

2019-10-07 JoinedUnited States

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  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    The Lenin bit seemed a bit out there. I'd have expected that more from Stalin. I'm curious about the native protections and additional civil rights stuff that they put into place. That might actually raise more of a fuss than the gay marriage when they pass through the US. The public gay marriage is rather out there for the times. She's a noble rich ruler. She can do whatever or whoever she wants to. It's more a mystery about heirs, but that's not really that big of an issue. There are various exo womb techs. The real issue is having enough genetics ability to combine two female donors so they can have an heir. It can be done rather easily. On the air ships, they could be used for domestic or long distance cargo ships. They could actually be far more viable than fixed wing aircraft for civilian purposes. For high speed, long distance military craft, going down the usual route would likely be safer. I can't wait for her to figure out that she's in Marvel. Something magic related, supernatural, mutant genetics should have popped up by now. heck, China has long lived ki users.

    Ch 16 Time-skip-1/?
    Inspired Romonav (Marvel)
    Movies · Damon_Jager
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    Sighs. Time to bail out of the planet and hope the higher powers do a reset of the universe. He is planting evidence all over the place and getting away with it. He is a villain. He cares more for stray cats than justice.

    Ch 60 The Evil Within
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    It is remind. You use remember nearly every time you mean remind.

    Ch 53 The Plot Never Stops
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    The MC has valid concerns about protags and such. It's annoying, but I feel sorry for the guy. This is his 10th life. Of course, he is going to be cautious about them. I'm surprised that he is even willing to interact with the main girls here as much as he is! Of course, if he figures out a way to get around protag plot armor or prevent things from resetting, he'd start being more proactive. I'm sort of stunned that he compared himself to an ultimate class when he hadn't had any idea of where the cultivator strength related to the DxD devil scale previously. I'd be fine with a thought like that after he had a chance to spar with the devils and find out his real strength level.

    Ch 12 I don't have Sacred Gear, what does this girl want from me?
    The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    He forgot to ask the address to return to the castle...

    Ch 13 CH 12 version 4
    Movies · cheelzy
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    He needs to plan out what to do with that oil tanker. I'm thinking... Spelljammer. You know that he'll want an exit plan.

    Movies · cheelzy
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    Well, the discord mod will be rather useful if he goes to Hogwarts. Ban Draco and Snape from the castle every ten days!

    Ch 4 CH 4 HYDRO WHAT?
    Movies · cheelzy
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    O.k. Suddenly, I want the Potter Elves to manage to take their vengeance on the DEs and the Dark Lord. Never knew that I needed that.

    Movies · cheelzy
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    I didn't really like the ROB setup for him. That just was meh. The old grand mother being the one that killed him? Talk about like of love. The nearest thing to a family the kid had, and she killed him. That's not going to look good for her karma. The kid should have better karma than the old woman. He didn't do much with his life, but it was still better than the murdering wind grandmother.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: I never got one!!
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    I have no idea what company that he ended up getting stock in. Don't really care about that sort of thing. O.k. One of the big things that annoy me. He is fine with his system giving him "free money." He doesn't like to accept the actual legit money that he earned doing actual work though. I could buy it if his attitude changed after wealth didn't become an issue. When all your income matters don't matter, than any of those other incomes don't really matter and your friends don't need to pay you or such. It just felt insulting the way that he didn't want to accept payment. That was before he hit it big with his bitcoin and stock options. He should have been thrilled about the income and not needing to worry about work or general income/job. He doesn't need to join their faction so much. He needs to get licensed and date one of those girls. Being in a semi-serious or actual relationship would be good enough. I'm sort of confused on why she thinks that he is key to an alliance. O.k. so he is a powerful new blood. That's his big bargaining point at the moment. He doesn't actually have any supernatural contacts back home. The only supernatural folks that he knows are those in his class/college. It shouldn't take much to find that info out. I'm not talking police chatting with him. I'm thinking one of the girls spending about an hour or two and chatting/listening to him. They should be able to instantly learn most of what they need to know. I hope that they can keep the devils from knowing anything about him. He could mention that he knew Tokyo had far too much devil influence as it is. He didn't want to be around them as being grabby, possessive/greedy is the polite way to term their behavior. Nope. He doesn't want any devil or devil faction to know about him.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10
    The Laziest System: Sign-Up System
    Anime & Comics · Ryusenka
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    I'm unsure why the girls think that he'd hate them. The girl got him to buy one meal. The chemistry isn't really showing. Being able to hang out with a girl on a sort of date? That'd be o.k. for the price of ramen. ;) On the other girl's parents being the recommend, that's fine. It was more confusing due to the bitcoins and sudden wealth. Japanese Yen can be odd to mentally convert to US for value. Anything in billions should be lots though. Bit coins are very expensive. I just checked and 1 bitcoin is like 30K USD. The MC didn't even freak out about the money. I'd have worried about explaining it or paperwork and all that such. Don't want to run afoul of the tax folks. Then again the guy is a student. I'd have expected him to live in a dorm or apartment. Now, he is talking about warding a training area and home. I'm fine with him spending that wealth and having a nice place. Anime setting and DxD so any mysterious estates just show up when you need to handwave them into existence. It's just try to tone down the gold digger vibes from the girls. Well, they aren't purposely gold diggers more like accidental and not seriously considering dating the guy. Sad, that they aren't dating him. Getting some of that would have been worth it. ;)

    Ch 8 Chapter 8
    The Laziest System: Sign-Up System
    Anime & Comics · Ryusenka
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    Seems like the spelljammers travel through WH40K Warp. Shudders. I knew that they were low speed in atmosphere, but that's rather slow speed when you consider how long it'd take them to get away from Earth and the Moon. Speeds seem iffy. Then again spelljammer has always been about rule of cool and fun more than anything else. As long as you are having fun with it, more power to you!

    Ch 17 Spelljammer explained
    Inspired Wizard
    Others · Damon_Jager
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    You obviously have plans for the mirror. That's one of those things that I'm meh about and just waiting for you to show off. I agree with the other guy. I would rather you dump a few charges into warding. I thought that he was just splitting his charges between a magic and mundane field at the start. Now, it seems like you've hard coded one for magic stuff and one for mundane.

    Ch 11 Ch-10
    Inspired Wizard
    Others · Damon_Jager
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    Shouldn't you have taken Rose to the bank? That seems to be about the only big thing missing.

    Ch 7 Ch-6
    Inspired Wizard
    Others · Damon_Jager
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    cheery all? should be carry all... O.k. calling her little Rose really does feel like there should be a massive age difference between them. Other than that, it was a rather great chapter. A bit quick into the training/studying bit. No real objections to that. I'd have almost liked them to tour the place a bit or just chat more. They didn't need to jump into the magic more. Then again, I could see her excited to be learning a different branch of magic all on her own.

    Ch 6 Ch-5
    Inspired Wizard
    Others · Damon_Jager
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    I'm not sure what the starting age of Hogwarts has to do with their ages. It actually makes better sense to keep the cannon ages. They get out of school quicker that way. You never mentioned what year Rose was in. We just know that finished her 3rd year. By canon that would make her 13. Her being a little sister is fine. Actually, I'm wrong, she'd be about 14 by canon. The MC is 18. That's fine with age gap and all. It's Luna whose age would need to be adjusted. Why not just make her older? She could be the Twins age which would make her about 16, which would work rather well. I could see her having been an older sister figure to Ginny rather than a neighbor friend. Going off to Hogwarts sooner would have made Ginny feel like she lost more older siblings.

    Ch 5 Future
    Inspired Wizard
    Others · Damon_Jager
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    Sort of lame that he thinks that he needs the extra bit to convince folks to vote for his project to win. His project should just win on its own. Sighs. I don't really care about the language stuff. I want to see what else he'd come up with.

    Ch 5 Stark Expo!
    Inspired Inventor (MARVEL FF)
    Movies · Sage_Honos
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    That's not murder. That's self-defense. Actually, it's vermin elimination.

    Ch 63 Chapter 63
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    Sighs. I'm disappointed that you got burnt out on it. Your MC was a bit too OP. You didn't really need a major bad guy. You already had several that you hadn't handled. There was your introduced demons/dark wizard faction that would need dealing with. Another issue is that you've been heavily adding magic around the world. That sounds like a good thing. It made the world more like a real magic fantasy world It's also a bad thing in that you just gave the white walkers enough magic to wake up and attack. Also politics. Nah that would have been boring. I wanted to stop reading lists of items, skills, or abilities and read more dialog. I liked the scenes with the MC and his mom the most. The most character interaction took place then. Heck, beside that the only real character dialog happened with the ROB prestory and him singing. Shudder. I'm not fond of lyrics, songs, or poems in fics. Just another thing that I scrolled past. You felt like your MC was needing a bad guy. I felt like he actually needed to interact with his wives, other Northern Lords, or just the Southern folks. You curbstomped all over folks and took near a cultivator outlook on everything. With all the crosses and abilities, I could easily see your MC living for 300-500 years. Sighs. I got tired of all the Pro North is great and even the freefolks were fine, but the Southern folks and their religion needed to be removed vibe. Heck, the slavers had a better vbie to them. The bit where he hid the 3 books made me shudder. Wasn't he supposed to be uplifting folks? Shouldn't he be making a printing press and spreading something things? It seemed like more and more that you added were just kept for key Northern long term Trumps.

    Ch 81 Author [ HeavenlyMarks ]
    Minecraft Survival: ASOIAF
    Others · HeavenlyMarks
  • Kris_Bocox_71854

    I don't see what his issues with having more than one wife are. I'm more surprised that he didn't return with a wife and find out he was engaged as well. The Yi-Ti wife would be rather happy as the marriage secured her people a long term trading partner. With those portals? Well, they don't have to fear the locals. They can evac where every they need to. O.k. that's hopefully not needed and all that. I'm more interested in the other girl and how she'd adjust to her new husband. I've been reading this, but having commented much. There are a few things that aren't really important, but have bugged me. The Minecraft coin thing. At first, that was something you kept track of, needed and actually spent. I can't see you ever actually spending it. They just get massively larger and larger. Through all these plans and him planting these crystal forests and other things. You should have had that massive number take a hit. It seemed like his mine craft world was coming to an end or transitioning to his current world. He was terraforming/magic forming his current world to prep for that. I like the world building. It sort of bugs me how to describe a few things. You'll go on a list and on things that folks know about. or show something modern that I'd hope your readers would all know about. Then you barely have a few bits of real dialog of him gifting things to the locals or trading it and every one is thrilled to have the new stuff. Sort of ready for that phase of things to be on the back burner and for him to actually chat with folks. You know other than his mom. He needs to chat with his wives. You haven't introduced his Yi-Ti wife yet! Sighs. I'm hooked and keep reading. You are getting better.

    Ch 78 Finally Home and Wait what!?
    Minecraft Survival: ASOIAF
    Others · HeavenlyMarks