
My Alienic Life In Omniverse(MHA[My Hero Academia] /Omniverse)

A Random dude gets reincarnated in My Hero Academia. As he catches the interest of a certain ROB. Will his life be the same old quiet life or will it be filled with action. What changes will his presence in this world, bring about. It's a multiverse story, with first or main world as mha. Further world's will be selected based on reader's vote. Mc will have gacha option, where he can draw forms or transformations from other fictional verse. There is no limit to whom he can pull, from jerry to TOAA or Scarlett King or Hajun. It can be anyone. Mc is overly overpowered and I have tried to balance the story a bit. At the start his aliens are nerfed a bit but by the start of canon, his transformations are as strong as original or even stronger in some cases. Though some people will be angry about that nerfing of his aliens but i haven't nerfed them like I said earlier, I have just shown him to be powerless against ROB and nothing more. Well many people did consider it as nerfing so I had to mention it. [Omniverse] Start World - My Hero Academia 1st World - Haven't decided, waiting for readers votes. Starting 3 chapters have a lot of gramtical mistakes. They were just rough drafts which I myself have not read and have just uploaded it. The next chapters are fine, I guess. Please bear with me and give it a try. I hope you enjoy reading this novel. I can't tell much about the upload time, as I am busy with my college I will try to upload 2-4 chapters a month. Except starting 1 to 4 chapters, all the chapters have a minimum of 4500 words to 8.5k words in some. Disclaimer *I do not own cover picture, it belongs to its original owner. If you are the owner of the cover picture and want me to remove it, comment in the latest chapter posted. *I do not own or have rights for My Hero Academia as it belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, Ben 10 as it belongs to Duncan Rouleau(Warner Bros) aka Man of Action and any Marvel element in this show as it belongs to Marvel and thereby Disney. *I own nothing except the Main Protagonist who is an OC and ROB who's also a OC atleast his character design. *If you are the original owner of any elements used in this fanfiction you can contact me if you wish to remove the said elements from this fiction or wish for this novel to be taken down. *This novel is a fanfiction written by me for entertainment purposes and is a non profit fic and under no condition am I monetizing this piece of work and I am under no condition earning anything from this novel.

Vanitas_24 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The End of the Beginning

"Where am I,

Wait this place feels familiar"

"Glad you remember it"

"ROB is that you"

"Well in the flesh in a sense. Even if that was a name given to me by you"

"Fuck You Rob, what was that and who is that person that tried to kill my parents"

"Calm down"

"Okay just tell me were you involved in my parents murder knowingly or unknowingly,

Wait.. There is nothing unknowingly for you, anyway just answer to me truthfully"

"I never lie or have ever lied to you"

"Just answer me"

"I was not involved in it. Yes when I sent you to that world, it did change a few things. It has caused a Butterfly effect. The effect caused was major because of you and Stark family being present there who originally didn't happen to exist there"

"Is that so"

"Who was that person who was targeting my family"

"that I won't say"

"Why is that"

"That's for you to find out"

"So you aren't going to answer huh.."


"So why am I here. Did I die"

"No you didn't die. I called you here so I could ask you about your fake life you are living"

"What do you mean"

"The people and that world aren't real so they are fake right. You weren't able to recreate that world right. So the world you are living in a fake world with fake people right"

"Why are they fake, I used omnipotence to create that world just like you created it."

"The ones created by me have soul but the ones created by you aren't humans with souls you see. I created a world and residents who are similar to you or as real as you and your precious world.

In that sense the one you created is fake right."

"Yes but what could I do"

"You should accept the laws of the nature and world and move on I guess"

"You guess, sorry I can't just move om like that. They were people who were very close to me. I spent almost 11years with them, they gave me love and cared for me and even I started to love for them and care about them.

I have come to terms with that I died and even accepted the fact that I got a chance to reincarnate and they were the ones to give birth to me.

Sure if they had died early like when I had been born or when I was a baby then I wouldn't have felt this sad or frustrated and even tried this hard to save them.

I lost my precious family and I even managed to accept this new family but they were taken away from me. How do you expect me to accept this. "

" Well that is true but you should you know that fate was also applicable to that world and so the time of their death might have come then. Its karma"

"Karma huh.. So what now"

"Do you accept the fact that you weren't right on this decision"

"What do you mean"

"You know being with the fake or copy of your parents isn't the best thing."

"They were similar to my old parents"

"Well when I created their soul I made them similar to your previous parents but at the same time they were different as they even after being created similar to them but had been born here and had different circumstances and experiences as they grew up, so they are a bit different."

"Yes, I guess that is also a reason why I felt comfortable with them, they were a bit similar to my previous parents, my mother used to call me by a nickname that she had given to me. No matter what happened she always called me by it, even when I was with my friends or when we were out. She refused to call me anything other than that or she did agree to call me by my name but would again start calling me by that nickname again. My father wasn't the type to shower me with love openly but was always caring for me. But he did use to punish me whenever I did anything that was wrong. I loved them and even they loved me, but I died. It was difficult to move on or to accept the fact that I died but I did accept it anyway but after contemplating a lot about it. I even started caring for them and finally even accepted them as my family. Losing someone you love and care for is difficult, I lost my family when I died and I couldn't do anything about it but I did get a new family after reincarnating.I didn't expect them to love me so much and I did pity their situation which definitely was your doing I atleast didn't close them of, I felt it would be cruel too cruel of me. After living with them for 11 years I started caring for them and even loving them. I finally did accept the fact that they are my new family. It took a lot of time but I accepted it but they were taken away from me."

"I... Can't say much to you about it but you should be more truthful to yourself. You don't have the power nor your Alien X has the power to replicate the things I have created or become someone like me. I have taken a intrest in you so i don't wish for you to change into something that you don't wish for. You wish for your parents but you can't seem to want to create them yourself. You wish to be with the original them not the fakes. "

" Then why don't you do something "

" I did tell you that I won't interfere with your life when I Reincarnated you right"

"So you knew about this, but didn't warn me or stop it"

"I am someone who has no name or identity. I am not chained by some notions or laws. I am beyond space and time or it would be better to say I am space and time. I am everything, I am not a god or am I being known to anyone. You are the very first person to know me, the worlds that I have created for you are same as your old world but is a little different as it has supernatural things or quirks in it. That's the only difference it has. So you should stop thinking of it as some fake world or virtual world. You living in a real world and not some fiction world, it used to be that but now it is as real as you, do enjoy this life of yours and I don't want to change the fate or feel like it, even for you and I want you to live your life according to you, now atleast without anyone else controlling it. "

" So what should i do now ROB, I am lost. I can't and don't want accept the things that have happened"

"You don't have to worry so much and just do what you feel like"

"What would be the right thing"


"Have you decided it and come to terms with it"

"Yes, you can do it now"


"It's nice that I don't have to say everything to you specifically"

'We had a bit of a chat and I think I am now ready to face the reality. Rob is going to destroy all the parallel worlds or realities that I have created and send me back in time or back before I started all this.

He did say that those parallel worlds were created because of my interference. Me traveling through time would not have caused it but after travelling through time the actions I took, caused or created parallel worlds and it also changed the original time line or more specifically my time line it seems. As per his boon or like he said that the original Canon will progress similar only, anyway now that I going back then all these dramas would not even have happened anymore.'

"So it's time for me to leave now huh.."

"Yes, your efforts did bear fruit so I guess this whole charade was not a waste"

"I guess so, I did learn something. I'll try to move forward"


"What is that smile for, I can't quite tell but I know for sure you are smiling"

"It's just your imagination"

"Fine, bye Rob I don't know when we will meet but bye"

"Okay, and it's seems it will rain now in your world anyway"

"It wasn't raining when I reached the party"

"Future changes I guess"

"okay and bye"


Mc Pov

'He sent me to time before i turned to Clockwork i guess. I can see those two still hanging upside down and everyone here is still dead but I don't see Damon here. Then it seems that I have come to time before damon arrived.'


*signs loudly

'Let's just wait till Damon to arrive.


<Yes Arthur>

'So do you remember all that has happened'


'Do you remember meeting Rob'

<I can't say I remember, you were standing in the balcony when suddenly a bright light enveloped you and then suddenly we were here>

'Let's move my parents body to a clean place with no blood puddles Jarvis'


'My father's body is losing warmness, its cold. As for my mother's body it's still a bit warm.


Wait it's a bit warm'

<There is still a pulse, it's faint but it's there. If left like this she may die but we can still rescue her>

'Her body wasn't warm nor did it have a pulse last time I checked,

Wait Rob did say that all this charade wasnt meaningless and it bore a fruit. Was this that he was talking about.

We should hurry now Jarvis'


*Green flash


I picked up my mother's body and moved out of the party hall and was on my way towards hospital when I heard it,


There aren't any thunder clouds or any change in climate. Its a clear chilly night but that lightning was very loud.

"What the"

'The lightning had striked the very building in which the party was going on but now there isn't a building in that spot anymore.

There is only smoke and fire visible but that thunder managed to burn and decimate the whole building in just a flash. That lightning wasn't normal it was green coloured lightning .'

<It was white coloured thunder Arthur>

' I'm sure it was green coloured lightning'

<It was white coloured, you must have mistaken it for another colour. It must be due to your transformation. Perhaps Jetray has different cones and rods>

'Don't you see the samethings that I do'

<No its like you have a third eye or a third person perspective eye on you through which I can see>

'I am sure I saw green colored lightning, that means it might have been the work of someone and it was not natural.'

<Perhaps, according to you its seems to be a green coloured but when I try to see it through my memory or your memory for that lightning it's just the same, it's white coloured>

' There isn't a quirk I guess which could do something like that or it could be Rob. He seems to be saying something to me but what is it.

I can think about that later first I should save my mother.


Wait my mother, if those guys could attack the party, on road and even on our island then just how safe is hospital. I can't trust anyone right now and did damon even survive that lightning, no he must be safe I don't think Rob will kill anyone with no reason, wait he could he did kill me'

<We should hurry>

'Yes but my father's corpse must have also burned and turned to dust in that lightning.

What should we do Jarvis. I don't think any hospital is safe for my mother and I can't trust anyone right now. What should we do'

<We could save her in our lab I guess. No one knows the location of our Omnilab.>

'Thats a good idea but we aren't doctors. Our lab ultimatlab location is known by some people but lab Omnilab is different, only we two know about it and ROB I think. But the equipments'

<We have Ultron and other goods we got when we did a Heist while others were distracted by those invaders and other equipments we built to examine your dial should be enough. We can get other equipments from the hospital on the island when we need it>

'Then let's go'


I managed to come to the island very quickly and entered my Omnilab very fast and without letting anyone findout about it. I came through a secret passage I had built connected to my Omnilab. I had built it to satisfy my aesthetics but who knew it would help out. With Jarvis, Ultron and other robots controlled by Jarvis and even some who have a AI built in them helped.

I transformed into Alien X, it did take some convincing and begging again as our last conversation never happened for them and this time they were more strict, I guess my begging them wasn't up to mark but never mind, they said they will only allow it this time only and there won't be a next time.

I built a machine with those parts and created some with Jarvis help and even healed my mother or reversed the time of her body.

I once again transformed into Anodite, it seems it was possible and it got unlocked after I opened the surprise gift card. It seems to allow me to transform me into other aliens or creatures shown in the show. I had seen in one of the episode where Gwen healed Kevin so Anodite should have powers to heal with magic. After transforming I used magic to heal her while it wasn't any different from Alien X omnipotence but this was being done by Magic so it's different I guess.

After healing her and giving her life support till she wakes up just for safety measures. I healed her, reversed her body time to heal her and even used Alien X to heal her just for my assurance.


But to dismay she didn't wake up even after a week and I didn't let the news of her survival let out. I travelled back to NY afterwards to not rise worry and managed damon. To the world my parentszl, both of them died in a lightning but I know for a fact that they were killed. I can't rest till I find the killer but it isn't that easy. Even that Butler died in that building. Not even their ashes were found, well they couldn't distinguish between the ashes left. Well there wasn't much Ash left there anyway.

That person might have let down his guard thinking about this being his victory but i will find him or her and make them pay.

I continued my life being sad, I was sad I managed to save my mother but I couldn't save my father. I didn't want to travel back in time or do anything of that sort again and mess this up and lose my mother also.

She didn't wake up, it has been a month and still she didn't wake up. Damon thinks that the lightning striked before I reached that building and they died due to lightning. He was a bit doubtful but he didn't tell me about it. It seems he managed to catch on to the fact about the time disparency between the call not being received and the lightning. He doesn't want to drag me into this it seems and is doing the investigation stuff alone.

I daily go to my lab to check on my mother. I even sneaked out some stuff from my father's lab, storeroom and hospital and even some supplies that were stored in the storage house in this time. Many people were giving me their support in this time and then... ;


'I was kidnapped on the day before my birthday, in the morning while I was sleeping. I didn't resist as they didn't seem to want to kill me just yet and wanted to take me along with them alive

Perhaps I could get a clue about the identity of the betrayer and the enemy wishing to kill my family there. My Omnilab was being protected by Ultron and other robots fully equipped for war by the weapons created by Stark Industries and even some of which I had created with Jarvis's help.

These guys even know about my lab. Ultimatlab as I got a report from Jarvis stating about some unknown men infiltrating my Ultimatlab and searching for everything and even stealing my PC's.

I have all my important stuff in Omnilab and Ultimatlab was only for decoration as my father and some people knew about it. I didn't want them to see my lab and see me as some even bigger monster than they think I am. If its my lab then the only people who know of lab are very less but it can't be Damon right Jarvis. He was worried about my parents and Sebastian and my father are dead but what is going on. '


'I am here being held in some sort of cell without any basic necessities. I am sure this is what it feels like to be in jail but why aren't they coming here. Its been a bit more than 18 hours since they abducted me from my room. How the did they even manage to enter ark. Jarvis how did they manage to enter and why the hell did my body not respond at that time. '

<Might be some drug>

' I would have preferred to beat them up and then hypnotize them and then follow along with their kidnapping plan. My resistance did kick in but by the time it did kick in I was already chained and packed so I gave up on that plan. '

<It might have been some late activating drug.>

'Who was it that drugged me. I was right in not admitting my mother in some hospital. I even attended their funeral, it was sad and it did hurt me to attend their funeral.

I will have to find the identity of that traitor fast. My mother was the only person who came back to life this time according to my knowledge. Who was it'


*Door opening sound

"I see you're awake now"

"So what, who are you and why did you kidnap me?"

"You sure are brave to talk back like that, don't worry we just kidnapped you so we could do some experiments on you and research about your quirk"

'Could it be Robert no but he doesn't know about my lab..i don't understand anything who the the hell is this traitor. Let's just try to escape this place but I want to collect as much information as I can. I don't know where u am but they did take me out of ark I am sure of it.'

"I don't know how much this person who made you kidnap paid you but I will pay you double no triple so please let me out"

"It's a good offer but I can't risk my life for it"

"Okay then what about ten times it"

*Gulps loudly

"No I can't do that"

"I know you can then what about hundred times it. I am sure this amount is enough to risk your life"

"... Okay but"

"I am sure you can do it, let's do it 150 times this is final offer I can give you"

"It's a... But my life"

"Okay let's do it 1000 times it"

"1000 times.. Are you crazy"

"To save our life humans can do anything right, so 1000 times isn't that big of a deal compared to my life"

"Right, so be ready i will take you out in 4-5 hours when the security is low.."



"Sorry I can't let that happen"

"Sebastian it's you"

"Sorry young master but I can't let you escape"

"Why did you betray me? Why did you betray my father, he trusted you so much"

"I am not obliged to answer that question Arthur"

"Is that so. Then why did you crush this guys skull"

"He was going to betray the organisation for money"

"So it's the work of some organisation but what is the goal of this organisation anyway. Is it related to me, Is that why my parents were killed"

"It's goal is not related to you but you are very good find ofcourse. You quirk will be very useful to the organisation and your parents weren't killed because of you and thats all i can tell you."

"Are you the Head of this organisation Sebastian"

"Its not important"

"So you aren't huh.."

"You can consider anything"

"Will you let me go"

"I can't"

"Is it money you need, then I can give you a lot of it"

"You can't give me what I want"

"Is that your final answer"


*signs loudly

'This sure is a disappointing development. But wasn't he supposed to be dead earlier.'

<We had not seen his corpse with your eyes>

'Right, he may not have died back then. So Damon is also a suspect now as he was the only person to see his corpse but that happened in previous time line. They were both a suspect but to find out about it is very saddening. Wait it isn't confirmed yet whether Damon has betrayed me or not. '

"Just stay here for some time before they will come and pick you up"

"Fine, its your choice"



' So he went huh.. '

<It's 12am now>

' Is that so'

<Happy Birthday>

'Thanks Jarvis, so what now. Should I wait till they come and then attack or just break out of here.

Whatever I do, I wanna do it with a bang. I want it to be grand. My escape from here. I have now turned 12 huh..'

"Wait what about the draw, is it available now"

"What are shouting"

' It seems my sudden outburst alerted the guards. They are standing in front of me, clearly looking down on me, it's written all over their face, just your typical guard grunts.'

"You should be quiet and not make noise kid, or else it won't be good for you"

"Just keep quiet that strong quirks of your will also not help you in this situation. I will beat you up if you so much as make a noise"

"That quirk is useless on a nobody like you anyway"

"Why do useless and losers like you get such good quirks huh.."


'That hurts a bit dammit. You can't just kick anybody like that. Now I'm mad'

"Don't overdo it"

"fine, he has such a pretty boy face. Don't you feel like he needs a little make over"

"You're right. I don't think they even need his face for the experiment"

'This guy's are just hopeless'

"So you guys are just jealous of me huhh..."

"Who said anything about being jealous of you. You shit head"

"He seriously needs to learn a lesson to not disrespect those who are superior to him"

"You guys are superior to me huh..

Thats cute"

"Whats cute you piece of trash"


'That punch hurts fuck'

"Just squirm like a insect you are"

"Your misconception."

"What misconception are you talking about"

"It's cute that you think that you are superior to me. It's cute that misconception of yours"

"Now I'm seriously pissed"

'Make the draw the Jarvis. Let's see if I get something grand'

"You are nothing but a dog. You are nothing now"

"Do even understand what position you're in now"

<Opening the gift section: MCU DNA Draw(Once a year) >

'So it's....'

|Lucky Draw|


'It's fucking Sutur. Its definitely a great pull. You fools, now I shall be the Ragnorok of this so called organisation'

"You shit head"

"Its time i teach you mongrels a lesson and show you, your place mongrel.


"They didn't say anything about this"


*Green flash



*Whole building was engulfed in flames and destroyed.


'That was overkill. I'm in some sort of island. Just transforming and doing something similar to a mana burst from fate destroyed almost whole island. This island is big, almost as big as Ark maybe a bit more than half of ark. The whole island has been burned down. There is lava puddles here and there now. All the buildings and other things on this island have melted down. I killed people for real now huh. I killed people, real people. I am... What the fuck. I killed people for real.


Right now I am sitting cross legged on what is remained of the island. More than half of the island has sunk or is missing, there are marks of mass destruction.

This scene sure looks like end of the world. And seeing me sitting here will surely make people think it's Apocalypse.'

<It's mass destruction form. You don't need to so much of anything, this form destroys anything and everything without discrimination in its vicinity. The only people who can survive are those who ahev very strong body and have extreme fire resistance.>

'That's useful but he is overkill. I don't think I would be using him much from now on anyway.

There is some ship a bit distance from this island. Wait its moving away from this island.'

<Obviously, seeing a giant made up of fire must be really terrifying. The most logical course of action would be to run away and after seeing the destruction you have caused, if they don't run then they are idiots or brave.>

'But what was that ship doing here anyway. This island belonged to that organisation so how did that ship even come here,it is only possible if that ship should belonged to this organisation.

Let's go meet them'

*Green flash

"It wouldn't be easy to go there in Sutur form, let's go"

*Green flash

"Iron Man"

[Iron Man]

"Let's go"


"Fuck what the heck is that thing"

"Let's head back"

"No Keep moving"

"How did this happen, let's move fast"

"The whole island is destroyed. There isn't anything left there. If we don't move fast, even we will face same fate"

"It's a Demon"


Darnic Pov

"What's this commotion outside"

"Sir the island D branch was destroyed"

"How is that even possible"

"There is a giant demon sitting on the island"

"Dont spout nonsense"

"Sir I'm speaking the truth, I have seen it with my own eyes"

"Let's see this demon of your with my own eyes"

"Yes sir"


"Where is this demon I can't it"

"It was here just a moment ago"

"Hey you there, yes you come here, tell me what happened here"

"Sir there is a demon here who destroyed the island"

"I can't see the Demon"

"It was here just a moment ago sir"

"Tell me the truth or else it won't be good for you. Who attacked the island and caused this destruction. Don't spout nonsense like it was done by a demon"

"Even if you don't believe me sir then who could have done this destruction"

"That's what I'm asking you?"

"We should report of this soon to the main headquarters sir"

"Yes, I don't believe it to be true but the destruction of the island and the branch office is true so we should report of this."

"Yes sir"


"What is that?"

"Its seems to be some sort of robot"

"Whatever it is, it's heading towards us. Shoot it down before it can reach us"

"Yes sir"


"Why isn't it down yet"

"We are trying to hit it but that thing is managing to dodge our attacks."

"Then do something to make that thing stop. We don't know what that is, it might be a bomb. Something similar could have destroyed that island so of that thing hits us, we could be done for"


"It's fast approaching us..."



"Hold your weapons and fire on my order"

*Metallic footsteps

"Identify yourself. What are you and why did you come here for?"

"Why is there a need for that?"

"Answer us or it won't be good for you"

"Why would that be"

"Just answer us or else we would open fire on you and not stop till we destroy you"

"Would you let me go unharmed if I answer your questions?"

"You can"

"I doubt it"

"Just answer our question, who are you?"

"I am Lucifer Morningstar"

"Who is that? I haven't heard of that name ever in my life"

"Lucifer is the name of the devil. It's the devil. The devil has descended to kill us"

"It's the devil"

"The devil is here"

"The devil destroyed the island"

"The devil has come here to kill us and throw us into hell"

' What the hell? The whole camp haa descended into chaos because of this robot who calls himself Lucifer or whatever, then if we capture it this technology could be ours'

"Can you speak the truth"

"Well I am speaking the truth. I am Lucifer Morningstar, the devil in the flesh"

"We can't let everyone fall into chaos and despair, join everyone and move everyone to coordinate and attack this thing. Sir what's your next order"

"Capture this thing as intact as possible. Don't damage it too much but if you're unable to, then destroy it"

"Okay sir"

"You guys sure are violent just attacking anyone, I just wanna talk."

"I guess we can entertain you for sometime" "So are you guys related to that island"

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, just curious"

"No we don't know anything about that island"

"Then what are you guys even doing here"

"We don't have any obligation to answer your question and what are even doing on our ship. You do know that invading someone's ship is illegal, it doesn't matter if you're a human or a devil, we can attack you in self defense"

"I guess so. But why did you attack me when I was still flying far away from your ship"

"Defensive measures"

"Is that so"


"You know even I could attack you guys for attacking me"

"I guess, but we will retaliate in kind"

"Okay, then I'll be leaving"

'I can't let thing get out of my ship. God knows how fast it is. It would have been ideal to shoot it down after it left the ship. It would have reduced the damage to the ship and also made it easy to shoot when that thing is showing its back to us but seeing those propeller type wings i doubt we can hit it before it goes out of our range"

"Then bye"

"Sorry we can't let you leave. You have stepped on my ship and can't hope to get out of it alive"

"In what time are you people living in anyway. Its 21st century you don't go saying like you can't return alive from your place. It's the age of democracy, and anyway I thought about using some drones to eliminate you guys as I can't be bothered to deal with you mongrels and do you seriously think I believe your white lie of having no connection to the island when your ship is going right in the opposite direction of the island. You should learn the consequences of your action of going against me"


"You know, you should be ready to die and get killed when you try to kill anyone. As you try to kill anyone, you should also be prepared to be killed. Ready to be killed in the most gruesome manner, that is commitment you should have"

"Its doesn't matter, after all you are going to die now or wait you are going to be destroyed"

"Is that so, then Repent your actions in hell Mongrels."


"Huhhhh huhhh"

*Breathing heavily

'What the fuck is that thing. The moment I ordered to fire and attack using their quirks, they attacked and it sure did cause a lot damage and I was sure he had died or atleast been severely damaged and be unable to function but to my dismay he wasn't there and he was flying just above the ship.

I was worried that he would escape but instead he dived directly towards us and some laser sort of attack was launched from his body which burned everyone in its trajectory to ashes and left a deep burned mark and a big hole on the ship.

If that wasn't enough he landed on the ship, but he sure took his time landing.

Only 4 of us were left on the deck of the now sinking ship. Hearing the commotion more of the guards and other workers came out check the situation and upon instructing them even they tried to attack him, tried but before they could attack him, some sort of mini missiles were launched from his shoulder, they exploded upon contact and managed to kill all those who had tried attacking him.

Some more came out of the building, why the hell are they coming in groups and not at once. Is this some sort of movie where these guys come in groups and get killed.

These guys were also killed.

There is one thing that I have observed of this thing or whatever it is. Its that it doesn't attack or kill anyone unless and until they attack it. So everyone who have attacked it have died now and are dying right now in dozens and I am doing nothing to stop it. I can't attack it without a plan. Its very powerful and dangerous. Whoever created it and are in case piloting it, is a monster. No they are a God.


Mc Pov

'I killed everyone on this ship before it sank. It was taking it's time to sink. I killed everyone who were involved with that organisation in cold blood. I met Sebastian on this ship, he didn't recognize me but anyway i wanted to kill him but couldn't so I just knocked him out and tied him up to the ship. Then moved on to check the ship.

This ship was huge so I guess it was taking its time to sink after that huge hole I created.

I transformed into Whampire and I questioned Sebastian and others, also that leader sort of guy on the deck and then killed him.

He was crazy strong. It wasn't easy to defeat him and he didn't even go down with Unibeam or repulsion blasts. His quirk was the most unique quirk I had seen so far. He could control and manipulate fire, water, ice and lightning.

He attacked me with all those elements at the same time. It didn't help learning that he was proficient in all those elements. But I did manage to defeat him by transforming to Hulk. I beat the hell out of him. I punched him like there was no tomorrow and killed him.

I feel like I am losing myself. Killing someone wasn't something I had done before today. I killed someone, no a lot of people. It was a massacre today, I killed a lot of people today for the first time on my birthday. Was it because of anger and hatred or for my revenge I don't know but I stopped hating myself for committing murder after these people attacked me. As I went killing them, I stopped feeling that thinking about morality and that stuff. I only killed them after they attacked me, under the condition that they attacked with the intent to kill me.

I was lost seeing the destruction i had caused after turning into Sutur. I might have been in high spirits after seeing that destruction and my power if not for the people that died ther because of me. I didn't knew what to do. I just distracted my mind by thinking about other things.

In the end of the day, it's true that I killed people, q lot of people at that and I can't change the fact. I can't save them by going back in time or I could but who knows. According to Rob it was their fate to die but I still managed to save my mother even if she is still in coma. Moreover I am the one who killed these people, so I think I can save these people by stopping my action in the past but I don't feel like doing that.

This guys belong to the organisation who tried to kill my family and even tried to kill me and also want to experiment on me. I hate myself and detest myself for killing them but I don't want to save them or change the past even if I can save them. That's something I am sure of.


I found Damon chained up, completely battered in one of the cells in the ship. He was missing a whole arm complete from his shoulder and both his legs below ankle. He was covered with his own blood i think. I don't think he will survive much longer even if hadn't attacked the ship and now I don't think he will survive unless I save him. I questioned him after waking him up. He wasn't much responsive but after waking him up force fully I hypnotized him and did some questioning and took him and went out after confirming his innocence in this whole situation.

After reaching outside I transformed into Jetray and took Damon who was unconscious with me to the sky.

I had ordered Jarvis to bring the drones to my location after I spotted this ship while in my Sutur form. I used them to assassinate Sebastian and destroy most of the ship and further the sinking time. As almost the whole ship is destroyed I don't think anyone will even find out about it after seeing the remanants of the ship that had sinked and left for my laboratory.


I had asked Jarvis to move the required equipments to save Damon to Ultimatlab and soon I was in my lab. Watching Jarvis do his work saving Damon.

<What do you wish to do about his arm and leg he lost>

'I don't know. He will have to give up his work and retire. He may not be even able to do any other work. I would support him as he got those injuries while fighting to save my life but he isn't the sort of person to receive anyone's help. Do you have any solution Jarvis'

<We could regenerate his body parts by using Alien X>

'I doubt those two will help me. They made it very clear that they won't be helping me next tume. So what next'

<Perhaps we could use the same method, we used to create Ultron>

'Are you suggesting that we make him into a cyborg. I don't know about this, turning him into a cyborg. He isn't the type of person to complain if I we do it, but doing it without his opinion and forcing it on him isn't ideal.'

<Not quite right, her we can use the same principle but different idea. Why not analyse Hulk's DNA to create our very own special DNA with Hulks incredible strength and durability and use it on him, by changing his DNA a bit and maybe he could gain more strength skill.>

' That sounds like a good idea but can we do it.'

<It's a possibility>

'Yes it's a good idea and doesn't hurt to try, but I'm unsure if we should do it or not, atleast not without taking his permission and if we are trying to create a DNA or virus sort of thing then why not use anyone of the aliens.'

<They aren't compatible with humans much I guess. We can't change his whole DNA itself and even if tuned it to match his human DNA, we can't be sure if there won't be any repercussions and side effects. His whole DNA might mutate and turn him into something totally different from a human he is now. But Hulk will be more compatible with his human DNA , as shown in the movie how gamma rays mutate his DNA to let him transform into Hulk whenever he is angry.

We can modify his DNA similarly, but in his case we will modify his DNA, so when he transforms he will be more powerful>

'I understand that it will make him stronger but how is that supposed to heal him or help. If he doesn't have a hand and both his legs then what will he do with this strength, which he sure won't be able to use it at his full strength.'

<Do the same method you used to heal your mother>

' I guess that completely slipped past my mind, while thinking about this so called organisation. I couldn't get to find about the leader of this organisation nor was I even able to find out about the name of this organisation.

This is frustrating, I sure as hell didn't sign up for this when I got Mha in that draw. I am sure that this organisation didn't exist in the Canon, and I am also sure that this organisations leader isn't All for One as I am sure he isn't this persistent as couldn't do shit against Deku and Allmight and previous users of One for All users. Sure that quirk might have been strong but he couldn't kill their users before they could become strong.

From Anime I know that he knew about All Might's predecessor or his teacher. So he might have found out about it before itself but didn't or couldn't do anything about it, I don't know for sure as I don't know exactly what had happened.

If I was his place then I would have sent assassin's and tried to kill them atleast when they were vulnerable and got rid of them as soon as I could, can't say for sure if I could follow through this plan as my consciousness wouldn't allow it anyways.

I wouldn't have been able to kill them as they have neither hurt me or those dear to me. As for impending his goal, I don't think so as I have neither same goal or aim as All for One.

I don't care or give a fuck about his goals, but if he is going to attack me then he was will regret messing with me. That I am sure of, as he sure will be there when I enter the fray'


'Hmmm right, it won't be long. Only four years are left before the Canon starts.'

<You got lost in your monologue>

'Yes, let's heal him'

*Green flash




"So you have Awakened atlast Damon. Took you long enough"

"What happened master, where am I?"


"Wait I was fighting some people who had infiltrated ark and lost the fight.


Huhh, I was captured and tortured also"

"So you remember about it huh.."

"Yes, but how?

My hand and legs.

I had lost it, he had cut them.

Sebastian betrayed master.

Are you okay Master"

"It's Arthur, not Master"


"It's nothing to apologise for"

"I.. Am sorry that I couldn't protect your parents. Then I promised myself to protect you but I couldn't even do that."


"Have you calmed down now"

"Yes Mast.. Arthur"



"Are you fine now Damon"

"Yes I am completely fine Arthur. I would have preferred if you hadn't risked your life trying to rescue me"

'Right, it seems he doesn't remember it. That's good I don't want anyone close to know about me killing.

It's greedy of me but I don't want people to know about it. I don't want my family to know about it. This makes it easy, I won't be able to wash away my guilt and forget what happened but I don't wanna live in the past, those nightmares I am having are enough as it is, I don't wanna deal with any other troublesome things.'

"What happened Arthur?"

"Nothing, so are you feeling anything different"

"I don't feel anything different, it's same as always but I do feel better compared to yesterday. I want to ask you but you don't have to answer if you don't want to, how did you heal me. I had lost my hand and both my legs but it has now healed"

"About that, I want to apologise to you"

"About what"

"You see I wanted to save you but I couldn't think of a any way to do it.

Well I had been researching about my quirk in this lab of mine and among them one of the transformation is similar to yours. As you know my quirk has to do with DNA and the quirk is also related to DNA as our quirks are present in our DNA, their data atleast."


"So I was studying his DNA and I happened to merge your DNA with that DNA. Its impossible but it succeeded. It was the first time I used and maybe the last time also as it's not that simple and my other transformation have a completely different DNA than humans so it's impossible"

"Other transformation"

"Yea, I lost that form"


"It's okay, I managed to save your life that enough I guess"

'I can't say the truth to him. It will be a pain and I don't want to show my cards and make sure he understands that it was a one time thing'

"So what has happened to me, did it change anything in me or am I not able to fight now"

"No, it has merged with your quirk so, it won't be changing much but I think your quirk has changed a bit and your transformation might have changed a bit and you might have become a bit more strong"

"Is that so"


"I don't know what to say but thank you and I am sorry Arthur that I couldn't save your parents"

"About that, I want to show you something, follow me"



"How is that possible?"

"I managed to go there a bit earlier before lightning striked there and managed to save my mother"

"What about Master Albert, why isn't he here"

"He was dead before I reached there"

"What do you mean, didn't he die because of lightning"

"No, the party venue was attacked and everyone in there had been killed and when i reached there. All I saw was dead bodies scattered around everywhere but my mother was still breathing, she was unconscious and her breathes were short but she was still alive. So I managed to bring her back but as soon as I got out of there the building was struck by the lightning and everything was burned out.

I didn't knew what to do, so brought her back here in my lab and I already had the equipments and I had created a AI when I was spending time here with the help of one of my transformation.

I even had a form which helps me heal so I managed to save her. It was because of that AI, I was able to save her. He did all the work. "

" Is that so, but who was the who killed them"

"That's what I'd like to know, I didn't knew the identity of that person so I brought her here where no one will know about it"

"Yes, we can't completely be sure of our allies now that even Sebastian has betrayed us"



"Arthur I think you should take rest and live your life like your parents wished for"

"I guess, I can't do anything till my mother awakens and I don't want to become some shut in or anything of that sort"

"Right, I would like for you to attend your school as would have attended if not for this tragedies that took place. I am sure yiur father would have wished for the same, for you to move on and you can't be like that when your mother wakes up"

"Okay, so I guess school it is"

"Yes Arthur"

"Before we leave this lab I wish to let you know about traitors present in this island"


"You can deal with them among them are Sebastian Sona and his girlfriend who drugged me, so that I could be kidnapped. Even my care taker was one of them.

I don't know what to do, so you should deal with them as you wish"

... THE END...

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