
With Ope Ope no Mi in Marvel (Multiverse)

Wesker. Stark. What kind of damn world is this? Catching up with the trend of time travel, Daniel couldn't help but shout out loud. DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author. This novels belongs to the original author ---------------------------- Read Ahead on: p@treon.com/Mutter

Mutter · Movies
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45 Chs

Chapter 38: Farewell Coulson (Part 2)

Boom boom boom.

As the successive violent explosions erupted, the tall sacrificial altar was completely destroyed, and even the small island trembled several times due to the explosions. Near the anomaly point, hearing the distant explosions, Daniel and Ada turned back to glance at the rising smoke in the distance before passing through the anomaly point.

Afterward, Daniel closed the anomaly point directly. When leaving the cave and appearing at the altar, he destroyed the altar and the cave once again with an explosion.

If any archaeologists were present at this moment, they would undoubtedly fight him desperately, as the patterns around the altar and the murals inside the cave were all precious cultural relics.

Although Ada felt a bit regretful about this, she didn't say much. After all, she was an agent, not an archaeologist. Adventure was just her hobby, and she had no intention of becoming famous through it.

Just like some rich kids who enjoy clubbing, skydiving, and racing.

As for Daniel, he had even less desire to become famous. Keeping a low profile was his principle. If he wanted fame, he could easily make headlines by revealing his identity.

"You're leaving," Ada said as soon as they returned to Daniel's small villa in New York.

"Got a mission," Ada replied with a smile. "I've taught you everything I can. From now on, you'll have to rely on yourself. Of course, if you have any tasks, you can give them to me, but there will be a fee."

"Alright, then help me with four things first. As compensation, I can provide you with the enhancement serum once I complete my research," Daniel said after a moment's thought.

"Let's hear it," Ada responded with a smile.

"First, help me find a missing child named Peter. He went missing when he was about ten years old. His mother died from a brain tumor or cancer, and his father is missing. The disappearance happened about ten or twenty years ago," Daniel described the person who would become Star-Lord.

Perhaps due to frequently calling him Star-Lord, Daniel only remembered his name as Peter and didn't know his surname. He also didn't remember where Peter was from or the exact time he disappeared from Earth. Who remembers all those details from a movie?

"This is quite difficult to find. Any other conditions?" Ada asked immediately.

"He's American, and the state he lived in should have at least four letters. That's all I know for now. This isn't urgent, take your time. It can take years if needed," Daniel added.

"I'll do my best," Ada nodded.

As for why Daniel wanted to find someone who had been missing for so long, it was beyond Ada's concern.

"The second task is simpler. I need vibranium."

"I can make contact, but the price might be very high," Ada, familiar with the black market, replied.

"Price isn't an issue. I need it as soon as possible, and the more, the better. At least thirty kilograms," Daniel said, waving his hand with a wealthy demeanor.

"The third task is I need the Blood Orchid. Find a way to get it or find out where it can be found," Daniel continued. He had recently learned about the Blood Orchid, a legendary flower that could grant eternal youth.

Daniel had heard about it from the hacker community, which holds many unknown secrets. Although many are fabrications to swindle money, some might be real.

When Daniel first heard about the Blood Orchid, he was surprised because he had heard of it before, from "Anaconda." Initially, he thought the legend was unreliable, but considering the existence of the Umbrella Corporation, anomaly points, and Marvel in this world, the Blood Orchid might actually exist.

"This thing isn't just a legend?" Ada asked, surprised.

Indeed, as long as they were women, they couldn't help but be interested in the Blood Orchid legend, considering it promised eternal youth. Women are particularly crazy about this compared to men. The bounty for the Blood Orchid in the underground world is very high, especially recently. Someone had offered a huge reward, which is how Daniel learned about it.

It's said to have the same effect as the G-virus in Sherry's body.

Now that Daniel had obtained a sample of the G-virus, creating something for eternal youth wasn't impossible. But even so, the Blood Orchid still held significant importance for him.

If the snake in "Anaconda" could grow so large after consuming the Blood Orchid, it must have potent life force. Of course, this is assuming the Blood Orchid truly exists.

"I know, but recently, someone has offered a large reward for it, so it might exist. Just keep an eye on relevant information. Don't think about finding it yourself; it's very dangerous there," Daniel warned. The giant anaconda guarding the Blood Orchid wasn't easy to deal with. Although Ada was strong, facing the giant anaconda would be extremely risky.

"You seem to know quite a bit about this," Ada smiled.

"After all, I am a billionaire now. The advantage of wealth is that you can have things delivered to you just by putting the word out," Daniel said. "There are professionals who prepare special ingredients for the rich. Things like premium caviar, A5-grade beef, high-end truffles, and so on. As long as you can pay, they'll be delivered fresh."

Gourmet appreciation events, art auctions, antique auctions, and more are all prepared for the wealthy.

Although Daniel hadn't participated in these events, he had heard a lot from Pepper. These are common among the elite. Many of the paintings in Tony's villa were acquired through such auctions.

As for the artists of these paintings, Daniel hadn't heard of any. The most famous painting he knew was the "Mona Lisa." All those famous painters are long gone. He didn't know any modern painters, as they weren't in his circle.

Tony participated in these events not because he found them interesting but because of his habit of seeking new experiences.

So-called elites only need enough money to be considered as such.

As the mysterious chairman of FeiFei Group, Daniel received numerous invitations. However, he never wanted to attend these events.

"And the last thing?"

"The last task requires you to find an object. First, you must find a book. The location is probably in Norway. The content is about…" Daniel explained the details of the Berserker Staff.

Initially, Daniel had consciously searched for books on Norse mythology, including various novels. He thought the number would be small, but to his surprise, there were many, especially in foreign equivalents of web novels. So far, he hadn't found any clues.

Now he had to rely on Ada's help.

Of course, he could wait for some enthusiast to dig it up, but who knows how long that would take.

"Remember, once you find it, do not touch it. It can be dangerous for ordinary people."

"Looks like you know what's inside?"

"Yes, but I can only tell you when you bring it to me. Also, come by in a month; I should have the serum ready by then," Daniel said, standing up. "Where do you want to go? I'll teleport you."

"Thanks a lot," Ada said, giving a location, and Daniel opened a portal to send her there.

"Hope you don't disappoint me," Daniel murmured. The fourth task was a test for Ada. If she didn't deliver the Berserker Staff, he would have to change some plans.


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