
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

Another month passed like blur. I was now an Adept Core - I, a bit early than my initial plans, but a welcome surprise.

At the simulator I activated my Fire Manipulation. My flames were bright-orange, but as I decided to add Air Manipulation on the mix, it turned into a vibrant-blue color. Then I put my Lightning Manipulation, the blue flame, now crackled with power. I threw it towards a target, then it blew to pieces.

Then I Shunpo'ed from corner to corner, it left crackling residues. My movements were faster, more precise. The combination of elements added a new layer of power to my movements, and the mana core enhanced my stamina and control. I could feel the difference in every motion, every step.

I paused for a moment, catching my breath. The training was intense, but the progress was undeniable. I had to be ready for the Path of Exile world, where eldritch horrors and cosmic entities awaited. There was no room for complacency.

With a deep breath, I initiated another round of training. This time, I focused on my Summoned Swords. Stepping back into the simulator's center, I concentrated and visualized not just eight, but twelve swords materializing around me. Their ethereal glow pulsed with energy, and I could feel the strain, but also the thrill of pushing my limits.

With a swift motion, I directed them towards a series of targets, each sword moving with precision and deadly accuracy. The targets shattered one by one, and a sense of accomplishment washed over me.

"Good," I muttered to myself. "But not enough."

I unsheathed Sanchomo and prepared for my next exercise. Incorporating Earth Manipulation into my combat style had always been challenging, but necessary. I raised my hand, focusing on the ground beneath me, and summoned a series of stone pillars and spikes. They responded quicker now, more fluidly, as if they were an extension of my will.

"Not bad," I thought, "but still room for improvement."

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and centered myself. I needed to integrate all my abilities seamlessly, not just individually. This was the key to becoming truly formidable.

Visualizing a scenario, I imagined an enemy force closing in from all sides. I would need to be agile, powerful, and versatile. I activated my Shunpo, enhanced with lightning, and darted across the room. My Fire Manipulation combined with Air turned the room into a fiery whirlwind, while my Summoned Swords provided cover from any attacks. Earth spikes rose to disrupt the imaginary enemies' movements, creating a chaotic battlefield under my control.

The simulator provided a variety of opponents, each designed to push my abilities to the limit. From swift, agile enemies to hulking, durable foes, I faced them all.

Judgment Cut, Rapid Slash, and my enhanced Shunpo were my go-to moves, but I also experimented with new combinations. Fire, lightning, and earth manipulation formed a deadly trinity, each element complementing the others. Pyrobolt served as a long-range attack, while the Giant Sword was my trump card for powerful, decisive strikes.

The intensity of using all these powers simultaneously was immense, but I relished the challenge. Each second felt like an eternity, every movement crucial.

Hours passed, the simulated battles blurring together. By the time I finished, I was drenched in sweat, but the sense of accomplishment was worth it. I had pushed my limits, and it showed.

As I left the simulator, I resolved to continue pushing my limits. The rank-up mission loomed closer, and I needed to be ready for anything.

Back in my room, Tom greeted me with a soft purr, rubbing against my leg. I scooped him up, grateful for the brief moment of normalcy.

"Almost there, buddy," I said, scratching behind his ears. "Almost there."

Tom purred in response, and I smiled. No matter how tough things got, moments like this reminded me why I kept pushing forward. For my friends, for the mission, and for myself.

As I settled into bed, I made a mental note to check on Lisa, Hank, and the others. They had their own struggles, and I wanted to make sure they were doing okay. Tomorrow was another day, and we had to face it together.





I knocked on Lisa's office, "Come in!" She answered as I opened the door. "Well if it isn't the Machine himself," she teased. "To what do I owe the pleasure 'Mr. Machine'?"

"I just came to check up on you, I mean these past two months were like a blur." I sighed.

"You tell me," She rolled her eyes, "You practically lived in that simulator, with all that training you did."

I chuckled, taking a seat across from her desk. "Yeah, I guess I did. But I had to be ready for my rank-up mission. It's no joke, especially with the kind of enemies I'll be dealing with."

Lisa nodded, her expression turning serious. "You've made incredible progress, Katsuo. Your dedication is admirable, but you need to make sure you don't burn yourself out. Even machines need maintenance, you know?"

"Point taken," I replied with a grin. "I've been meaning to check in with you and the others too. Make sure everyone's doing alright."

She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "Well, it's good timing. There's something I need to discuss with you. Your next mission. It's coming up soon, and I want to make sure you're fully prepared."

"Another mission already?" I asked, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "But I thought I'll be doing my rank-up mission first?"

"This one's a bit different," Lisa said, sliding a file across the desk to me. "It's more of a reconnaissance and support mission. You'll be working with a team of fellow B-rankers. They could use your experience."

I opened the file and scanned the contents. The mission details were straightforward: assist in securing a volatile zone on a newly discovered world, assess the threat level, and provide backup if needed.

"I can handle that," I said, closing the file. "But who am I working with?"

Lisa's eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief. "Remember Hank, John, Damysus, and Valerie? They've been promoted to as a B-rank Team recently. I figured you might want to keep an eye on them."

A smile spread across my face. "Of course. It'll be good to work with them. We've been through a lot together."

"Just remember to pace yourself," Lisa reminded me. "You might be 'The Machine,' but you're still human. Take care of yourself out there."

"I will," I assured her. "So what's its rank?"

"For them, it'll be Mid-tier A; for you? B Rank at most," she said proudly.

I raised an eyebrow, impressed. "A Mid-tier A for them and only a B for me? That's quite a difference."

Lisa nodded, her expression serious. "It's a testament to your growth and capabilities, Katsuo. You've come a long way. But remember, the point of this mission is to support and guide them, not to overshadow their progress. They need to experience these challenges themselves to grow stronger."

"Understood," I said, appreciating her words. "I'll be there to support them, but I'll make sure they take the lead."

"Good," she replied with a satisfied nod. "You leave in two days. Use the time to rest and prepare. And maybe catch up with your team. I'm sure they'll be excited to see you."

I grinned. "I'll do that. Thanks again, Lisa."

As I left her office, I felt a mix of excitement and responsibility. This mission wasn't just about defeating enemies; it was about helping my new team grow and develop their own strengths. I headed back to my room, thoughts swirling about the upcoming mission and how best to support Hank, John, Damysus, and Valerie.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, I decided to track down my would-be team. I found them in John's room, discussing their recent missions and experiences. When I walked in, they greeted me with a mix of surprise and enthusiasm.

"Katsuo! Good to see you, man," Hank said, clapping me on the back. "What brings you here?"

"Hey everyone," I said with a smile. "I wanted to check in and see how you all were doing. And I have some news."

Valerie raised an eyebrow. "News? Do tell."

"I've been assigned to your next mission as support," I said. "I'll be working with you all to secure a volatile zone on a new world. I'll be there to assist and guide you."

"Wow, a chosen as support," John let out a low whistle. "And it's the one infamous for soloing missions himself."

Valerie grinned as she added, "Until now."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Yeah, I guess I'm breaking my own tradition. But honestly, I'm looking forward to working with a team. It'll be a nice change of pace."

Hank clapped me on the back again. "Well, we're glad to have you, Katsuo. Your experience is going to be invaluable."

Damysus nodded in agreement, his serious expression softening slightly. "It's an honor, truly. We've heard so much about your exploits."

"I appreciate that," I said. "But remember, this mission is about you all. I'll provide support and guidance, but you need to take the lead. This is your opportunity to grow and prove yourselves."

Valerie's grin turned into a determined smile. "We'll do our best. With you backing us up, I think we'll be unstoppable."

"That's the spirit," I replied, feeling a surge of camaraderie. "We've got two days to prepare. Let's make sure we're ready for anything."

We spent the next couple of hours discussing strategies, reviewing our abilities, and planning our approach. The team's energy was infectious, and I could feel their determination to succeed. As the session wrapped up, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. This mission was going to be different, but in the best possible way.

"Alright, team," Hank said, standing up. "Get some rest and take care of any final preparations. We'll meet back here tomorrow for a final briefing. Let's make this mission a success."

We all nodded, determination evident in their faces. As I headed back to my room, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. This mission will be a breeze.

I probably have ADHD, but hey! You ever find trees fascinating? Seriously, I could get lost just staring at them. The way they stand there, so majestically rooted in the earth, with branches reaching out like nature's own artwork. It's like each one has its own personality, from the towering redwoods to the delicate cherry blossoms.

And don't even get me started on the science behind them! The whole process of photosynthesis, how they breathe in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen in return, is just mind-blowing. Plus, they communicate through their root systems and even share nutrients with each other—it's like they're having their own little underground party.

Sometimes, I find myself just zoning out, watching the leaves rustle in the wind or the way sunlight filters through the branches. It's these little moments that make me appreciate how amazing our world is. Trees aren't just background scenery; they're living, breathing wonders right in front of us.

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