
Naruto:Nine paths of divinity

This story talk's about the story of daisuke a transmigrator who gets overpowered wishes and yada,yada and all. the story is not about him being the demon lord of naruto.it about him creating utopia for himself,the will be dark themes mass murder,gore,torture and child abuse. remember he will do what is best for himself and sometimes will help others without gaining anything ok.this story is just to test my self and how i can write.so i will try my best to give characters scene time but dont expect anything grand.

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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Descent 2

Two day's passed,as dawn began to rise,the dark night sky dissipated along with it's silver-gray stars, coming from west the sun's bright rays of life shined brightly on the mornings of many,some who where lucky to see the sun smiled with appreciation while those who had the opposite fate.

Well,what could they do they no longer belonged to the world of the living.

In Tanzaku Gai,at the head office stood four hooded figure's wearing animal mask's,in the middle of a room,the laid a large-red square carpet with yellow intricacies,by the left side of the four figure's a wall mounted with a garden window with curtains which was closed stood,Infront of them was a large curved desk with small documents on it and behind it a chair and book case's that remained undisturbed.

The four hooded figure's we're of course fang and his team,they stood waiting for the higher official of Tanzaku.

Moments later after waiting a few minutes,a brown-coloured-wooden door with a green nob turned,and a man with a somewhat toned body structure came wolching in,he wore a sky-blue nagaya with a green kimono over his shoulders.

The man facial features were beckoning of an a middle age man,he had Black-ish-coloured hair tied neatly in a bun,his eye's were jet-black same as his goatee,as if he had died them.

Cheng,the official higher power of Tanzaku Gai arrived,as he entered the room he quickly closed the door,bowing with respect and a sense of nervousness,he wasted no time and spoke.

"Greetings and salutations,I am Cheng..."

feng interjecting,raised his palm stopping him from further speaking.

"We have no need for further information about yourself,we came here to speak with the person who reported the incident".

Feng spoke,with tone of authority wanted to inquire the whereabouts of the man in question,his interest picked,he wanted the original reporter of the incident to speak.

What if this bastard Infront of him,leaves some important information out?who knows he may have been involved in this.

With a sweat running down his forehead, Cheng bowed as he turned around and left the office with hast looking for the man.


Amber village,the village was guarded by some Shinobi from tenzaku sent by Cheng,this Shinobi ranged from Genin to only a hand full of chunin who were hired for this case.

Two Shinobi roaming around the burnt infrastructure of the village were having a conversation as they glanced at a young nine year old boy,the child sat on a makeshift wooden bench with no rails.

The child,Daisuke,had fair bronze skin with black hair and eyes,he wore simple cotton clothing,that had dairt mark's,in his left hand he held a bamboo cup filled with water,he stared at the content of the cup with abyssal eye's.

"Hey little guy, it's going to be alright you know,we...".

One of the hired Shinobi placed his hand on the boy soldier,speaking with care in his voice but as he was about to further add on to his speech,Daisuke raised his head and interjected interrupting the man.


Daisuke with a hateful tone spoke,his eye's held contempt he knew very well that the man tried to minimize the situation,he didn't care that the village was destroyed it could have been rebuilt,the only thing he cared about was the damned memories of the child's final moments before death.

The child was in bed when it happened,his sister or the sister of this body he was in,was brutality raped Infront of the child and with the inherited fragments of memories it was all that stained his mind.

He hated having the memorie of that event,but that was the least of his worries at the moment even though it icked his mind,no,the only that concerned him was that this was not his world from the memorie fragments he had received upon entering the child body.

Daisuke or should I say Charles,was a transmigrated into the Naruto universe,a universe filled with alien with teleportation abilities and tree's that can create a freaking god level threat to humanity,imagine if a normal person in our world became the ten-tails vessel.

His not saving the world,his either going to correct it with tyrannity stopping the evil nature of humans or total annihilation of the world,lord know the author would.

Back to the story,the Shinobi was shocked but also not surprised,the child witnessed horror's and with that sort of trauma not many people recover,but still that didn't give the child any right to yell at him,he was a adult and a chunin at that,who does this kid think he is??.

Keeping a calm expression with a bit of vains showing,the man tightened his shoulder grip.

"Listen here,you little s....I mean boy,I know that I may have no right to judge or say that anything will be ok,because I have not experienced it but it doesn't give you the right to yell at me,am only trying to help".

Staring at the Shinobi,Daisuke face had a complex expression with a raised brow,"Wow,emotional bitch ain't he,but that somewhat good at least they maybe sociopath's but at least his trying".he monologued inwardly and spoke.

"I'm sorry sir, it's just that the memories of my sister being violated Infront of me,while I couldn't do anything is still fresh on my mind".

The Shinobi placed his head down in a saddened manner as those words escaped the child's mouth,thinking about it correctly didn't the high official say that the man who reported this incident state the were no survivers.

How the hell is this kid alive??and why wasn't he taken??of course this doesn't mean he wanted the child gone,he just found it strange,searching the burnt village they only found one to three child structured corpse's,this implies that most were taken away with the other villagers.

But also how come border patrol didn't act with evidence of fire and burnt infrastructure, they should have been here when fire erupted or was the fire an upside down fire.

But that's impossible this is or was a village that should have produced large amount of fire spreading across to the tree's in the area.

This entire situation was strange and did not make sense,sure people are gone but what the hell happened?one could confidentiality state this hole arrangement was strange.

Something big happened and it was above his pay grade,he wasn't to interested in this matter that much,with his internal monologue done he glanced at the child for a few moments before addressing the boy.

"Hey,let's go to your home and find something to cheer you up maybe a toy or a family photos is there??Don't you think".

Speaking with a tone of hope and serenity,he stood up and placed his hand Infront of the boy,a smile appeared on the man as he himself tried to minimize or alleviate some stress from the boy.

Glancing at the man,daisuke was blinded temporarily by the sun behind the man,it brightly encompassing the head,showing somewhat of a gentle aura.

At first he wanted to reject this notion but something along with this man told him not to reject but accept,so he did so,placing his bamboo cup on the bench.

He placed his palm on top of the Shinobi and walked to the current body home.