
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
Not enough ratings
127 Chs


{A/N : As you guys have noticed Overgeared part is removed and moved to Overgeared : Magic Monarch , another fanfic I created for this world}

{There are only one chapter there as I might as well make it better since I am making another book for it}

{plus that will be R18 and harem, so, yeah in last vote, harem and non harem team difference was only close to 10 votes, so, you guys who wanted harem can go there and have your harem fanfic}


Max and others opened their eyes and other members bombarded them with multiple questions.

Max looked at them and then " here, I have it here" he gave them a pendrive filled with that world adventures of their.

"Fortunately, you gave them that or even 10 years won't be enough to tell them what we experience there" Tony laughed and said.

he then stretched and said " but to think we got to keep, our classes, that is really great" 

It's true for this world those who went there were awarded with their skills and classes.

"I wished we could bring items and other stuff too" Max said and others nodded.

"We can always make them here" Sam said and Max smiled and said " That's a good idea" 

Supreme who was listening to all this said " no wonder, all of you feel stronger, now I regret not going there" he said and sighed.

"It was you who backed off" Max shrugged and then everyone went to their work.

As max was going to his room, Selene tagged him and went with him.

"Aren't you going to watch our adventure with others?" Max asked.

Selene pushed him to bed and said " tell me while I eat you.." She said and Max gulped and .....we gentleman should turn to something else.


In the clandestine confines of a Hydra facility,

tap tap

the rhythmic echo of heels reverberated through deserted corridors, accompanying the graceful stride of a captivating woman. 

Slowly the woman reached a office and opened the door.

"So, you are here" She said as he looked at the drunk man.

"what do you want?" Heinrich - Father of baron von Strucker asked.

The graceful lady walked to him and kicked him hard, now there is no gracefulness on her face but only anger.


Heinrich was thrown to wall by Helga von Strucker, mother of Baron.

"My son was murdered brutally and you are asking me What I want???" helga said as she kicked him fiercely.

"I want my Son Murder alive and confined, So, that I can torture him too!" She said as she kicked Heinrich.

Heinrich rose from amidst the flurry of kicks, calmly dusting himself off as he addressed the tense situation. "We can't proceed," he declared evenly, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "The higher-ups have issued a warning: we do not interfere with Max Potts."

"he is someone whom we don't have any information about"

"nor we know what makes his so special that two Omega level mutants working for him" heinrich said as he poured a drink for Helga too.

 helga gritting her teeth took the drink and smashed it on Heinrich head "Just leave this Hydra then"

"it can't even help us!!" She yelled while heinrich sipped his drink.

"you think, I don't want that?"

"I also want to kill my son killer but the moment we left Hydra we will be killed, we know too much" Heinrich replied.

"So, we leave that bastard after he killed our son?"

"Is that what you want?"

"No, but we have to wait, until we can get perfect opportunity to kill him"

"by the way , there is a mission for you" Heinrich said and passed her a file.

Helga picked up the file and muttered " Hearts family?"

"yes, there is suspicion of her son being Super, plus she is member of secret agents of US government"

"Your Task is to study her and replace her and find if Samuel Hearts is Super or not and infiltrate Secret Agents of US and get closer to President" Heinrich said.

Helga looked at hearts family info. and thought viciously 'Until I find my son killer, I will play with you'

Heinrich looked at his wife face and silently mourned for hearts family.

And since this conversation was taken in a place devoid of any camera or accessible electronic, neither Sam nor Max knows of it.


Next day Max wakes up and finds his living room invaded by one eyed pirate.

"you need to learn of Privacy" Max said to Fury who is hanged upside down by White Angel.

"Can you help me out of this first?" Fury said as he looked at max.

"NO" Max said as he looked at upside down Fury.

"Say what you want " Max said as Fury pursed his lips hearing him.

"Fine, have it your way" Fury sighed and then said " We want your help"

"With what?" Max asked.

"We found something"

"something that is a symbol of Destruction" Fury said and then cutting the rope or what he tried too.

"Just what is this thing made up of?" Fury asked.

Max released him and asked " What is this symbol of Destruction?" 

Fury after fixing his clothes passed him a file

Max opened the file and saw a red octopus symbol " Hydra"

"they are alive?" Max said.

"You don't seem too surprised" Fury said.

"Baron Strucker was with Hydra, and news of my sister whereabouts were leaked from Shield" Max shrugged and said.

"As expected" 

"Fortunately, this news is only known to whom I absolutely trust" Fury nodded and said.

Max raised his brows and asked " Does Pierce knows of it?"

"no, only Coulson and Maria" Fury replied and said " I want your mutants help"

"Lend them to me, I have Identified some bases of Hydra, I can't sent my men or they will remove me from my position" Fury said.

Max nodded "That's True"

"Okay, Supreme and White Angel will follow you" Max said and Fury looked at Supreme and White Angel.

"Those two are supers too?" Fury asked in astonishment.

"yes they are and ..." Max said and snapped his finger.

Supreme than vanished and injected a serum to Fury neck, appearing at his side.

"What was that?" Fury jumped and brought his gun and pointed at Max but as he was pointing his gun, he started fainting and fell on the floor, as he was falling unconscious Max voice reached him.

"A safety measure, I don't want you die after all" Max said as Fury fell unconscious.

"this thing is dangerous" Supreme said as he looked at syringe in his hand.

"I have already neutralize it" Max replied as he took the T-Virus syringe from Supreme.