
Harrypotter Novels & Books - WebNovel

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  • Master of the Death(18+)

    The men of the Weasley Family have peculiar desires. And Harry's here to fulfil them at the same time try to control the Elder Wand.

    inoharamito · Fantasy
  • Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic-

    I died. The reaper said there was a mistake and i need to be compensated. After some discussion... I asked" Can I be a tamer in the wizardry world?" They said "sure". Follow along as i find the hidden bloodline of forgotten dieties on earth. _________________ Just for formalities sake.. This is a fanfic i don't own HP okay. This is just for my entertainment.

    Fool_Personified · Urban
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  • Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter

    I, as in my incredible wisdom, have decide to publish my idea on self insert. The mc doesn't want to be included in any way with plot or interact with people at all. "Why should I become the greatest wizard or a savior, if fate already has a whipping boy?" Chapters will be irregular. Disclaimer inside.

    Krsak · Fantasy
  • A HP & Percy Jackson xover: squatter

    https://m.fanfiction.net/u/143877/ by interprise_d

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  • The New Dark Lord

    A Harry Potter wbwl fanfic On halloween night, a tall man with no nose came into a house looking for a specific 3 year old boy. This boy, was either going to be his downfall, or a great ally. He need to make sure that it was the later, not the former. The man found two little boys in a room. One was crying at the sight of him, while the other was staring at him calmly. "This must be the one" he says looking at the calm one. He tried to cast a sleeping charm on the boy but he accidentally did the wrong wand movements making a simple scarring charm. It hit the boy on his forehead making a small lighting shaped scar. The spell then deflected off him and hit the other boy giving him a small burn on his forehead. Then it hit the old man but it did something completely different and turned him into a spirt for 10 years. The parents of the two boys, plus another old man named Albus Dumbledore came up to their room. Seeing the old mans abandoned wand and one of the boys partially burned forehead Dumbledore pronounced him as the boy who lived and saviour of the wizarding world. All while, the calm little boy right beside him stared at him. His Avada Kedavra green eyes glowing. Dumbledore thought that the quiet boy would be forgotten forever, never to be seen again. Oh how wrong he was. Oh how wrong... All Rights Reserved To Jk Rowling Cover Art is Not mine, If you own it then claim it, and I will take it down.

    A_Stupid_Demon · Fantasy
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  • the adventure of Fenrisúlfr

    A mad mix of Wizards, Witchers, Werewolves, Vampires, Fairies Teen Wolf/ twilight/true blood/ the originals/ wizarding world of Harry potter I do not own any of the series/movies mentioned in the fanfic only my OC's I don't own the image just pulled it off Pinterest props to the artist if I'm not allowed to use it I'll take it down just let me know I've just recently downloaded Grammarly so ill be using that from now on, hopefully, it makes reading easier for you guys

    Elzik · Fantasy
  • Weasley Twin

    Huffle_Claw · Fantasy
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  • Harry Potter and The Stone of Y

    After being left alone for the day by his hateful relatives, Harry Potter didn’t really expect his afternoon would be so eventful. All told, it was an ordinary looking stone that he found in the forest…except that it felt like it was calling out to him. Harry Potter with the power of Mega Mewtwo Y! —- It’s my very first time writing so please forgive any grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as enjoyed writing it. Both Harry Potter and Pokemon franchises are not mine so please don’t sue me. The beautiful and gorgeous cover art belongs to its owner and is definitely not mine because I can’t even draw a tree to save my life.

    CheeseWiz · Fantasy
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  • Night Owl | Harry Potter FF (DROPPED)

    The Wizarding World was blissful as the young wizard hero, Harry Potter, has once again saved the world from the dark wizard, Voldemort. Unknown to them, there were a lot more people who help to defeat the dark lord. But it just revolves the young man, Harry there, Harry here, Harry everywhere, as always. Peculiar to his schoolmates, Ron, Hermione, and other more, one stand out from the rest. Unfortunately, not because of his heroic nor anything good in particular, but because of his bad deeds. A man named Elliot. But truth, he was framed. After the sorrowful life he had, he had the chance to change himself. Himself from the past. Creating an empire that will stand high among the rest. (DROPPED)

    praisethereeves · Fantasy
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  • Together (Snape Fanfic)

    ||Rewriting/Edited version|| "Together?" "Always." ~ ~ ~ ~ Candice Black, a newly discovered witch to join the legendary Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Is she ready to face the challenge her time there is to bring? Severus Snape, survivalist of two great wars, on a road to recovery and perhaps a better life. But what if a girl - baring the name of his hated rival - interrupts? A story of transformation, healing, and a constant battle with emotions. ~ ~ ~ ~ Disclaimer : Except a few character and events, the majority of the characters and creations belong to JK Rowling. Also, TRIGGER WARNING for the whole story technically. There will be deep moments. There will be mentions of abuse, suicidal thought, self harm and all sorts. I don't want anyone to feel like they haven't been warned, so here ya go. (professor x student) (Snape x OC)

    Bialol2 · Fantasy
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  • Harry Potter’s Pen Pal

    What would have happened if Harry had gotten the diary Horcrux instead of Ginny? Harry is confused about many things. Why won't Dumbledore let him stay at Hogwarts for the summer instead of go back to the Dursleys? Why won't Ginny leave him alone, even after he tells her he's gay? Why do Ron and Hermione keep meeting with Dumbledore and not telling him about it? With the help of his new friend, Tom Riddle, Harry answers these questions and more. *I don’t own this story*

    Taleahr · Fantasy
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  • [HP] butterfly effect

    This is the story of a woman who struggled to study and graduated peacefully Sorting Hat: What was your greatest wish to come to Hogwarts? Aurora: I want to graduate peacefully, go back to school, and finally create with my own hands... Sorting Hat: Hufflepuff!! Here's a story that perfectly confirms Murphy's Law: Aurora: Remus, I just heard from those guys that there is a new teacher who is going to teach us Potions, supposedly Snape. Do you know him? I looked like they were desperate. Lupin: (A thousand words in the wind) Here's a story of Hufflepuff and Slytherin fighting wits and bravery all the way to the face: She pondered for a long time, and finally decided to write a letter for help: What to do if the fan article of the teacher is seen by the teacher himself, online, etc., is quite urgent. Here's a story about the saga: Old alumnus: You were a legend back then. I haven't seen it for a few years, is there anything more legendary to say and hear? Aurora: Does it count if you push down your dean?

    berichplz · Fantasy
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  • The Son of Hades:Demigod of Shadows

    Synopsis "Percy, dude, stop taunting the Ares cabin. No we can't challenge Ares. Again. " "Come on little bro! Stop brooding already and enjoy life while you can!" "G-man you need to lighten up. So what if there's a giant hellhound running towards us, we can handle it." "Man stop overthinking things Owlhead." "Kat, please stop growing poison ivy all over camp." "Clarisse stop trying to taunt me I won't fight you again. I already broke your spear I won't break another one. " "Stop zapping me Pinecone face!"  "Luke please, it doesn't have to be this way." "Calypso, I swear on the River Styx , I will return to Ogia. I will come back to you." Disclaimer : The Percy Jackson Series or any Riordanverse isn't mine, it Rick Riordan's

    Jacey_Raze · Fantasy
  • Harry Potter, Squatter

    A young Harry Potter is abandoned in new York by the Dursleys. He finds his way onto Olympus and starts squatting in an abandoned temple... Credits: Enterprise1701-d

    Leo_Chen_0529 · Fantasy
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  • Avarice Chronicles

    At the age of 130, Harry Potter dies long after his friends and family have. After the war, he deams his life meaningless yet lives on to satisfy the expectations of others. Upon his death, the entity of death itself offers their master a choice of whether to live or not. Harry Potter reincarnates several times to feed his greed that was squashed and thrown away by the manipulations of Dumbledore. As Fate's favorite and Death's master, Harry unknowingly fixes different versions of the wizarding world in every kind of way. In his thirteenth life, he is Harry Potter once again and the wizarding world changes from the awakening of a reincarnated master of death. Unfortunately, said master of death has grown to be a sociopath that is hellbent on making Dumbledore suffer... And maybe forgot about the dark lord who takes offense to this. The entire world must brace itself. "Would I get to live for myself? Will I be able to be who I am?" Harry asked. Death simply chuckled, guiding Harry towards the train. The experience was similar to when Harry had first entered Kings Cross in his first year. "That is ultimately up to you, young master."

    Chartso_ · Realistic
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  • HP: Magic Beasts and how to tame them

    Cancer is shit. So after Nicholas died, R.O.B. send him in the magical world of Harry Potter to live a new life. A few request later, he is on his way. To tame all magical beasts. Or that's what he would, if the plot wouldn't come in his way. _____________________________________________________ As you have seen in the title and synopsis, this is a HarryPotter fanfiction. I made a mistake when choosing the genre, because it was my first time and the Support couldn't help. The universe belongs to J.K.Rowling.

    1st_Planewalker · Fantasy
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  • The Original Harry Potter

    This is a Fan-fic of an Original Character who is born in an alternate universe of the Harry Potter world. Who Will Inhabit/Possess Harry Potter What does this mean, this means largely much will be the same, but there will be some small differences, such as what time Voldermort attacks the Potters and other small changes, but the Overall Story will stay the same, for now, if I see a situation which could be improved upon from the original works, I will improve it, to the best of my ability. Follow along this new Harry Potter's Journey, and witness which path he will forge for himself. More Realistic(in my view) of Harry Potter and the world the Novels take place in. I will TRY to add more detail to this Synopsis later.

    xShadowyLegendx · Fantasy