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    Tom Riddle has turned into 'Voldemort' after having Jughead. A spirit named Voldemort possed Tom's body. There are eight Horocruxes in total and Jughead is one of them. One of your first questions might be "How the heck is Jungkook a Horcrux if he had the time to kill him before he became Voldemort?" Well, a second before he was fully transformed he told Lilly (Jughead's mother and Tom's wife) to take Jughead to the Andrew's (they lived next door). When he got there he was fully transformed and Tom had no control over Voldemort's actions and killed Sierra, Lilly, and Natalie . But Lily and Sierra had protected baby Jughead and when Voldemort tried to kill him, he failed. That was the moment Jughead got his scar. (The only reason Voldemort was kind to Jughead was Tom's love was so strong for him it passed onto Voldemort.)                            .........           

    hr561870 · Action
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    Isoa_DRAVIKULA · Teen
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    Mage Academy: I Have Infinite Skill Points

    Ye Ming transmigrated to a world of swords and magic, here there are giant dragons, elves, orcs, magical beasts, the undead… Ye Ming realized that he was a student who obtained the last place at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was about to be expelled. “Ding, Supreme Skills System, loading……” “Ding, unknown reason, system bug has occurred……” “Fixing bug……” “Bug fixed, skill points remaining: max!” …… Looking at the skill panel that had appeared before his eyes, Ye Ming tried to click on the “+” icon behind the “Fireball” magic. “Ding! Your Fireball has improved, currently Level 6.” “Ding! Your Fireball has improved, currently Level 7.” “Ding! Your Fireball has improved, currently Level 8.” “Ding! Your Fireball has improved, currently Level 9.”...... “Congratulations on your self-taught mastery, you have understood the “Laws of Blasting Fire’, your Fireball has evolved to become Forbidden Spell: Dark Sun Blast!” Looking at the enormous fireball that was as deep and dark as a black hole floating before him, Ye Ming smiled and started going crazy on his skill points…… The next day, Ye Ming dragged his exhausted body to the wizardry academy library. He knew that he had to learn new skills now. Because~ the skills that he’d learned before all became forbidden spells! He tried to light a fire for a barbeque and almost blasted away the entire academy!

    Half-Fated Sir · Fantasy
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    Quậy Tung Hogwarts

    Kiếp trước, Alina sống tại một đất nước phương Đông và là fan chính hiệu của bộ tiểu thuyết Harry Potter. Kiếp này, Alina là chị đại trong một cô nhi viện nhỏ bé gần hồ Lomond, nước Anh. Giống như tất cả những nhân vật chính trong bộ tiểu thuyết Harry Potter nổi tiếng, vào thời điểm này, Alina cũng đã bắt đầu nhận được thư cú được chuyển tới từ học viện Ma thuật và Pháp thuật Hogwarts. Tuy là một fan chính hiệu, nhưng cô bé lại rất bài xích với việc phải tới ngôi trường đó học nên tìm mọi cách để phản đối điều đó. Giáo sư Albus Dumbledore đã nhận ra điều đặc biệt và sức mạnh tiềm ẩn ở cô bé kì lạ này nên cụ đã cố gắng thuyết phục Alina tới Hogwarts mà không hề lường trước được rằng không chỉ cụ mà cả Hogwarts sẽ chịu sự ảnh hưởng rất lớn từ cô bé.

    You Meng Zhi Yu · Urban
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    A Bite of Hogwarts

    Alina Kaslana, Half-Veela, Danger Level: Extremely Dangerous. She resolved the thousand-year disputes between the houses and made Hogwarts into a holy land. She saved countless endangered magical creatures and deepened the understanding between man and nature. She promoted the mixing of the Magic and Non-Magic Worlds and found a point where they could coexist in harmony. She has countless dazzling titles: Hogwarts's Big Sister, Master of Gringotts, Third Dark Lord, Apex Predator, Enemy of All Scottish Round-Faced Chickens, Chief Senior Chef... Numerous illustrious names can be found in her history: Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Scamander... —Let us interview Dumbledore. "Hello! Could you share some stories about Miss Kaslana's time at school?" Albus 'Desperately Wants to Retire' Dumbledore: "Hurry...hurry! I need some fast-acting heart pills!" _________ Note: This novel contains spoilers for all Harry Potter books and movies up to 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald'.

    Plump Owl · Fantasy
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    Necromancer at Hogwarts

    Magicalgirl · Fantasy
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    Hogwarts In Marvel World

    Dunridor obtained the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry system in Marvel World. Not only can it extract all the magic, buildings, animals, and characters in the "Harry Potter" movie, it can also extract the magic elements in other movies and games. So Dunliddo opened Hogwarts, a magic school with hundreds of thousands of students in his own parallel world. (It mainly tells the daily life of opening a magic school. Please focus on this book for the timeline and storyline.) REAL Author:Jin Huanghuang --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Not Mine And It's Machine Translated Because I'm Not Chinese] https://m-imbg-cc.translate.goog/novel/143023.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=tl&_x_tr_pto=ajax,nv,elem COPY PASTE THIS

    DaoOfCopying · Fantasy
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    The teacher at Hogwarts is a Dark Lord!

    Tewell Fawley, Durmstrang's finest graduate ever, arrives at Hogwarts. "One day, Muggles will be able to use science to observe magic, see through our magic, and build a mathematical model of every spell. "What will the wizards do when that day comes?" "Be locked up in a cage like a rare animal?" "Or..."

    patience9704 · Fantasy
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    Hogwarts Magic

    amanda_treto · Fantasy
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    hogwarts script

    aythrelle · Teen
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    LordofDreams1243 · Fantasy
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    Hogwarts secrets

    Paige_Kehoe · Teen
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    The Wolf At Hogwarts

    He is the wolf. He is Loyal and Kind, He is intelligent and crafty

    Noah34 · Fantasy
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    PANKUDI_27 · Fantasy
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    A saint at hogwarts?

    J3ffinh000 · History
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    azathoths adventure at hogwarts

    outergodazathoth · Fantasy
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    In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

    Pada malam ketika penyelamat dunia sihir seharusnya lahir, Harry Potter meninggal di bawah kutukan yang tak termaafkan. Pria yang membuat hampir semua penyihir Inggris tidak berani memanggil namanya, mendapatkan kembali kebijaksanaan dan ambisi miliknya dari Horcrux. Kegelapan telah sepenuhnya menyelimuti pulau Britania Raya. Penyihir dibagi menjadi tinggi dan rendah menurut garis keturunan mereka. Darah murni dengan kuat memegang otoritas yang dimiliki atasan, dan orang yang disebut darah lumpur hanya bisa serendah lumpur dan diinjak-injak sepanjang hidup mereka. Kementerian Sihir, yang seharusnya menegakkan keadilan, penuh dengan penjahat, dan kastil, yang seharusnya memberikan pengetahuan, penuh dengan penindasan. Di masa-masa kelam ini. Jon Green, yang datang dari berbagai waktu, dibawa ke kereta pengasingan yang benar-benar mewarisi gelar "Hogwarts"…

    Mr_Libra_2004 · Fantasy
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    The elf in Hogwarts

    He was a wealthy businessman that had everything that he ever wanted, but one night on the way home, he was his by another car. He woke up and talked to a goddess who offered him a second chance at life and he’s not going to let this chance go. ***I do not own Harry Potter or any of the character except the mc This is my first time writing so please go easy on my in the comments

    Jaxp_0502 · Fantasy
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    An American at Hogwarts

    CC_G23 · Fantasy
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    The Hogwarts Years

    You probably think that this is another book about a boy who survived and his great adventures. But not this time! The story is about four teenagers with different characters and stories; Sophie - an energetic fluffie with a love for plants, Win - a slightly pessimistic raven with a flame that often hurts itself, Noah - a bit of a funny raven who loves piccolo and glitter; and Zara - a self-confident ravenclaw with an amazing love of popcorn. Their adventures are full of laughter, ups and downs, and sometimes love. And they cannot run out of glitter!

    Solariixx_yt · Fantasy
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