
My Alienic Life In Omniverse(MHA[My Hero Academia] /Omniverse)

A Random dude gets reincarnated in My Hero Academia. As he catches the interest of a certain ROB. Will his life be the same old quiet life or will it be filled with action. What changes will his presence in this world, bring about. It's a multiverse story, with first or main world as mha. Further world's will be selected based on reader's vote. Mc will have gacha option, where he can draw forms or transformations from other fictional verse. There is no limit to whom he can pull, from jerry to TOAA or Scarlett King or Hajun. It can be anyone. Mc is overly overpowered and I have tried to balance the story a bit. At the start his aliens are nerfed a bit but by the start of canon, his transformations are as strong as original or even stronger in some cases. Though some people will be angry about that nerfing of his aliens but i haven't nerfed them like I said earlier, I have just shown him to be powerless against ROB and nothing more. Well many people did consider it as nerfing so I had to mention it. [Omniverse] Start World - My Hero Academia 1st World - Haven't decided, waiting for readers votes. Starting 3 chapters have a lot of gramtical mistakes. They were just rough drafts which I myself have not read and have just uploaded it. The next chapters are fine, I guess. Please bear with me and give it a try. I hope you enjoy reading this novel. I can't tell much about the upload time, as I am busy with my college I will try to upload 2-4 chapters a month. Except starting 1 to 4 chapters, all the chapters have a minimum of 4500 words to 8.5k words in some. Disclaimer *I do not own cover picture, it belongs to its original owner. If you are the owner of the cover picture and want me to remove it, comment in the latest chapter posted. *I do not own or have rights for My Hero Academia as it belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, Ben 10 as it belongs to Duncan Rouleau(Warner Bros) aka Man of Action and any Marvel element in this show as it belongs to Marvel and thereby Disney. *I own nothing except the Main Protagonist who is an OC and ROB who's also a OC atleast his character design. *If you are the original owner of any elements used in this fanfiction you can contact me if you wish to remove the said elements from this fiction or wish for this novel to be taken down. *This novel is a fanfiction written by me for entertainment purposes and is a non profit fic and under no condition am I monetizing this piece of work and I am under no condition earning anything from this novel.

Vanitas_24 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Tsukiyomi of Fate

In a rainy day on a silent area we can see a young boy of maybe 11 years old, is on his knees holding two bloodied body to his chest. He can be seen hugging both the bodies like his very life depended on it.


The only sound we can hear is his painful cry of agony here except the sound of rain drops.




"Fuck you ROB"


"Fuck this World"





'why isnt this working'


'It should work completely fine in theory, but why isn't this working Jarvis?'

<It should work in theory but there are a lot of unknown factors here,so I can't comprehend the reason as the laws and principles of this world are same as your old world but at the same time completely different>

'You are saying that the concept of time works different here. If i cant sve them by reversing time, then lets go back to past and save them.'

<It should be possible but due to the unknown factors,we cant really find out about whether it's possible or not unless we try it>

'Then lets get going'

'A clock appears(I'm adding a bit of effects for time travel) below me and all the hand starts rotating reverse'

"What is this Arthur? what are you trying to do?"

"Dont disturb me now"


Clock starts shining and the hall is filled with blue light and after the light fades away there is a stupidified Damon,the hanging duo and dead bodies are the only things left in the hall.




On a certain hotel roof top, a clock symbol appears on the floor, the clock starts glowing then after the light fades away with the clock, there standing in its place is a tin shaped being.

'It was a unique experience, now onto find my parents...

Where are they?'

<At this time, your parents should be on their way here>

'Yes, let's wait till they come'


<They have arrived>

'Where are they'

<Near the entrance>

'I can see them now. Let's wait till those attackers come and then eliminate them before they can do anything'

. [Mc Pov]

I waited for those guys to attack and then went in. The whole venue was in chaos but seeing me suddenly appear there when those guys had already started their attack added more fuel to the chaos.

Those guys did stop their attack, when they saw me but they continued their attack. But this time that hand guy attacked me while that missile guy kept on attacking other guests.

This guy was strong before, but now his attacks have more power.

I guess he was tired after his fight before. Well he can't be more powerful than time itself.

'Everything started moving slowly , I did slow the flow of time. This makes it a lot easier to dodge his attacks and attack him back.'


Atlast I managed to defeat him, but before I could attack that missile guy next, but that guy had already launched his missiles towards me but just his bad luck, his missiles were also slow like him and everything after I slowed the flow of time.

I moved dodging those missiles coming towards me then punched him hard on his stomach. His body wasn't strong enough to take my punch I guess. He was strong but so was my heavy arm. He was knocked out cold after it.

Just as he fell unconscious there, the flow of time returned back to normal and I could hear the sound of explosion of those missiles he had launched before exploding when they hit the ground.

I managed to defeat these guys before they could kill my parents. I managed to save my parents but I don't really feel like I managed to do anything.

'I shouldnt think about any negative things. Be more positive'

*Boom boom boom....

'What the fuck, where the hell did that guy come from. Fuck... Fuck... Fuck.'

Just as I thought that I had saved them but but to my disarray one of the guest had shot my parents.

I was late, if I hadn't returned the flow of time to normal then perhaps I could have prevented this but, I still have a chance. I should just reverse their time then I could save them.




"Shit this isn't working why can't I reverse their time and bring them back to life. Clockwork is powerful but why the hell isn't this working. What the hell is wrong, why can't I revive them"


'Let's try this one more time Jarvis, this time i won't let anyone harm them'




I couldn't save them again. I fucking didn't expect them to be poisoned this time. They might have been poisoned even the first time also. My mother's quirk is strong and I can't expect them to defeat her that easily.

Jarvis can you tell what sort of poison is this'

<Seeing their symptoms and the way they died. I guess it is the type which attacks and damages their nervous system and slowly brings their death.>

'This is seriously messed up. Let's try it again but this time let's not let them come to the party itself.'


I was able to stop them from going to party but this time there was a bomb planted in my home. Just as I was on my way my back to my time whick I highly doubt even exist now as it was before, as the past has changed a lot, but Jarvis you said something creating different realities.

Anyway we can discuss that later but now we should focus on this. My home exploded. It killed everyone in it. But i could see feedback standing in the middle of the rubble there.

He saw me.

'I had a eye contact with feedback. Fuck.. Fuck.

I slowed the flow of time here but he was here without any delay and punched me and knocked me a few buildings away.

I crashed into the ground.'

"Who are you? Or perhaps from what time are you Arthur?"

He was standing right in front of me or in front of my fallen body.


'Fu*k this'

"Ultimate Clockwork"


'If reversing back their body doesnt work then let's just reverse the time of this whole world and the universe itself and I can even get myself out of this situation'

"What the"



"Argg... Fuck..

Where the hell am I? Wait this is my room back in arc"

*green flash


After inspecting my room and checking the date I can say that I have traveled back in time to the day before I went to NY with my parents.

"Are you okay my little star"

"huh. When did you get in here mother?"

"I heard a scream from your room, so I came running straight here. Are you okay my little star and why are you crying. Did something happen, you know you can tell me everything right."

"Its nothing, I just had a bad dream"

"Are you nervous? After all its your first time going out of ark"

"I am"

"Don't worry, we will be together there"

'I don't know about that. I am scared, I don't want to lose you again'

"I know you will enjoy it there"

'I know that I won't but..'

"You should go to sleep now. Tomorrow you will need a lot of energy to explore and visit new places"

"Okay mother"

"So goodnight, sleep well my little star"

"Goodnight mother"


'She is gone. I don't want us to go but there is nothing much I can do to stop them but I will have to do something.

I cant let them die.'


*signs loudly

'what do you make of the situation Jarvis'

<Them dying is not guaranteed but I can't say much about this. The laws of this world is different from Ben 10 Verse. You can't expect the things that work there to work the same here. The future might change as there is a paradox present right here. >

'What do you mean by that'

<You are right here present now. In the present or the past from the future or the present. It is different no matter how you consider it. You being here itself is a time paradox. The future might be different this time. It might play out differently now because of you being here. The laws of this MHA world is completely different from the Ben 10 world or your old world. I can't say anything on this matter >

'That really is a problem.

We can think about it later and focus on important and current problems, now I will have to manage to convince my parents to not go to NY.

Let's sleep now and talk to them in the morning about it.'


'I can't sleep...'


'Jarvis how is Ultron now. I think the time to use Ultron and his family has come now'

<He should do just fine in combat if it is hand to hand fight. But he doesn't have much weapons on him>

'Is that so.

It's raining now'

<It seems to be>

'It wasn't raining before'


'It wasn't supposed to rain. It didn't rain last time'

<It's changing, the future has already started to change>

'Where are they now'

<I don't know>



"Damon where are my parents right now"

"What happened and why are you in a hurry Arthur?"

"We can talk later about it but where are they now"

"Your Mother Madam Jeanne just went to Master Albert's laboratory. Master wasn't coming out of his laboratory. She has gone there so she could bring him back home and let him prepare for his journey tomorrow"

"Thanks Damon"

"What is it Arthur? Do you have some work for them"

"We'll talk later"



*green flash



As soon as I got out of the house, I transformed into XLR8 and raced towards my father's laboratory.


I was able to travel fast and soon I was half way there and...

I saw my parents parked off road.

'No, it can't happen this soon'

"Fuck why did it happen this soon"

There my parents Dead body was lying near the car.

"Why can't I protect them. Why are they dying everytime I try to save them.

Why the fuck isnt it working"


"Fuck this"

*green flash

ALIEN[ALIEN X] (I thought of changing the personality of Voice of Love and Aggression a bit)

"You sure are brave to intervene our fight boy"

|Voice of Aggression|

"Coming here after what happened last time, you sure are a foolish mortal"

|Voice of Love|

"I understand what I did last time wasn't correct but please you have to help me this one time"

|Voice of Reason|

"Do you really expect us to help you"

|Voice of Aggression|

"I am requesting you, please I want to save my parents. No matter what I do I am unable to save them. But I am sure I can surely save them with your power"

|Voice of Reason|

"No matter the reason, we aren't interested in helping you"

|Voice of Aggression|

"I do feel sorry for you but your last stunt was very irritating to say the least"

|Voice of Love|

"I ask of you please help Arthur"

"It seems you have also come here to beg for him Voice of Wisdom"

|Voice of Aggression|

"Jarvis thanks, i am requesting you both please let me use your power. I won't do anything like I did last time"

|Voice of Reason|

"Are you sure you won't be doing anything like that once more"

|Voice of Love|

"Yes, so I am requesting you please"

|Voice of Reason|


|Voice of Wisdom|

"I'll give you my permission if you agree to not do anything like that and do save your parents"

|Voice of Love|

"Thanks and I promise to never do anything like that"

|Voice of Reason|

"Thank you lady Serena"

|Voice of Wisdom|

"Its okay Jarvis and what about you Bellicus, aren't you going to give your permission"

|Voice of Love|

"There isn't any need for me to give my permission as he has 3 votes already. You have my permission boy but I won't be helping you once more. This time i am allowing only because I can't stand to see that sorry state of your and this charade of your isn't allowing us to continue our fight"

|Voice of Aggression|

"Thank you both of you. I won't be doing that again"

|Voice of Reason|


"Alien X"

<Was there a necessity to say that name>

' I can finally save them. I am sure of it and that's just a habit now, I won't feel much if I don't shout the aliens name after transformation'

<Okay so are you going to bring them back just like that>

'I don't know if I can or how to but let's try it'



'Let's go, wait I feel like I am being stared by someone of something'

<I will use Ultron to check it. This island has surveillance everywhere, so let's check>




<There is two people watching you from 1.37km North-East>

'Okay, teleport me to their location'



"What sort of transformation is that Glitch"

"I don't know, but it certainly looks strong"

"Yes, it's like it's whole body is made up of space with stars in it. It's like that being is a mini universe or a cosmos itself"

"That certainly is not good"

"That transformation ability of his is sure very interesting and good"

"Yes, and we shouldn't engage him directly and let's escape through gate if we face any danger"

"Okay fine and you don't have to say it to me, Glitch"

.[General Pov]

"Hello peepers"

"What the"

"You are here"

"How did you come here, you were just there a second ago"

"Nothing is impossible for me, mongrels"

"You sure have a nerve calling me mongrel"

"Don't rush D"

"Okay.. "

"Were you guys responsible for my parents death"

"If I say no"

"Do you think I will believe you"

"Then why do ask"

"Just checking for your reaction"

"What do you think now"

"You were definitely involved in it"

"Yes so what"

Sooner had he said that a dark black hand covered with red coloured light streaks running through it, attached Arthur. It was ready to rip Arthur apart but to their misfortune it didn't change anything.

Arthur was there standing at the same place after taking that attack and survived without taking any damage.

D attached Arthur again and again but to his disarray it didn't deal any damage to Arthur.

"What the hell are you made up of"

' What sort of quirk is this, his quirk is similar to Dark shadow, but this one is more dangerous than his for sure. I felt like I was being stared at by someone from his shadow. That shadow sort of hand was strong but, it might be just my imagination but i felt like i saw crimson red eyes in his shadow.

This guy


is stronger than those two guys from party'


"Now I got you"

The other guy was standing just Behind Arthur touching his hand on Arthur's back.

'He sure is fast to get behind me so soon'

"Seeing that your body looks like space, then what will happen if space itself is svered"



"You aren't qualified to defeat me mongrel"


'His quirk seems to be related to space, then let's get this over with..'

"Now move"

'I grabbed his hand and threw him towards his partner. But i dont know what are they doing here this early. In a sense weren't those two been told to assassinate my parents then who are these two, are they sent here by the same person or someone else'

"You should start talking now, who sent you here"

"Like we'll tell you"

"Is that so, then I guess severing your legs and hands might make you talk"

"Let's get out here, gate"

'When that space severing guy shouted about escaping and gate a portal sort of thing appeared near him, is it something like warp gate, then..'

"You aren't escaping"

"Too late..


Wtf why isn't this working.

It shouldn't be possible, gate is still here but why isn't this working."

"Glitch the gate has been shut off.

So what did you do Arthur"

"Fuck.. You are a kid you shouldn't be this strong and why the hell are even this strong.

This is my quirk, there is no way you can interfere or stop my quirk.. "

"Control yourself Glitch."

"Control myself you say, this lowly kid dared to interfere with my kid and even space severance doesn't seems to work on him.

You are one of the very few people who can defend against it. I can count on my hands the number of people who can defend against it but this kid who is only 11 years took my attack head on and isn't injured and you tell me to control.

Fuck now this kid has also blocked my gate. "

"You talk a lot"



A spear had pierced through the stomach region of Glitch person.

"I really am angry right now, you should start talking"

"Fine we'll tell you. Just let us leave from here"

"Argg.. What are you doing D, we can't tell him"

"We don't have any other choice, we can't beat him or hurt him but he can kill us very easily"

"Yes.. But we will die no matter what we do"

"Yes.. So fuck you kid"


'I thought they had finally accepted defeat but that shadow guy attacked me with his quirk but this was different from previous time..

There was a dark ball with red coloured lightning coursing through it floating or gathering around on top of his hand.

*Signs loudly

'I thought they would talk after I created a spear and launched it towards the space guys stomach region but they don't seem to understand their situation very well.'

"This is my last warning so answer my question but if you don't don't expect your death to be anything less than painful"

' Now for that black orb. What should I do, I don't know how strong it is. Let's just do something that will make them lose their will to fight let's go my new technique which can only be used by Alien X' '

"Black hole or black abyss"


"What the fuck"

"This is impossible"

"Hahhhh, this can't be happening?"

"Are you done, if not I can fight you as much as I want"

"What are you?"

"I am Omnipotent"


'That black orb was really crazy. It was looking really powerful and all. I could have survived that attack easily but who knows how much power it has and how much destruction it could cause.

So I created a black hole but this one is different than a normal black hole. What I created was as small as a small marble but it was powerful.

What I created was a hole or sucking portal or whatever it is called. But this one worked by only sucking the thing that I command it to suck and pull it in the black hole or eternal prisom or grinding tool, whatever it is.

And so it pulled that black orb towards itself and then vanished from existence and went god knows where. But it did its job and scared these guys a bit. They are strong, I thought they would have lost the will to even stand up to me after everything that has happened but they are still able to look me straight in the eye. '


"Do you think we will tell you anything about us"

"You can go fuck off, don't expect us to tell you anything"

"Huh.. You guys were sent here to eliminate my family, so even you shouldn't expect to be allowed to go back alive here"

"Is that so"

"So you were sent here after sending those fools to scout out this place"


'No answer huh.. But from that space guy's expression tells it all. He is showing a shocked expression but the shadow guy isn't showing any expression.

I guess the wound he received is reducing his guard. This makes it a bit easy,

So this guy's were sent here by the same person huh..


I created a box and locked them inside and went back near my parents body.


'It's time to bring them back now, what should I do Serena, Bellicus and Jarvis. How do I bring them back now.

I know Alien X is omnipotent but I'm not omniscient to know everything to bring them back'

"Just think about bringing them back to life or reviving them. You could also reverse the time to bring them back" |Voice of Love|

"I tried bringing them back to life by reversing time but to no avail. Jarvis I need your help now"

"I will try bringing them back" |Voice of Wisdom|



"What happened, why isn't anything happening Jarvis"

<I can't bring them back to life>

"why can't you bring them back to life, why"


"Have you cooled down now" |Voice of Love|


"It seems that you can't bring anyone from death to life in this world. There must be a rule or law of this world that you can't bring people back to life." |Voice of Love|

"But how is that possible that even omnipotence can't do it"

"This rule or law was made by a higher being than us or this world was created by a higher being than us and so this isn't possible.

I am sorry" |Voice of Love|

"Is there no other way"

"You could destroy this universe and create your own universe similar to this or recreate this universe by reversing time but by our powers" |Voice of Aggression|

"Huh... Are you asking me to destroy this whole universe"

"Can't you do it" |Voice of Aggression|

"Fine, let's do it"


Timeskip 6 Months

"My little star come here"

"Okay mother"

"You can continue, whatever you're doing after having your dinner"


'Life has been more different than before, I am a bit relaxed and better I guess..

Soon I entered the dining hall'

"Good evening Father"

"Good evening Arthur"

"Hmm.. What is it for today mother"


"What are you doing currently"

"Nothing major"

"Is that so"


"Don't push yourself"



"Thanks for the food, I'll be going now"

"Don't stay awake till late night"

"Okay and goodnight both of you"

"Yes Goodnight Arthur"

"Goodnight my little star"


'The view from my balcony is amazing to say the least. It has been 6 months since I revived them but there hasn't been any major attacks from that person except some fools who can't even fight.'



A bright light enveloped me.

.... THE END...

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