should just take our food and go.

Lee: After what Kenny told me, I'm starting to think they may be trying to hide something.

Lilly: You two are just asking for trouble. But if you insist on wandering around, I'd be careful, Lee.

Talk to Danny

Danny is sitting on the tree stump near the swing and holding his rifle.

Danny: Hello.

Danny: Glad I got to use her today. My girl, here.

Lee: How do you run this place with just one cow?

Danny: Used to have more. They get hungry, too. Or sick. Got your doctor friend here now, though.

Lee: You guys must trade for a LOT of fuel to keep the generators running, right?

Danny: People get hungry and a few loaves of bread fetch a high price. Y'all are lucky you're on this side of the deal now.

Talk to Brenda

Larry: We'll, uh... We'll finish talking later.

Larry leaves.

Lee: You been getting along with Larry?

Brenda: (laughs) He's just a big ol' sweetheart, ain't he?

Lee: Uh, don't know if I would've used those words, exactly.

Brenda: Don't judge, honey. This world is bringin' out the worst in people. But if you really look, you'll catch a glimpse of humanity every now and then.

Lee: How's Mark doing in there?

Brenda: Best patient I ever had. Oh, my boys get so much as a scratch and start hollerin'. He could definitely teach them a thing or two about being tough.

Lee: I'd still like to check on him.

Brenda: You're gonna have to trust me on this, Lee. I've helped stitch my share of wounds... I know what I'm talking about.

Talk to Larry

Lee: So, Larry, it looks like you're getting along with Brenda pretty well.

Larry: You know, for a nice change of pace, how about you try minding your own fucking business?

Lee looks at the toolbox on the table near the saw.

Lee: It's a small toolbox.

Lee opens the box.

Lee: Multi-tool. That should be handy.

Lee takes the pliers and closes the box.

Lee: Just gonna borrow this for a second.

Lee goes to the generator.

Lee: Access panel.

Lee uses the multitool to unscrew the panel.

Lee: There ya go.

Lee: Ow, damn it! That thing is moving fast...

Lee presses the power switch.

Lee: Enh! That thing is on too tight for my bare hands.

Lee uses the multitool to remove the belt.

Lee: There. That should do it.

Lee moves a short distance away while Andy goes outside to examine the generator.

Andy: Fuckin' Danny. Where did he find this piece of shit?

He opens the access panel.

Andy: Aw, fucking thing threw a belt! Damn it to all... son of a... fuck! This'll take forever...

Lee reenters the barn, prepared to open the door. Just then, the dinner bell rings.

Duck: Mom, Dad, dinner time! It's dinner time!

Katjaa: Okay, honey, let's get back.

Duck runs up to Kenny.

Duck: Dad! Dad, c'mon! Let's eat!

Katjaa: Kenny, come along, honey. Kenny, c'mon, don't make the children wait!

Kenny: I'll make an excuse for you! Get that thing off!

Everyone leaves the barn except for Lee.


Yhwach observed the unfolding events with a keen interest, his perceptive gaze capturing the nuances of the survivors' interactions. The air inside the barn was thick with tension, a palpable undercurrent that hinted at secrets waiting to be unraveled.

As the others left for dinner, Yhwach remained in the shadows, his stoic demeanor unwavering. Lee, armed with the knowledge of the hidden door's significance, approached the mysterious figure.

Lee: Yhwach, there's something off about this place. Kenny believes there's something behind that door, and I can't shake the feeling that there's more to the St. John family than meets the eye.

Yhwach, his expression unreadable, responded, "The threads of fate weave a complex tapestry, and within these walls, destiny unfolds in ways unseen. Trust your instincts, Lee, for they may guide you through the veil of uncertainty."

Lee, fueled by a newfound determination, approached the door. The dinner bell's chime echoed through the barn, masking the subtle creaks of the opening door.

As the door swung ajar, revealing the hidden chamber beyond, Yhwach's eyes glinted with an otherworldly awareness. The secrets concealed within the shadows beckoned, and the survivors' fates hung in the balance.

Lee: I'm not gonna take the lock apart.

Lee unscrews each screw with the multitool. The lock falls off and he opens the doors. Inside are various sharp tools, including buzzsaws and bear traps. There is blood smeared all over the room and bathtub. Andy appears behind Lee and Yhwach.

Andy: Boys, didn't you hear the bell? Dinner time.

Lee: What the hell you got in that back room?!

Andy: Look. We have food here, but Danny and I still gotta do a lot of hunting to keep everyone fed. When we catch something in the woods, we skin it and dress it back there. Mama doesn't like us to make a mess in the house. So you see? Nothin' to worry about.

Yhwach, watching from the periphery, remained an enigmatic observer, his role in this unfolding drama yet to fully manifest.

As the truth emerged, the survivors faced a moral crossroads. The choices made in the crucible of revelation would not only determine the immediate course of action but also set the stage for the uncertain future that awaited them.

Yhwach, his enigmatic presence a silent force in the background, observed the interplay of fate and free will. The survivors, bound by the threads of circumstance, stood united against the backdrop of betrayal, their destinies entwined in the ever-unfolding narrative of the post-apocalyptic world.

In the aftermath of the confrontation, as the survivors grappled with the repercussions of their choices, Yhwach approached Lee.

Yhwach: The tapestry of fate is complex, and your choices have set in motion forces that resonate through the threads of destiny. The journey ahead will test the resilience of your group, and the consequences of today will echo into tomorrow.

Lee, burdened by the weight of leadership and the moral ambiguity of survival, met Yhwach's gaze with a mixture of determination and uncertainty.

Lee: We'll face whatever comes our way, together. But I can't shake the feeling that our journey is far from over.

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging the intricate dance of fate and free will that defined their existence in this unforgiving world.

Yhwach: The road ahead is fraught with challenges, and the threads of destiny continue to weave intricate patterns. Stay vigilant, for the echoes of today will shape the trials of tomorrow.

As Yhwach's enigmatic presence lingered in the fading light of the dairy, the survivors, their bonds tested and their path uncertain, prepared to venture into the unpredictable terrain that lay beyond the tainted refuge of the St. John family's farm.


Lee and Andy walk back to the house.

Larry: (laughs) Brenda, you are an angel!

Duck: Biscuits, wow!

As Lee and Andy enter the house, Lilly walks into the dining room.

Duck: Oh, boy!

Andy: Excuse the mess. We had to block the back door after a walker got upstairs. Don't worry, that was a while ago and they ain't been back inside since.

They enter the dining room. Everyone except Brenda is already sitting down. Andy takes a seat.

Brenda: Everybody sit down and I'll go get the meal! Ooh, this is a delight!

Kenny: I could eat a horse.

Lee: Where's Mark?

Brenda: Now, don't you worry about him. I've already brought some food up. You just let him rest.

Lee: Mind if I wash my hands first?

Brenda: Bathroom's right outside in the hall. And be sure to get under your nails, you've been muckin' around in the dirt all day.

Lee nods and enters the hallway.

Lee: This must be Terry.

Lee sneaks quietly upstairs.

Mark: Ungh...

Lee: What the hell?

Mark: Help me...

Lee opens the closet door.

Lee: What do they need so much morphine for?

Lee turns on the power cord and notices that it goes through a hole in the back of the closet and lights the room beyond.

Lee: What the hell?

Mark: Oh, God...

Lee: Hello?

Lee: Is that blood?

Noticing that the area behind the bookshelf is lit up, Lee pushes the bookshelf out of the way to reveal a door. He opens it to discover Mark lying on the floor of the bathroom, bleeding everywhere, with both his legs severed above the knee.

Mark: Lee...

Lee: Mark! What the hell happened? (kneels next to Mark)

Mark: Brothers...

Lee: What the hell happened to your legs, man?

Mark: Don't... eat... dinner...

Lee gets up, horrified at realizing what everyone will eat for dinner.

Brenda: Lee, did ya fall in? Dinner's on the table and everyone's havin' at!

Duck: Barbecue! Wow...

Larry: How on Earth did y'all get barbecue meat?

Lee: Clementine!

Get to Clementine before she eats!

Lee runs downstairs and bursts into the dining room.

Clementine is about to take a bite of dinner.

Lee: Don't eat that!

Clementine stops, startled.

You stopped Clementine from eating.

Lilly: Wha...?

Larry: Huh?

Kenny: Huh?

Clementine sets down her fork.

Kenny: Lee, Jesus, man! Did you find something?

Larry: Sit your ass down, Lee. This lady has made you a meal.

Lilly: Yeah, Lee, what's gotten into you?

Brenda: He just had a start.

Larry: He could use some goddamn manners.

Danny: It didn't have to be this way.

Lee: Mark is upstairs with his fucking legs cut off! You're eating him!

Lee chose to be direct.

Lilly: That's crazy!

Kenny: What the hell?

Brenda: Now, now.

Kenny: You're scaring the kids, Lee.

Lilly: Lee, what the hell is wrong with you?!

Larry: Don't indulge him, Lilly. It's always something with this guy.

Duck takes a bite of food; Katjaa snatches the plate from him and sets it aside.

Duck: Mom, I was eating that!

Katjaa: Quiet, honey.

Lilly: What is going on?!

Lee: Go upstairs and look! You'll find a guy with both of his legs hacked off! This is a dairy, not a ranch! Think about it!

Everyone exchanges shocked glances.

Brenda: It's true.

Danny: Everything coulda turned out okay for you folks.

Lee: You're all sick... sick in the head!

You chose to be direct!

Brenda: Lee, that's not a very nice thing to imply.

Brenda: Andy is right. We go after folks who were gonna die anyways, one way or another.

Danny: Like y'all.

Lee: Kenny, get your gun!

Katjaa: Kenny, no!

Kenny stands up.

Andy: Nobody's going anywhere!

Andy draws his pistol and stands up. Danny gets up as well and draws his rifle.

Danny: We got lots of use for y'all right here.

If Lilly or Kenny got up, Andy points his gun at them and they return to their seat.

Larry: What the... what... the fucking... what... fuck!

Lilly: Put your guns down! We're walking out of here!

Kenny: You don't go near my fucking family!

Duck: I don't wanna die! Mommy, what did I eat?

Lee: Everyone, everything will be okay!

Clementine: Lee! Lee...!

Clementine yelps as Andy grabs her hair and yanks her backwards to stand beside him, pointing his gun at Lee.

Lee: I'll kill you!

Lee charges forward but stops and takes a step back after Danny puts his rifle at Lee's neck. Noises are heard in the hallway, and everyone turns to see Mark dragging himself along the ground.

Mark: Please... someone!

Everyone gasps in shock and horror. Lee then turns to Clementine.

Lee: Clementi--

Danny whacks Lee with the end of his rifle and he blacks out. He regains consciousness a while later. Larry is banging on the door and Lilly is coughing and gagging.

Larry: Open the goddamn door! You can't keep us in here! Open up! I will tear you fuckers apart with my bare hands!

Kenny: Will you stop that banging?! We gotta find another way out of here!

Lilly vomits in the corner of the room.

Clem stares at Lilly in shock.

Larry: You sick fucking bastards! Open this door, goddamn it! I will knock the goddamn door down!

Lilly: Dad, stop!

Clementine: Lee!

Clementine notices that Lee is awake and runs over to him.

Clementine: It... it was a person!

Clementine: They tried to make us eat a person!

Lee: But you didn't do it?

Clementine: No...

Larry: The rest of us did, goddamn it! If you hadn't dragged your feet...

Lilly: C'mon, Dad. Now's not the time.

Lee: You okay, Clementine? They didn't hurt you, did they?

Clementine: (shakes head) Mm-mm.

Larry: (banging on door) Open up!

Kenny: Lee, those psychos have my family, and we're stuck in a damn meat locker! We gotta get the fuck outta here!

Larry: This goddamn thumbsucker was the one who brought us here!

Kenny: Will you all just shut the fuck up?!

Lee stands up.

Clementine: I'm scared!

Lee: Don't be. It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna find us a way outta here.

Lee: Salt licks. (picks one up) Pretty heavy. (puts it back)

Kenny: Think we could heave it through the door?

Lee: Nah. Door's too solid.

Larry and Lilly's Comments

Larry: God, you're worse than the walkers!

Lilly: Dad, please!

Lilly: Please, settle down!

Larry: I'll rip your goddamn heads off, and make you swallow them!

Larry: There's more of us on the way! Let us out now! Do you wanna live?

Lilly: That is not gonna help!

Larry: C'mon, show yourselves! Fucking cowards!

Lilly: Dad!

Lilly: They're not gonna open the door!

Larry: You... you think the fucking apocalypse gives you the right to chop people into meat?!

Lilly: Dad, this isn't helping!

Larry: Fucking bastards!

Talk to Clementine

Lee: Don't give up. We're gonna find a way out of here.

Clementine: Can I help?

Lee: Sure, honey. You keep your eyes open for exposed screws or loose panels... anything we can pry away to open a passage out of here.

Clementine: Okay.

Talk to Kenny

Kenny: They've got Katjaa and Duck, Lee! Those fuckers have my family!

Lee: I know. We're gonna get out of here and find them.

Talk to Larry

Lee: C'mon, Larry. Do you really wanna attract their attention?

Larry: Yeah, I wanna attract their attention so I can fucking kill them!

Lee: Guess your new girlfriend wasn't all she was cracked up to be.

Larry: What the hell is your problem?

Larry: You were a prick back at the motor lodge...

Larry: And you went outta your way to be an asshole to me tonight?

Larry: You must really hate me. But guess what? You're stuck with me! I plan to be around long after you're gone! And if you turn, I'll be the one to put the axe through your skull!

Lilly: Dad!

Larry: Open up, goddamn it!

Lee: I'm not your enemy, Larry.

Larry: I don't believe you. Don't forget, I know who you really are.

Talk to Larry again

Lee: Larry! (Larry ignores him) Fuck it.

Talk to Lilly

Lee: Your dad's not making things any easier for us.

Larry: Open the fucking door!

Lilly: Dad, stop!

Larry: Goddamn it!

Lee examines the air conditioner.

Lee: Hmm...

Larry: I'll break the damn door down!

Lilly: Dad, you can't get--

Larry: (grabs chest) Ah! (grunting)

Lilly: Easy.

Larry: (grunts) Oh, God...

Lilly: Dad?

Larry collapses and Clementine gasps. Lilly puts her hands on either side of his face.

Lilly: No! Dad, come on! Dad! Oh, God, he's stopped breathing. I think he's had a heart attack!

Lilly starts performing chest compressions.

Kenny: Shit, is he dead?

Lilly: He's not dead. Somebody help me!

Kenny: Fuck, if he's dead...

Lilly: He's not dead!

Kenny: You know what has to happen, Lee. Think about it. You saw that poor bastard at the motel. How fast he turned.

Lilly: What are you saying?

Kenny: Lilly, I'm sorry. I truly, truly am. But in a few minutes, we're gonna be stuck in a locked room with a six-foot-four, three-hundred-pound, seriously pissed-off dead guy!

Lilly: Fuck you! We can bring him back! Lee!

Kenny: We'll mourn him later. But right now, we have to keep him from comin' back.

Clementine: No!

Lilly: Goddamn it, Kenny! He's not dead!

Lee: We can't kill him if he's not dead, Kenny!

Kenny: You remember how hard it was for you to get that monster off of Katjaa? And Larry's twice his size. It's him or us.

Lee: Look, Kenny, back at the drugstore when we all thought Duck was bitten, I gave him the benefit of the doubt! Maybe we should do the same now!

Kenny: That was different, Duck wasn't bitten! But come on, we know this guy's not gonna make it!

Kenny: Remember what Ben said. Gotta destroy the brain.

Kenny: Come on, Lee, I'm right about this! I know you've got my back! You always do!

Lilly: Goddamn it, Lee! I need you! Please help me! Come on, Dad. Come on! Wake up. Wake up! Come on! This has happened before--

Lee: You're right, Kenny. Let's get this over with.

Lee chose to help Kenny keep Larry from turning.

Lilly: You fucking monsters! Both of you!

Clementine: I don't wanna see!

Clementine runs to the corner, covering her eyes.

Lee: I'm sorry, Lilly. It's the only way.

Lilly: No, no, no! Get off me! Don't do this!

Lee grabs Lilly's shoulders to pull her away from Larry.

Lilly: No! No, no, no! Let go of me!

Lilly pushes Lee away and hugs Larry. Lee grabs her arms and pulls her back as Kenny picks up a salt lick.

Lilly: No, please!

Lee yanks her backward and she falls down.

Lilly: (screaming and sobbing) No!

Kenny smashes Larry's head with a salt lick.

Kenny: God help us.

Kenny approaches Lilly, who is hugging Larry's body.

Kenny: I'm sorry, I know it--

Lilly: Don't you fucking touch me!

Clementine cries in the corner, covering her eyes.

Lee: Clementine.

Lee goes to Clementine.

Lee: Clem, you okay?

Clementine: Why, Lee?! Lilly said he wasn't dead!

Lee: I'm sorry. We couldn't take that chance. You understand why we had to do this, Clementine?

Clementine: So he won't turn into one of those monsters?

Lee: That's right.

Lee hugs Clementine as she cries.

Lee: Shh... I know, I know. but you gotta be strong right now. I need you to be strong. Think about something else, something hopeful.

Clementine: Like what?

Lee: Getting out of here.

Clementine: We're gonna get out, right? You found a way out?

Lee: I'm workin' on it.

Lee stands up and Clementine sits down with her back against a box.

Lee: I know it was necessary, but... I just wish Clem didn't have to witness shit like this. I worry what it's gonna do to her.

Talk to Lilly

Lee: Lilly, I'm sorry.

Lilly: Don't talk to me, Lee. Don't fucking talk to me.

Lee: You've got to pull yourself together, Lilly.

Lilly: Why? For your sake? So you can feel better about... about what you did?!

Lee: For your own sake.

Lilly: Right. Because you fucking care so much about me.

Talk to Lilly Again

Lilly: Why can't you just leave me alone?

Lee: I'm sorry, Lilly...

Talk to Kenny

Lee: You think maybe we were too hasty?

Kenny: Only one important thing right now... getting the fuck outta here. We did what we had to.

Lee: Katjaa and Duck.

Kenny: What about 'em?

Lee: You don't think the St. Johns...

Kenny: No! They... they need Katjaa, remember? She's the whole reason they brought us here.

Lee: Sure. And Duck is valuable as a bargaining chip.

Kenny: We've gotta get to them!

Lee examines the air conditioner.

Lee: There oughta be an air duct behind this unit, maybe big enough for one of us to fit through.

Kenny: I dunno, Lee. Seems like a long shot.

Clementine: Does the air conditioner come off?

Lee: I think I could take it off, if I had something to remove the screws. The multitool! (checks pocket) Of course they took it. Shit.

Clementine: Maybe there's something else we could us. I've got a rock.

Lee: A rock won't help, but a coin might do the trick. Do you have a coin?

Clementine: Uh-uh.

Lee: If we can remove these screws, the AC should come down easily.

Talk to Kenny

Lee: If the duct behind the air conditioner is big enough, we might've found our way out of here...

Kenny: Yeah?

Lee: But I need something to loosen the screws.

Kenny: I got nothing'. Shit!

Lee: Hang tight. Maybe I can scrounge something.

Talk to Lilly

Lilly: Why can't you just leave me alone?

Lee: I'm sorry, Lilly. But if we're gonna get out of here, we need your help. And Larry's.

Lee: I think I may have found a way out of here. But I need something to remove the screws on the air conditioner. If you had something I could use as a screwdriver, a coin or something...

Lilly: No.

Lee: What about him? Look, I know this is a terrible time for it, but... back at the motor inn, Larry... Larry mentioned something about keeping coins in his pockets...

Lilly: In other words, my father's more useful to you dead than alive.

Lee: If he was alive, and had the key to getting us out of here, do you think he'd keep it to himself?

Lilly: What do you want? My blessing to loot his corpse?!

Lee: Your permission.

Lilly: Do what you have to do.

Lee approaches Larry's body, preparing to search it.

Lee: Oh, boy. Any idea which pocket he keeps his change in?

Lilly: You fucking vulture.

Lee pulls out a wallet.

Lee: Huh! He still carried his wallet...

Lee returns the wallet.

Lee searches Larry's right pocket (his left).

Lee: Here we go.

Lee looks at the coins in his hand.

Lee: Two quarters and a dime.

Lee examines the air conditioner.

Lee: Just gotta remove these screws and get this unit off...

Lee uses the quarter to unscrew one of the screws.

Kenny: You got it?

Lee: Yeah. One more should do it.

Lee unscrews the second screw. He and Kenny remove the air conditioner unit and place it on the floor.

Kenny: Well, there's our way out, Lee.

Lee: Clementine can fit through.

Kenny: Looks like it'll probably lead right into that back room...

Lee approaches Clementine.

Lee: I know you're brave enough.

Clementine: I'm scared.

Lee: Remember the treehouse? You held out for days.

Clementine: And I saved your life!

Lee: (chuckles) That's right!

Clementine: Okay.

Lee lifts Clementine into the vent.

Lee: You're gonna be fine.

Clementine: What do I do when I get out?

Lee: See if you can get to the other side of that door and open it.

Everyone listens as Clementine crawls through the vent and gets to the other side, then gasps. After a moment, she opens the door to the meat locker.

Lee: Are you okay? Did anyone see you?

Clementine: No. But there's a man outside.

Lee: Lilly, we gotta go.

Lilly: Leave me alone.

Kenny: (looking out the door) Lee, I can see him!

Lee: It's not safe in here!

Lilly: For God's sake, Lee! I didn't even get to say goodbye!

Kenny: (from next room) Get in here! I got an idea!

Lee: (to Clementine) Stay here. Take care of Lilly, okay?

Clementine: I will.

Lee exits the meat locker and enters the room filled with blood, jars of human meat, and killing devices.

Kenny: I told you there was something up with this room! It's a goddamned human slaughterhouse!

Kenny and Lee crouch to avoid detection.

Kenny: Just... forget about Lilly right now. What are we gonna do about this guy at the front of the barn?


Yhwach, hidden in the shadows, continued to observe the unfolding chaos. The grotesque reality of the St. John family's cannibalistic operation sent ripples through the survivors' group, testing the limits of their humanity in this post-apocalyptic world.

As Lee and Kenny strategized on how to deal with the man outside the barn, Yhwach's perceptive gaze remained fixed on the intricate threads of fate weaving around them. The choices made in this dire moment would shape the destiny of the group and determine their path forward.

Yhwach's ethereal presence extended beyond mere observation; he sensed the undercurrents of desperation and fear that gripped each survivor. In the midst of this moral quagmire, the Quincy leader pondered the significance of the choices made by these individuals bound by the harsh realities of their new existence.

Lee and Kenny, united by the need to protect their group, hatched a plan to confront the man outside. Yhwach's eyes, like pools of endless knowledge, followed their every move, anticipating the repercussions that would resonate through the tapestry of fate.

As Lee and Kenny prepared to face the external threat, Yhwach's focus shifted momentarily to Clementine, who stood guard over Lilly in the safety of the hidden room. The resilience of this young girl, who had already faced the horrors of the world with unwavering courage, intrigued Yhwach.

Outside the barn, the man patrolled the area, unaware of the survivors' awareness of his nefarious activities. Yhwach, attuned to the ebb and flow of destiny, watched as the tension escalated, knowing that the threads of fate were tightening around this pivotal moment.

In the shadows, Yhwach contemplated the intricate dance between choice and consequence. The survivors, thrust into a world where morality blurred, stood at a crossroads. Each decision made, like a brushstroke on the canvas of destiny, painted the narrative of their survival.

As Lee and Kenny executed their plan, Yhwach's enigmatic presence lingered, a silent witness to the struggles of these individuals. The man outside, an unknowing participant in their grim tableau, would soon be confronted by the survivors who had glimpsed the darkness concealed within the walls of the St. John farm.

The stage was set for a confrontation that transcended the physical realm-a clash of ideals, survival instincts, and the relentless march of fate. Yhwach, ever watchful, prepared to witness the next chapter in the survivors' harrowing journey through the ever-shifting landscape of The Walking Dead.


Talk to Kenny

Lee: So, what's the plan?

Kenny: That dumbass is so caught up in his own rant that we could probably sneak right up on him. Just stick behind me in case anything goes down. When we get to the front, grab his gun.

Lee: Sounds good.

Kenny: Okay, you ready?

Lee: Yeah, let's go.

Kenny: Stay close.

Kenny and Lee crouch and sneak a little ways into the barn. Danny sits on a hay bale at the front entrance, his gun resting on the bale. Kenny and Lee look at the gun and then each other. They sneak forward through the barn.

Danny: Gah! What's taking Momma and Andy so long? What, are they finishing their damn dinner first? Coulda brought me out a plate at least.

Danny: Fuck, it's dull out here.

Andy walks up to Danny.

Andy: Dan, what are you doing outside the barn?

Kenny: Oh, shit!

Kenny and Lee hide in a stall.

Danny: Just guarding the place, like you said.

Andy: Well, quit sittin' out in the rain like a damn weirdo. Mama says we can't keep that many folks alive and not expect trouble. Pick one to keep and kill the rest.

Danny: Can I pick which one to keep alive?

Andy: Not the kid. Not enough meat on her to trade.

Andy leaves. Maybelle moos.

Danny: Oh, I know, Maybelle. This is my favorite part too. When I let one think they can just walk right out. (chuckles) They never even look down.

If Lee looks outside he will see Danny setting up an altered bear trap in the barn, then closing the barn door and moving to the right where Lee cannot see him.

Kenny: What's he doing out there?

Lee: I don't know.

Lee: We'll take him out together.

Kenny: How?

Lee: He doesn't know we're out. He's gotta walk past us to get to the meat locker. We can take him out when his back is to us.

Lee: Sick fucker thinks this is a game!

Kenny: See what he's doing now.

Lee looks out to find Danny standing in front of him, pointing his rifle at him.

Grab the gun!

Lee grabs the gun and moves it away from him as it fires, then covers his ear after the loud sound hurts his hearing. Danny reloads the rifle.

Lee zaps Danny but gets punched to the floor.

Danny aims his rifle at Lee.

Kenny opens the stall door, which knocks the rifle out of his hands. Kenny slices his stomach with a sickle and knocks him backward. Danny falls onto the floor and his left leg is caught in the trap.

Kenny: Where's my family, asshole?!

Danny: You can't have 'em! We need the vet.

Katjaa: No!

Kenny: Kat! Lee, come on!

Lee: Just go. I won't be far behind.

Kenny leaves.

Kenny thinks for a second and leaves. Lee picks up a pitchfork and points it at Danny.

Danny: (groans) You see? You understand now, don't ya?! You can have me! It's how the world works now! Give part of yourself... so others can live!

Lilly: I should fucking kill you right now!

Lee: That's why you killed that woman in the woods! She was about to spill everything!

Danny: You weren't ready to hear yet, Lee! Had to stop her!

Danny: You gotta keep me alive! If you kill me, the meat gets tainted! You can't eat it!

Lee: You're already tainted!

Danny: You ain't gonna kill me, just like you didn't kill Jolene! You don't have what it takes! Fucking coward!

After a few seconds, Danny closes his eyes and looks away, seemingly preparing himself for death.

Lee stabs the pitchfork into the hay bale behind Danny.

Danny: Ah!

Lee: This is not how the world works now. You won't make me kill you!

Lilly: Fuck you, Lee. You and Kenny murdered my dad, but you leave this piece of shit alive? Fucking asshole.

Clementine will remember lee spared his life.

Katjaa: Oh, God, don't hurt him!

Lee: That's Katjaa!

Katjaa: Please, no!

Lee: Lilly, please, keep her safe.

Lee exits the barn and sneaks over to some hay bales.

Lee: Kenny!

Thunder and lightning crashes. Lee looks at the house.

Lee hears rustling in the cornfields and a walker approaches, but is axed by Carley.

Lee: Carley!

Carley: Lee?

Ben: (walking through cornfield) Ow!

Carley: Shh! Is everyone okay?

Lee: You guys have been gone way too long.

Carley: They attacked us!

Ben: I knew it. I told you we couldn't trust them.

Carley: Shit, how many of them are there?

Lee: Two left.

Carley: Where?

Lee: Larry's dead. They chopped off Mark's legs and tried to feed them to us.

Carley: Shit. Is everyone else okay?

Lee: They've still got Duck and Katjaa in the house. And I don't know where the fuck Kenny is.

Carley: All right, we're coming in to help.

Lee: No. If we storm the house, we'll cause a panic. You two try to find a way around to the back. I'll head to the front.

Ben: You got it. Come on, this way.

Carley: Wait, are you sure?

Lee: Yes.

Carley and Ben head towards the back of the dairy farm, leaving Lee alone as he approaches the front entrance of the house.

As Lee moves cautiously towards the entrance, he can hear muffled voices and occasional screams from within the house. The storm rages on, mirroring the turmoil unfolding in the survivors' lives.

Yhwach, still an unseen observer, continued to witness the intricate dance of fate. The choices made by each individual, the alliances formed, and the sacrifices offered-all played out against the backdrop of a world tainted by desperation and survival.

Lee, determined and resolute, approached the front door of the house, knowing that the next moments could shape the destiny of the survivors. The air was thick with tension, and the storm outside seemed to echo the chaos within the walls of the St. John farmhouse.

The survivors, scattered and facing their own challenges, moved with purpose. Carley and Ben sought an alternative route, while Lee prepared to confront the remaining threats within the house. Each step taken resonated through the threads of fate, weaving a narrative that was both unpredictable and unforgiving.

Yhwach's enigmatic presence lingered, a silent witness to the struggles of these individuals. The Quincy leader, ever attuned to the ebb and flow of destiny, watched as the survivors navigated the treacherous waters of betrayal and desperation.

As Lee approached the front door, he steeled himself for what lay ahead. The survivors' fates hung in the balance, and the choices made in the coming moments would reverberate through the tapestry of their existence. Yhwach, with his profound understanding of destiny, remained vigilant, ready to witness the next chapter in this harrowing tale of The Walking Dead.

Ben and Carley leave.


Lee sneaks up to the house.

Katjaa: No, no, please, God, no, no!

Brenda: Just shut up and he'll be fine!

Andy: Something's up. I'm gonna take the boy and check around back.

Katjaa: No, please, don't take my boy!

Andy: Let go, woman!

Brenda: Settle down! I don't wanna hurt y'all!

Lee reaches the stairs and Brenda looks out the screen window in the door.

Brenda: Andy? Danny, is that you? What's going on out there?

Lee: I left Danny in the barn. He got what he deserved!

You frightened Brenda.

Brenda: Oh, God.

Brenda backs away from the door.

Brenda: Come here!

Katjaa: Let me go!

Lee reaches the front door. Brenda has taken Katjaa hostage and is pointing a gun at her.

Katjaa: Lee!

Brenda: Get back! Don't come in here! You just had to go snooping around, didn't ya?!

Lee: Let her go, Brenda!

Lee enters the house and Brenda aims her gun at him.

Brenda: Lee, please, don't you take another step!

Lee: Brenda, come on, now, you know you don't wanna do this!

Brenda: (aims gun at Katjaa) Just go away and leave us be!

Lee slowly moves forward.

Brenda: (aims gun at Lee) Stop right there, I mean it!

Talk to Brenda

Lee: Think about your husband, Brenda! Do you really think he wanted his dairy turned into a... a slaughterhouse?!

Brenda: (aims gun at Katjaa) I'll kill her, Lee!

Katjaa: Don't do this...

Lee slowly moves forward. As the lightning flashes, it illuminates walker Mark's hands trying to grab Brenda.

Brenda: (aims gun at Lee) Stay back! Don't do anything stupid!

Talk to Brenda

Lee: Let her go, Brenda!

Katjaa: Please, listen to him.

Brenda: I'll do it!

Katjaa: Please...

Lee moves forward again.

Brenda: (aims gun at Lee) I don't wanna kill you, Lee!

Talk to Brenda

Lee: This dairy was your pride! Look what you've done to it!

Brenda: Stop! I mean it!

Lee continues moving forward, and Brenda aims the gun at Katjaa as she backs up the stairs. A zombified Mark grabs onto Brenda and bites her neck as she screams; Katjaa breaks free and runs to Lee.

Katjaa: They took Duck! Where's Kenny?!

Andy: I said don't move, asshole!

Kenny: Don't you fucking hurt him!

Katjaa: Oh, my God!

Lee and Katjaa run outside. Andy is pointing a rifle at Duck and Kenny stands a distance away.

Kenny: Let him go, goddamn it!

Andy: That ain't gonna happen!

Lee: Andy, don't!

Andy: Shut up!

Kenny rushes forward and Andy shoots him in the stomach. Katjaa screams and runs to Kenny as he falls on the ground.

Duck: Dad!

Lee: Andy!

Andy: Who the fuck do you people think you are?! Look at what you've done!

Lee: Calm down.

Andy: Calm down? What for, huh? All we wanted was some goddamn gasoline!

Carley shoots Andy's left ear.

Duck runs away. Lee charges Andy and they wrestle with the rifle. Lee smashes the rifle into Andy's face, and they fall down the hill and crash through the picket fence. As Lee tries to get up, Andy runs over and kicks him in the head, making him fall to the ground. Andy starts the generator and the fence turns on.

Andy: Get up! Get the fuck up!

Andy drags Lee by the back collar of his jacket as Lee struggles against him. Andy holds back Lee's arms and tries to shove his face into the electric fence. Lee notices Lilly and Clementine standing at the entrance to the barn.

Lee: Lilly, help!

Lilly does nothing. Lee breaks free and elbows Andy in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Lee punches Andy a few times, with both his arms, the group observes this.

Lee punches Andy's face to a bruised and bloody pulp.

Carley: Lee, that's enough! He's had enough.

Andy: Is that all you got, Lee? You ain't shit!

Lee: It's over!

Andy: Fuck you! As soon as Dan and Mama get out here, you're... you're all fucked!

Lee: They're both dead!

Andy: What did you do? What the fuck did you do?!

Lee starts to walk away.

Andy: Don't you dare walk away from me, Lee!

Andy falls to his knees.

Andy: Get back here and finish this, Lee!

Lee walks to the group.

Andy: Get back here and fight me like a man, Lee! Lee!

Lee spared Andy's life.

The generator emits smoke and turns off.

Clementine: They're getting in!

Walkers climb over the fence.

Andy: Lee!

Lee: Let's go.

Andy: Lee!

Walkers swarm the farm.

Lee and the group walk through the forest quietly.


Yhwach, the enigmatic observer, continued to watch the events unfold in this world tainted by both the living and the dead. The survivors, now on the run from the overrun farm, ventured into the dense forest, seeking refuge and safety.

The Quincy leader's gaze shifted between the characters, his understanding of destiny guiding his perception. Lee, the group's de facto leader, navigated the challenges with a determination that intrigued Yhwach. The choices made in the face of adversity spoke volumes about the resilience of humanity.

As Lee and the group moved through the forest, the moans of approaching walkers echoed in the background. The once-hidden threads of fate now intertwined, creating a narrative shaped by survival, loss, and the indomitable will to endure.

Clementine walked beside Lee, her small frame a stark contrast to the harsh realities surrounding them. Yhwach pondered the significance of this child in the grand tapestry of fate-a witness to both the cruelty and compassion that defined the post-apocalyptic world.

In the distance, the remnants of the St. John Dairy Farm were consumed by chaos, walkers stumbling over the fallen fence, drawn by the scent of the living. The storm had passed, leaving behind an eerie calm as survivors forged ahead into the unknown.

Yhwach observed with keen interest, contemplating the paths that lay ahead for these individuals. In this unpredictable world, every decision held weight, and the consequences rippled through the lives of the survivors.

As the group pressed on, the shadows of the forest enveloped them. Yhwach, ever vigilant, continued to bear witness to the unfolding drama. Destiny, like an intricate web, connected each character, and the threads of their lives intertwined in ways unforeseen.

The Quincy leader remained an unseen presence, his understanding of the ebb and flow of fate guiding his observation. In this world where the dead walked, and the living struggled to retain their humanity, the story of Lee and his companions unfolded, shaped by the choices they made and the challenges they faced.

The forest, dense and foreboding, held secrets and dangers yet unknown. The survivors, bound together by circumstance, pressed forward, unaware of the trials that awaited them in this relentless journey through The Walking Dead.


Lee: Hello?

Lee sneaks up slowly to the car. He notices that the gas is empty and takes the keys.

Lee: Figures.

Kenny: Oh, crap! Baby, you gotta see this! There's a shitload of food and supplies back here!

Everyone goes up to the car.

Katjaa: This food could save all of us!

Lilly: Not all of us.

Kenny sighs.

Ben: Look, we don't know if these people are dead.

Lilly: If they come back, then we're just monsters who came out of the woods and ruined their lives.

Clementine: This stuff isn't ours.

Duck: Dad, whose car is it?

Kenny: Don't worry about that, Duck. It's ours now.

Katjaa: It's abandoned, Ducky. Don't worry.

Clementine: Well, what if it's not? What if it's not abandoned? What if it is someone's?

Lee: We have to take this, Clementine. We need it to survive.

You chose to take food from the car anyway.

Lilly: Who said it's your decision to make?

Kenny: Hey, we don't have time for this shit. Like it or not, we need this food. Now get over here and open the trunk, Lee.

Lee: It's locked.

Kenny: No shit, I already tried that. But I heard you take the keys from up front.

Lee prepares to unload the supplies.

Lee: (picking up box on the left) Supplies...

Katjaa: I'll take it. (takes box)

Lee: (picking up small box) Great. Maybe we'll survive this after all. Duck, why don't you carry this? (hands box to Duck)

Duck: Okay.

Lee: (taking box of food) I've got a box of food here...

Ben: I'll carry it. (takes box)

Lee: More food in here.

Lilly takes the box.

Lee: (picks up hoodie) This hoodie looks to be about your size. Why don't you hold onto this, it might get cold.

Clementine: It's not mine.

Lee: Well, think of it like you're holding onto it. You can give it back if we ever meet up with them. Okay?

Clementine: Okay.

You convinced Clementine to take the hoodie for a while.

Clementine crosses her arms, looking upset.

Carley: Hey, there were some batteries in one of those boxes. I thought they might work in your camcorder. Here, you can have some too... for your walkie-talkie. (gives Clementine the batteries)

Lee: Batteries, huh? Think you can handle those?

Carley: You're not gonna let me live that down, are you? (looks at camcorder) Oh, God. Lee. You're gonna wanna see this... (shows video to Lee)

Lee: Oh, shit.

The video shows the group at the motor inn. Larry and Mark carry a couch out of one of the motel rooms, and Lee and Kenny push a car away from the front of the motel. The video zooms into Clementine drawing on the floor and Lilly approaching her to talk. The video turns upside down as Jolene drops the camera.

Jolene: Jake, Bart, Linda, and all y'all fuckin' sickos from the Save-Lots! They call y'all bandits, but you're fucking rapist monsters--

The video shows the motel group from earlier in the day, after Ben has arrived. The video zooms onto Clementine, then follows Lee as he walks up to her.

Jolene: Oh, darlin', baby. Look at you. Look at you. Oh, you need a mama, sweetheart. We won't let them bandits get you, will we?

Lee: How are you doing, Clementine?

Clementine: Okay.

Lee: Where's your hat?

Clementine: I don't know. Can you help me find it?

Lee: Sure. When did you lose it?

Clementine: I had it a couple days ago.

Lee: I promise, if I find it, I'll let you know.

Jolene turns the camera around to her face.

Jolene: All thinkin' you're safe, sittin' there actin' like things are the way they used to be. The dead don't kill their own. It's the living you gotta be afraid of...the people I used to call friends... The people who took... Don't worry, little girl. Bandits got their eye on that dairy. As long as they keep getting food from them, you'll be safe. I promise.


Yhwach's ethereal presence remained, now focused on the unfolding events as revealed through the cryptic lens of Jolene's camcorder. The intricacies of survival in this world fascinated him, the bonds formed, and the choices made, all leading to a destiny yet to be unveiled.

The eerie glow of the camcorder screen illuminated the faces of the group, each reacting differently to Jolene's ominous message. Yhwach's omniscient perception allowed him to sense the underlying fear and uncertainty that gripped the survivors.

Clementine clutched the hoodie, a small semblance of normalcy in the midst of chaos. Her innocence and vulnerability stood in stark contrast to the harsh realities depicted in Jolene's recorded words.

As the video played on, Yhwach's focus shifted to Lee. The burden of leadership weighed on him, and the choices made not only affected his fate but the destiny of those around him. The camcorder captured moments of camaraderie, survival, and the unspoken connections forged in the crucible of a post-apocalyptic world.

The mention of the bandits added another layer of complexity to the group's predicament. The shadows of impending danger loomed, and the decisions made in the coming days would shape the narrative of survival.

The Quincy leader continued to observe, his knowledge of fate allowing him to see the threads converging. The group, now burdened with supplies and secrets, carried the weight of their choices into an uncertain future.

As Jolene's unsettling revelation echoed in the minds of the survivors, Yhwach contemplated the significance of these individuals in the grand tapestry of destiny. The bandits, the dairy, and the ever-present threat of the undead formed the backdrop for a story that would test the limits of morality and resilience.

In the heart of the walking dead's world, where the line between the living and the dead blurred, the survivors pressed forward, unknowingly guided by the unseen hand of fate. Yhwach remained an enigmatic observer, watching as the narrative unfolded, driven by the choices of those who walked the fragile line between survival and despair.