
Review Detail of CosmicMonarch in The Primordial Record

Review detail


Terrific Story. Writing Quality is on next level...but, the only problem is that descriptions of the things around characters felt a little far fetched... It took me 2 days to read just 20 chapters, becoz these descriptions are deviating me in and out of the storyline. Since, i'm still in starting point of the story, I will brace myself and move forward... NOTE : Since it's a lore of Gods and Monsters, and Evolution...It would be best not to delve too much in Horror elements like the town people and abomination at the start..I know, it's necessary to the plot.. But, it's taken too much of the plot and my anticipation of MC's evolution was being cut short constantly because of it. But, I still liked it...It is not my story and I shouldn't expect it to go my way...I believe the story has potential. So, keep up the good work and I will be rooting for it's success.

The Primordial Record


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