
A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of being able to travel through your favourite movie worlds? Well, that's exactly what happens to Jack, an ordinary dude who suddenly finds himself getting isekaied. He has a system that allows him to travel to different worlds inspired by popular movies. In each world he will have a new profession. He will have to reach the peak of that profession to get stronger and be able to unlock new worlds. In the "Fast and Furious", Jack becomes a master mechanic who can fix any car and outdrive even Toretto. In the "Mission Impossible", he is an IRS officer with a knack for catching tax evaders like Tom Cruise. In the "Flash", he is an ordinary courier delivery boy who can run circles around the Flash and deliver packages with lightning speed. In "DC", he is a gym coach who can bench press the moon and Bruce's esteemed magic teacher. In the "Harry Potter", he is a staff maker with magical powers that would make Dumbledore jealous. And so on.... Join Jack on his epic journey as he becomes the ultimate god of the multiverse and through the most epic, action-packed, and hilarious multiverse journey ever... ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Edward stepped down, making way for Jack, who confidently took over the radio and television broadcast. With a calm and composed expression, Jack stared directly into the camera.

"Before we proceed, let me clarify one thing," Jack began, his tone serious and unwavering.

"This operation is purely a personal endeavor of the Templars and has absolutely no affiliation with any national department whatsoever."

Despite his convincing act, normal people wouldn't easily believe such a statement. Naturally, the more serious he appeared, the more skeptical the viewers became. But that was precisely Jack's intention. He knew that people wouldn't buy into this clean-cut explanation without a catch.

Sure, he claimed that the US government or any other governmental force wasn't involved... but seriously, could something this good just fall into their laps? Jack wasn't some innocent bystander! He had a trick up his sleeve.

Of course, he had to set a trap and make them work for it! Giving the US government and others the privilege of live news coverage and a seat at the high table—how could Jack let them enjoy all the benefits without paying a small price?

As for whether the US government would hold him accountable afterward... Well, let's just say the folks in the US government weren't foolish enough to incite the Knights Templar and end up facing the music themselves. Even if they did come knocking for an explanation, would Jack have a problem with his explanation? Absolutely not!

In broad daylight, everything seemed flawless!

Who knew how many people in the United States burst into laughter because of this, shattering the previously solemn atmosphere. The comedic undertone was hard to resist!

"Now, it's time for the official speech," Jack declared.

"I believe that most of you are well aware of the High Table's existence and have a general idea of what kind of organization it is."

He paused for a moment, building suspense before continuing,

"Today, I want to tell you that as the guardians of order, the Knights Templar will stand up against the High Table. They despise the law, disregard the rules, and disrupt the natural order. We cannot allow that to continue!"

Jack's words flowed eloquently, captivating the audience.

At the same time, deep in the Sahara desert, under the threat of the elder, Sloan had no choice but to comply.

"I understand what needs to be done," Sloan reluctantly admitted, succumbing to the pressure. "Only the Attendant of Fate can activate it."

The elder inquired, "And how do you activate it? Are you referring to the Assassins?"

Sloan panicked as he saw the elder reaching for his Hidden Blade, desperately blurting out, "I know! I know! It requires the blood of a master assassin!"

"The blood of a master assassin?" The elder halted his movement.

"Yes, precisely," Sloan replied cautiously.

"Yes, yes! You're absolutely right!" Sloan exclaimed, his hand shooting up in the air with excitement. "That could very well be another problem! For instance, why did you leave the fraternity?"

Aegis clenched his jaw, trying to contain his anger. "You mean you can...?"

Sloan extended his hand, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "I'm not entirely certain, but why don't you give mine a try?"

Aegis stared at Sloan, sneering, and snatched the Apple of Eden back. "Don't even think about it! Even if I don't know its true potential yet, I definitely won't let you have the satisfaction of trying it!"

"Elder," an attendant approached and whispered something in Aegis's ear.

"What?" Aegis's eyes widened in surprise. "Bring up the television! Find out where he's broadcasting live and send people to shut it down!"

When you possess money and power, ordinary problems become insignificant. It was as if watching television in the depths of the Sahara was a trivial matter.

The television flickered to life, displaying Jack's impassioned speech:

"I believe that many of you have suffered at the hands of the High Table, to varying degrees. Separated from your spouses and children, some..."

"I saw hatred, fear, and anger in your eyes..."

"Yet, you never rose up in rebellion. Or perhaps, those who did were swiftly crushed due to their lack of strength."

"Are you afraid? Disillusioned? Angry?"

"The reasons for this must be clearer to you than to me."

"Today, I am not here to cast blame. Powers like the High Table have reached their current state of dominance because of all of us—ordinary people, politicians, judges, and even the police."

"We are all complicit."

"The disruption of order has become the new normal. It has woven a vast web, ensnaring everyone."

"The world is unbalanced, covered in darkness."

"And I, Jack, a Templar Knight, shall lead the Knights Templar to carve a path for you."

"We are Templar Knights, fighting to uphold order. We offer bounties, and if you find the disruptors, we will protect order, accept your commissions, fulfill our knightly duties, and deal with those who seek to disrupt order."

"The price for our services matches the corresponding reward offered by the High Table."

"All commission details will be published on our website. Additionally, the former New York Continental Hotel, now the Templar Knights' headquarters, will publish real-time offline information and handle all in-person matters. Starting today, immediately, these measures come into effect."

"We welcome commissions and donations, with all funds being deposited into these bank accounts, subject to full transparency and public oversight. However, we alone are not enough."

"I implore those among you who harbor hatred in your hearts to rise up, join us, and become a part of our cause."

"And finally..."

Jack locked eyes with the camera.

"I've seen you, elder of the High Table," Jack's grin widened. "Prepare to face me."

"I will personally come knocking on your door."

With a loud "bang!", Aegis kicked the television set to the ground.

"Put a bounty on him! Use every means necessary to disrupt the Knights Templar's actions!" Aegis bellowed. "Hurry!"

As the leader responsible for the rise of the High Table, Aegis knew all too well that the Knights Templar's current campaign was nothing short of audacious!


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