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2019-11-22 JoinedGlobal

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  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Blake_Jeter

    Shut your ignorant azz up. That isn't a swastika its a religious symbol for Buddhism. Maybe do some research before you say some ignorant shiz.

    Way To Be The Evil Emperor
    · Manga Hero of Times
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to godisdisappointed

    Hey man whats up with taking this book off the site? Are you moving to another site or did u just not want to continue? Any info would be appreciated. I was waiting for more chapters to drop before I continued to read. (I like to binge)

    The Ultimate Birthright
    Fantasy · godisdisappointed
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Klato1993

    Im sorry but I don't read Russian? What website is that with 45 chapters?

    My Maids Are All Antagonists!
    Fantasy · Ultimate Guaiguaipi
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Charles_Baechle

    Oh so the comic was put on cancel? I read the last couple of chapters and saw the "the end" and was like "ain't no way bruh they just ended it like that😂" hope its a temporary hiatus as well

    So Pure, So Flirtatious
  • YungBrosketi

    Can someone please make a discord/reddit for discussions surrounding tom and this novel? Although I know this novel will never be the same without toms brilliant mind behind it I feel like a community effort to at least wrap it up with the knowledge we have would be awesome. Like a homage to tom.

    Ch 419 Into Harm's Way (1)
    Paragon of Destruction
    Fantasy · TomVanDyke
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Magns

    I always thought that maybe in the later chapters the reason tom made arran go bald was because Tom went bald doing kemo therapy... I feel like this whole story is kind of based around Tom's battle with cancer in a way.

    Ch 419 Into Harm's Way (1)
    Paragon of Destruction
    Fantasy · TomVanDyke
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Ace2hunter

    In reference to you saying you wanted to find novels similar to this one I also have struggled with that. I've tried so hard to find an urban cultivation novel that draws me in as much as this one did and I just can't. They either all already have an op mc or the story doesn't take itself seriously and its just a gag/joke story. And the romance in those stories are just plain awful. The characters feel so fake and the romance always feels so forced and cheesy. Oh and the cliches are just awful. They are all copy and pastes of each other. The amount of "ex military goes to live a simple life in the city" type novels I've found is just absurd. I've recently picked up the cultivation group chat comic. Do you recommend I read the novel or does the comic stay true enough to the story?

    Dragon King's Son-in-law
    · Webnovel Comics
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Ace2hunter

    I got a question for you now. How did you feel about the ending of dragon king son in law? Personally I felt it was super rushed compared to the pacing of the rest of the story. If I remember correctly the mc was on the lower half of powerful people and in the last like 90 chapters he became the 2nd strongest person. We also barely got to explore the heavens before the book ended. What do you think?

    Dragon King's Son-in-law
    · Webnovel Comics
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Ace2hunter

    Paragon is probably the best story I've ever read off this website. Amazingly interesting world. Great writing quality. Interesting characters. Amazing foreshadowing. I can't think of anything this novel doesn't do well... but it will never finish. The author had cancer around a year and a half ago and hasn't updated since and is (presumably) dead. (I'm really hoping he's not tho). But I still recommend reading the 400 chapters still up. They're absolutely incredible.

    Dragon King's Son-in-law
    · Webnovel Comics
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Ace2hunter

    Supreme magus is very good in terms of world building, action, and quality of writing (starts off a few mistakes here and there Grammer wise. But they aren't too noticeable and mistakes are fewer and fewer as the story progresses). My only complaint is that the mc doesn't see a lot of character growth. Every other character does. The mc from the very start is cold blooded and gives 2 sh***. Not to say he's emotionless but he's no goody 2 shoes. Other characters see a ton of growth and its cool to see but the mc is pretty much the same person throughout. But this only applies up to around chapter 600 as thats as far as I've read.

    Dragon King's Son-in-law
    · Webnovel Comics
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Ace2hunter

    So we all got recommended Dragon king son in law as our first novel on here? And we all chose to read it? The only thing that would make this weirder is if every1 also picked up Paragon of destruction as well. Oh and Supreme magus.

    Dragon King's Son-in-law
    · Webnovel Comics
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Bratiranjan_Dey

    The worst mistake I've seen so far is in "dragon kings son in law" they made the teacher (forgot her name) a red head in the comics. She's a cold calculated beauty... with red hair... it just doesn't match. In the novel I'm pretty sure they said her hair was black but in the comics if they wanted to change her hair color they should have went with white. It matches the "cold" personality type

    Dreamland Adventure
    · Webnovel Comics
  • YungBrosketi

    Great chapter. Lynne is a lot more expressive than I thought lol

    This chapter has been deleted.
    The Ultimate Birthright
    Fantasy · godisdisappointed
  • YungBrosketi

    Okay so I'm only 12 chapters in but this seems like it'll be a great addition to my library. Starting with writing quality the novel seems fine. I haven't noticed any grammar errors yet and if there are some they aren't significant enough to make a sentence unreadable. Stability of updates will have to be seen over time but right now I'm giving it a 5 star. Story development seems fine right now. It feels a bit rushed at the moment with so many big things being dropped on us right from the get go but I understand that this is a pre established universe with the mc already knowing these people. I just hope the author does a good job of getting us adjusted to all the characters currently introduced before adding any more significant characters or moving the story to far forward. My recommendation is that before anything significant happens to force the story forward we get a couple lull chapters with more character development. That or you have something huge happen which will force the established characters together and then use that to develop their characters. Character design is probably the best part about the book. The mc is so refreshing compared to what you usually find on this site. Either you get the mc who doesn't care about women because he's "only focusing on revenge" or "already has someone in his heart" or you get the mc who is out here catching women like pokemon without ever getting an established relationship with them. This novel could develop this problem with some characters and only time will tell if it does but it seems unlikely. Other than that the characters and their interactions are super humorous and very realistic. All the established characters have unique relationships with the mc and have unique personalities that will need time to be dug out. World background has yet to be revealed much yet. Luckily we had an info dump chapter which helped a lot and from what I've read the world seems simple yet interesting enough. The first half of this story will presumably happen within the already established "world" and later parts of the story will probably branch out from this area (typical set up for a cultivation novel. The "big fish in a small pond" until its revealed that the MC is actually a "small fish in a large ocean". Nothing special about this world building so far but nothing to be upset about) SPOILERS Author I would really like to address some of the characters and what i personally feel. Please do not force the MC's relationship with any character and let them develop naturally. You have a great way of making dialogue unique and entertaining and i hope that translates to good character development. The sister we need more time to get to know her beyond her "love for the mc". Same thing for the childhood best friend girl. Enya is a super interesting character but I hope her and the MC's relationship remains more platonic until we know more about her. My favorite girl so far is the girl the MC rescued because right now she's seen the most character development. I just hope there's more to her than meets the eye. Other than that great work!

    The Ultimate Birthright
    Fantasy · godisdisappointed
  • YungBrosketi

    Truck Kun is a menace. He definitely earned his place at the round table of black air force energy. 🤣

    Ch 6 I’m Going To Fcking Dismantle You!
    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    Fantasy · Elyon
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to YungBrosketi

    Also let me just say that sometimes it's not just grammer "mistakes". There are times when I notice you could have phrased something better or used a more eloquent word to engage the reader more. I feel like this novel would be even more popular than it already is if you went back and reviewed your early writings!

    I got summoned to another world, then married a yandere!
    Fantasy · Sixth
  • YungBrosketi

    Please author go back and touch up upon your earlier chapters. The concept is so cool and I've been wanting to read a story like this for awhile but cant find any decent ones. I tried to read the first few chapters and the story is so enticing but the grammar mistakes drive me insane.

    I got summoned to another world, then married a yandere!
    Fantasy · Sixth
  • YungBrosketi
    Replied to Person_man

    that's awesome man! keep grinding and do your best man I hope school goes well for you. That way you'll hopefully finish school early and start writing more frequently lol

    Ch 84 This Hero and the Problem!
    This Hero is Too Curious!
    Fantasy · Person_man
  • YungBrosketi

    my lord its great to have you back! I've missed this series and your writing. Take your time though I know how hard school can be on getting anything else done besides school work. Also how many years of college do you have left?

    Ch 84 This Hero and the Problem!
    This Hero is Too Curious!
    Fantasy · Person_man
  • YungBrosketi

    dont listen to him. this joke is hilarious. it brings a level of mortality to characters that can destroy cities and shake mountains. it brings a level of charm to your writing that sets you apart from all the other authors on here making "living gods" out of their mc's. It doesn't even have to be a joke about the mc nearly sharding himself it can be any sort of humor and it will set you apart from 90% of the authors on here. I can go anywhere on here and read about a god and demon slaying mc with a super serious mentality and is absolutely bloodthirsty and ruthless. but this is one of the few books I've found where the mc actually acts like a real person and even has real world problems🤣

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Prime Originator
    Fantasy · Pointbreak