
Master of the Death(18+)

Author: inoharamito
Completed · 1.6M Views
  • 15 Chs
  • 4.5
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  • NO.200+

What is Master of the Death(18+)

Read ‘Master of the Death(18+)’ Online for Free, written by the author inoharamito, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ADVENTURE Fiction, R18 Light Novel, HARRYPOTTER Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The men of the Weasley Family have peculiar desires. And Harry's here to fulfil them at the same time try to control the...


The men of the Weasley Family have peculiar desires. And Harry's here to fulfil them at the same time try to control the Elder Wand.

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Él Hombre Inmortal y el desafío de la Muerte

En un pequeño y tranquilo pueblo, vivía un hombre llamado Jonathan. Desde su nacimiento, Jonathan tenía una cualidad especial era inmortal. A medida que pasaban los años, Jonathan veía cómo todos a su alrededor envejecían y morían, mientras él permanecía inalterable, condenado a presenciar la fugacidad de la vida. Aunque al principio disfrutaba de su inmortalidad, con el tiempo Jonathan empezó a experimentar un sentimiento de soledad y desesperanza. La ausencia de un final definido en su vida le arrebataba el sentido de propósito y le hacía cuestionar el valor de su existencia. Fue en ese momento cuando la muerte decidió presentarse ante él en forma humana. La Muerte, personificada como un ser enigmático y de aspecto sombrío, se acercó a Jonathan con una oferta única. Le propuso un desafío: si Jonathan podía encontrar el verdadero significado de la vida y aprender a valorarla en toda su efímera belleza, la Muerte le otorgaría el descanso eterno y finalmente podría experimentar el anhelado cierre que tanto ansiaba. Jonathan, sediento de respuestas y cansado de su inmortalidad, aceptó el desafío. Junto a la Muerte, emprendió un viaje trascendental a través de diversas etapas de la existencia humana. Juntos, presenciaron nacimientos y muertes, amor y pérdida, triunfos y fracasos. A medida que Jonathan observaba de cerca la fragilidad y la fugacidad de la vida, empezó a apreciar cada momento y cada encuentro como si fuera el último. Durante su viaje, Jonathan se encontró con personas cuyas vidas habían sido transformadas por experiencias significativas y poderosas. A través de sus historias, aprendió lecciones profundas sobre la importancia de las conexiones humanas, el impacto de sus acciones y la capacidad de encontrar alegría y significado en medio de la adversidad. Con el tiempo, Jonathan llegó a una comprensión profunda del verdadero valor de la vida y del poder del amor y la aceptación. Aprendió que la mortalidad y la finitud le daban a cada instante una belleza especial y una urgencia para vivir plenamente. Finalmente, llegó a un punto en el que estaba listo para enfrentar su propio fin. En un último encuentro con la Muerte, Jonathan expresó su gratitud por el desafío y la oportunidad de haber descubierto el significado de la vida. Agradecido por su inmortalidad y lo que había aprendido, aceptó su destino con serenidad y dejó este mundo, despidiéndose de la vida con una sonrisa en su rostro. La historia de Jonathan dejó una huella imborrable en el corazón de todos aquellos que la conocieron. Su viaje, lleno de aprendizajes y descubrimientos, recordó a la humanidad la importancia de valorar cada momento y encontrar sentido en la existencia, sin importar cuánto tiempo se tenga en esta vida efímera.

LaPaloma_3699 · Fantasy
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Assuming you happily finished reading a popular web novel called Bloody Webtoon, that novel came to life, killing ten million readers worldwide in one single night, and this night is your night to join the dead for reading that novel. What will you do? Pandora’s Box also identified as the Devil's Toy Box An urban legend commonly told by people of South Korea about Pandora’s box that has the power to grant you your inner desires, your greatest wish, beauty, immortality, fame, wealth, power, name it; you just have to find the box and make your wish. So it was told to every citizen from birth. So people will fight each other; fathers betray sons and daughters engage in a bloodbath against anyone, billionaire tycoons and ordinary good citizens turn bad all engaged in a fight. Every man for himself, however, there are only a few who truly know that Pandora’s box was not a box of wishes but a Devil's toy box, A key to the gateway to unlocking another dimension of monsters to human reality. A time when science was at its highest peak during Albert Einstein era, a local scienctist name Abraham pike wanted a name for himself and so he ventured to solve the mystery of the big bang theory of how this world was form believing combining magic and science was the key to the mystery however he hears a voice name the gate keeper who taught him how to create a puzzle box to open the astral realm. the results of opening the astral realm to human world was a massive teleportation of 10 miliion humans and buildings to another world. he saw a world of monsters with high wickedness. teleporting back, to the human world, he sought to destroy the boxes but could not and he split the boxes into six and scattered to six different countries...one with the monks, one with, a Japanese exorcist, one with Roman catholic Church and the others unknown. what Abraham pike did not know was that before the boxes were scattered, the gate keeper created six clones guardians and made a competition between them. one of them must kill absorbing the other five uniting the box as one to open a dimension door uniting the closest astral realm and the natural realm. who ever wins becomes a celestial being. he hide them in the six boxes just in time. each guardians searched for six human champion host for a blood bath to retrieve the boxes for them borrowing them their spectral powers and the blood bath began. The Yoon prestigious family is a billionaire family that owns it all in terms of wealth, but the seedlings struggle for succession for the vast wealth brings out the deadly evil nature of humans. Sen Jin won- Alex Walker, the devil's son, witnesses his grandmother and his mother killed in front of his eyes by his uncles and aunties to obtain the wealthy throne. He was bullied and mistreated by his family. In despair, he unlocks Pandora's box and got a leveling-system for revenge, which becomes his helper as well as his greatest doom, unlocking a world of monsters merging with the human world. He must save his friends, his beloved, and the world from mistakes in his quest for vengeance. He must destroy the Pandora's box inorder to separate the astral dimensions from the real world  

brainchild · Urban
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Jika hidup dapat memilih mungkin Jennie tidak akan membiarkan takdir buruk ini bermain dengan hidupnya, entahlah bagaimana rencana tuhan yang luar biasa gila ini memporak-porandakan semuanya, bahkan dengan harga dirinya sekalipun semuanya hancur, bahkan keluarga yang dia idam-idamkan selama ini tidak lagi utuh. Hamil diluar nikah, adalah aib terbesar yang pernah dia nikmati selama ini, hanya saja dia masih beruntung dia masih dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang menyayanginya. Namun bukan itu masalahnya, semuanya berawal dari ketidak sengajaan Jennie menyuruh Albani mengelola salah satu perusahaan yang baru dia dirikan di kota Surabaya, itu ketika pernikahannya menginjak usia 11 tahun, dan anak mereka bahkan masih kelas 4 SD waktu itu, rejeki yang tuhan berikan tidak pernah terputus, itu dia memang harus bersyukur, tapi tidak dengan perselingkuhan yang bahkan selalu Albani lakukan dengan sekretaris yang Jennie tunjuk sendiri. Salah satu kariawan yang dia percaya ternyata sudah menjalin kasih dengan lelakinya sejak awal dia bekerja di perusahaan Jennie yang ada di Jakarta, Albani memang selama ini selalu bermain api dengan siapapun, karena memang sifat dirinya dari dulu yang tidak puas dengan satu wanita. Lelaki itu bahkan mencumbui wanita itu setiap harinya, berbagai email masuk ke dalam gawainya setiap hari, karena kartu kredit yang dia berikan kepada Albani atas namanya. Jennie menutup mata akan semua itu, dia bahkan tau hotel mana saja yang sudah Albani tiduri dengan wanita simpanannya, tapi Jennie selalu maafkan. Puncaknya sang Ayah mengusirnya karena Jennie mempertahankan rumah tangganya dengan Albani, tapi sial untuknya, setelah permintaan maaf lelaki itu dia kabulkan, Jennie harus menyaksikan dengan mata kepalanya sendiri Albani mencumbui wanita itu di rumah yang Jennie belikan untuk Albani tinggali di kota Surabaya. Hatinya hancur, iya jelas hancur, mereka bertengkar hebat kala lelaki itu juga ikut pulang ke jakarta menemuinya kembali setelah semua fasilitas untuk lelaki itu Jennie hanguskan, Albani tidak terima karena menurutnya dia juga punya hak untuk semua itu. Siang itu, Albani mengeluarkan semua isi hatinya, dari dia menyesal menikahi Jennie, menyesal bertanggung jawab akan anak yang waktu itu hadir begitu saja di rahim Jennie kala mereka bahkan masih kelas 2 SMA, tentang kekesalannya karena mimpinya menjadi pesenam hancur begitu saja. Dan Senja, iya anak wanitanya melihat itu semua, entahlah mulai dari hari itu semuanya berubah, gadis kecil itu menjadi dingin dan tak tersentuh, belum lagi sifatnya berubah menjadi tidak terkendali, brutal dan tak mau mendengarkan siapa saja, terkhusus Jennie. Dia marah, dia benci keadaan ini, anaknya berubah, dia juga kehilangan suaminya, kehilangan kepercayaannya, dan benar adanya harta tidak pernah bisa membeli kebahagiaan. Dan yang dia sesali adalah, dia bahkan melewatkan pertumbuhan sang buah hati, Senja bahkan tumbuh dengan sendirinya tanpa kasih sayang yang lengkap darinya ataupun lelaki biadab itu, dan yang lebih parahnya Senja membenci dirinya. beranjak remaja, Senja menjadi liar untuk mereka, setiap hari menghabiskan hal sesuai dengan yang dirinya mau saja, tanpa harus repot memikirkan orang lain akan terluka atau tidak. Jennie tau bagaimanapun ini adalah bentuk kekecewaan Senja terhadap dunia, atau mungkin terhadap dirinya juga. bukan hanya Senja yang terluka, bahkan Jennie juga sakit luar biasa, tapi siapa yang peduli? bahkan tempatnya berceritapun tak lagi mampu memperbaiki keadaan yang sudah terlanjur hancur ini, dia sadar betul semuanya tidak lagi sama, namun dia juga butuh didengar, butuh untuk ditenangkan, butuh untuk dirangkul, dia lelah jika menyimpan ini sendirian, tapi seakan menutup mata Senja tidak mempedulikan itu semua. jennie mungkin tidak sepenuhnya kehilangan keluarga, masih ada Salsa sang Kakak yang masih senantiasa menanyai kabarnya, namun rasanya malu jika harus kembali setelah keputusan bodoh yang dia pilih 10 tahun yang lalu.

enda_your_bae · Teen
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Golem Reincarnation

In a world enveloped in enigma, a vast continent and its scattered islands find themselves imprisoned in solitude, encircled by an infinite, boundless ocean. An impenetrable supernatural fog blankets the distant horizons, creating the mysterious Veil that entraps all who dwell within. The reason for this strangulating captivity remains a perplexing riddle, casting a perpetual shadow of isolation. Amias, a curious and relentless seeker of answers, stood at the brink of uncovering the truth behind the Veil. However, his journey to unveil the secrets of this mystic barrier takes a fatal turn. Just as he edges closer to revelation, an untimely demise awaits him, or so it seems... Until, in a bewildering twist of fate, Amias finds himself awakening with a profound sense of disorientation. His bewilderment deepens as he examines his surroundings. "*Huh?... My hands?! My Body?! I’m… A GOLEM?!*" Amias is now an artificial being, a construct of magic and earth. Thus begins an extraordinary odyssey filled with unfathomable mysteries, as Amias, now a golem, embarks on a quest to decode the cryptic nature of the Veil and the world that lies beyond it. Along the way, he forms an unlikely alliance with a diverse group of beings, each possessing unique and mysterious abilities of their own. As they journey through the Veil, Amias and his newfound companions uncover ancient prophecies, confront malevolent entities, and unravel the very fabric of reality itself. Together, they strive to break free from the Veil's shackles, unveiling the hidden truths of their world and uncovering the purpose behind their existence. Golem Reincarnation is a captivating reincarnation tale that invites you to explore a world shrouded in riddles and secrets, where the line between humanity and magic blurs, and where every step taken is a step toward discovering the ultimate truth that lies beyond the Veil. *Authors Note:* Hello Readers! I'm fairly new to writing, but have had this concept tucked in my noggin for a while - much like others on this platform! I would welcome constructive criticism from any readers if you'd spare me the time! I'll be sure to update chapters - if anyone's remotely interested! Take care of yourselves and those around you, Ibu-san x

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Awas, Papa! Mama Mau Membunuhmu!!

Qiao Anxia seorang assassin dengan masa lalu kelam. Suatu hari berniat merebut suami dari musuhnya bebuyutannya. Kehilangan malam pertama hanya demi balas dendam namun...yang ia tiduri adalah saudara suami musuhnya?? Richard Calvin, pria yang terkenal sebagi hero bagi para korban ketidakadilan para penguasa. Apa jadinya ketika kedua orang bertolak belakang ini menikah hanya karena seorang anak jenius yang imut serta menyenangkan ingin menjodohkan mereka. Dan anak itu adalah hasil pembuahan mereka di malam yang panas itu! Yang satu merupakan HERO dan yang satu adalah ASSASSIN! Sang HERO berusaha merayu istrinya di tiap kesempatan sementara sang ASSASSIN ingin melarikan diri dan bila perlu… membunuh suaminya! *** Excerpt: “Ini sudah semuanya?” Richard tidak percaya wanita dihadapannya telah menyerahkan semua alat komunikasi serta senjata yang disembunyikan didalam pakaiannya. “…” Anxia tidak menjawab dan hanya menatap lurus ke mata pria yang kini secara legal menjadi suaminya. “Xia Xia, kita tidak akan berangkat sebelum kau menyerahkan semuanya.” Kedua tangan Anxia terkepal karena dia berharap setidaknya dia memiliki satu alat yang bisa digunakannya untuk memberi sinyal pada Ling Meng. Tapi tampaknya, Richard mengetahuinya dan mendesaknya untuk menyerahkannya. Dengan gerakan enggan namun mata masih dipenuhi dengan aura membunuh ke arah Richard, Anxia menyelipkan kedua tangannya ke belakang punggungnya masuk kedalam kaos hitamnya. Richard mendelik kaget sama sekali tidak menyangka istrinya akan melepas branya! Alat macam apa yang dipasang di bra wanita? List of Heir Series My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress (vol 1, completed) The Flame Queen And Her Sly Lover (vol 2-3, completed) The Ice Prince: Change Her Fate (vol 4-5, completed) Awas, Papa! Mama Mau Membunuhmu (ongoing) The Heir's Beloved Is Not A Human (coming soon)

VorstinStory · Urban
336 Chs

Wedding Skits

Emely is an elementary school teacher who teaches in grade 1.One day, suddenly a boy proposed to me. William, a businessman who is a widower with one child, makes an offer to Emily's parents to pay off debts or marry her off to Emely. All because, William had saved the life of his mother Emely.William had no intention of looking for another woman, because his love for Nancy was still the same. However, her child, Clara, needs a mother's love that Nancy can't get. His marriage to Nancy was not approved by William's parents.However, because Nancy was already pregnant with Clara, they couldn't help but marry them off.Until one day, Nancy was caught cheating.William's parents were angry and forced the two of them to divorce. However, William, who was too in love, made his eyes and heart closed. He still hoped and would accept Nancys back.However, until Clara was 5 years old, Nancy had not returned.Until William was forced to find a temporary replacement for Nancy.From that, he chose Emely.Besides being close to Clara at school, Emely isn't her type either.When Emely accepted William's proposal by force, then Leo arrived.The first love that I once promised to live with him, but suddenly disappeared. Then, after many years, Leo came with the status of a widower and a child named Ben.Moreover, Ben is also a student of Emely, Leo tried to approach Emely again, William who knew it tried to keep the two of them away.It wasn't because of love, but William didn't want to lose his future nanny, Clara.By using Emely's parents, he was finally able to keep Leo away from Emely.The wedding took place.Clara and William's parents were so happy.They think, Emely and William married for love.But everything is wrong. During the wedding night, William openly revealed the purpose of this marriage.Emely is not required to perform the duties of a wife in general.He just needed to take care of Clara so she wouldn't lose a mother's love, Emely was hurt, but couldn't do anything about it.However, Emely still performs her duties as a wife, except for biological obligations, William paid no attention to any of that.He thought Emelx was transparent.However, for months, Emely insisted on doing it all.Until one time, William was forced to eat Emily's cooking. William was amazed and immediately finished Emily's cooking which turned out to be very delicious, Since then, William began to be curious about the figure of Emelx. William also followed and even observed his wife's activities and movements.It didn't take long for William to admire Emely. Until he started to be nice to Emely. Change after change is increasingly apparent between the two.I don't know when there was a feeling between the two people.It's just that no one wants to admit it.Until exactly in the eighth month of their marriage, Nancy came back and apologized to William. Asking for another question.William's divided heart began to doubt.But it turns out I chose to accompany Nancy.Emely slumped, she began to fear losing William.Since Nancy's return, William has turned into a cold figure, just like the first time he got married.One month later, William filed for divorce from Emely, making Emely even worse off.Nancy kicked him out of William's house calling him someone's husband grabber. Clara was crying hysterically, wanting to go with Emel.But Nancy held him back.Seeing that scene, William was silent.Emely left, but she couldn't possibly go to her parents'house. Don't want to be burdened.Fortunately, there was Leo who was willing to accommodate him temporarily.Emely does housework and babysit Ben as a token of gratitude. After Emely's death, William felt he was missing something .Nancy turned out to be a lot more at home. However, the food is not as good as Emily's.Clara was also quiet.One time, Clara begged William to meet Emely. Because, after Emily's death, Nancy immediately transferred to Clara's school

JennyAiza · Urban
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14 Chs


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Amazing "PLOT" so far, just wondering if it's your story or where i can find the original author


Couldn't find better ero harry potter novel anywhere else. The best. ................ ...... .. ............ ........… .. . ...............


Plagiarism-- the original is called A big happy weasley family on AO3 by werewolfwarriro, its part of a series, so check out the original work


You know, call me old-fashioned and hypocritical, but the fact that ginny and Gabrielle have a lesbian relationship even though they "supposedly" love Harry, makes me drop it, so I hope you can publish the entire original series


more chapters please I need it you so awesome with writing please continue this book Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




The best Harry Potter fan-fic I've ever read and one of the best r-18 books I've ever read. Will absolutely be on the lookout for more from this author.


hi are u the one who posted where minatos relative live in uzumaki and ntr everyone cause i couldn't remember and give the title i want to read it aging


$115,500 for the Best Adventure Novels +Get Hardcover Publish Hey Writers! Come to check out this adventure novel writing competition, both new and published stories can participate! This competition is mainly looking for four genres: Fantasy, Urban, Game, and Sci-fi. You can either submit your published works, rewrite some previous ideas, or create a new story if any given examples or tips inspired you! Web-fiction or Light Novel writing experience is desired, so you might be the winner! For more information, you may visit: https://bit.ly/2ObQnRy or contact Email lise.work2021@gmail.com


hey friend could you make a percy jackson story with a plot similar to your harry master of death story. ............. ... Y [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Best harry potter erotica 🤩🤩 [img=update][img=update] ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ [img=faceslap]




LIKED IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Liked it ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Just keep on going 😬😂😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😬😂😂😬😂😂😬😂😂😬😬😬😂😬😂😬😂😬


more please. ................................................................................................................................................


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