
A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of being able to travel through your favourite movie worlds? Well, that's exactly what happens to Jack, an ordinary dude who suddenly finds himself getting isekaied. He has a system that allows him to travel to different worlds inspired by popular movies. In each world he will have a new profession. He will have to reach the peak of that profession to get stronger and be able to unlock new worlds. In the "Fast and Furious", Jack becomes a master mechanic who can fix any car and outdrive even Toretto. In the "Mission Impossible", he is an IRS officer with a knack for catching tax evaders like Tom Cruise. In the "Flash", he is an ordinary courier delivery boy who can run circles around the Flash and deliver packages with lightning speed. In "DC", he is a gym coach who can bench press the moon and Bruce's esteemed magic teacher. In the "Harry Potter", he is a staff maker with magical powers that would make Dumbledore jealous. And so on.... Join Jack on his epic journey as he becomes the ultimate god of the multiverse and through the most epic, action-packed, and hilarious multiverse journey ever... ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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No... Please!

Of course, Gaius recognized Jack instantly. After all, Jack was the audacious force that dared to challenge the High Table—the very founder of the legendary Knights Templar. It didn't take long for information about Jack to reach influential figures like Gaius, who had already taken numerous countermeasures and defensive measures in response.

However, Gaius had never anticipated that Jack possessed equipment capable of flawlessly changing his appearance, allowing him to assume the likeness of any person he desired. It was a shock to Gaius, realizing that Jack had been both audacious and meticulous, pretending to be a judge of the High Table to effortlessly pass through all the defenses and approach him directly.

Gaius knew that the ruse of Jack being a fake judge would likely be uncovered soon, but at that moment, Jack was already standing right in front of him. Even if it was revealed to be a deception, what good would it do?

Regret began to gnaw at Gaius, and he wondered why he had acted so aggressively before, compelling the front desk to close the meeting room doors and leave. Why hadn't he left them open? He could have shouted for help twice and potentially been rescued. Now, with the doors closed and the sound insulation in effect, even if he fired a weapon inside, it would be unlikely to be heard from the outside.

Gaius realized with a sinking feeling that he had unwittingly trapped himself in a dire situation with a single impulsive thought.

"It seems, Mr. Gaius, you seem to know who I am," Jack remarked, removing his hood. No longer needing to maintain his icy demeanor, he wore a habitual smile on his face that radiated warmth and sunlight.

In fact, smiling at such a critical juncture exerted greater psychological pressure on the other party. It conveyed an air of nonchalance, as if Jack didn't care about the impending events and was supremely confident.

Contrasting Jack's beaming expression, Gaius's face appeared utterly indescribable—mostly filled with sorrow, punctuated by a forced smile that bordered on the absurd.

"Of course, I know," Gaius stammered, his voice quivering. "You are the renowned Templar, Mr. Jack, aren't you?" he asked, attempting to validate his recognition.

"You guessed correctly; I am indeed the Templar Jack," Jack replied, placing his hands gently on the table as he locked eyes with Gaius. "So, Mr. Gaius, you must know why I have come here, right?"

"Jack... Mr. Jack?" Gaius stammered, his voice trembling. "Could you, perhaps, spare a moment to listen to me?"

"Of course," Jack nodded graciously, "I'm all ears. But don't take any chances. I'm well aware that news of my impersonation as a High Table judge may soon reach their ears, and they will undoubtedly dispatch armed personnel to surround us."

"Believe me, my friend, you may not know if I will die or not, but one thing you can be certain of is that you will die," Gaius remarked, his voice laced with a touch of unease.

Gaius swallowed hard, his anxiety palpable.

"The High Table will soon send their enforcers here. They won't hesitate to attack, disregarding your identity, as they consider me inconsequential. They might go to any lengths to achieve their goal! Even if I manage to kill you, you won't be able to escape this place!"

Jack, still maintaining his calm demeanor, responded with a faint smile. "You are absolutely correct," he acknowledged, unperturbed by Gaius' threats.

Gaius' eyes twitched at the corners, his frustration evident. He cursed silently, his thoughts filled with exasperation. "Why on earth must you drag me down with you! Hurry up and make your move!"

"I can sense your thoughts. Are you wondering why I'm willing to go mad and die alongside you?" Jack inquired, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes.

"If that's what you're pondering, my friend, you're mistaken. Even if I were to kill you, I could depart from this place unscathed," Jack calmly stated, his entire body starting to fade away until he became invisible.

"If you find that hard to believe..." came a voice from behind Gaius.

Startled, Gaius spun around, only to find Jack standing exactly where he had been moments ago, hands behind his back, gazing at the utensils displayed on the wall.

"This should be enough to make you a believer," Jack stated confidently.

Gaius widened his eyes, a surge of despair overwhelming him. It wasn't a question of how Jack achieved such an act, but rather a realization that Jack's words were indeed true.

Invisible and mobile!

With such abilities, Jack could effortlessly kill Gaius and escape this place.

However, amidst the wave of despair, Gaius surprisingly found himself entering a state of utter calmness. Upon reflection, he began to understand that the situation was far from simple.

"...Mr. Jack, your ability to do this implies that you have other goals," Gaius hypothesized after careful consideration. "Or perhaps... killing me and escaping isn't sufficient for you?"

"Crack, crack, crack!"

Jack applauded and turned around, a smile playing on his lips. "I must admit, you've hit the mark."

"However, you're only half right."

Jack approached Gaius slowly, reaching out to adjust the disheveled collar of his clothes. "My ability allows me to leave unscathed after killing you."

Gaius couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Then... what other purpose do you have?" His voice trembled with anxiety, as he couldn't afford to wait until the High Table's enforcers arrived and put him in grave danger.

"Initially, my plan was simply to assume the role of a judge and kill you, then use my ability to make a clean getaway," Jack revealed with a chuckle. He straightened Gaius' collar, took a couple of steps back, and scrutinized him from head to toe. "But now, I've had a change of heart. I find the prospect of having you by my side far more intriguing than simply ending your life."

Gaius's eyes widened in shock. "!!"

"... sir?" Gaius stammered, his voice trembling. He suddenly felt a tightening sensation in his chest, his mind racing with fear. "I'm seventy years old!"

Jack's face twisted into a devilish smile. "Seventy years old, my friend. If luck is on your side, you might have another ten or twenty years left to serve..." he trailed off, his grin becoming increasingly sinister.

"No... please!" Gaius pleaded in panic, attempting to turn and flee. But before he could escape, a wrench hurled from behind struck him on the head, rendering him unconscious.

Jack stepping forward and gripping Gaius' waistband, dragging him toward a dark corner of the room.


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