


I'm planning to read(novels) myself to Death.

2023-05-03 JoinedGlobal

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  • CosmicMonarch

    Is this novel written by a woman? It felt like drama queen play. Out of 1000 words in every chapter, 100 words dedicated to [MC's handsomeness], 200 words to [How powerful he is], 200 words to [opinions and comments of bystanders]. This is a Cultivation novel for f*ck's sake. Author concentrated on MC's beauty so much that he forget to explain how cultivation works. Author just came up with flashy names for each realm, MC sits in seclusion then bam!, energy surged, next realm achieved, MC became more handsome.

    Unparalleled After Ten Consecutive Draws
    Eastern · Carefree Smile
  • CosmicMonarch

    Written by a pathetic shut in home writer, whose knowledge of the world comes from tv and propaganda. At this point I feel sorry for China - They pretend to be cool kid in the block without knowing that they are just humiliating themselves. These writers have no real freedom, yet they want to pretend to be so great. Their government is both feeding them false sense of supremacy and limiting their scope of rights. These writers are even more pathetic that they can't see why their govt. is isolating from the world. [Clowns] [All hail China - The big bully of Asia.]

    The Great Genetic Era
    Eastern · Pig Sanbu
  • CosmicMonarch

    Wrote by a pathetic shut in, who was brain washed by Chinese propaganda. I do feel sorry for these pathetic writers, Who never mingled with any other country except judging them from news. Just because they cursed other countries, Nothing would really happen to them. And it just shows how insignificant these kind of writers are when compared. Irony in this is - "Who is truly uncivilised in this topic? A country's writers full of racism or a country subjected to this racism?" All hail China- A Big Bully Of Asia.

    The Great Genetic Era
    Eastern · Pig Sanbu
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to CapaxInfiniti

    It's one of my top 20 favourites, I felt that MC has ben constantly running like a 'monkey whose tail is lit'. I agree that latest chapters felt even more empty. My opinion as a newbie writer is that - 'Author has to give some room to let both- MC and readers to breathe'. And also make the story not too linear. Since I have followed Noah for 3000 chapters, it's too late for me to hate or point mistakes.

    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to 094710440

    Yo, nothing bad or negative can be said about this novel in this community. Think of it as a community run by desperate and horny and paedophilic fans- most who reads only incest novels and disdain and mock who leave a negative comment here. So, let's blame ourselves for attempting to read this novel and move on.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch

    At first I felt lost because of 'Infinite Mana Trait', but as the story moved forward, the author unravelled the complexity and diversity of this trait in the most efficient and amazing way. And the author and Noah kept their words- As there is no limit to OPness.

    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • CosmicMonarch

    I don't even know how this novel made 'top 30' in power ratings, but I don't think it deservers it. I agree that world building is good and power system is good. God, MC is a simp to the point of extreme. He acts arrogant after simple power up and gets beaten up by a random character. MC make rookie mistakes and flexes before young masters and decides not to kill until author drags story. It is worse than many braindead chinese novels. At least Chinese novel's MCs can man up and kill his enemies. But this novel's MC is too much of a simp to kill his enemies and he lets them play with for hundreds of chapters.

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to Luohuo

    YO buddy, I'm against NTR stuff, that's my only reason for taking my time to even leave a comment here. I loved this novel and I don't care if author adds another 1000 girls to his harem... I cared because he made his own father a c*ck. A father who taught victor, how to be a perfect family person. I don't understand how my protest to stop this escalated to me supporting it... Whatever, it doesn't actually matter if i read this novel or not, I just didn't want this novel to loose it's standard anymore.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to Luohuo

    YO buddy, I'm against NTR stuff, that's my only reason for taking my time to even leave a comment here. I loved this novel and I don't care if author adds another 1000 girls to his harem... I cared because he made his own father a c*ck. A father who taught victor, how to be a perfect family person. I don't understand how my protect to stop this escalated to me supporting it... Whatever, it doesn't actually matter if i read this novel or not, I just didn't want this novel to loose it's standard anymore.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to Azrael_DAngel

    OH! and I do apologise for butting in.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to Azrael_DAngel

    My entire point of criticism was to stop you from encouraging NTR and Incest stuff, as this is the current state of NOVEL... And I'm not on discord because I'm not a shut-in to even care about that.... And I rarely comment on anything, but i took my time to comment on this becoz I couldn't stand still watching a perfect novel getting destroyed with horny stuff... Supernatural, unreal, novel - whatever reason tags we add to justify this stuff, at the end of the day, it's disgusting to read incest and praise if MC is making his own father a CUCK. And I do know that not everyone is same and the society is messed up, but there has to be some morals, right? If you still want to take offence by this, I can only imagine how your mind works.... GOODBYE. P.S ;; And don't call someone a cuck, in real life we don't do that.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to mini_rex

    What can we do bro, this has become a fan-serviced novel... These 5-6 fans are donating nearly 80% of total amount to author and they are suggesting author to write SOL, or other messed up stuff and author is listening to them....We can't blame the author for it...Since, he too have a family to take care of and writing normal stuff will not be liked these sick fans....

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to Azrael_DAngel

    asked by a potential shut-in type guy, reading NTR novels... you see, only people who never went out with girls would say these kind of things... If someone showed some dis-satisfaction about a novel, you could either defend or ignore those comments.... You don't need to attack them with personal stuff right? And I do not apologise for calling you NTR loving guy.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to Victor_Weismann

    I understand you are uncomfortable and these selected fans of your are donating a lot. But, at least admit the reality of your Novel. It's clearly a NTR type now, and you are signalling potential YURI too. Story didn't demand MC to have kids with his mother and in laws...But u did for ur selected fans....At this point this novel became; WOMEN SEE, WOMEN FUCK. MEN SEE, MAKE HIM CUCK. But, since I have not contributed much to his NOVEL...I too have no right to criticise your story...I loved this story too much and couldn't my frustration in, as this Novel became a shit show....And I do apologise for my language and unwanted criticism. P.S ;; Pls, write a story that comes from your heart and mind if possible.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch

    This story has become a fan service kind. The author lost the true essence of his vision and started to write horny and incest stuff to please his 'selected high-donating fans'. So, from the moment the author started writing on the whims of these fans, it has become a shit show. The story has lost it's significance, at this point...MC is like; WOMEN SEE, WOMEN FUCK. MEN SEE, MAKE HIM CUCK.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch

    I would have given negative rating if I could...This novel had so much potential but author let his success got over his head and messed the whole story up. 1. Every male character in the story is either a simp or cuckold. And I meant literally every character. 2. Every female character is being mistreated by her husband and is waiting for MC to rescue her and add her to his harem. 3. If MC steps on a random frog then that frog most likely turns into a woman that needed his saving and she will always have something that MC need in his path. Every women author introduced will have something MC wants at the moment. He gets it and adds her to his harem. 4. F**k, MC's father loved him, mad MC into a family man, His father gave him everything a mortal could...But, MC repaid his father by making him cuckold. YES, he impregnated his own mother. It's disgusting. 5.Even if it's fictional and have some crazy laws of society... Incest is actually crossing the line. Whatever bullshit reasons author makes up for it to make himself feel good. 6. What's more concerning is that every reader welcomed this with open hands like MC did something so epic. I haven't seen a single criticism in the comments when i scrolled 100s of comments. 7. I would rather read braindead, nationalism, racist chinese novels than this incest induced crap. Have a heart guys. * I was a fan of this novel once but now i wish i didn't read this.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • CosmicMonarch

    I gave it a try after reading comments below...and I completed more than 240 chapter...God, it's super slow paced...Unnecessary Tournament arc for more than 70 chapters. Author tried to squeeze and stretch the story in every aspect that he could... I read so many novels and this one made top list for being slow paced and awfully dragging MC's power level up and creating problems for his level ups. And none of u can understand my frustration until u read the story. But hey, it's my opinion and it should not cloud your anticipation to read go awry...

    Necromancer Of The Shadows
    Fantasy · Zero_writer
  • CosmicMonarch

    Terrific Story. Writing Quality is on next level...but, the only problem is that descriptions of the things around characters felt a little far fetched... It took me 2 days to read just 20 chapters, becoz these descriptions are deviating me in and out of the storyline. Since, i'm still in starting point of the story, I will brace myself and move forward... NOTE : Since it's a lore of Gods and Monsters, and Evolution...It would be best not to delve too much in Horror elements like the town people and abomination at the start..I know, it's necessary to the plot.. But, it's taken too much of the plot and my anticipation of MC's evolution was being cut short constantly because of it. But, I still liked it...It is not my story and I shouldn't expect it to go my way...I believe the story has potential. So, keep up the good work and I will be rooting for it's success.

    The Primordial Record
    Fantasy · BRICKTRADER
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to Gop_lagey

    is it planetary novel or interstellar? like galaxies and universes?

    Necromancer Of The Shadows
    Fantasy · Zero_writer
  • CosmicMonarch
    Replied to theartisan3

    bro, does MC reach Galaxy level? at least??

    Necromancer Of The Shadows
    Fantasy · Zero_writer