
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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127 Chs


As evening fell, Fury stirred from his unconscious state, rising to find himself still within the confines of the living room. Recollecting the recent attack, he instinctively reached for his neck, discovering no lingering wounds.

"It was merely a small syringe," a voice reached him as he was touching his neck.

Turning toward the sound of a voice, Fury's gaze fell upon Max's steadfast bodyguard.

"What was in that syringe?" he inquired, ensuring his firearm was still within reach, a reassuring weight at his side.

"A super soldier serum," Bucky responded tersely, handing Fury a small note.

"Everything you need to know about it," Bucky added before departing.

Fury looked at departing Bucky and opened the note, hoping Max explaining about the serum he injected inside him.


Yo, Fury, good morning.

The thing I injected you with is myself crafted super soldier serum.

It was only a single vial you should feel lucky to receive it, Why only one you are thinking right?

Well, it was made from a special blood sample I found from...a source

Anyway, the powers you will receive will be..

1. Super regeneration

2. Strength equivalent to 10 average adult male (Lion)

3. Speed equivalent to 5 average adult male (Lion)

4. And last one is a telekinetic ability

Go on and try to lift something while concentrating on it.

And also my purpose was to give you power so that you won't die before Hydra.


Fury's brows shot up in astonishment as he attempted to lift the sofa with ease, confirming the serum's enhancement of his strength.

"I suppose the strength part is accurate," he muttered to himself, observing the sofa effortlessly hovering between his forefinger and thumb.

Turning his attention to a glass resting on the table, Fury concentrated intently, attempting to lift it with his newfound abilities.


The glass shattered into countless shards, a stark reminder of his unrefined control over his enhanced capabilities.

"I require training," Fury acknowledged ruefully, incinerating the note in his hand.

With silent steps, Fury exited the building, disappearing into the shadowed confines of the alley.

Bucky, silently observing from a distance, stops seeing him leaving.


"He's gone," Bucky announced as he entered Max's office.

"Good," Max replied, engrossed in his work at the computer.

"Working on the helicarrier?" Bucky inquired.

"Yes, it needs to be enticing enough to lure Hydra in but powerful enough to remain beyond their control," Max explained, his focus on his work.

"What do you need?" he then asked Bucky, sensing there was more on his mind.

"Is it that obvious?" Bucky sighed, pouring himself and Max a drink.

"Yes," Max chuckled, accepting the drink from Bucky.

"Just spit it out. You're not a slave here without a voice," Max encouraged, watching as Bucky downed his tenth shot.

"I have a date with Moon Heart tonight," Bucky finally admitted.

"And?" Max prompted, aware of the underlying liking between them.

"Give me some advice," Bucky requested.

Max reflected on his own experiences with Selene, recognizing that she had often taken the lead in their relationship. "You're asking the wrong guy," he replied honestly.

"You managed to win over the ice queen. Just give me a little guidance," Bucky pressed.

Ice Queen it was Selene's unofficial name with in Max group, as she is beautiful and won't show any expression except when she is with Max.

"Take her for a walk after dinner and speak from the heart. It worked for me," Max suggested, recalling the pivotal moment in his relationship with Selene.

Bucky nodded, taking in the advice. "Best of luck," Max offered as Bucky turned to leave.

Returning the nod, Bucky exited Max's office, ready to face the challenges of his upcoming date.

"Come on man, you are someone who even gave advice to Captain America" Bucky said to himself as he went to his room.


"I guess that idiot finally going on a date with her" Max shook his head as he thought.

"By the way, its been months since I took Selene to date" Max thought as he remembered he is neglecting Selene.

"I should take her to date but I need to finish this first" Max mumbled and became busy with his work.


On the other hand Tony returning to his home have started working on his new Iron man armour.

"time to utilize what I learned" Tony mumbled and started writing Runes on his armour, it was Rune engraving he learnt from Overgeared world.

"Sir, I can't Identify what those writing mean" Jarvis said as he tried to help Tony,.

"Almost forgot about you Jarvis" Toy said and then leaving the armour for later he went to update jarvis with all the new knowledge.


"What are you doing with the car Sam?" Pepper asked as she saw Sam working on the car, Max gifted her just a month ago.

"Upgrading it" Sam replied while engraving Runes on the Transformer.

"I am not going to any war" Pepper said as she observed Runes with her Dragon Eyes, although she doesn't know what those Runes meant but her Dragon Eyes are showing they are powerful magic characters.

"It's for your safety" Sam shrugged.

"really? Who can even beat me" Pepper laughed and went to different car and left.

Sam who was working on the transformer stopped and thought " She has a point though" 

Peper is now literally capable of freezing whole earth in 20 seconds.

"who would have guessed pepper was a battle maniac" Sam mumbled remembering Pepper has the highest record In Infinity Tower floor clearance.

"well whatever" Sam put it aside and continued on his work.

Sam after an hour of work was able to finish it and nodded seeing his masterpiece, "now, even a Nuke can't damage it"

"Great thing" ???

Sam jumped back hearing the sudden voice near his ear and saw a hooded person standing there.

"you are?" Sam asked.

The figure took out a long sword and said " Will you give it to me or should I snatch it?"