
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

A Pillar

(Katsuo POV)

As we delved deeper towards the third zone, a pungent smell of rot and decay assaulted my senses, reminiscent of a corruption biome. I squatted down to scoop a handful of dirt, and the team, surprised by my actions, halted.

"What are you doing, Katsuo?" Valerie asked, her voice a mix of alarm and curiosity.

I ignored her question for a moment and brought the dirt closer to my face, "smelling" it. As I did, I felt a pervasive and sinister force trying to infiltrate my mind. Alarmed, I quickly activated my fire and lightning aura. The feeling immediately died down, the sinister presence retreating in the face of the elemental energy.

Standing up, I addressed the team. "This area is corrupted," I said, my tone serious. "There's a malevolent force here that can affect our minds. We need to be on high alert."

John adjusted his gear, a frown on his face. "Great, just what we needed. Any idea what we might be facing?"

"Possibly more than just physical threats," I replied. "Keep your defenses up, especially mental ones. If you feel anything off, let me know immediately."

Hank nodded, his expression grim. "Let's move carefully. Stay close and watch each other's backs."

We pressed on, moving with heightened caution. The landscape around us grew more twisted and ominous, with gnarled trees and shadowy figures flickering at the edges of our vision. The oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily on us, but we remained resolute.

As we approached the heart of the corruption zone, the sinister force grew stronger. Dark, pulsating growths covered the ground, and the air itself seemed thick with malice.

"Stay sharp," I warned. "This is likely the source of the corruption."

Suddenly, the ground erupted, and grotesque, corrupted creatures emerged, their forms twisted and nightmarish. Their very presence exuded a sense of dread and madness.

"Here they come!" Hank shouted, drawing his weapon and moving to the frontlines.

Valerie immediately began casting protective spells, encasing us in shields of light. John set up traps and gadgets, ready to spring into action. Damysus positioned himself alongside Hank, his massive frame a bulwark against the oncoming horde.

I activated my quadra-elemental aura, Sanchomo blazing with fire, lightning, air, and earth energies. With a zip, I charged at the corrupted creatures, cutting them down with swift, precise strikes.

Hank was right beside me, his skills on full display. He parried and countered the creatures' attacks with remarkable precision, his blade dancing in the chaos. His movements were fluid and decisive, ensuring none of the creatures got too close to Valerie and John.

"Watch your left!" Hank called out as a particularly large creature lunged at me.

I pivoted and sliced through it with a swift Judgement Cut, the creature disintegrating in a burst of elemental energy. "Thanks, Hank!" I replied, giving him a quick nod.

Valerie's spells provided crucial support, healing and shielding us from the worst of the corruption's effects. John's traps and gadgets disoriented and damaged the creatures, while Damysus and Hank held the line with sheer strength and skill.

As we fought, I could feel the malevolent force trying to seep into my mind again. I redoubled my efforts, channeling more elemental energy to keep it at bay.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we managed to push back the corrupted creatures, driving them into retreat. The immediate threat was over, but the corruption still lingered.

Panting and covered in sweat, we regrouped.

"We need to find the source of this corruption and eliminate it," I said, my voice firm. "Otherwise, it will keep spreading and we'll be right back where we started."

Hank nodded, still catching his breath. "Agreed. Let's find this thing and end it."

With renewed determination, we ventured deeper into the heart of the corruption zone.





Moments later, we hit the third, ten-kilometer range. I noted this distance ever since we entered this world, keeping track as we progressed. Activating my thermoreception, I felt the surroundings, sensing something "absorbing" the mana I sent out. This significantly limited my effective range, hinting at a formidable presence ahead.

Without warning, the forest reacted violently, sending out its twisted guardians. From gnarled, animated trees and carnivorous plants to massive behemoth beasts, predatory insects, and grotesque hybrid creatures, the area was teeming with threats.

Recognizing the imminent danger, I summoned twelve Ethereal Swords—an improvement from my previous eight. Assigning three to each of my teammates, I ensured they had sentry guardians to assist and protect them.

"Stay sharp! We've got company," I shouted, my voice steady despite the chaotic environment.

The team immediately sprang into action. Hank and Damysus took the frontline, their weapons cleaving through the monstrous creatures with practiced precision. Valerie unleashed devastating spells, her incantations resonating with power as they tore through the twisted flora and fauna. John, ever the tactician, deployed traps and gadgets that ensnared and disrupted the enemies, creating openings for the rest of us to exploit.

I zipped into the fray with my Rapid Slash, moving with blinding speed and precision. My blade turned multiple creatures into minced meat, the quadra-elemental properties adding devastating effects to each strike. Fire scorched, lightning electrified, air sliced, and earth crushed, ensuring no creature stood a chance against my onslaught.

Hank was a whirlwind of steel beside me, his blade dancing as he parried and countered attacks with remarkable skill. "We've got your back, Katsuo! Let's keep pushing forward!" he shouted, determination clear in his voice.

Valerie, protected by my ethereal swords, cast powerful defensive and offensive spells, maintaining a delicate balance between offense and protection. "Stay within the barriers!" she called out, her magical shields shimmering around us.

John's gadgets created chaos among the enemy ranks, exploding and ensnaring with perfect timing. "Focus on the larger ones first! They're coordinating the attacks!" he instructed, his analytical mind always a step ahead.

Damysus, with his massive frame, acted as an immovable bulwark, smashing through the enemy lines with brute force. "Leave the heavy hitters to me!" he roared, his warhammer crushing anything in its path.

Despite the relentless waves of enemies, we held our ground, our teamwork and individual strengths creating a formidable defense. The ethereal swords acted as vigilant sentinels, striking down any creature that got too close to my teammates.

Minutes felt like hours as we fought our way through the corrupted forest. Eventually, the onslaught began to wane, the creatures retreating back into the shadows from which they came. We regrouped, panting and covered in sweat but unyielding in our resolve.

I activated thermoreception again, the sensation of my mana being absorbed now gone. I sensed multiple hostiles retreating and allowed myself a sigh of relief. Using earth manipulation, I created an immediate makeshift base. The team, initially alarmed by the sudden rumbling, quickly relaxed as they realized it was my doing.

"Rest. We might not get another chance if we continue," I said firmly.

"You too, Katsuo," Hank said, worry evident in his voice. "You've been taking on most of the beasts yourself."

"Don't worry, I'm used to it," I replied, hoping my bravado would convince them.

Valerie gave me a skeptical look but nodded. "We'll take turns on watch. We all need to be at our best."

Damysus and John settled down, grateful for the brief respite. John was already tinkering with some of his gadgets, probably ensuring they were ready for the next encounter. Valerie leaned against a tree, her eyes half-closed as she conserved her energy.

Hank approached me, his expression serious. "You're pushing yourself too hard, Katsuo. We can't afford to lose you."

I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine, Hank. Just focus on getting some rest."

He sighed but didn't argue further, joining the others in their much-needed rest.

As they settled down, I remained vigilant, my senses heightened and alert. The corrupted forest was full of dangers, and I knew we needed to be ready for anything. Despite my words, I felt the strain of the constant battles and the pressure of protecting my team.

In moments like these, I reminded myself why I fought so hard. Initially, it was just for the adrenaline, the feeling of blood pumping in my veins, the rush. But as time passed, it changed. It became about making sure I could return home to Tom waiting for me, meeting Lisa's expectations, and being a pillar of confidence for Hank and the others.

My bloodlust was always there, no doubt about that. But it was now more restrained, more docile. Infernal Clarity had further made me more analytical, sharpening my mind to complement my raw power.

I glanced at my resting teammates. Hank, who always looked out for everyone; John, whose brilliant mind kept us equipped and ready; Damysus, our steadfast guardian; and Valerie, whose magic could turn the tide of any battle. They all had their reasons for fighting, their own motivations driving them forward.

For me, it was no longer just about the thrill. It was about protecting those who had come to rely on me, about proving to myself and others that I could be more than just a weapon. I could be a pillar, a protector, a friend.

With those thoughts, I took a deep breath and continued my watch, ever vigilant. The corrupted forest was quiet for now, but I knew that could change at any moment.

I was ready. For them, and for myself.

How's the chapter? Okayish no?

But here's a thought.

The epic tales of the ant world if they could just chit-chat like us!

Picture this: a bustling ant colony where every little worker has their own personality and opinions. Can you imagine the gossip around the anthill? "Did you hear about Harold? He's been lifting pebbles twice his size!" And those intricate underground tunnels would become the hottest spots for social gatherings, buzzing with conversations about the latest aphid farming techniques or the best shortcuts to the picnic blanket.

But let's not overlook the potential drama. Ant arguments might escalate quickly with their tiny voices echoing through the grass, and don't even get me started on ant politics. Would there be ant elections for colony leaders? Would there be ant celebrities? The mind boggles! So while the idea of chatting ants is fascinating, perhaps it's best to appreciate their silent teamwork from afar. After all, sometimes actions speak louder than words, especially when you're an ant marching in line with thousands of your closest friends.

P.S. I'm sobered up and ready to tackle the monstrosity called "thesis".

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