
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Guide Book

(Katsuo POV)

Two days passed, and I found myself in the portal room, two hours earlier than the agreed time. The reason? I was engrossed in a Guide Book. I was surprised to find such a detailed manual on how to do our jobs "properly." My past four missions had been me just winging it, but somehow, it had worked out. Now, I figured it wouldn't hurt to see what the experts had to say.

As I continued to read through the "guidelines," I found the section that piqued my interest the most: the ranking system. For us Chosens, there were four Major Rank Levels: C, B, A, and S, each with five sub-levels ranging from one to five. Regular "Cosmic Janitors," as I called my job, had a more extensive range: seven Major Rank Levels from F, E, D, C, B, A, to S, also with five sub-levels each.

The next part that intrigued me was how missions were assigned to individuals or teams. The guidelines detailed how an individual's "expertise" determined the type of mission and its rank.

For example, my skill set leaned more towards killing and exterminating, so missions related to these tasks would be my priority, and I might be able to "jump" a rank higher than usual. However, if I were assigned to a mission involving something like creating a vaccine, my lack of expertise in that area would prevent me from jumping ranks and would likely be ranked as a higher-level mission.

It made sense now why my previous missions had been so intense and combat-focused. The system identified my strengths and pushed me to my limits, ensuring I was always challenged but not overwhelmed.

This also explained why I'd been assigned to support Hank's team on this upcoming mission. My skills would complement their abilities, making us a more effective unit overall.

I was currently a B-1, which was quite high for someone with only a few missions under their belt. Most regulars took years to get to where I was. The book emphasized the importance of teamwork, strategy, and resource management—all things I had managed to do solo, but it made me realize how much smoother things could potentially go with a well-coordinated team.

As I absorbed this information, I felt a sense of clarity about my role and the broader strategy behind mission assignments. It was a complex system designed to maximize efficiency and success rates, tailoring missions to suit the strengths of individuals and teams.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice the time passing until Hank, John, Damysus, and Valerie walked in. They seemed surprised to see me already there, nose-deep in a book.

"Look who's early," Hank teased, clapping me on the shoulder.

"I guess even the infamous Katsuo can learn a thing or two," John added with a grin.

"I figured it was time to see what all the fuss was about," I replied, closing the book and standing up. "Ready for the briefing?"

They nodded, and we gathered around the portal, where Lisa and a gruff man, the assigned manager for Hank and his team, William, both had serious expressions. Lisa handed out the mission details, emphasizing the volatile nature of the zone we were about to secure.

"This mission is critical," Lisa began. "The zone you're entering is unstable, with potential threats from multiple fronts. Your primary objective is to secure key points and neutralize any hostile entities."

William stepped forward, his expression stern. "Listen up, team. This isn't just a routine cleanup. We've got reports of aberrant creatures and pockets of unstable energy. Stick to the plan, communicate effectively, and watch each other's backs. Katsuo is here to support and guide you, but it's up to you to prove your capability as a unit."

Hank glanced at the details, his brow furrowing slightly. "Looks like we'll need to be on our toes. Everyone ready?"

"Always," Valerie replied confidently, her eyes glinting with determination.

John adjusted his gear, nodding. "Let's do this."

Damysus cracked his knuckles, a determined look on his face. "We're ready."

I glanced at the team, feeling a sense of camaraderie and purpose. This was new for me, working as part of a team, but it felt right. We were ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.

Lisa gave us a nod. "Good luck out there. Remember, the portal will remain open for emergency extractions, but use it only if absolutely necessary."

Donning my Stormweaver's Mantle, and with Sanchomo slung by my waist, I was ready.

With that, we stepped through the portal, entering the new world.





As my eyes adjusted, I could see a lush green scenery. My mind, enhanced by Infernal Clarity, raced with thoughts: Orks? Zombies? Goblins? Trolls? Xenomorphs?

Following my protocol and eager to test my new technique, I activated my thermoreception, allowing me to perceive temperature variations in objects and the environment. This ability is incredibly useful for observation, as I'll be able to detect the heat signatures of any living targets.

Immediately, I felt the presence of multiple "hostile" entities. "Multiple enemies, possibly hostile. Be on your toes," I said, my tone laced with seriousness. Gone was my usual playful manner, replaced by a focused determination that surprised the team.

They were first taken aback but quickly readied themselves for the upcoming battle.

Hank was the first to respond, nodding as he drew his weapon. "You heard him, stay sharp."

Valerie, her senses heightened, began to weave a protective spell around us. "I can sense the energy too. It's twisted and unnatural."

John adjusted his gadgets, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "I'm picking up anomalies all around us. Be ready for anything."

Damysus, always the calm giant, moved to the front, his massive frame providing a reassuring barrier. "Let's handle this."

The forest seemed to close in around us as the creatures emerged from the shadows. Twisted amalgamations of animal and plant life, their bodies distorted and grotesque, lunged at us with a feral intensity.

I unsheathed Sanchomo, its blade gleaming with a bluish ethereal energy. With a swift motion, I coated it with quadra-elemental properties—fire, lightning, air, and earth.

The creatures charged at us, their twisted forms a blend of animal and plant life, driven by some unseen force. I moved with enhanced Shunpo, darting between them with blinding speed. Each strike of my blade was precise and lethal, the elemental coating tearing through their grotesque bodies with ease.

I moved with enhanced Shunpo, darting between them with blinding speed. Each strike of my blade was precise and lethal, the elemental coating tearing through their twisted forms with ease. Fire ignited their bodies, lightning crackled through their nerves, air slashed with razor precision, and earth shattered their bones.

Valerie's spells erupted in bursts of light, striking down the creatures and providing cover for the rest of us. John deployed mechanical traps that ensnared and incapacitated those that ventured too close. Damysus held the line, his massive fists crushing any that dared approach.

Despite our initial success, the onslaught did not relent. The creatures kept coming, driven by some unseen force. My Mana Core resonated within me, amplifying my abilities as I fought.

"Focus on the source!" I called out, sensing that these creatures were being controlled by something.

Valerie nodded, her eyes glowing with determination. "I'll locate it. Cover me!"

As she began her spell, I pushed forward, carving a path through the horde. My movements were a blur, each strike of Sanchomo releasing bursts of elemental energy. I could feel the strain on my body, but my training had prepared me for this.

"Got it!" Valerie exclaimed. "There's a node of corrupt energy up ahead!"

Hank rallied the team. "Let's take it out. Move!"

We advanced together, a coordinated force of destruction. The node of corrupt energy pulsed with a malevolent light, and I could feel its influence over the creatures. With a final push, we reached it.

"Now!" Hank ordered.

I channeled all my power into a single strike, my blade cutting through the node. The explosion of energy was blinding, and the creatures around us collapsed, their life force severed.

As the dust settled, we regrouped, breathing heavily but victorious. The lush scenery had returned to its serene state, the danger momentarily abated.

"Good work, everyone," Hank said, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "Couldn't have done it without you, Katsuo."

I nodded, sheathing Sanchomo. "This was just the beginning. Let's stay vigilant."

With the first threat neutralized, we pressed on, ready to face whatever else this volatile zone had in store for us.





As we ventured deeper into the second zone, we encountered a variety of formidable enemies—mutated wolves, mutated bears, and even man-eating plants. Each encounter was a fierce battle, testing our endurance and resolve.

Reaching the ten-kilometer mark, I activated my thermoreception ability, scanning the area for any potential threats. Thankfully, this time, no hostiles were detected. I sighed in relief.

I glanced at Hank and the others. They were clearly exhausted; we had been fighting non-stop for almost two hours, and it was taking a toll on them. Despite the harsh conditions, my own state remained optimal, a testament to my rigorous training and the countless "usual" missions I'd undertaken.

"Hank," I said, "we should rest. Everyone needs to recover their strength."

He nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "Agreed. We need to be at our best for whatever comes next."

We found a small clearing and settled down. Using my Earth Manipulation, I created a makeshift base, shaping the ground into protective barriers and forming comfortable places for the team to rest. It wasn't much, but it would help them feel more at ease despite the harsh conditions.

"I'll take the first watch, so you guys rest," I said, assuring them.

Hank nodded, clearly relieved. "Thanks, Katsuo. We need it."

Valerie, John, and Damysus settled into their spots, grateful for the respite. As they rested, I positioned myself at the edge of the clearing, senses alert for any sign of danger.

As I stood guard, my mind drifted to the mission at hand. Our objective was to secure this volatile zone, neutralize any threats, and ensure the safety of future expeditions. It was a tall order, but with the team we had, I was confident we could handle it.

The quiet of the night was punctuated by the distant sounds of the unfamiliar wilderness. The flicker of the campfire cast long shadows, adding to the eerie atmosphere. But I remained vigilant, ready to spring into action at the slightest hint of danger.

As the hours passed, the team stirred, gradually waking up one by one. Hank was the first to rise, stretching and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walked over to me, a grateful smile on his face.

"Thanks for keeping watch," he said. "We all needed that rest."

"Anytime," I replied. "We should be ready to move out soon. The area seems clear for now, but we can't let our guard down."

Valerie and John joined us, looking more refreshed. Damysus, ever the sentinel, stood ready, his imposing frame a comforting presence.

"Let's pack up and move out," Hank said. "We have a mission to complete."

We dismantled the makeshift base, and with renewed energy, we continued our journey. The landscape grew more treacherous, with twisted trees and an eerie silence enveloping us. Suddenly, the ground beneath us trembled, and a massive, mutated beast emerged from the shadows.

"Get ready!" Hank shouted, drawing his weapon.

The creature was unlike anything we had faced before, its massive form a grotesque amalgamation of various beasts, radiating a palpable aura of menace.

Valerie began chanting a spell, her hands glowing with arcane energy. John set up traps around us, and Damysus charged forward, engaging the beast head-on.

I focused my energy, channeling the quadra-elemental properties into Sanchomo. With a burst of speed, I joined the fray, striking at the beast with all my might. The combined efforts of our team were relentless, each of us pushing our limits.

The battle raged on, but we fought with unwavering determination. Every strike, every spell, every tactic we employed was precise and coordinated. Finally, with a powerful, coordinated assault, we brought the beast down.

Panting and covered in sweat, we stood victorious. The threat neutralized, we took a moment to regroup.

"That was intense," John said, catching his breath.

"But we did it," Valerie added, her eyes shining with pride.

Hank clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Couldn't have done it without you, Katsuo. You're a valuable addition to the team."

I nodded, a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment washing over me. "Let's keep moving. We still have a mission to complete."

With renewed resolve, we pressed on, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in this volatile, unpredictable world.

I've just finished another chapter of my novel, and I'm itching for some fresh eyes to take a gander at it. Think of it as a literary show-and-tell, but with less macaroni art and more witty banter.

I know, asking people to read your work can feel like asking them to babysit your pet rock. But hey, what's the harm in giving it a whirl, right? Worst case scenario, you get a good laugh out of it. Best case scenario, you discover a hidden gem in the rough.

So, if you're up for a bit of literary adventure, I'd love for you to check out the auxiliary chapter I just whipped up. Think of it as a VIP pass to the inner workings of my writerly brain. Who knows? You might just find yourself pleasantly surprised.

So, what do you say? Care to take a peek behind the curtain and see what all the fuss is about? Trust me, you won't regret it. Or at least, you'll have a good story to tell at your next dinner party.

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