
My Alienic Life In Omniverse(MHA[My Hero Academia] /Omniverse)

A Random dude gets reincarnated in My Hero Academia. As he catches the interest of a certain ROB. Will his life be the same old quiet life or will it be filled with action. What changes will his presence in this world, bring about. It's a multiverse story, with first or main world as mha. Further world's will be selected based on reader's vote. Mc will have gacha option, where he can draw forms or transformations from other fictional verse. There is no limit to whom he can pull, from jerry to TOAA or Scarlett King or Hajun. It can be anyone. Mc is overly overpowered and I have tried to balance the story a bit. At the start his aliens are nerfed a bit but by the start of canon, his transformations are as strong as original or even stronger in some cases. Though some people will be angry about that nerfing of his aliens but i haven't nerfed them like I said earlier, I have just shown him to be powerless against ROB and nothing more. Well many people did consider it as nerfing so I had to mention it. [Omniverse] Start World - My Hero Academia 1st World - Haven't decided, waiting for readers votes. Starting 3 chapters have a lot of gramtical mistakes. They were just rough drafts which I myself have not read and have just uploaded it. The next chapters are fine, I guess. Please bear with me and give it a try. I hope you enjoy reading this novel. I can't tell much about the upload time, as I am busy with my college I will try to upload 2-4 chapters a month. Except starting 1 to 4 chapters, all the chapters have a minimum of 4500 words to 8.5k words in some. Disclaimer *I do not own cover picture, it belongs to its original owner. If you are the owner of the cover picture and want me to remove it, comment in the latest chapter posted. *I do not own or have rights for My Hero Academia as it belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, Ben 10 as it belongs to Duncan Rouleau(Warner Bros) aka Man of Action and any Marvel element in this show as it belongs to Marvel and thereby Disney. *I own nothing except the Main Protagonist who is an OC and ROB who's also a OC atleast his character design. *If you are the original owner of any elements used in this fanfiction you can contact me if you wish to remove the said elements from this fiction or wish for this novel to be taken down. *This novel is a fanfiction written by me for entertainment purposes and is a non profit fic and under no condition am I monetizing this piece of work and I am under no condition earning anything from this novel.

Vanitas_24 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Off To Join Canon

4years later

"I heard you are going to Japan Arthur"

"You heard it right Ghost Spider"

"It's Gwen Stacy, I don't know about who, are you speaking about Mr Arthur"

"I don't think I am old enough to be called Mr, Gwen Stacy"

"Is that so Mr. Arthur Pendragon the legendary king and the wielder of the Excalibur"

"Sorry to dissapoint you but I'm Arthur Stark, and not some legendary king or the wielder of Excalibur but I sure am the wielder of Omnitrix"

"So the wielder of Omnitrix can you tell me why are you leaving for Japan"

"I have some work there since I am the one managing Stark corporation, and as Stark operates all over the world and that also includes asia. I can't leave all the work there to your father right. I'll have to start learning to manage the company, since I'll be the one managing it later. Its not like I'm not managing it now but since I'm a minor and still studying,well the company has been operating as usual with the help of my guardian and others help, but in the future I'll have to be managing it fully right, that's why I'm going there to check"

"You don't need to lie, your company's main managing office of Asia, is not in Japan, and you don't need to study in UA hero school there to manage your company. You could just study in some business oriented school, or just enter college by skipping grades. I don't doubt that will be a problem to you"

"You're right about that but, you see I want to scout business over there. You know like expanding business since they have one of the famous hero school in the world, UA high school its not the best hero school in the world but it sure is one of the best.

Japan even has All Might, you know one of the strongest hero of our world.

So I thought there we could expand our quirk research unit of my company there. Like building a new quirk research and development department there, since that country has given birth to a hero like All Might, I am sure it even has some other unique quirk users and amazing minds there, I'm sure we will find more things to explore there and even boost our quirk research faster and how did you even hear about UA high and me going to Japan"

"You are lying. I am sure of it, you were never intrested in these things like business expansion or something like these.

I remember you saying something of your company being too big to manage and now you're telling me about expanding it more, and I heard it from my father. Well as someone didn't even bother to tell me


"You know, now I am interested in growing my company and I was going to tell you later anyway"


"I just feel like it"

"Tell me the real reason for this moving"

"It's not moving,I guess. It's not like I plan to permanently move there when I have ark. It would be too stupid of me. You know I heard All Might is going to be teaching there, in UA from next academic year.

NOW there is hardly 2 months left before then"

"What's this about All Might? I had never heard you mention about him before. Don't tell me you're his fan and want to meet him and learn from him"

"I think you're mistaking something here. I'm in no way a fan of him or any other hero for that fact."

"Then why?"

"You know he was in America, at that time he met my father and they become friends and my father also seemed to respect him. You know there weren't that many people that he respected or acknowledged for the matter of fact.

He is also very strong it seems, so it's like meeting him and trying to learn more about him. The person respected by my father and also to gain some experience outside like what's it being a hero and about other quirk users also, since this world's face are heroes and the villain's. I won't say they govern this world but they do have a lot power, so I wanted to study about them"

"I think I understand but you could've even studied here rather then going there for hero study but it seems you want to meet All Might and have decided to go there, so I won't be stopping you or telling you otherwise but do ne in touch"

"I understand and yes I won't forget about you after going there"

"You better not, anyway when are you going there"

"Haven't decided yet, I have left that work to Damon. He will be the one to make plans and manage other things related to it"

"You sure are careless as usual"

"I don't need to hear it from you Ghost"

"I guess it's true Mr. Pussy"

"Arggg. I understand I won't be calling you that ever again, so please forget about it"

"That's good"

'I became good friends with Ghost Spider or Gwen Stacy since we go to the same school and all. I even did some hero work here with her, no we aren't authorised heroes and nor do we have license for it.

But to her it doesn't matter, she has some hero spirit in her, not hero complex. She thinks that heroes aren't able to save everyone as they can't be everywhere all the time. If we have power then we should save people if we can, atleast near us.

So she was doing her hero work in her neighbourhood, in the area between her home and school.

She was wearing a costume and doing hero work and I happen to sight her while she was doing her hero work and helped her as she was in a pinch fighting some villain, and if the fight had prolonged any longer the heroes might have arrived on the scene so I helped her and we escaped the scene before the heroes or the police arrived.

After that even I joined her in her hero work for fun and helped her a bit. I even designed her a hero outfit, not the ghost Spider one as I want her to have that outfit as her official outfit. As for that nickname, while I was helping her I was using Rath and when I saved a old woman from a van, she happened to call me Mr. Pussy. I don't know how or why did she even call me that.'


' It's been 4years and the canon should start In a couple of months now. But my mother hasn't woken up yet. Damon is helping me manage the company and my property's and he even got rid of the traitors in ark, I don't know what exactly he did with them but they aren't in ark now and I didn't even bother trying to find out about their situation or how and where did they end up. '

"Where did you get lost"


"Good now you are back, so what were you thinking now"

"It's Nothing"

"So how long are you going to stay there"

"I don't know"

"Is that so"

<Arthur there is a change in your mother's condition. She might wake up but I can't say for certain>

'Are you sure'

<Yes, She has opened her eyes just now>

'I'm coming right now'

"I'll be going now Gwen"

"What is it?"

"I just remembered a urgent work, I had to do"

"OK let's meet later then, so you're aren't going to be coming back to class right"


"OK "


'Jarvis I think it would be best if I use Alien X'

<That's a wise choice I think>

'So let's go'

*Green flash



"Why have you come here again Voice of Reason" |Voice of Aggression|

"We had said it to you last time only, that you shouldn't disturb our fight Voice of Reason"

|Voice of Love|

"You had promised me that you would help my mother right, so I need your help with that"

|Voice of Reason|

"I guess i had said something similar to you, but it was last time and not now"

|Voice of Love|

"But you did say that you will help right"

|Voice of Reason|

"Right but.. " |Voice of Love|

"Well if you give me permission to control the body, I won't disturb you anyway right. I just want you to allow me to control the body"

|Voice of Reason|

"That's acceptable I guess"

|Voice of Aggression|

"Okay fine, even i shall allow and give you my permission" |Voice of Love|

"Thanks and see you later" |Voice of Reason|

'Let's go Jarvis'

<Right, she is resting a bit now. Its been almost 5 minutes since she has woken up>

'I have wasted a lot of time now'



Jeanne Pov

'I feel tired.

Where am I?

What is happening?'


"Where am I?

What is all this?"

'I had gone to the party with Albert... We were attacked by some people but,

I saw Albert trying to defend me, I wanted to help but my body didn't move.

My body was paralysed and it wasn't just my body which had been paralysed. As I tried to see our surrounding everyone had been paralysed and no matter how much I tried my body refused to move.

And soon my body started to feel numb, and not a moment later I felt pain from my stomach. I felt like something had stabbed my stomach and pierced through back of my body.


I'm still alive, but where am I?

How did I get here and where's Albert?

What is this place, it looks like some sort of medical room but there are a lot of other equipments and other gadgets here which doesn't look like medical equipments.


I have to find Albert first but my body, it still isn't responding but unlike before I feel like I don't have much energy to move my body. It seems the drug effect has worn out. I don't know much about which drug they used to paralyse my body, so I don't know if they will have any side effects. I will have to get out of here and find Albert and get back to Arthur as soon as I can. If those attackers were targeting us then even Arthur maybe in danger,i hope he is safe. I am sure Damon and Others will protect him but we will have to get back to him soon.


Those attackers might have kidnapped me here and they might have even kidnapped Albert. I don't know why did they attack or why they kidnapped us. They might have some objective for doing this, I don't know what that is, but I just hope Albert and Arthur are fine.'


*Sound of portal opening

"Who is there?"


Mc Pov

'I created a portal to my lab as soon as I could and went there and soon I was on the other side of the portal.


After coming out of the portal I was just standing beside my mother's bed'

"Who is there?"


"What are you..?

Why did you kidnap me and where is Albert"

'I couldn't speak,


she has finally woken up.'

*Green Flash


"Huhh, Arthur.. Is that you my little star? What are you doing here and you have.. "

"Hmm. Its fine, everything is fine. You don't have to worry about anything"

"changed, What is it? Why are you crying? You have grown a bit and where are we? It's dangerous to come alone you know it might be dangerous. Let's get out of here as soon as possible with your dad"

"Calm down mother"

"How can you ask me to be calm now? We should get out of here and fast"


"Why aren't you answering"


"Let's go fast"


"Answer me Arthur"


"I don't have much energy but I should be able to move with my quirk"

"Just listen to me mother, you should calm down a bit and listen to me"

"What Are you saying my little star, we should first get out of he...re,wait you have changed and you..,

This room, am i still sleeping,

No this is too realistic and I felt a bit of pain while trying to move and tired.

That's, and you are different from when I saw you before going to party.

You have grown, the party had been attacked and I had been stabbed."

" Calm down mother"

"I had been in coma right and you being calm tells me that we are in some safe place right now. So I was saved, and how is Ablert, he is safe right?"

"You should calm down mother"

"What happened? Answer me truthfully my little star, where is he right now?

Tell me the truth my little star"

"He didn't survive the attack."

"He died huhhh.

He died, Albert died."


"So I was in coma right"

"Yes mother"

"How long has it been"

"Nearly 4 years"

"That long"



'After talking with her a bit and told her about everything that happened, and obviously left the Rob and time traveling part, after which I left to her on her own, to think about it and for her to come to terms with everything that has happened, but before that I healed her with Clockwork and left the lab.

But she sure is really intelligent and very sharp to figure it out by herself.'


"Lady Jeanne I hope the food is to your liking"

"It's good Damon and even you should have your food now, my little star"

"Yes mother, but little star"

"You might have grown up but you're still a little kid to me. You will always be a little kid to me"

"fine, I give up"

"You gave up veru easily, I didn't think you were someone who would give up that easily."

'Can't be bother to fight now anyway. I have had enough about this'

"So what have thought for me, my little star. I am still dead to the world you know"

"Yes, I was thinking about it. To the world you have died on that day but you weren't dead. I saved you on that day but to keep you safe I kept the fact about it hidden. So I was thinking what to do about it."

"Yes but you still kept that lab a secret from me till now"

"I am sorry"

"It's fine and as you said, for the world, I and everyone in that party have died because of the lightning and not because of the attackers. But are you sure that lightning was not the work of those attackers"

"Yes I am sure about it. That lightning was natural and not created by someone and I don't think there was someone there strong enough to control and bring that sort of lightning upon that building"

"Yes, but the lightning being strong enough to burn the whole building is very extraordinary thing. So my little star I heard something from Damon, so who is this Gwen"


"Damon give him some pat on his back and little star you shouldn't spit water"

"Yes madam"

"Cough, Ahem its ok damon I don't need it. She is just a friend mother from school. You know Charles Stacy right, he is her daughter"

"Is that so, well its fine but don't mix your words and speak a bit confidently. I am not gonna stop you or scold you. You have grown up, you're 14 now, soon you're going to turn 15. Well it's still a young age and you will still be a kid but you're growing up and sooner or later you will have to accept your responsibilities and become a adult. You are more mature than most other kids your age, well sometimes not but you generally are more responsible and mature for your age so I believe you know when to never cross the line or do something that will stain your or our family name. I am fully confident that you will never do anything that is wrong. So Don't dissapoint me"

"Okay mother"

'Yep she is 15 and I am 19+14,its 33. But she is a friend and if we date it's going to be with Arthur Stark and not...., its going to be with Arthur. So i dont know. My soul is 33 or more but my body is 14, its so confusing and giving me a headache. Well I can think about that later'

"Okay and you don't have to worry about me or the company, Master Arthur Stark. Now that I have woken up and fine, you don't have to worry about these things. I will be taking care of the company and this family from now on. You should just enjoy your life and not worry about anything, I heard that you wish to go to Japan to attend the hero school there. I don't want you to become a hero and go fight there and risk your life, I am happy that you wish to save people and become a hero but I don't wish for you to risk your life. You know you can still be a hero by helping other people through your work and not by fighting villains there directly. "

" But mother.. "

" My little star, you know you could do charity work and donate money to people who are suffering. You are already a hero by working to improve and taking the company to further heights and employing so many people and provide them with job and livelihood"

"Yes but I wish to learn about being a hero and new people there and also meet All Might there"


"Are you sure"

"Yes mother"

"Then it's fine but on one condition"

"What is it?"

"I'll be coming with you"

"What? Cough Cough"

"You shouldn't spit water my little star"

"Cough but"

"Do you wish to go there or not"

"OK fine"

'I finally managed to convince her but saying the same thing that I said to Gwen and managed to convince her but she is going to be coming with me huh.

I guess that's good since she will be with me there I can protect her myself. Now she is going to announce to the world that she is alive, which will definitely alert that person. I can think about that later anyway. All that matters is that my mother is alive and good"


1 week later

"Be safe there Arthur"

"I'll be safe, don't worry about me I'll be safe but you should be safe yourself. Don't do anything reckless"

"Okay and is everything packed and ready"

"Yes, don't worry I have everything with me, now come let me introduce you to mother"

"Is it fine"

"It's fine don't worry"



"Mother, she is Gwen Stacy"

"So you are Gwen Stacy"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Don't worry I am not going to punish you or something. I don't think you have done anything to get punished right"

"Yes Ma'am"

"I am happy that my little star has such a nice friend"

"Yes but even I am luck to find such a good friend Ma'am"

"You don't need to call me Ma'am, you can just call me Aunt"

"Okay Aunt Jeanne"

"That's good, now let's meet again soon. My little star say your goodbyes and come fast. We should leave fast if we wish to reach there on time"

"Yes mother"

"Okay come fast"


"I'll be going now Gwen, let's meet soon"

"Yes my little star"


"Sorry, we will meet soon Arthur"

"Yes, so bye"


In plane

"We will soon be in Japan now my little star"

"Yes mother"

"Don't forget your promise now my little star. You will never do anything dangerous"

"Yes mother"


Mc pov

'Its been 14 years since I reincarnated in this world, time sure moves fast. So many things have happened since I died and reincarnated. I never thought I would have a second life.. Well i did think but knew deep down that it was impossible. But I died and reincarnated as Arthur Stark in Mha world with Omnitrix or Ben 10's power. I met a lot of new people and was in a lot of different situations and now I am finally going to Japan to join the Canon. Let's enjoy my life to the fullest now I guess but that person X is still a problem.'

"We are soon going to land madam and Arthur"


' I guess it's time now. I had thought they will attack as soon as they found out about my mother being alive but I guess they are varyto do anything'

<It might be because of the lightning>

'Yes, for them the lightning might have very well been caused by me or someone who saved my mother there. They maybe vary of me now, after seeing the damage caused by that lightning.'

"We have landed my little star, let's go"


'So here i come Mha, this is going to be fun and entertaining.'

...THE END.....

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