
A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of being able to travel through your favourite movie worlds? Well, that's exactly what happens to Jack, an ordinary dude who suddenly finds himself getting isekaied. He has a system that allows him to travel to different worlds inspired by popular movies. In each world he will have a new profession. He will have to reach the peak of that profession to get stronger and be able to unlock new worlds. In the "Fast and Furious", Jack becomes a master mechanic who can fix any car and outdrive even Toretto. In the "Mission Impossible", he is an IRS officer with a knack for catching tax evaders like Tom Cruise. In the "Flash", he is an ordinary courier delivery boy who can run circles around the Flash and deliver packages with lightning speed. In "DC", he is a gym coach who can bench press the moon and Bruce's esteemed magic teacher. In the "Harry Potter", he is a staff maker with magical powers that would make Dumbledore jealous. And so on.... Join Jack on his epic journey as he becomes the ultimate god of the multiverse and through the most epic, action-packed, and hilarious multiverse journey ever... ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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New Skills

Gordon wasn't on duty when he headed to the police station to pick up some belongings. Spotting Jack on the way, he intended to mind his own business, but fate had other plans, leading to the events that transpired.

Reflecting on the past, Gordon couldn't help but wish he could go back and give his meddling self a good punch.  

"So, that's settled," Jack nodded, breaking the silence, "Where to next?"  

"Us?" Gordon looked puzzled.  

"I just got here, and this place is unfamiliar. I might end up wandering into some shady alleys, stirring up trouble. That could get pretty messy," Jack patiently explained.  

"You probably wouldn't want to witness me dealing with that without a gun in hand. It could get dangerous," he added.  

A smile crept onto Gordon's face. There were plenty of things he wanted to say but couldn't voice out loud.  

Indeed, he was concerned about Jack encountering trouble, not because he lacked a gun, but because he feared stumbling upon a pile of bodies the next day in some city alley.  

"Forget it, are you looking for a hotel or considering renting a place?" Gordon took a deep breath, attempting to calm down.  

"Can you still find a rental at this hour?" Jack questioned.  

"You've got a point," Gordon acknowledged, "Let's head to a hotel first. Afterward, we can find you a rented room. Luckily, I've got the money I collected earlier."  

"Then, see you tomorrow, Gordon," Jack smiled and nodded.  

"See you tomorrow. Work starts at nine, don't be late," Gordon reminded.  

Gordon had mentally prepared himself on the way. He decided to approach Jack with a normal attitude initially. If Jack had any ulterior motives, Gordon knew relying solely on himself wouldn't cut it. Jack would act, and Gordon would respond accordingly.  

Now, from a legal standpoint, Jack was officially part of the GCPD. There was no valid reason for Gordon to target him. Additionally, Gordon had witnessed Jack's abilities before.  

As long as Jack remained cooperative, Gordon believed their work efficiency and safety would significantly improve.  

With these thoughts, Gordon left the hotel and headed home.  

"Interesting," Jack mused as he watched Gordon's departure, "He's a smart and just man, likely skilled. No wonder he becomes Bruce's partner later on."

Opening the hotel room door, Jack stepped outside. For him, a few days of rest were sufficient. Now, he planned to hit the bar, seeking out some gangsters or thugs to gather the information he needed.  

In the realm of intelligence gathering, two approaches prevailed. One involved discreet infiltration, blending in as a tourist to collect information. The other was a more direct and forceful approach, confronting the individuals to extract information.

Without a doubt, Jack opted for the latter. This straightforward method suited dealing with these lowlifes. Jack had no intention of wasting time or energy on them; their role was merely to provide information and, of course, money.  

In this new world, Jack found himself strapped for cash once again. Despite having a few gold bars stashed away, the hassle of explaining their origin for a sale outweighed the benefits. It seemed more reasonable to score some immediate funds.

The primary task at hand, however, was buying a mobile phone. While that was a fixed agenda, Jack decided to chase some quick cash first. In an unexpected twist of fate, he crossed paths with Gordon, causing a slight delay in completing the entry procedures.

As Jack navigated the mobile phone purchase and phone card application process, he couldn't resist checking out the attribute panel of his freshly acquired [POLICE] profession:


[Police Officer (0/10)]

Title Bonus:

[Junior Heart of Justice]

(I know you don't have it, but hey, I added it for you. How about doing something good?)

[Junior Justice Eye]

[Elementary Halo of Justice]

(Just a heads-up: Heaven might find you interesting with this, but being a devil? Probably not)


Jack: "..."

Though not a treasure trove, the system had its quirks. Lately, it seemed more perplexing, with skill names more bizarre than ever. Jack couldn't grasp them at a glance.

Firstly, the Heart of Justice... Despite the call for good deeds, Jack sensed it wasn't that straightforward. At least, it had no impact on his psyche, given his mastery of [Hypnotic magic]. Why would the system grant such a seemingly useless skill?

Jack knew the real deal lay in the absence of bonuses for the [Physical], [Intelligence], and [Magic] categories. These three skills must pack a punch! Temporarily setting aside the first skill, Jack opted to gather more intel before making any judgments.

Then, there was the the [Eye of Justice]. Could it really see sin? On his way to a recommended bar, Jack activated the skill, revealing black smoke lines in varying shades. Jack speculated they represented degrees of sin, a theory he planned to test inside the bar.

And the third skill, the spectacular Halo of Justice involving angels and demons! Jack knew it wasn't just a mere halo on his head, though its exact effect remained unclear. Relieved that he didn't sprout wings, Jack was content with being a good person. If he wanted to fly, he'd opt for being Ultraman!

Judging from the third skill's introduction, Jack was sure the [Police] profession bonus was substantial, involving angels and demons. In high spirits, he decided to handle gangsters with ease, knocking them out when necessary.

After settling the bill and stepping out of the car, Jack confidently approached the bar. At the entrance, two burly men attempted to halt him.


The bar door shattered.

And so began Jack's intelligence-gathering operation!


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