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  • Hogwarts Chronicles: The Marauders' Era

    Venture into the enigmatic realm of "The Marauders' Generation," where the forebears of Harry Potter and their comrades etch their mark. This tale weaves the sagas of James Potter, Lily Potter (née Evans), Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Amidst the tumultuous epoch spanning the late 1970s and early 1980s, within the storied walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they bore witness to the inception of the First Wizarding War. The year is 1971. Oblivious young wizards and witches joyously board the train destined for Hogwarts, as the machinations of the Death Eaters swell in the shadows. None can divine the allegiance of those who walk amongst them—whether friend or foe. Lord Voldemort's dominion is poised to crest in the near future, rendering Hogwarts the sole sanctuary in Britain's magical realm. Yet, no chosen savior blessed by fate resides here—only the impotent Ministry of Magic and an ever-growing tide of peril. The advent of a dark era is nigh.

    yong_wang_2855 · Book&Literature
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