
Naruto:Nine paths of divinity

This story talk's about the story of daisuke a transmigrator who gets overpowered wishes and yada,yada and all. the story is not about him being the demon lord of naruto.it about him creating utopia for himself,the will be dark themes mass murder,gore,torture and child abuse. remember he will do what is best for himself and sometimes will help others without gaining anything ok.this story is just to test my self and how i can write.so i will try my best to give characters scene time but dont expect anything grand.

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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Descent 3

Entering the half-burnt home,Daisuke and Yami,the chunin hired by Cheng, placed their gaze at the content of the household.

The once protective roof that stood against time and the elements of the world was no more,only half was left and the other half brought in the yellow rays of the sun, illuminating the inside of the home.

To their left was a horizontal placed bed with a wooden base and untied sheets with a cloth covered in blood at the bed's feet was a chest and it was opened with no content inside.

To the top right side of the bed was a large opened wardrobe,it displayed some clothes but that did not matter,to it's right side pot's and utensils were around,some behind the wardrobe and at the head of the bed,looking at this seen a fragment of memorie suddenly appeared in his mind.

With a deadpan expression accompanied by sadness,the memorie in tail showed no toy's the boy own,he use to play with his family and most of the time so toy's weren't necessary.

Looking at the floor where"his"sister laid,Daisuke,didn't feel that much emotion expect disgust,no love just disgust he did fell so for the last he possessed but what could he do,the duo began to search frantically inside the home,under the bed,inside the wardrobe and pot's in hope to find something,after all Daisuke was a transmigrated into this world should he have a cheat or something??.

He,himself knew that these events do come with something to help a transmigrator be at the peek of power of manipulate the world event's,but only sometimes in rare and unlikely events some are given nothing and are suppose to change the stories by their own power they earned.

This of course was nonsense for him,he didn't want to become a child soldier and especially for the leaf village,those bastard's and with hiruzen's incompetence of checking his friends would be the death of him,along with the Uchiha uprising at hand.

Yami,who was on his knee's and looking under the wardrobe for toy's,suddenly spotted something alluring in between the open space underneath the wardrobe.

He outstretched his right arm,dropping his shoulders quite a bite in the process after a few moments he grabbed the head of the object and spoke with a loud but joy-filled voice.

"Hey kid,heh...I,Ithink I found something come over here and check it out".

Daisuke hearing this moved around the scattered pot's on the floor and approached Yami,who still had his arm under the wardrobe.

Looking at Yami posture,a dirty yet funny thought came to his mind"Prank him,John"he chuckled for bit as he Shaked the obviously funny resemblance to that seen.

Damn memes,especially in 2023 back on earth,were funny as hell.

But back to the situation at hand.

"Do you need help?".

"Nope,am good let me just..ohh,you know can you assist with this?".

"Can't you get t it out from that tight passege can you,*pause*".

He mentally added the last part,passage means in other terms Hole and being freshly dropped to this world his attics of the old world where still fresh and vivid.

Signing deeply and shrugging his shoulders,he aimed to assist Yami,he just had to get behind him,place his hands on Yami hips and pull this idea to many people would paint a suspicious scene but who would care at the moment,something under the wardrobe may be of help.


Jumping from tree branch to tree branch,fang and his team we're moving at speed unprecedented,utilizing the boy flicker technique they were only 2,5 kilometers further from their destination.

Glancing at his teammates,who followed behind him inwardly he sighed,his thoughts were a mess could this be a planned attack??is a nation involved??no,no it wouldn't make sense,amber village had no ninja Intel or anything of that,from what he gathered so far it's only a village that functioned with trade and agriculture.

And also where the hell are those border patrol Shinobi,he turned to one of his teammates on his left side,the man had a bird like masks with purple marks.

Swallows,wasn't fond of this code name it was the direct ironic play on his nature, Swallows is a member of the famous insect family in the leaf,the Aburame clan,a clan so skilled with the use insect,heck this people could even communicate with the damn things.

Effectively making the best at infiltration, espionage,assassination and Intel gathering,feng theorized if the Aburame wanted to take over the village,they could have and nobody could stop them,the insect they control weren't powerful like a Shinobi but the position they carried,it spoke volume.

Raising his forearm and balling his palm into a fist,feng and his team exited out of the body flicker technique,standing near the large Torii gate of amber the proceed to move forward after feng received information from Swallows.


Back at the hut,Yami stood with a pained back and annoyed expression plastered on his face"Am never bending like that again,a man should bend like that"monologuing inwardly,he handed Daisuke the object identified a red scroll,tied with a yellow rope.

With his hand's outstretched,he thanked the man with a bow showing respect,all that anime didn't go to waste,screw you Ted.

Unraveling the scroll,Daisuke expression went blank as the sheet of paper he stared at,sighing inwardly stress and some tears manifested.

"Am screwed aren't I??".

He said in his heart,looking at Yami with a somewhat thankful but also saddened expression,suddenly as he was about to close the scroll a loud voice was heard coming from the outside of the hut.

"Yami,get your ass outside quickly,Shinobi have arrived and they need the discoveries we made!!".

leaving the hut with haste,Yami quickly ran to voice outside meeting with his group and feng group,seeing four figure's wearing animal mask's and dark cloaks he was suspicious at first before they informed them about Cheng and their pay.

Still at the hut,daisuke sat on the disheveled bed as he had his hand's placed on his head.The scroll was to his left side,still opened.

"Orochimaru is gonna have a field day with my ass".

Releasing a heavy filled with depression he slapped the scroll to the ground directly under the opening on the roof,the sun placed it's gentle Ray's on the scroll.

Black inked-words began to form on the scroll before moments later they bagan to glow brightly as the stars at night,the began to float out of the paper forming some sort of strange shape with tiny circles and mystic symbols orbiting it like how the moon orbits earth.

Daisuke sulking and rolling around his bed,felt a strange and strong presence staring at him,along with the Shinobi who where outside they felt something,quickly reacting to this,they run towards the half-burnt hut.

Standing and staring back at this whatever you call it,daisuke like a curious white people from the horror movies wanted to investigate.

This man's black card should be revoked.

Touching it gentle a voice came from the thing,it connected to his mind as he spoke.

"Hello am A.O. the assistant ROB".


"Do not worry,I came to collect you ".


"To get your wishes of-course,stand by activating transportation system ".

A bit perplexed at the moment,Daisuke had nothing to say he just went along,the creature or things at the moment began to shine brightly as the sun,averting his gaze,feng,Yami and their teams respectively arrived, looking through the opened door of the hut,they saw Daisuke touching a weird shape of light floating above ground.

But something felt strange about the shape it looked to be getting brighter and brighter before unexpectedly it explode,with ethereal light that blinded the individuals as the shock wave of the explosion pushed them 50 meters back sending them flying.

A pillar of light came down from the sky as it split the heavens and sent ripples of energy to the hut,connecting to it like a bridge.