
A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of being able to travel through your favourite movie worlds? Well, that's exactly what happens to Jack, an ordinary dude who suddenly finds himself getting isekaied. He has a system that allows him to travel to different worlds inspired by popular movies. In each world he will have a new profession. He will have to reach the peak of that profession to get stronger and be able to unlock new worlds. In the "Fast and Furious", Jack becomes a master mechanic who can fix any car and outdrive even Toretto. In the "Mission Impossible", he is an IRS officer with a knack for catching tax evaders like Tom Cruise. In the "Flash", he is an ordinary courier delivery boy who can run circles around the Flash and deliver packages with lightning speed. In "DC", he is a gym coach who can bench press the moon and Bruce's esteemed magic teacher. In the "Harry Potter", he is a staff maker with magical powers that would make Dumbledore jealous. And so on.... Join Jack on his epic journey as he becomes the ultimate god of the multiverse and through the most epic, action-packed, and hilarious multiverse journey ever... ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Jaeger Pilot

"Anything you desire, just name it!" Robert beamed, "As long as it's within the bounds of law and regulations and within my means, consider it done!"

Jasmine's expression darkened once more as he led the way, with Robert and Jack following behind, oblivious to his demeanor.

Despite his efforts to subtly imply a need for discussion, Robert's eagerness had dashed those hopes!

One couldn't appear desperate and overeager in such matters!

Jasmine felt a pang of helplessness, but there was little he could do.

He understood why Robert was so anxious and even felt compelled to intervene in matters he wouldn't have touched before. Those eyeing the power in Robert's hands were using all means to derail the Jaeger plan and push for their "high wall" scheme, aiming to reap immense benefits!

A "High Wall" plan? It's essentially surrendering the land! Such individuals have forgotten their roots!

The thought fueled Jasmine's anger.

Should the lands conquered by ancestors over generations be surrendered to aliens instead of defended? Yielding only weakens one's chances of resistance!

It's better to fight to the bitter end, at least go down fighting!

"This is the proposed treatment plan." Jasmine handed a contract to Jack. "Take a thorough look. If there are any queries, don't hesitate to ask me."

"Got it." Jack nodded, scanning through the contract.

On the sidelines, Robert shot a questioning glance at Jasmine.

"Don't meddle; you've already stirred up enough trouble for me." Jasmine shot a cold glance, conveying his rough intent to Robert.

As comrades-in-arms, they could understand each other with just a glance.

It's a common occurrence for superiors to act based on the secretary's silent cues, considering that Jasmine's strategies and combat prowess had always surpassed Robert's.

Jack swiftly reviewed the contract before turning his attention to Jasmine. "I've finished going through it. There are a few adjustments I'd like to make."

Jasmine's focus sharpened at Jack's request.

"Before we proceed, I have a question," Jack began, prompting Jasmine's surprise.

"Are you certain you want to pursue independent design?" Jasmine stressed the word "independent" with emphasis.

"Yes, I'm confident I can single-handedly complete all aspects of a Jaeger design," Jack affirmed earnestly.

Jasmine hesitated, initially inclined to dismiss the notion as preposterous. Designing a Jaeger involved a myriad of disciplines, a feat typically achieved through collaborative efforts among numerous experts. However, considering Jack's demonstrated genius—solving previously insurmountable challenges with ease—the notion became less implausible.

"...I can grant you design authority, but your designs will require the support of over half of our Jaeger designers before they can be manufactured. That's a necessary condition," Jasmine conceded after thoughtful consideration.

Robert, on the sidelines, remained uncharacteristically silent, having delegated his authority to Jasmine upon Jack's arrival. Today, he was little more than a figurehead, albeit not a particularly striking one.

"Additionally," Jack continued, "I'd like to request an advance of 100 million dollars into my personal account."

Jasmine's incredulity surfaced once more. "100 million? May I ask the purpose of such a substantial sum?"

"I simply wish to experience the sensation of immense wealth," Jack replied calmly. "There's a belief that vast riches bring profound satisfaction. I'd like to put that theory to the test."

"That's all?" Jasmine's skepticism lingered, unable to reconcile Jack's seemingly frivolous request with his genius.

"Yes," Jack affirmed with equanimity.

Genius often comes with eccentricities, Jasmine reasoned, accepting Jack's idiosyncrasies as par for the course.

Jack could hardly contain his anticipation to draw cards. Why settle for the bronze card pool when one could aim for the diamond pool?

Of course, for the African Emirates, there might not be much difference between the two cards, except perhaps for the enhanced benefits of the diamond card pool.

Jack also harbored a curiosity about the effects of upgrading the skills of the Jaeger Designer profession.

"By the way, as a demonstration of my worthiness of these 100 million dollars, I'll complete the design of a Jaeger before then. You can wait until they determine the feasibility of the Jaeger before allocating funds to me," Jack proposed.

With 100 million dollars on the line, it was indeed a bit awkward for others to request such a sum before Jack could truly showcase his value. Jack pondered this and added the condition to the agreement.

Jasmine readily agreed. What more could she say? Jack had made his terms clear, and any further objections would imply a lack of cooperation.

A salary of 100 million dollars for someone capable of single-handedly designing a Jaeger? One billion or even ten billion would still seem insufficient!

Amending the contract was a straightforward process, especially with access to a printer. After adding the stipulations on the computer, Jack signed and fingerprinted the revised contract. Jasmine then handed it to Robert for sealing and other formalities. After the customary procedures, the contract was made in duplicate, rendering it officially effective.

Following this, Jack underwent a comprehensive physical examination under Jasmine's guidance.

This was a given. Jack was now viewed as a gem by Jasmine and his team. How could they not ensure his well-being with a thorough medical check-up? Any potential health issues needed addressing promptly!


"Where on earth did you find this individual?" the doctor in charge of the examination exclaimed excitedly, approaching Jasmine with the medical report in hand.

"What's the matter?" Jasmine was taken aback, his heart skipping a beat. "Is there an issue?"

"There certainly is! And it's quite a remarkable one!" the doctor exclaimed, waving the report enthusiastically. "I've never seen such an immaculate physique before!"

Jasmine's confusion deepened. "What do you mean?"

"It means his physical condition is exceptional—almost reaching the limits of human capability!" the doctor elaborated. "His muscles, hormonal balance, cell activity, even brain function—all are at or near the peak of human potential! He's practically the epitome of human physiology!"

The doctor concluded with fervor, "He's a born natural, the epitome of a Jaeger pilot! Theoretically, he could operate a Jaeger solo without experiencing any adverse effects!"

"I initially thought the individual you brought in, Stephan, was the most promising Jaeger pilot I'd encountered in years. But now, to find someone even more extraordinary— it's nothing short of a miracle!" the doctor exclaimed. "He's destined to become the finest Jaeger pilot imaginable, mark my words!"

Jasmine found himself in a daze. A goddamn Jaeger pilot!

Wasn't the person he'd brought in supposed to be a genius Jaeger designer? How had he suddenly transformed into a Jaeger pilot?!


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