

[GACHA ROLLING... CONGRATS ON WINNING: GODHOOD] The above never happens lol. --This is a AU and a crossover-- --Don't own any characters or shit like that--

cheelzy · Movies
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14 Chs



"Okay I have an addict's wet dream... great." harry mumbles to himself, standing up from the bed he was in he looks around and finds himself in a nice... if old fashion room.

"well... did the ritual work?" harry asks himself while looking at the beautiful room.


"master harrys awake!" lumpy exclaims in celebration while moving her hands around harrys body.

"hmm... weird, your body's been cleansed and remade to what its supposed to be... it's now hurcrux free but oddly the ability to speak perseltongue stayed... is it not from the hurcrux?" lumpy mumbles confusedly to herself while continuing to scan Harry.

Harry hearing that thought about what the original harry lost when his hurcrux disappeared... guess it won't happen to him, but if it won't then where did his perseltongue come from? Watching as lumpy continues to scan over his body with her magic he notices her hand lingering close to his chest.

"Is something wrong with my chest?" Harry asks lumpy gaining worry for lumpys silence, while seeing lumpy hover over his chest he'd obviously worry... what if she found out something the cleansing ritual did?

"no, no! young masters actually very healthy now and even some magic blocks were removed... but you have... to much magic, now when using magic you'll have horrible control... its a good and bad thing for master Harry." Lumpy tells Harry feeling bad for him, normally wizards use low powered lumos to train there control, but him using the spell would over power it and make the training null.

"Oh...? How bad could it be." Harry says confidently, it's not like having to much power ever hurt anyone, harry thinks confidently.

"Hmm, master should be able to recieve his lords ring today... it randomly appears for all lords... a past potter lord thought that was a perfect enchantment to put on the potters second most important item." Lumpy tells harry while avoiding the issue of his uncontrolled magic.

harry seeing lumpy changing the subject decides to sit down on a chair in the room, "hmm what does the ring do? if it's the second most important item it should be powerful right?" Harry asks lumpy with some expectation, thinking of all the op lord rings the fanfictions made... he couldnt help the expectations from bubbling up.

"... the ring only has the aforementioned enchantment..." Lumpy says with great amount of awkwardness... turning around she quickly heads towards the door.

"yes... the Lords ring is extremely important be sure... to not break it accidentally..." lumpy continues with growing awkwardness as she gets near the door.

"um... where are you going?" Harry asks for he really wanted to know how a ring with no op enchantments could get that stupid title of of being the second most important item for the potters.

"master should sleep and relax you've gone through alot so dont move around much if you need anything yell for chimpy he'll come running over to help you." lumpy tells Harry while quickly leaving the room.



"wow thank you for answering my questions... system show me the gachas i have." Harry rolls his eyes as he watches Lumpy leave, deciding to now truly use his system.

[showing status:


seeing the page he didn't ask for Harry gained a bunch of new questions, like what does experiment 8 body mean...? wait is the wizard bloodline a experiment, that would actually make sense... but fuck that would mean theres a kree type race out there who made wizards...

"ok im not gonna think about it, first i have to get power and hope that whatever made wizards isnt still here... hopefully." Harry decides that ignoring a potentially gone enemy would be better for now and if he ever got the capabilities to check if the kree wannabes were still here he'd check.

"system roll my gacha tokens." Harry tells his system, hopefully he gets something good.


(hydro silk robot): ever wanted a transforming robot woman's razor? well now you have one, it can transform into a woman's razor and a small razor headed robot.

(cosmetic - freeze walk): ever wanted to walk like Elsa? no? well now you can so have at it.

(elemental control) ever wanted to control the elements? well now you can go full avatar on some bitch for all i care.

(Aframax oil tanker) ever wanted something you'll never use? well here it is.

(Discord mod fedora) become what you hate, a discord mod with the ability to ban people from locations for 10 days, the reasons must be completely stupid.

all items moved to inventory... would host like to accept the skills - COSMETIC FREEZE WALK - ELEMENTAL CONTROL?


"okay... so the descriptions are oddly human... most definitely human, so... confusing and why is most of the stuff meme shit." harry had questions and sadly the system wasnt answering.

pressing the accept button a flood of information of how to use the skills flood his mind, deciding to test out the cosmetic one he walks across his room and decides that he was stupid.

"crap now i have a room full of melting ice." Harry quickly figures out that even though the skills name said cosmetic it was real as real gets.

"wait..." using his new elemental skills he fires a mixer of fire and air quickly making some of the ice disappear.

"... and now i have a room full of ice and steam.. great." seeing the complete mess he'd created trying to fix his mistake... he just decided to call who lumpy said i should call for help... chimpy.

"uh... I NEED HELP... CHIMPY!" Harry yells to the ceiling... feeling cringe as fuck in the process.


"Master be- WHO RUINED MASTERS ROOM?!" noticing the mess of a room chimpy couldn't stop the yell of shock from escaping his mouth, looking around he quickly starts using cleaning magic to disappear all the mess until noticing harry and remembering that he was infact called by harry for something.

"MASTER! i am very sorry someone managed to completely ruin your room without me knowing!" chimpy says with deep anger and regret for not being able to keep a room clean.

"no... this is actually my fault i was calling to ask you to clean the room actually..." Harry tells chimpy with not a small amount of awkwardness.

"oh its fine young master ill start cleaning now, if you want you can use a spare room to sleep tonight, if master wants you can follow me to the room." chimpy happily says completely forgetting about how mad he was before. Following chimpy to a room that looked like a beautiful copy of his room he enters and before chimpy could leave he asks.

"what time is it?"

"master its 9 in the night." chimpy responds as he leaves.

seeing him leave harry lays down on the bed and opens his system, and takes out the hydro silk robot.

appearing in his hand was a pink womans razor, as soon as he was going to ask where the transforming part was at the razor spontaneously morphs and becomes a wired small pink robotic body with a razor for a head... a complete shock for sure... even more so when it starts jumping around his bed as if it was adventuring through a jungle.

"ok... that's wierd... and a complete waste." Harry mumbles while seeing the small figure, recalling it into his system he decides that it would be better to just not think of the weird shit he got today.


so i was kinda very tired today since i slept at like 12 and woke up at 6 to get on a 2 hour drive so most of this chapter was just filler... a lot of filler.

I'd like suggestions for future gacha items id add in the future and as what harry gained meme items are eligible too.

[showing status:

NAME: harry j. potter - SKILLS:(ACCIDENTAL MAGIC-AMATEUR)(cosmetic - freeze walk)(elemental control) - GACHA TOKENS: 5 - BLOODLINE: (EXPERIMENT 8 BODY) INVENTORY:(hydro silk robot)(Aframax oil tanker)(Discord mod fedora)