
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs


{A/N : this world travel will be harem, of course with Npc not any real woman, there will be two of them, one...hmm, let's leave it at suspense}


Next day at Twilight central room, all of Max's organisation members are sitting here.

From Sam's group of Sam, Felicia, Peter, and Gwen.

White Queen's group - White Queen, Psylock, and Gambit - He found Gambit and added him to her place of work; this guy's abilities are good anyway.

Edward, Supreme, White Angel, Selene, and Moon Empress.

Tony, Pepper, and Bucky - Tony got involved with him as Selene told Pepper about the Isle, who later told Tony.

Shiki, Robin, and Vegapunk.

Widows-Elisa, Irina, and Yelena-black widow can't leave shield and come here.

Max looked at all of them and said, "I got an opportunity to go to another world."

As Max said, others started cheering, but for those who heard about it for the first time, Max patiently explained and then...

"Whom are you taking with you?" Elisa asked.

"What kind of world is that one?" Supreme asked.

Max nodded and then explained some things about Overgeared. Supreme and White Angel backed off. He then said he can take six people with them. Middle class is basically 3 times better than low class.

"Then how do we decide? Given that world's situation, it's clear anyone can go there, regardless of powers," Gwen said, and others nodded.

"Of course, I have a way," Max smiled and said.

"What way? Don't tell me it's that stupid gacha thing," Pepper said.

Max smiled and brought out the Gacha.

"Hehe, Gacha is life," Max mumbled, but since except Tony, everyone here is super, they heard it.

"This bowl has everyone's names," Max said.

"Who will pick out?" Peter gulped and said.

"I will do it. I am a normal super-intelligent human with the greatest intelligence of all time," Vegapunk said, and everyone looked at him and thought, 'How is that normal?'

"Let him do it; his powers can't cheat," Max nodded and said, and everyone nodded.

Max then sat back, and Vegapunk appeared near the bowl. He put his hand inside and then pulled out a paper.

Vegapunk opened it as everyone's heartbeats accelerated. "The first lucky one is Elisa."

Elisa smiled sweetly hearing this, and then everyone clapped.

Vegapunk then pulled out another paper. "The second lucky one is Peter."

"Yes!" Peter yelled in excitement.

'Why? Why isn't he the cool Andrew Garfield?' Max once again thought sadly.

"Next is Tony."

"Next is Sam."

"Next is Gwen."

"Next is Emma."

And with that, the people for the next world travel were selected.

Those who won are smiling widely, while those who lost have downcast faces.

"Don't worry; maybe next time, it's your guys' turn," Max said, and others nodded.

"So when will we go?" Tony asked.

"Right now," Max said and brought out the world-traveling ticket.

"Wait, shouldn't we get ready?" Tony stopped Max and said.

"This time it's different kind of travel," Max said.

"What's the difference?" Pepper asked.

"Unlike the previous time, we will travel to a different person's body, probably someone in a coma," Max said.

"We will take over someone's body!! That is creepy," Peter said.

"Not take over, but borrowing. When we take over their body, they will start healing, and not only that, we will share our talent with them, not memories but talent. It's mutual benefit," Max explained, and others nodded.

"Also, we might appear at a different location, so let's make a codeword," Max said.

"How about Iron Man?" Tony said, and others denied it.

"Let's just choose your superhero's name," Sam said.

And then the code word was decided.

"Okay, I am using it," Max said and used the Ticket, and then he felt floating in a sea of stars and his soul dived to one such star. He closed his eyes due to the light, and then when he tried to open them, he found himself on a hospital bed.

Max looked at his surroundings and found himself in a VIP ward. "At least, I don't have to worry about money," Max thought.

As Max was looking at his surroundings, suddenly the door opened, and then a butler appeared.

"Young Master!!!" He cried and hugged Max.

Max looked at him and closed his eyes as a sudden surge of memories appeared.

'So this guy is the heir of a large company, and a few years earlier, he and his family met with an unfortunate accident, causing his parents' death and leaving him in a coma.' Max sorted out his memories and learned the butler's name: 'Marcus.'

"Marcus, you are suffocating me," Max said.

"Sorry, young Master," Marcus said and backed off, and then other doctors appeared.

They checked Max and exclaimed, "How is this possible!!"

"What happened?" Marcus got worried and asked.

"No, nothing to worry about. Just, he is healthy, like he woke up from an afternoon sleep, not a coma," the doctor said.

While they were talking, Max closed his eyes and laid back on the bed and checked out his system notification.

[Congratulations on your second-world travel]

[A new function unlocked]

'What is it?' Max asked.

[Now, Host can select a Template every time Host travels to a new world. However, the Template will be only similar to that world setting]

Max nodded and said, 'So, if I use it now, I will gain a VRMMORPG novel Template?'


'What are the options?' Max asked.

[Same as the original gacha]

'Then give me Mythic,' Max said, and then the system started rolling gacha.

[Host gained Magic Monarch Template]

Max smiled, as Magic Monarch is a Mythic class from a novel. I got lucky and pulled a 10-star summon, a Korean Manhwa - a VRMMORPG style Manhwa.

'It's a great class,' Max thought as Marcus completed the procedure for discharge.

"Young Master here," Marcus said and presented a wheelchair.

"I can walk," Max said and started walking out.

"Young master, we must exercise caution." But the butler pushed him back on the wheelchair.

And like Max, others also woke up in different places.

"Marcus, what about my parents?" Max said.

"Unfortunately, they are dead," Marcus said sadly.

"And that accident?" Max asked. That accident is clearly not a natural accident.

"They are all dead. Your Uncle killed them all," Marcus said in a low voice.

Max nodded, and then they returned home, which is a big mansion. Max's location is in London.

As Max returned home, he was warmly welcomed by everyone. Though Max still used his trickster ring for getting a glimpse of their true intentions, he found all of them only thought about his well-being.

Max laid on his bed in his room and mumbled, 'At least it's not cliche family drama.'

"System, what's the timeline?" Max

[In one month real-time, Grid will obtain the Pagma class]

"So, three months," Max said. In Satisfy, it's 1:3 time dilation; one month of reality is equivalent to 3 months of Satisfy.

"Use the template," Max said and then another surge of information appeared.

"So, the class acquiring condition is Level 1 and 3000 points in Intelligence, and then I have to talk to a special NPC of Ul Clan." From the information, Max found that Ul clan people have the way to let him obtain the Magic Monarch class, a Myth and growth-type class.

"Ul clan people are natural-born mages, while normal NPCs have 100 points in intelligence; their average people have 300 points in intelligence, thanks to their ancestor, who acquired one of the Legacy of the Magic Monarch."

{self-created class, not from Overgeared Novel}

"And I already know two other OP classes, Mumud successor and Mada successor," Max thought, and then ordered Marcus to buy a capsule for playing Satisfy.

"I have to read a lot," Max sighed. To reach 3000 points in intelligence, he had to read books, a lot of books. Thankfully, he can ask his people for help while he reads books.

Max then opened his social media and created a new account with Gacha King as nickname. and then found about others, and then found everyone and sent them a friend request.

Max : " Location - London" Max typed and then others responded too.

Spider-Man : " Australia-Melbourne" 

Iron-Man : " Brazil - Manaus"

Unjustice(Elisa) : " USA-New York"

Sam : "Japan-Kyoto"

White Queen : "London, we are in same place"

Ghost Spider : " Russia-Moscow"

Max : "Great, we all safely arrived" 

Iron Man : "Safely?, was there any danger?"

Max : " No, never mind, anyway, login satisfy and do whatever you want but just become stronger, and also make sure to treat all Npcs like any human"

Supreme : " Good, shouldn't we meet in game first?" 

Max : " I will contact, you all, just make sure to use your own name, and I will sent friend request inside the game"

Peter : "Gwen, which class, are you going to choose?"

Gwen : "Mage, like usual" 



Max then exited as, his friends started talking about the class, and about the game and then he slept.


{I have made a separate book for this one Overgeared magic : Magic Monarch,

So, if you guys wish to read it go there}