
A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of being able to travel through your favourite movie worlds? Well, that's exactly what happens to Jack, an ordinary dude who suddenly finds himself getting isekaied. He has a system that allows him to travel to different worlds inspired by popular movies. In each world he will have a new profession. He will have to reach the peak of that profession to get stronger and be able to unlock new worlds. In the "Fast and Furious", Jack becomes a master mechanic who can fix any car and outdrive even Toretto. In the "Mission Impossible", he is an IRS officer with a knack for catching tax evaders like Tom Cruise. In the "Flash", he is an ordinary courier delivery boy who can run circles around the Flash and deliver packages with lightning speed. In "DC", he is a gym coach who can bench press the moon and Bruce's esteemed magic teacher. In the "Harry Potter", he is a staff maker with magical powers that would make Dumbledore jealous. And so on.... Join Jack on his epic journey as he becomes the ultimate god of the multiverse and through the most epic, action-packed, and hilarious multiverse journey ever... ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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New Officer

With a decisive step forward, Jack effortlessly felled a gangster with a single punch. Mockeries like "Fuck you" and "Bastard you will pay..." reverberated in the air as the gangsters, incensed and indignant, retaliated with shouts, curses, and a barrage of attacks aimed at Jack.

"We haven't even made a move yet, and you're already throwing punches?" The thugs, now armed and riled up, eagerly closed in on Jack.

Gordon, caught off guard, couldn't comprehend the chaos unfolding before him. "No, this is just too absurd!" he thought, torn between engaging and maintaining order.

Internal turmoil consumed Gordon. He hesitated, finger poised on the trigger, contemplating whether to open fire. However, what he witnessed next left him questioning his own eyes, wondering if fatigue had distorted his perception.

In a blink, Jack vanished. Or more precisely, he transformed into a shadow, seamlessly weaving through the crowd of gangsters. A dozen menacing figures gathered, and within a mere two or three seconds, they crumpled to the ground, silenced once more.

Jack, however, hadn't exerted his full strength. He merely showcased his abilities, a deliberate demonstration for Gordon. Going all out could have ended the confrontation in a fraction of a second, but where was the fun if Gordon couldn't appreciate it?

Gordon's reaction played out exactly as Jack anticipated.

It wasn't until Jack's shadow reemerged in the tangible world, standing before Gordon, that the bewildered police chief finally snapped back to reality. He regarded Jack with a mix of fear and confusion, instinctively raising his gun and warning, "Who are you? Stay away from me!"

Gordon was utterly perplexed. He had no clue how Jack pulled off such a feat, nor did he understand what transpired with the incapacitated gangsters. Overwhelmed and unable to process it all, he only held on to one undeniable truth – the person before him was undeniably dangerous.

Jack, satisfied with his theatrical display, had no interest in further provoking Gordon. His intention all along was merely to showcase his skills and seamlessly transition into the main plot.

In the tense aftermath of the alley confrontation, Jack, under Commissioner Gordon's watchful eyes, flashed a confident smile and dropped a bombshell.

"I'm a new police officer who hasn't reported yet, Chief Gordon."

The words reverberated in the silence, leaving Gordon bewildered. "New police officer?" "Haven't reported yet?" The implications slowly dawned on him, and he found himself utterly stunned.

"You said... you're a new police officer preparing to join the GCPD?" Gordon stammered, his nervousness palpable.

Jack calmly confirmed, "Yes."

Gordon, still grappling with disbelief, pressed for evidence. "Do you have anything to prove it?"

Jack, seemingly prepared for this, nodded and smoothly retrieved an ID from his pocket. He extended it towards Gordon, accompanied by a warning, "You can lower your gun, Chief Gordon. Trust me, if I had ill intentions, you wouldn't have the chance to shoot."

Gordon hesitated for a moment, then cautiously lowered his gun. He recognized the logic in Jack's words and sensed no malice in his demeanor.

Accepting the offered ID, Gordon realized they were in a dimly lit alley, making it impossible to read the details. Jack, considerate as ever, activated a "Lighting Technique" to illuminate the scene.

"Thank you," Gordon acknowledged, glancing at the ID under the newfound light. Gratitude 

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

A bead of sweat formed on Gordon's forehead. The contents of the certificate in his hand were forgotten as he pondered the mysterious light emanating fromJack's finger.

As if gripped by paralysis, Gordon slowly turned his head towardJack. "What's wrong?"Jack asked, wearing a mischievous smile.

Gordon's eyes widened as he focused on the glowing source inJack's hand. "Your fingers... they're glowing?" Gordon blurted out, his disbelief evident.

Jack chuckled. "Oh, this?" With a moment of contemplation, he turned the light off and then back on again. "It's just a small light bulb, and it can even change colors." In his hand was a magic finger lamp, a prop discreetly taken out from his storage space.

Nonchalant about revealing his magic,Jack brushed it off. After all, in the grand scheme of things, Gordon was one of his own in the future – what was there to worry about? Besides, how could one cause trouble in Gotham without flaunting a bit of their prowess?

"It's just a minor Lighting Technique,"Jack explained casually. "Not a big deal. Just find a plausible excuse to cover it up. If Gordon buys it, great. If not, I'll explain later."

Gordon stared at the two small light bulbs now inJack's hand and mumbled, "Oh, so that's it..." However, deep down, he was certain that what he initially saw wasn't just glowing fingers.

Yet, exposingJack now seemed unwise, especially after witnessing the extraordinary shadow-shifting display. A person who could dispatch a dozen thugs in seconds surely couldn't be an ordinary individual.

Then it struck Gordon.

ConsideringJack as something beyond human, the glowing finger became a trivial oddity. With this mental shift, it dawned on him why he could readily accept Batman's existence and collaborate with him.

Shaking off the distraction, Gordon refocused on the certificateJack handed him. After careful scrutiny, he became convinced thatJack's ID was genuine.

For Gordon,Jack now seemed almost extraterrestrial. Even if forging documents was within the realm of possibility, what purpose would there be forJack to fake his identity?

"In that case," Gordon began cautiously, "I can take you to the police station for entry procedures, but they..." He hesitated, opting to withhold a direct confrontation withJack for the time being, aiming to discernJack's intentions first.

His mind then flashed to the incapacitated gangsters.Jack's movements were swift, the environment dark, and the fallen criminals made no noise. Gordon, in the dark about their identities, inquired, "Who are these guys?"

Jack's response was blunt. "Oh, they're all dead."

In the heavy silence that followedJack's revelation, Commissioner Gordon found himself wrestling with an unexpected emotion—fear. The nonchalant manner in whichJack casually mentioned his past activities struck a chord with Gordon, making him uneasy.

Jack's tone, as if discussing the weather or daily routines, hinted at a level of detachment that left Gordon with an unsettling realization. Anyone who could utter such words with such nonchalance must have a dark history, a trail of lives extinguished to reach that level.

Gordon, feeling the weight of potential trouble, remained silent, the fear lingering in the air.

Jack, however, broke the tension with laughter. "Are you scared?" he teased, surprising Gordon. But as the truth unfolded, relief washed over the commissioner.

"I lied to you,"Jack admitted with a wave of his hand. "They're not dead, just fainted. After all, I'm not a murderer."

Gordon, caught off guard, couldn't find the right words and awkwardly joined in the laughter. The situation, however, took another unexpected turn asJack shifted gears.

"There's one thing that must be done,"Jack declared, causing Gordon to shudder.

"What... what is it?" Gordon cautiously inquired.

Jack pointed to the unconscious gangsters. "Search for money, Chief Gordon."

Gordon, perplexed, questioned the motive. "Search for money?"

With a feigned innocence,Jack explained, "I just arrived, don't have much money, and stumbling upon this situation—well, it really frightened me. Luckily, Chief Gordon, you saved the day. I think you must want to help me calm down, right?"

Gordon reluctantly agreed, his mind racing with unspoken thoughts. The absurdity of being thanked for 'saving'Jack from a situation he himself had caused left Gordon bewildered.

As the bizarre encounter continued, Gordon couldn't help but wonder how he ended up in this peculiar situation. Little did he know, the twists and turns were far from over, and the enigmaticJack had more surprises up his sleeve. Meanwhile, the looming specter of an impending exam added an extra layer of stress to Gordon's already bewildering day.


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