

This novel is a AU When one possess an indomitable will and the physical strength to match, nothing can stop them from achieving their goals. When one that has these attributes dies, they become immortalized into legend and are able to be summoned as a heroic spirit. but what if no servant class matches? it's simple, a new class will be formed. The class of the Juggernaut. I do not own anything, or anyone from the animes, novels, or series that take place in this fanfic other than Godrick, the OC.

greenbaypitbull · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 4


Hey guys! So I've had some comments talking about some of the characters being different from cannon, and I believe these comments are 100% right. The biggest one for me is that Lancelot is a lot different in my story compared to his counterpart, so I've gone back and changed a couple of things. For example, in my story, he was using a Halbert, which didn't really make sense. By the time I knew I wanted Titus to be Lancelot, I'd already had the chapter written. So I've gone back and changed that. I also plan on writing more of a fight scene with him and the 4 head hunters, not only to give Titus more character but also to kind of establish the strength of the head hunters. I also thought that Morgan was called Morgana for some reason? so I'll be going back and changing that when I have time.

I had thought that they gained all the power after dying and becoming a heroic spirit. I haven't really found much about them using their noble phantasms when they were alive, so if someone could point me in the right direction, that would be awesome!!


As they approached each other, Godrick brought his fists up in a fighters stance, as the man just charged right at him. Stepping to the right Godrick dodged the man's wild left slash and hit him with a nasty right hook, then followed up with a left punch directly into the stomach, which was immediately followed by a left uppercut to the man's jaw.

Falling backward in a daze, the man soon got up and spat a mouthful of blood. He snarled at Godrick, who realized that the man had bitten off a part of his own tongue.

Smiling, Godrick taunted the man by motioning him forward.

The man got up and approached Godrick again, but this time, he was much more careful.

Adopting a stance similar to Godricks, they began to circle one another. Giving quick jabs to each other to see what they would do.

Soon to man became frustrated and lunged. Godrick, who had waited for this opportunity, ducked under the man's swipe and moved under man's outstretched right arm.

Now behind the man, Godrick wrapped his left arm around the man's stomach and lifted him into the air. Slamming the man down into the stone ground, cracking it with the force of his throw.

standing, he then delivered a devastating kick to the man's ribs that sent him flying to the other side of the arena. Slamming into the stone railing, he slowly slid down to sit on the ground, holding his side where he had been kicked.

The man slowly got up and turned around, seemingly to rest on the stone railing. Godrick began to approach him to continue their fight. However, when he neared, the man quickly spun around, and with a stone column that had broken loose, he hit Godrick in the face.

Taking a step back from the blow, Godrick then retaliated with a right haymaker that knocked the man from his feet. Hitting the ground, the man slipped in and out of consciousness, so Godrick backed up.

Going to the other side of the arena, Godrick wiped the diluted blood from his left cheek where the stone column had hit him.

After a while, the man finally got up, spat a couple of teeth, and charged. Leaping into the air, he pounced at Godrick, who raised his arm to catch the man. He was surprised when his opponent was able to deflect the outstretched hand and latch on him, burying his remaining teeth into Godricks right shoulder.

Showing no outward expression of pain, Godrick grabbed the parasite by his hair, yanked hard, and was able to pull him off. Still holding him by the hair, Godrick delivered a devastating punch to the man's solar plexus, causing him to cry out in pain. Throwing him to the ground, Godrick then grab him by his ankle and with a heave, picked him up and brought him over his head, slamming him to the ground again then threw him to the other side of the arena.

The crowd winced as they heard several bones break as the man screamed. Lancelot, who was enjoying the show, finally decided to bring an end to everything. "Godrick!" He called as the young man looked up at him. "It's time! Finish it!" He yelled

Giving a nod of acknowledgment, Godrick approached the man.

At this stage in the battle, it was appropriate for a soldier to throw in a weapon to make the killing easier, One such soldier threw a spear towards Godrick.

Godrick caught the spear with one hand as he approached the man, his heavy footsteps joining the noise of the rain. As he drew closer, the man tried to crawl away, yelling something that no one understood thanks to his mess of a mouth.

Finally getting to his opponent, Godrick took the spear in both hands with the spear head facing downwards, and with one foot, kicked the man onto his back. And with a vicious strike drove the spear downward into the man's chest, piercing flesh, bone, and finally, stone.

Feeling apathetic to the whole thing, Godrick left the spear and once again wiped the duluted blood that ran down his cheek onto his chest and shoulder. He heard the crowd cheering, so he turned toward them to give them a victory pose, but froze in absolute fear instead, as his worst nightmare had come true.

Artoria Pendragon

Artoria was in her office as she stared out the open window, enjoying the cold rainy night. As a knock came from the door, she turned as Morgan entered the room. Their relationship had been strained over the years and even bad at some points of their life when Morgan had been cruel. They had outright hated each other when Artoria had become "King," but over the years, they had decided to set their hatred for one another aside. She still disagreed with many of the things Morgan did, though she realized she would never change her sister one hundred percent.

"I have some rather interesting news." Morgan said with a mischievous smile

"There's a certain trial taking place in about thirty minutes." She said

Artoria looked away from the open window as she gazed at her sister

"And why would I care about a trial, Morgan?"

"Because it's the trial of that cannibalistic barbarian. He's requested a trial by combat." Morgan answered

"Well, the kingdom's champion better be a good one then. I don't want that beast being set free." Artoria said as she again looked out the open window.

"Hmm." Morgan hummed

"And I wonder who would be better than a strapping young man, who's been chomping at the bit to test himself after an injury that almost killed him?" Morgan continued.

Artoria looked at her sister for a moment before slapping her forehead in exasperation

"He's the kingdom's champion for the trial? But that requires appr-." She stopped at an expression of annoyance made its way to her face.

"I'm going to take his wheels." Artoria said as she started to walk to the door.

The two sisters made their way to the trial ring. They wore simple cloaks to keep their identities hidden from the common people as they didn't want to draw attention to themselves. 

They finally made it to the ring, and sure enough, there was a thick headed young man fighting. They slowly approached the dais, Lancelot was on from the side so he wouldn't see them. 

As Godrick was hit with the stone column, Artoria simply raised an eyebrow. She was pleased that Godrick was back to his old self, but also frustrated and hurt that he didn't come to her with this request. 

As Godrick finished the fight, he turned around to wave at the crowd that had gathered and immediately met her eyes. Fear entered the young man's eyes as he dropped his hand and started walking towards the exit of the arena. Lancelot, who was confused at the situation, yelled out to Godrick.

"Godrick! What's wrong? Don't leave!" 

He sat in his chair confused, then started to look around. As he saw who was standing behind him, all he could do was hang his head.

"Shit. I knew this was a bad idea." 


Godrick and Lancelot were pulled into Artorias office after they had been "collected" by Artoria and Morgan.

Artoria looked like she would draw her sword, while Morgan just had a mischievous look.


Godrick looked perplexed at artoria, who had just slapped him. It didn't hurt at all, and he didn't even move, but to elicit such an action from her…

He just looked down in shame as he realized he had gone over his mother's head.

Artoria quickly calmed down and looked at Godrick, who was staring at the floor. She gave a huff, then spoke

"Now that that's taken care of, we should talk about the raid for Earl Grasso in 4 days."

Godrick looked up in surprise as he thought he would get a scolding from his mother, but as he looked to Morgan for an answer, she merely shook her head.

"As you know, we will be splitting into two groups. One large force of 2500 for the distraction, and one small force of about 5 men to infiltrate and catch the Earl. Godrick, you will be a part of this smaller force." Artoria said as she looked down at a map that was spread out across the table. It was Earl Grasso's territory and showed the best way to get through the city.

"We will attack the north gate at sunset, then you will need to infiltrate the south gate two hours after we have begun our assault. This will give us time to make our attack more convincing and allow you to slip in unnoticed." She said

Looking up from the map, she met Godricks eyes.

"We need him alive, Godrick. Should I send Percival with you?" She said, referencing a knight from the round table.

Godrick shook his head and hit his chest once to show he would handle it.

"Good. You'll need to use your head for this one Godrick, you won't be able to brute force your way through this." Artoria said with a smirk

Godrick folded his arms across his chest, gave her an accusatory look, and then pointed to his head. He then gave her the okay sign and then waved her off as if to say, "My brain is fine, woman. Leave me alone." And walked out of the office.

"The raid is in 4 days!" Artoria shouted after him.

"Make sure you're ready!"


Waking up the morning of the raid, Godrick got out of bed and started his morning routine. He stretched, then exercised, then ate breakfast. He had a feeling that today would be a good day. He would finally be able to wear his armor for the first time. Some would say it was foolish to not train in one's armor, but Godrick wasn't worried. He had trained while wearing heavy weights the whole time he was recovering.

Morgan met him in her tower, where she had kept his armor. She had been going on and on about the gems that she had made for it.

"The armor itself isn't all that special." She had told him

"It's the gems that make the armor formidable. You see, they absorb incoming magic, which is then used to power a shield of sorts. Go ahead, throw something at it!" She said, almost jumping with glee.

Godrick picked up a stone and tossed it at the armor, but nothing happened as the rock harmlessly bounced off of it.

Giving her a look, Godrick stared at his aunt.

"You fool!" She said, punching him in the arm, hurting herself more than him.

"Throw it like you mean it!" She huffed, rubbing her wrist.

Godrick picked the stone up again and threw it with more force this time.

As the rock was about to hit the armor, however, a blue energy like shield suddenly appeared and blocked the stone.

A smile came to Godrick as he looked at the armor.

"That's not the only thing it can do. If you so want, I can configure them to build up energy from both physical and magical attacks, then discharge the energy in an area of effect burst!" She said excitedly.

Godrick thought about it, then held up two fingers.

"You want to go with option two? Alright. Give me a couple of hours, and I'll have the armor ready for you."

Ushering him out of the room, she slammed the door and began her work. Godrick made his way down the tower to find his old master. He found him preparing for the battle, as assistants helped him into his armor. Godrick raised an eyebrow at him, but Lancelot didn't care.

"What? Never seen a beauty like me in armor before?" Lancelot teased

"Or maybe you're thinking to yourself "oh he's going to steal my spotlight", don't flatter yourself, boy. I will, and I'll do it from this damned chair!" He said in a boisterous tone.

Lancelot had a chair built for him that could be carried by others. And as luck would have it, he had a couple of men who were willing to carry him around.

Seeing the pompous man, Godrick simply picked him up, armor and all, threw him over his shoulder unceremoniously, and carried him out of the tent.

"What are you doing!? Put me down, you heathen!" Lancelot bellowed.

Godrick ignored him till he found a nice puddle of mud, and as the older man demanded to be put down once more, Godrick complied.

"OH, YOU BASTARD! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU'RE ON THE FRONT LINES! I SWEAR I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!" Lancelot shouted as Godrick walked away, leaving him in the mud.

A couple of hours passed, and Godrick was finally able to put his new armor on. Morgan found him in one of the tents with Artoria, getting ready to move out.

"It's ready." She said simply.

Godrick stood, and Morgan helped him into the armor. He could feel the armor, almost as if it were alive. Configuring to his very being, almost like a second skin.

"You'll feel the armor connect to you. Become a part of you. That's the gems giving the armor life. It's bonding to you." She said with a smile.

"Good luck, Godrick."

Finally, they were ready to move out.

To Earl Grasso's territory.