

This novel is a AU When one possess an indomitable will and the physical strength to match, nothing can stop them from achieving their goals. When one that has these attributes dies, they become immortalized into legend and are able to be summoned as a heroic spirit. but what if no servant class matches? it's simple, a new class will be formed. The class of the Juggernaut. I do not own anything, or anyone from the animes, novels, or series that take place in this fanfic other than Godrick, the OC.

greenbaypitbull · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter 12

A/N: for my purposes in this novel, Alaya will be depicted as a human woman when encountering Godricks spirit. Also I've been trying to find material explaining what happens to one when they become a heroic spirit, but I'm not finding much. So please be patient with me! Thank you all! Also there will be no chapter next week, however I will be rewriting the first chapter a little bit and changing what happened to Lancelot in the first chapter. He will no longer be crippled, but will have sustained an injury he has healed from. He will be standing in this chapter, just FYI!

Thank you all for the support!



As they neared the city, Artoria sent messengers to prepare to receive them. She had ridden this road before. At that time Godrick was only injured, and not dead. Tears came to her eyes again as she looked at his body being carried in front of her. She could tell the soldiers were tired of carrying him, and it would almost be time to have them switch, so others could be given the opportunity to carry him.

The city was somber as bodies of soldiers were dropped off to their families for cleaning before the funeral. 

Godrick and the warlord's bodies were given to Morgan. She would clean Godricks body, and examine the Warlords, to see if she could ascertain her identity. She showed no emotion as she took the two bodies, though Artoria could see the pain in her eyes. She asked the soldiers to carry Godrick and the remains of the Warlord to her tower, where she would clean and examine the bodies. 

After a while Artoria was called to Morgan's tower. When she had arrived she saw the two bodies on different tables. Morgan had carefully removed Godricks armor, and set it off to the side. She had cut and removed his clothing that was under his armor, leaving his body naked so she could clean it. On the other table was the headless body of the Warlord. Morgan had clearly shown no respect for it, as the armor was tossed into a large pile, and the body was still dirty. 

"Sister." Morgan said in an emotionless tone to draw Artorias attention. 

Morgan was standing next to Godricks body, looking down at him. 

"He's changed." She stated.

"He's much larger than when he left. When I last measured him he was about seven feet tall. Now he is just over eight." She said looking at him.

"When I found him, he had a sword. Caliburn." Artoria said to Morgan, who looked up sharply. 

"Caliburn was broken and returned to the lake. How could he have possessed it?" Morgan asked.

"I'm not sure." Artoria answered.

"I'll travel there as soon as the funeral service is over." She finished.

Tears again sprang to her eyes as she looked over her adopted son's body. In the silence the two mourned in their own ways, though both of them knew not how to comfort the other.

"I've found something interesting." Morgan broke the silence. 

She took one of the medical devices used to cut skin, and dragged it along Godricks right palm. Nothing happened as she did so. Not even a scratch appeared. 

Artorias eyes widened as she looked at Morgan. 

"I can't cut through his skin at all. I've tried everything. But nothing works."

Artoria looked at the multiple wounds where Clarent was stabbed repeatedly and thought for a moment. She drew Excalibur from her side and carefully brought it to Godricks remaining right hand. Morgan's eyes narrowed as she watched Artoria drag the blade across his hand, and to her astonishment, the blade left a clean cut on his hand.

"This raises many questions, Artoria." Morgan said.

"That it does, sister." Artoria replied. 

"I must go. I need to ride to the lake, and find answers. But I'll go once the ceremony is over." 

She then turned to the headless body of the Warlord and asked.

"Have you found any clue to the identification of?" She then gestured to the body, not finishing her sentence.

"No." Morgan lied. In truth she had discovered the Warlord's identity. She had examined her mother's body when she was brought here after Earl Grasso's destruction. She had recognized the scars and other distinguishing features of the headless body. However she would never tell Artoria the identity of the body. Unlike Morgan's disdain for her mother, Artoria had a bond with her. It might have been a small one, but it was a bond nonetheless. 

Artoria looked at a few more things Morgan brought to her attention, then left. She asked Morgan to bring Godricks body to the funeral pyre, and to dispose of the warlord's body. They would have a mass burning for all the soldiers who died, to send those who died to the other world. 

A while later.

Hundreds of pyres were spread across the valley. Each one held a soldier who had been killed in the latest battle, their family's and friends surrounding them as they mourned.

Artoria, Morgan, and the rest of the knights who wished to pay their last respects to Godrick, stood before his pyre. Morgan had done an excellent job of cleaning and preparing him for his pyre, and Artoria told her so. They each walked up to his pyre and placed an item on it to burn with him. It was an old tradition to burn a meaningful item with the dead, to give something to them for their journey. 

The body would be cleansed by fire, then the remains would be buried in a tomb for the rest of time.

Each of the knights placed an item, then Lancelot walked to the pyre. He looked down at his old apprentice. Godrick had been with him for so long, now… he would fight his battles alone. He leaned down and kissed Godrick's forehead. He then placed the spear head that was used to Cauterise Godricks wounds and save his life. He had kept the spearhead with him, a reminder of what had happened. He placed the item, then backed away.

Morgan was next. She walked up and placed Godricks helmet which she had brought onto his chest. She then looked down at him then she too, placed a kiss on his forehead. She then thought of all that had changed. The Warlord had wreaked havoc across the whole of Camelot. She was frustrated that someone other than her could make such a racket. She then made a truce with Artoria to help her till the Warlords defeat. It had been many years since that deal had been made. And among those years, she changed. She no longer wanted Artoria dead, and no longer cared for the throne. Now that the Warlord was dead, the truce was over. But she would do nothing. She would continue with her research.

Shaking her head of the thoughts, she returned to reality. She looked down at Godricks still face one last time, then backed away.

Artoria took her place and she did as the other two had done. Kissed his forehead and thought of the memories she had of him.

"I promise I'll bring Mordred back." She said to his stone cold face. 

"She will know of your sacrifice." 

She then placed the halberd she was holding into his chest. It was a massive weapon. Almost 10 feet in length to match his giant body. She then placed his right hand over it, and backed away.

Artoria then took the torch Lancelot had lit and began to speak to her small group.

"This night, we remember those who fought and died for their country and people." She said as she walked to the pyre. 

"This night, we remember the price that is required for victory." She then lowered the torch to the pyre, and lit it.

"This night, we remember." She stopped her sentence.

"A soldier." Lancelot said.

"A brother." Morgan said.

"A son." Artoria finished, her voice trembling a small bit.

"This night, we remember a warrior who brought ruin to his enemies. So that is what he shall be known as." She said.

"This night, we remember. Godrick the Ruin." 

As she finished speaking the fire took hold, and the pyre was lit ablaze.

Across the valley similar fires began to spring up, and soon the valley looked as if on fire.

They stayed like this for an hour or so. Watching the pyres burn in complete silence. Occasionally a cry could be heard from a grieving wife, or mother, but other than the sound of the fires, it was silent. One by one the family's of the dead began to leave. Till none were left save the guards who would watch over the dead to make sure the fires didn't spread and make sure no one put any of the fires out till morning. 

Artoria stood with Lancelot and Morgan, the others having already left.

"I must ride to the lake for answers." She said. 

"I'll be back tomorrow evening if everything goes according to plan." 

"Do you need anyone to go with you?" Lancelot asked.

"No." She answered. "I need to be alone for a time." She stated. 

She then turned and walked away to her horse nearby, mounted it, and left.

Morgan turned to Lancelot, and spoke to him.

"You may leave. I'll watch the fire for tonight. I'll make sure he's safe." She said as she turned back to the fire. 

Lancelot didn't argue, as he knew she needed to be alone now as well.

"Lady Morgan." He said as he simply bowed and left. 

Morgan, left alone with her thoughts, sat on a small log that was near the pyre, and just watched. She began to notice small blue particles mixed in with the orange flame, but paid it no mind.


After hours of journeying, Atroria finally reached dozmary pool. She dismounted and began to walk to it. When she reached the water's edge she stopped.

The water was usually crystal clear, but right now it looked dirty. She knelt down, took her left glove off and used one of her fingers to test the water.

Suddenly a ghostly white hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. 

Recoiling in a mixture of fear and disgust, she backed away, but the hand didn't let go so she ended up dragging the figure out of the water as she backed away. She stopped as she recognized Viviane, and knelt down beside her.

"My lady?" Artoria asked hesitantly.

"It didn't work." Viviane said in a husky voice.

"What didn't work my lady?" Artoria asked.

Viviane looked up at her weakly with a mixture of hate, and pain.

"My magic." Viviane started with a tone of disdain. 

"I used ancient magic to try and save Godrick. But it didn't work." She said. She then asked in a trembling voice.

"He's dead isn't he? Killed by the Warlord?"

"Yes," Artoria stated with a pained expression. 

"He was killed by the Warlord. But she also died in their battle." She stated. 

Viviane looked up at her in confusion. Till she finally spoke.

"So Alaya took mercy on me after all." She said.

"What are you talking about?" Artoria asked.

Viviane looked up at her.

"Godrick was supposed to die in his fight with the Warlord. She was to kill him, and in turn be killed by you at a later date. It seems my sacrifice wasn't in vain after all." She said, showing the open wound in her chest.

"My lady!" Artoria exclaimed, examining the wound.

"I'm fine," Viviane snapped at her.

"I've just lost most of my power. It seems Alaya took a lesser price for a lesser outcome. They are truly all powerful."

"I'm still confused. What happened?" Artoria asked. 

"You stupid girl." Viviane said, scolding Artoria.

"I performed a magic ritual to save my son from death. But it only changed fate a small bit." Viviane said.

Artoria was left in shock at what she heard. 

"Did you say Godrick was your son?" Artoria asked.

"Yes. And now, because of you. He's dead." Viviane said with venom in her voice. 

Artoria recoiled as if she had been physically struck as Viviane continued to speak.

"He came here looking for power, so I gave it to him." Viviane said as she lifted herself from the sand so she was in a half sitting, half laying down position. 

"He fought the Warlord, so you didn't have to. He believed that he could save you from a fate so tragic, it made him weep when he learned of it!" She shouted.

"That foolish boy left here with the idea he could save you and everyone else in his head. And now he's dead!" She continued.

Artoria couldn't comprehend the malice coming from Viviane, so she decided to leave. It was clear she would get no answer here. She left feeling heartbroken. In part she blamed herself for Godricks death, and this conversation only cemented that notion in her mind. She was to blame for Godricks death. 'If she had only been the one to fight the Warlord he would still be alive.' She thought to herself. 'If only she had gotten there sooner, she could have saved him.' She continued to blame herself. 

In this moment she made a decision in her heart. No one would suffer this again. She would carry the weight of the kingdom on her back. She would never let another one of her knights die. They wouldn't have to dirty their hands again. She would be the one to do that.

"Never again." She said to herself.

She didn't know that Godrick would never blame her for his death. It was his decision to fight in her place. But in her broken mind… she never considered that fact.

As she returned to the fires she was emotionless.

"Did you find anything?" Morgan asked 

"Only more questions." Artoria said. She then told Morgan what happened, and they discussed what their next plans were. They would move into the north, and free Mordred. They would go from there.

They would bury Godricks armor and gifts in a tomb that had been prepared. His body was gone, and they assumed it had been burned In the fire. Little did they know the ash they found inside the armor was nothing more than ash from the wood. His body had actually disappeared, being unaffected from the fire. But they wouldn't learn that for a very, very long time.


As she lay on the sand yelling at Artorias fading back, she was overcome by emotion. She had tried to give everything to save her son, but it was all for nothing. She had failed. Though she took some small relief from the fact Godrick had killed the Warlord. Though it did nothing to lessen her grief.

Footsteps could be heard as a new figure drew near her. She turned and spat in his direction.

"My dear." Merlin said in a quiet voice. 

"I cursed you to stay in your tower. How are you here?" She asked in an emotionless voice, no more hate or negative emotions to give.

"Your power weakened when you performed the spell." He said to her. 

"I was able to escape." 

"Have you come to mock me?" She asked.

"No, my dear." Merlin said as he knelt beside her.

"I've come to give you relief. Come with me." He said as he held out his hand. 

She looked at it with contempt. 

"Let me show you his future. All will be well in the end. I have seen it." He continued.

"How can I trust you now? You turned your back on our son. You led him like a lamb to the slaughter." She said.

"I know. I do not regret what I have done. It needed to happen. But I still love him." He said as he took her face into his hands, looking into her eyes.

"I love my son. Our son. But for the sake of our world, I had to let him go. Come with me. Let me show you a future where he not only lives, but thrives. Let us watch him grow, find love, start a family. A life we could never live." He said in a pleading tone.

"I know you may not love me anymore. But I ask you to let me make it up to you."

She looked at him. And though she still despised him, she nodded. She allowed him to take her weak body into his arms and start walking away from the lake. The further she got from the lake, the weaker she became, but he wouldn't let anything happen to her. As they neared his tower he spoke one final time.

"Come, let us watch our son grow."


"Godrick." A voice said.

He opened his eyes and found he was standing in a white room. A "small" woman was standing in front of him. She wasn't short by any means, but she came up to about his stomach. She had no features, but a pure white being. 

"Hello." She said in a cheerful tone. 

He looked around confused, seeing he was standing in a large white room that seemed to stretch on forever. There were marble pillars holding the ceiling up. Doors littered the walls as far as the eye could see.

"You are in an area called the throne of heros." She said.

"Come!" She gestured toward one of the doors as she began to walk to it. They entered a room that looked like a small office. She sat in the seat behind the desk and began to explain things.

"My name is Alaya, or i represent her. I dont really know!" She said in an uncaring tone

"You died. But your actions were deemed enough to bring you here!" She said in a bubbly voice.

"Now, looking at your actions you don't really seem to fit any of the parameters for any of the classes we have." 

As she was talking information was being downloaded into his head. He now knew where he was, and what he would be doing. He learned of all the classes, and their parameters. He thought an argument could be made to make him a berserker, but he wouldn't argue with the little lady.

"Well you're in luck, because we actually are in need of a new class. The class of the Juggernaut!" She said.

"All your abilities will be enhanced to godlike abilities. And you will even gain a lot of new ones. Just know you will be working with one of our best, so be sure to protect her with everything you've got, Yeah?" She said. 

Information about his new abilities downloaded into his head once more. He was shocked and astonished as some of these were incredible. 

"Any questions?" She asked. Not waiting for him to speak, she continued.

"Of course you don't have any questions. All the knowledge has been given to you already." She said as she shooed him out the doorway. 

"Good luck!" She said. He began to fade from existence as he knew he was going to participate in his first holy grail war.

As he opened his eyes once more he found himself in a barren wasteland kneeling in front of a woman. 

He noticed he was in his armor, and holding a huge halberd in his right hand with the butt buried in the sand. He could feel the command seals he had been given on his left arm, he had fourteen of them. They looked like jagged symbols climbing up his whole arm. He finally looked at the woman as she turned to him.

"Hello Juggernaut, I am Jeanne D'Arc. The ruler of this holy grail war.

A/N: Hey guys! This marks the end of the prologue of the story. I want to talk to you all about some ideas I'm thinking about for this story. What are your thoughts on the whole multiverse thing? I don't think it will be any surprise that Godrick will participate in other holy grail wars, but I was thinking he and a curtain special someone could visit other worlds in-between the grail wars? These worlds would include dxd, marvel, dc, hp, and alot of the other ones. Please let me know as I've started to plan these chapters already. 

Also please leave me a review if you haven't. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing, so I would love to know what I can improve to make my stories better! 

Thank you all so much for the support