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  • BadBoy

    Cerita ini menceritakan tentang masa2 percintaan di SMA, jadi kalo mau tau ceritanya langsung baca aja okee

    rakhandra27 · Sci-fi
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  • Picked Up A Husband For Farming

    The miracle doctor, Xu Qing, accidentally fell into the water and died. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself having transmigrated into a farming novel. Then, she felt excruciating pain in the lower half of her body. Xu Qing looked down in disbelief. As a thirty-year-old unmarried single woman, she was in the midst of giving birth to a child! Staring at the three babies who were barely breathing, Xu Qing almost went mad. Why did she suddenly become a mother of three? Her father exclaimed, “How dare you give birth to b*stard children before getting married?! We don’t have a daughter like you. Scram!” Before Xu Qing could even catch her breath after bearing children, she was chased out of the house by her father. Fortunately, her mother pitied her and secretly gave her an acre of land to aid in her survival. With no options left, Xu Qing picked up a hoe and started farming. ‘Hey, that unconscious mister over there, please die somewhere else! Don’t dirty my corn field!’ After dragging the unconscious man to a side, Xu Qing suddenly remembered that she needed help taking care of her children. This man would do! Later on, Qiao Yanhui knelt down before his angry wife with an aggrieved look on his charming face. He had one child on each arm, and another clinging to his head. He looked up at Xu Qing pitifully. “Honey, it’s the effect of my family genes. I can’t control my genes from producing so many babies…” “Out! Get out now!” Xu Qing kicked him aside. Who knew that the man she picked up turned out to be the father of her children. Had she known, she would’ve left him to die in the corn field.

    yayaya · General
  • When You Are Mine

    ***Note: Cover photo doesn't belong to me. Credit to the real owner. It all started in one night. It all started with this.... "I heard you had money to spend and I'm just in need of that cash. I'll pay with my virginity. If you're not pleased by me, I'd let you go... I'll consider it my bad day. Here's a medical report I'm disease free. What do you say?" That's the night Jade wish to forever forget... but can never forget. A night she had lost her innocence because of her love and was sorely betrayed. A night Jake wished he should have treated differently...But he didn't. What happens when Jade spends a night with a man she wishes to never meet but she's obligated by her company to sign a contract with him?...Let's go find out how he tries to win this woman who he couldn't get out of his mind. Will Jade fall for all his antics to win her heart? Let's go find out. ***Note: Cover photo doesn't belong to me. Credit to the real owner.

    Da_Rose · Urban

    Volume I Isabella lost her job because of her fervour to help her family. Her sister was battling a deadly sickness and no possible job could help Isabella raise the money for the medical bills, thus, she chose the fastest way for a woman. That was to lose her innocence. 'Just one night' was what she told herself, and things went according to her plans. But fate didn't break off there. Luke Powers met a desperate woman at the right time or was it wrong? He was arrogant, cruel and proud. He paid her well for the night but fate didn't cease their interaction. Through his mother's schemes, Luke found Isabella at his gate with her luggage, moving in with him as she was the caregiver his mother hired for him. Was he a child who needed a caregiver? Of course not, but his mother had hopes for him. Hopes that his life will be filled with love and joy. Hopes that Isabella would change him despite possessing a mundane role in his life. However, the job wasn't an easy task for Isabella as she had to face a cold arrogant man. Isabella had to face another agony, staying with and faring with his attitude, all while worrying for her sister. Was there really hope, not only for Luke but for Isabella? Volume one is completed, watch out for volume two!! Volume II Gloria woke up alone after spending the night with the love of her life, Lucian. Unbeknownst to her, their passionate night resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. Years later, Gloria returned to State AD, successful in her career and a proud mother to her son, Michael. Meanwhile, Lucian was now a wealthy man, having fulfilled his duties as an heir and ending his contract marriage. However, his ultimate plan to win back Gloria's heart was still incomplete. Lucian wanted to reunite with Gloria and build a relationship with his son, but Gloria denied him any chance of that happening. She refused to accept him as Michael's father. As they struggled to navigate their complicated past and present, they faced an uncertain future. Will Gloria eventually forgive Lucian and fall in love with him again, or will she continue to deny him his rightful place in their lives? Their fate remains unclear, but only time will tell if they can overcome their past mistakes and build a future together. Check out my new book; One Night With A Billionaire Alpha! Welcome and happy reading!

    Lee_Grace · Urban
  • Cowok Hamil

    Cowok hamil? mana mungkin. Tidak ada yang tidak mungkin di dunia khayal. Yang tidak masuk akal, jadi terasa masuk akal di dunia imajinasi. Ini adalah kisah dimana anak laki-laki, hidup di jaman modern namun mempunyai rahim. Rio, remaja good boy, yang sangat membenci Jamal si remaja Bad boy sekaligus Fuck boy. Lalu apa yang akan Rio lakukan, jika anak dalam rahimnya ternyata dara daging Jamal. Bagaimana itu bisa terjadi? Ikuti kisah mereka? Jamal dan Rio.... Jangan lupa kasih power stone, vote dan komen kalian ya. Supaya dapet notif updet masukan cerita ini ke colletions kalian. terima kasih....

    Altwp · LGBT+
  • Accidental Romance

    **Cover photo does not belong to me. (From the author of bad things in-house)** Ann Peters, a poor orphan, finds herself in love with CEO Wang Tae-joon, a man who everyone believes is far beyond her reach, she decides that only the deity can help her get him. She becomes even more desperate when she finds out that he is getting married to the billionaire daughter, Jiang Grace who is very mannerless and arrogant. Her desperate cry for help causes the deity to move in her favor and so after a brief accident both Ann and Grace wakes up in different hospitals to find out that they now occupy different bodies. Grace finds herself in Ann's body, and Ann finds herself in Grace's body. Ann goes home with the billionaire family and has to adjust to being the billionaire's daughter and automatically Wang Tae-joon's Fiancee. Tae-joon observes this new Grace in surprise as she is nothing like his arrogant fiancee, the lady before him represents everything he has ever wanted in a woman yet he is too scared to believe her when she professes her love to him. His fiancee never loved him and the only reason they were getting married was for a merger between both companies. Chairman Jiang finds out about the soul swap and instructs Ann to keep it a secret from everyone else, including his knowledge of it. As he wants his arrogant daughter to learn humility through this process. Grace on the other hand returns home with Mrs Shu, Ann's benefactor and finds out that a difficult life awaits her. Grace finds herself falling in love with Ann's cousin, Brad Carter who shows up in search of Ann. What happens to everyone and their relationships when the soul swap takes place again and both ladies return to their original place? **PS: Cover photo does not belong to me. (From the author of bad things in-house)**

    Miss_Behaviour · Fantasy
  • Beware: She's A Devil

    She was asked.... "Aren't you afraid of Karma?" "Karma?" She smirked. "I am Karma bitch!" ********* If they were to rank the most ruthless beings in Country A, Kim Lisa was definitely among the Top Three. She had a new mission from her Mafia boss/ uncle; It was to become the bodyguard of one of the contesting Governor's playboy son. Though difficult, she took up the mission. Trying her best not to stab him to death whenever she saw him. But if she had thought his charms would not work on her, then she had gotten it all wrong! Because he liked her from the first day he saw her, and made up his mind to seduce her. ************ "It's called Regalia." Lisa said as she looked at the confused and frightened man.  "It was made from one of the most toxic flowers in the world. The poison starts eating up the wall of your stomach from the moment it's inside your body and within the first five minutes, you will feel like throwing up but nothing would come out... except tiny droplets of blood. And then, you'll know this isn't a joke." She said darkly and watched him begin to gag and gasp until he spat out blood. But she didn't flinch. This was her being meek. ************ But she met a really stubborn guy... "You are scared." He noted as he looked into her eyes. She scoffed in disbelief. "You're the last person I am afraid of."  Tom smirked before saying... "Yes, you are. You are scared you may cheat on your boyfriend with me. Scared you may fall for me. I can see it in your eyes."  'What's he saying right now? All I think about is killing him!' She said in her head but the look in her eyes was different. "And that's right." He continued... "You should be scared... Because whether you like it or not, it's going to happen" He said with a confident smile before using his thumb to graze the corner of her mouth. His eyes dropped from her eyes to her lips. She wasn't wearing a lipstick or gloss, but they looked glossy and tempting.... *********** NOTE 1: You may think it's a bit rushed at the beginning, but trust me, that's because there's more to come ahead. If you love mystery, then be ready to unveil some... Yours Sincerely *********** NOTE 2: *I do not intend to keep this book long or drag things unnecessarily. Those who have read my book (Hello, Mr Li.) can attest to that. I keep things simple. *You can follow my other stories: –HELLO, MR LI –MY CRAZY HOUSEMATE –IN LOVE WITH A KLEPTO *Please support me by voting, commenting, and sending gifts.

    ThatAmazingGirl · Urban
  • Kidnapped by the Psycho Mafia Don

    Minho had no idea that a simple mistake could land him in the hands of the devil himself. But to be fair, he never knew that giving himself up meant getting involved with a mafia prince. However, the mafia prince managed to break through his defences. Jae Hyun Park might seem charming, but deep down, he's a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. His goal is to own and keep Minho. But Minho has no interest in staying in his blood-soaked world, or at least that's what he thinks.

    Bistas_She · LGBT+
  • Justice And Desire

    (18+) Forbidden fruits are the sweetest to devour. When two opposite sides collide due to an undeniable, off-the-charts attraction, the collision is the only devastation you can expect with certainty. For LA Detective James Gunner, meeting Vanessa Bologna the notorious Italian-American mob boss's daughter can only be sealed with one resulting impact... DISASTER. She is the daughter of a notorious mafia boss. He is the cop with a huge sign around his neck saying "forbidden in every goddamn way." He is out to destroy her father, to bring down their family, so why the hell is she allowing him to kiss the life out of her? ***** Justice and Desire is a Mafia Romance book about the love life, struggles, trials, and temptations of the most influential Mafia family in Boston. THE BOLOGNAS. The book will have up to four volumes. All four (4) volumes will be focusing on each of the Bologna siblings continuously. The plot is the same, but each volume will come with its unique twist.  The first volume will focus on Vanessa Bologna, the last and only daughter of the mafia lord, Dante Bologna, and her forbidden love interest - Detective James Gunner - who is hell-bent on bringing the Bologna family to book.  The second volume will focus on Daniel Bologna, the second and last son of Dante Bologna. His love interest, Layla, will be a blast from the past that was sent to destroy his family. This one will be full of turmoil, so watch out. The third volume will focus on Antonio Bologna, whose name will later become Anthony for tragic reasons. He is the firstborn of Dante Bologna and the heir to his father's throne. His love interest will be named Anna, a slave girl whose ex-master is hell-bent on destroying Anthony and his entire family to get her back. This one will be heart-wrenching and long... so braze up your hearts!  The fourth Volume will focus on Lucian, the Bologna's cousin and head of security and his story will end the Bologna series. NOTICE: The fourth volume will no longer be completed on WEBNOVEL due to their actions against me. To know more about why I'm making this decision, you can chat me up on Discord: Jenival_Enyia#5546 NUMBER OF CHAPTERS: J & D will end where it is. Find me on Discord and I'll direct you on how to get the complete Volume Four. UPDATE FREQUENCY: J & D will no longer be updated. READ THE AUXILIARY CHAPTERS FOR INFO ABOUT ME AND MY DECISION ABOUT WEBNOVEL.

    Jenival_Enyia · Urban
  • The Billionaire's Hidden Wife

    "This is all wrong, this is the time I'm scared of," Abigail said as she stared at her husband sleeping on the bed. She couldn't hold the heartbreak longer and she fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. They've been married for two years but Noah still hasn't been able to introduce her to his family and the public. Noah was a billionaire and he's really famous. He's rich, he had everything, but … he couldn't be a good husband to Abigail. Abigail was his wife, but it seemed like she wasn't. A great sob escaped her, and she covered her face with shaking hands. "Abi? What's wrong?" a cold voice he heard from before him. As she raised her head she saw him. "This is all wrong, Noah." "What do you mean?" "I … When will I remain your hidden wife?" She sniffled, "I … I am your wife, Noah. So, please treat me like one." THE BILLIONAIRE'S HIDDEN WIFE (TBHW) All Rights Reserved.

    Ink_Monster_7093 · Urban
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  • Was My Sweet Badboy

    WARNING !! [cerita ini hanyalah fiktif belaka, semua setting tempat adalah fiktif! kesamaan nama tokoh, tempat, sekolah maupun scene dalam novel ini adalah kebetulan semata dan tidak ada unsur kesengajaan!] ------------------------------------------------- Bimo namanya, anak baru pindahan dari Bandung yang tiba-tiba memberiku surat, isinya dia minta izin untuk menyukaiku. hah?! 'kenapa suka aku?' kuputuskan untuk tanya hal ini. lalu dia jawab begini ; 'aku tidak punya alasan, tidak paham juga kenapa bisa suka, hanya mataku tidak bisa berhenti melihat kemanapun kamu pergi, aku tidak bisa menahan senyumku dan rasa senangku kalau sedang dekat denganmu, aku suka lihat kamu ketawa dan tidak senang lihat kamu nangis, aku benci orang-orang yang bikin kamu sedih sampai-sampai ingin ku tendang pantat mereka biar sampai ke pluto, aku mau pegang tanganmu dan bilang pada cowok-cowok yang suka padamu untuk tidak lagi mengganggumu.' ku baca tulisannya yang panjang itu. aku deg-degan, sumpah kalau dia bisa dengar jantungku, itu seperti ada drum band di dalamnya. Dia orang yang unik, dan punya pendekatan berbeda padaku, orang yang percaya diri dengan bagaimana kepribadiannya, tidak kasar, berusaha dengar perkataanku, tapi sebenarnya dia juga adalah orang yang keras pada idealisnya, suka naik gunung bahkan bikin jantungku sering ingin lompat karena khawatir setiap kali dia melakukan hobinya itu. Bimoku... Elangku yang selalu terbang bebas tanpa peduli apapun.. Elangku yang selalu terbang menerjang badai... ini, adalah kisahku saat itu, saat dia bersamaku.. -------------------------------------------- VOLUME 2 : Menggapai kembali Ketika masa lalu menyesak masuk saat kau telah mulai lari darinya. Seseorang yang tetap berdiri di persimpangan hidup mereka. Yang tetap tegak di persimpangan waktumu dengannya. Kini persimpangan itu mempertemukan mereka kembali. Dengan segala keajaiban-keajaiban yang kau kira telah tiada. Dia berusaha menggapaimu sekali lagi. Berlari dari masa lalu, mengejarmu yang telah lama tertatih untuk bisa berdiri di titik ini. Mencoba meraihmu dengan senyumnya lagi. "Kamu masih punya hutang jawaban sama aku." "Apa?" "Yang mau kamu jawab 10 tahun lagi sejak waktu itu." "Hahah, kamu pikir itu masih akan berlaku?" "Tentu! Ray, marry me please ..." POV 3 ---------------------------------- Volume 3 : Langit dan Rindu Kisah si kembar buah hati Bimo dan Raya, akankan kisah mereka semanis kisah remaja kedua orang tuanya? Bagaimana jika Langit Khatulistiwa punya kecenderungan sister complex dan juga tsundere akut terhadap adik kembarnya? Intip yuk ... ---------------------------------------------- [karya ini bergenre romance-komedi, harap bijak dalam membaca, jika sekiranya tidak sesuai selera, silahkan close, gak usah masukin koleksi] [mengandung kata kasar, dan diksi tidak serius dalam penceritaan!] Credit cover : Pinterst cover bukan milik pribadi

    MORAN94 · Teen
  • Maid to love you: The boss and the maid

    After she got suspended from being a teacher, Gaia (Gaya) Tan decided to find a new job to sustain her daily needs. Gaia soon find a job, but surprisingly, she got a job that she hated the most. BEING A MAID. Unfortunately, her boss named Mr. Kevin Han an arrogant, wealthy, good-looking psychopath, and short-tempered type of person. He keeps nagging her all day long which annoyed Gaia. Mr. Han falls in love with her as time goes by, but he can't express it. He always and keep denying it. Gaia doesn't have any feelings for him. She just considers Mr. Han as her boss, nothing more, nothing less. Will Gaia can handle such things? Can she get used to it? Is there any chance for them to be closed to each other? Will Mr. Han will able to tell her how he feels? Or maybe he will stay be silent and keep his feelings secret? Find it out by reading this novel. Maid to Love you by Andreb_author Disclaimer: I didn't own the illustration and the characters I used in my cover. Credits to the rightful owner. ___ Instagram account: andrebauthor Facebook page : Andreb_author Discord server : Andreb_author#5495

    Andreb_author · Urban

    Mature 21+ Dapet boss yg Badboy tapi orangnya cuek?Namun apakah bos tersebut akan jatuh hati terhadap dinda??? "aduh parahh,gabisa dibiarin ni boss"-Dinda "kenapa sih kamu din?lagi liatin kegantengan saya ya kamu" -Revano Hahaha penasaran kan? Lanjut liat dicerita aja yaa

    Dillaaaaa_ · Teen