
Death Korp of Krieg (WH40K) | Justice League (DC-Comics)

Author: Jim_Odette_D
Video Games
Ongoing · 602.3K Views
  • 55 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Death Korp of Krieg (WH40K) | Justice League (DC-Comics)

Read ‘Death Korp of Krieg (WH40K) | Justice League (DC-Comics)’ Online for Free, written by the author Jim_Odette_D, This book is a Video Games Fanfic, covering DARK Fanfiction, SUPERPOWERS Fan Fiction, TRANSMIGRATION Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: When the 107th Siege Regiment, of the Death Korps of Krieg - was enlisted the tasks of handling the Ruinous Power that h...


When the 107th Siege Regiment, of the Death Korps of Krieg - was enlisted the tasks of handling the Ruinous Power that has taken root within a backwater planet. The 107th Death Korps Regiment head on with haste to the planet; Jules, and to its defenses, regardless of being on their own without additional support from other Astra Militarum Regiments - such as the Tallarn Desert Raider Regiment - who has been delayed to accompany the Death Korps Regiment to Jules. However as the Death Korps stood alone and unwavering as their front lines collapsed, a Watchmaster leads her squadron of Grenadiers to execute an issued order. Until there met on the field of littered corpse and the stenches of death - was a Chaos Psyker.

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My Energy Sucking System: Trap In The Future

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FryingDragoon · Urban
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9 Chs


上一世,她穿上戎装翻身上马,却在战场含冤而死;一朝重生,誓要查清前世真相。 可是终究躲不过他的万般筹谋,心甘情愿步入他布下的情网。 他喜欢她,从幼稚懵懂时的初见开始,那时她素青色的云雾烟罗衫上常绣着一株水蓝色的鸢尾花。 后来,睿亲王府的下人都知道,不学无术的小王爷迷恋上了养花。 —— 桃花树下,男人慵懒恣意的拿着折扇。 “乐竟夕,你那双大眼睛长来是做装饰的么?”男人微眯双眼,有些刻薄的开口。 “哦,不对,我应该说的不是你的眼睛而是脑子。”不等乐竟夕回答,男人又轻哼一声。 乐竟夕咬咬牙,忍着被奚落的怒气,未发一语,直接转身离开。 可是她的举动却惹到了那位祖宗,男人一个跨步直接拉住了乐竟夕纤细的手腕,“我看只有如此你才会离湛珩远一点。” —— “榕小王爷,您的烂桃花可真多!”女人双手环胸,气定神闲的看着在暗巷里拉拉扯扯的男女。 只是这话里话外都透露出一丝酸味儿。 谈榕闻言转身,兀自一笑,仿佛三月的暖阳,照亮了昏暗。 几步走到女人面前,动作轻柔的将女人乱了的碎发别至耳后,“我心里只有你这株鸢尾,其他的花早已入不了我的眼。” 本文一对一,清甜爽口,是您茶余饭后的最佳选择!

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Professor Dovahkiin-continued

"Professor Dovahkiin" is an imaginative crossover fanfiction combining elements of the Harry Potter universe with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story introduces a new character, Xavier Dovahkiin, whose arrival at Hogwarts brings a fresh and enigmatic twist to the familiar magical world. This tale weaves together magic, mystery, and adventure, exploring themes of power, secrets, and the complexities of a world where the lines between good and evil are not always clear. As Xavier navigates this intricate setting, his unique abilities and mysterious past promise to captivate readers, offering a new perspective on a beloved universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years ago, I stumbled upon this fantastic fanfiction and was completely engrossed by it. But then, like many others, I had to endure the disappointment when the author decided to drop it. Fast forward to a while back, and I rediscovered it on a different website(here on webnovel). To my excitement, the author(a new one picking it up) claimed they'd continue it, but alas, that promise went unfulfilled. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands and bring this gem back to life. And no, it's not about making money – it's about my sheer love for this story. To do that, I'm harnessing the power of AI, specifically Chat-GPT4 (yes, the $20-a-month one), to pick up where the original author left off. Here's the deal: I read every single chapter that Chat-GPT4 generates, and then I put my own creative spin on things. It's all about shaping the narrative in a way that makes sense and keeps the story going strong. Plus, I'm a stickler for grammar and typos, so rest assured, I'll try my best not to let any mistakes slip through the cracks. In fact, I make sure to spend quality time on every chapter. I play around with different versions that Chat-GPT can come up with, trying to find the one that fits best, and then I edit it as needed to ensure it's just right. Now, it wasn't a walk in the park. Training Chat-GPT4 to read the entire story took some time, and it has its limits when it comes to responses per day. So, uploads might not be as frequent as we'd like, but I promise to deliver new chapters whenever I get the chance. Your support means the world to me, and together, we'll make this fanfiction community proud. I believe chapter 44 is where the OG ends.

access11 · Book&Literature
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Zjjan Master

Including his guild master, many lives had lost to end a calamity. Jaino feels guilty. Still, the first prince of Jelfyr assigned him as a higher official. This has made him hiding to avoid conflicts. Wanting to find peace, he accidentally meets Criselia, forcing him to accept an agreement. Consuming many lives, her demonstration has left him no choice. Meanwhile, Jesifer, the queen of Jelfyr, she receives an urgent report from the JSA. Attempting to end the battle in the wide plain while avoiding casualty, she instead meets Dandia’s ruler, seeking for the strongest. The outside world now slowly unfolds. ------------------------------------- 1. Blurb is fulfilled on Chapter Three and Chapter Four 2. Story Arc One, The Savior is fulfilled on Story Arc Five 3. Yes, there is fighting scenes. Three Calamities have been Eliminated in Dandia -- The wide island. 4. The prologue is nearing to begin. 5. Too many conflicts. Past tense - When I just narrate a past without much actual actions. I mean like a news, or just telling or reporting the past. Present tense - Current event. And flashback with actions ------------------------------------- SaT for better text format: http://www.sparkatale.com/books/details/3350 RoyalRoad, my actual output: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/24594/zjjan-master Update only at SaT, Webnovel, and Royalroad - I be removing this on other sites. This work must not be available in any other sites and any publishing companies aside from those previously mentions. Because I don't have time to update ZM there and specially my story-telling breaks many rules of the standard. I be resting for a bit and look for a novel to read - preferred to my own taste. AN: Guys, help me locate the typos in Story Arc 5, as I be investing my time on these chapters. Story Arc 1-4 can be waited.

HearmJan · Fantasy
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113 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :SEGMENT I
Volume 2 :SEGMENT II


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Author's Perspective upon own work Writing Quality - Constructions are made neat, the character's dialogue and monologue can be easily identified, and is formed in an easy flow and continuation to prevent tongue-twisting and mind breaking. (3S) Stability of Updates - Terrible, has no scheduled timing, and is absolutely up to the Author when he has the next chapter prepared. Updates are random. (1S) Story Development - A slow grind, with a lot of character background in most chapters, but still making progress for story development. It is your typical, character flashback but doesn't take the whole chapter. (3S) Character Design - Two Korpsmen, One is a battle-hardened veteren, and the other somewhat in between gets yeeted to the DC universe. There is fixed and focused personality on the character, so readers could be able to tell the difference if ever such 'tremendous' EVENTS changed the characters. (the korpsmen) (4S) World Background - Just like how DC-Comics portrayed and shows it in their comics. (3S)


40k + LoL? 5 stsrs for me. . mjgernrnrnrjrjrjrnr right brbffn earn a living by what we are you doing today I Y camp and I will be Y camp and


Writing Quality- Since the re-write has happened I can confidently give a 5 star rating, grammar has significantly improved Stability of Updates- Hard to gauge but when this novel was updating in the past it was quite consistent, hopefully we see that again Story Development- Great pace and progression, not feeling too rushed or too slow Character Design- Judging from the pre-re-write there will be plenty of backstory on each character as well as mental changes and developments as their situation progresses World Background- 40k+DC, plenty to draw from and really quite like the interactions of the MC's and the Justice league members


DC Universe, DC characters feel like they are actually real and act reasonable. The two Guardsmen though, well they don't adhere to the lore. They commit heresy not just once, stay away if you do not like that.


This has an atmosphere of seriousness, so it is not all fun and laughs. This fanfic made me interested in the Krieg, as they seem super serious in battle, something that is kinda similar to my serious demeanor that has backfired in this meme filled world of ours. I have nothing to say, but be warned that this fanfic takes itself very seriously.


seems pretty good would be shame that it doesnt get more attention due to lack of ratings, though the last chapter being a month ago is kind of disappointing


Latest Author's Announcement Contains Spoilers. Read at your discretion. A lot of readers, especially during the first few chapters in the first volume have all valid criticism about plot holes and characters that are doing or acting in ways that are not in ‘character’ for good example: a korpsman that is not silent and too suicidal. But the thing is that Masha’s character has been explained why she acts and thinks in such an unorthodox way compared to her peers, and it is because in her flashback that happened very far down into the story that she had an encounter with an Inquisitor and was inducted to the Inquisition’s party - although temporarily - the readers can then assume and fill in the gaps that she learned or was taught stuff during her time with the Inquisitor. Following such an event possibly happening, it is only reasonable to think that Masha has learned things or been taught things only to a certain degree and does not know all of it, and basically just the gist of it. So any mistakes that she carelessly and recklessly did such as speak of the names of the Chaos Gods, you can say it was a poor decision on her part. I like to tell my story without dropping their backstory in just a single chapter, I drop it like crumbs and use it to angle their character to the current. I mean, they had lives before the story began so it is logical to think that something at least surprising or out of place happened in their life.


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General Audiencesmature rating