
Naruto:Nine paths of divinity

This story talk's about the story of daisuke a transmigrator who gets overpowered wishes and yada,yada and all. the story is not about him being the demon lord of naruto.it about him creating utopia for himself,the will be dark themes mass murder,gore,torture and child abuse. remember he will do what is best for himself and sometimes will help others without gaining anything ok.this story is just to test my self and how i can write.so i will try my best to give characters scene time but dont expect anything grand.

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



The village of amber was located in the nestled fertile valley,surrounded by rolling hills and a somewhat dense forest,it was located at the tri-point border of their country,the land of fire,and its neighboring nations,the land of grass and rain,who were above one another respectively.

This unique position had transformed the small rural into a small tradind hub along with the village being hospitable to travelers and merchants who look to trade for resources,it dealt with livestock ranging from cows to sheep and chickens with crops also ranging from wheat,barley and other local goods,their live stock were surrounded by a large oak wooden fence to protect them.

Their fields were irrigated by a nearby stream.the center of this community housed 20-25 huts that were made ofdry grass and wood they where arranged in a half circle like manner near the large community center also made of wood and dry grass,it served as a hall for meetings between the elders and chief to discuss impotant matters.The village had a dirt-road that connected to their somewhat neighboring town,Tanzaku Gai,a town associated with gambling it was 260 km away,it was located southly near a dense forest.

This unsually calm small settlement was no more as of yesterday,it was attacked and raided many lost their live in this endeavor the elderly we're quickly killed because they're value arleady is worthles,so they captured some women and men along with children,who weren't foolish to fight back and just surrendered,their huts and crops where destroyed and burnt with fire,corpses were left naked and humiliated on the rough gound.

When morning came,a regular merchant by the name of Jin arrived at the village location.

He upon gazing at the sight was shocked and saddened by its current state,he quickly checked the huts to see if the were survivors but to his dismay he couldn't find one,until he stumbled a half-burnt hut,entering the hut he saw a deplorable seen on the floor of the hut laid a young women with her legs spread apart and blood coming out in between her legs,her nack looked to have been snapped.

Next to the girl on a straw bed covered in a blanket and a white cloth on their face,a figure of a small child could be made by the imprint of the sheets,the white cloth of the child face was covered in blood,gazing at this Jin was sickened.

"weren't border patrol,suppose to be guarding the village?how could this have happened?".


He thought as he quickly took off his jacket and placed in on the girl on the ground,covering her body he then quickly headed to tanzaku to report this incident,the trip would take 3 days as usual but this time ,it took him 2 and a half days to arrive and report about the village being destroyed and border shinobi not being present.


Back at amber,in the half-burnt hut the figure og the child laying on the bed remained still,a few moments later white-small particules above its chest,they began to form a glowing ball of heavenly light it plunged itself into the child chest,quickly waves of energy we're sent across the entirety of the body,light was emitted during this process,it shined brightly like the rising of the sun.

Slight breaths,could be heard once as the the child in question body to make small movements.


The village hidden in the leaf's

After a few hours of the day passed and turned into night,In a circular enclosed office located in a tall tower at the edge of the village near the stone monument.

A man sitting on a robust dark-blue office chair,wore white robes with a red under shirt,it was held together by a white waist cloth that matched the robe's. 


The man looked to in his thirties to early forties,his hair although spikey had a dark-brown chestnut colour that matched his eyes,his cheeks were painted with red-hue single line marks that matched the length of his nose,Although not being handsome,he was a deemed an above-average men in the looks department.


Hiruzen Sarutobi the third hokage and the student of the late great Tobirama Senju, placed his gaze on the stacks of paperwork on top of his light-vanilla coloured boat shaped desks with four drawers in symmetrical order. 


Releasing a heavy sigh he turned the chair he sat on half around,looking outside the picture window he was illuminated by the moon's white-stari glow along with a few lights lite by candles,gas lamps and a few light bulbs from business and homes of the villagers,they made the view of the village, elegant and breath taking to experience. 


Smiling and chuckling a lit bit,he turned the chair back around and his gaze fell to his right side,where three photos where mounted on the wall,the handsome man with jet-black hair and eyes wearing white robes similar to himself it was the first hokage Hashirama Senju,he wore a forever kind smile on his face. 


the next one after it was,equally handsome man and the younger brother of the first,he had grey-ish-white hair with red eyes and three slit like mark's two on his cheeks and one on his chin, wearing the same white robe,he expression although serene had an imprint of dislike of a particular ethnic group of people with red eyes with tomoe in them. 


"Hahaha,master even though people have the wrong impression of you disliking the Uchiha, this photo doesn't help". 

He chuckled a little bit more before he turned to the final photo,that being his own he looked younger with the same features he had expect the red lines,the in that photo you couldn't say he was a ladies man. 


A true player indeed. 


Turning back to the paperwork with disgust,he huffed and stood up,stretching his limbs from neck to his back and legs,he walked around the table and headed to the door that always tempted him to leave,like who wouldn't be tempted being hokage is stressful plus the door was staring at him the entire time. 


As the he was milliliters from reaching the door,the said door swage inwardly into his office a ninja wearing a green and blue attire with a vest with poaches for scrolls and a red-spiral whirlpool at the back of it,along with a blue Head-band with a metallic plate,that was embroidered with a leaf symbol. 


The Shinobi held the nub of the door tightly,he was on one knee with heavy sweat and breathes,looking at the ninja ninja, Hiruzen bent the knee and placed his right palm on the man's should. 

"Kai, what's the matter?Did something urgent happen??is the village under attack??". 


Racing with questions in mind,hiruzen overwhelmed the boy,Kai a chunin at the moment was a valuable sensor types nin, currently his known for tracking and espionage within the village,along with being a candidate for the anbu under hiruzen because of his serene mindset at times. 


In other terms,he wasn't expecting Kai to be in this current state. 


Kai catching his,began to stand properly along with hiruzen,he gave a proper bow and stared into his hokage eyes with seriousness. 

"Lord hokage,we have received news from the township Tanzaku Gai..". 


He paused for a moment. 


"the small settlement of amber has been destroyed". 


What?a few question rose from hiruzens mind,wasn't the settlement located near the tri-point border of our land and then land's of grass and rain countries, meaning that there should have been nin at that side??Did something happen to them??or is this planned attack by a country against the land of fire??but killing innocences that's too extreme. 


He pondered this for a few moments before his gaze turned serene yet cold with a hint of anger,his eye's dead yet on finding the culprits of this event. 


"Mmmm..Kai leave this to me, I'll send a squad of trusted Shinobi to investigate this matter,you can go back to your duties". 


He spoke with an air of calmness,kai taken aback was stunned but quickly regained his composure he was known for, bowing and closing the door Kai left the office with a strange sense of danger as his kage placed both his hands behind his back. 


"Fang…I need.. you and your team's services for this matter". 


A group of five figures wearing dark-hooded cloaks appeared,they kneeled in behind hiruzen in a square formation,each individual unrecognizable wore different mask's that represented animals,fang the current leader of this team was given that nickname not because he wore a dog mask but because of his loyalty similar to men's best friend. 


"My kage,we are at your service". 

Responding to his lord,fang lifted his head upward and stared at the unmoved hiruzens back,his face calm yet unreasonable but one thing that could be read was the tone he summoned them with,it carried displeasure.


"I have no need to explain,you overheard the matter accordingly?am I correct?". 


"Yes,my lord". 


"Then the is nothing further to discuss,go and investigate this matter,I want answers". 


Turning his head half-around,he stared at fang,he tone gave no room for failure or returning empty handed,opening the door he stepped out into the corridor and left,disappearing to his humble abode. 


Standing up,one of Fang's team approached the door and closing it,looking at his leader,fang gave a nod to signal for all to disperse into dark and cold night, simultaneously they nodded and disappeared using the boby flicker technique a simple D rank ninjutsu.